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Posts by ah_zafari [Contributor]
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ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 12, 2012
Writing Feedback / Annual spending by a British school in 1981 - ielts task1 [11]

The three pie charts indicate the figure of annual spendingexpenditure ofby ancertainundetermined British school in 1981, 1991 and 2001 respectively.(add a general trend at the end of the introduction)

As is the case with teachers` salaries occupied the largest percentage (how much??)inover three3 years, while the least amount of budget was allocated tocostin insurance produced the smallest . However, the proportion of insurance spending was increasingly high.(this sentence is not clear. In addition, you should use numbers.)

In 1981, the school spent 40% of the budget cost on teachers` salaries, followed by other workers` salaries (28%). In terms of resources and furniture and equipment, both of them cost the same, with 15%. Spending inon insurance only made up 2%.

After a decade, the costs of teachers` salaries and resources increased by 10% and 5%, respectively, while there were decreasesabout xx% reduction in those of other workers` salaries and furniture and equipment was observed in 1991. .

ComparedComparing to the obtained data inthose of 1991, the spending of salaries and resources dropped by the range of 5% to 10% in 2001. . By contrast, costs in other two aspects, insurance and furniture and equipment, raised dramatically, constituting 8% and 23% respectively.

well, I have some suggestions that may help you in the IELTS writing task 1. Try to use the structure of "adv. + v". For example "dramatically/drastically increased/decreased", "slightly/gradually rose". Use a wide range of vocabulary. You can find many appropriate words for describing a chart in academic writing books OR IELTS books. Furthermore, use numbers in various ways. For this purpose, you can use non-defining clauses, use parentheses, OR mention them directly. Finally, as I stated above, you should write a general trend at the end of the introduction. Write the general trend through one sentence and briefly state it.

Hope this helps
Have fun
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 12, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'Corrupt-free governments and stable economy' - IELTS preparation [4]

Some people believe that education is the main factor to the development of the country. Education is the best foundation of rich countries. It is right to say that it is the ladder to everyone's success. If one is educated, he or she is well equipped to face the changes and challenges that he or she might encounter in his or her future.

Open the introduction with a motivator. Then reword the topic, and write your opinion if the topic is an "agree or disagree" one. In addition, you can use "he" for everyone or people in general, whether male or female.

Furthermore, education can get rid of poverty, if all people have a higher education, then they werewill be able to get a good job and by this, therefore, they can support themselves or their families, they can even buy their own house and manage to enjoy life.

In additionto this , it can be a great help to eliminate the population of the country because they are educated enough what will be the effects of having a small or big family (How can they fond it out?? Elaborate on this paragraph. ) .

On the other hand, I believe that it is not only education that greatly contributes and helps the nations' developments, there isare other factors like having a modern technologies that help us upgrade our knowledge and experience (HOW?) , and because of this, we will not be left behind by the other developing countries and may be we can be included on one of the today's developed countries nowadays.(this sentence is too long and it can be confusing. )

What is the topic? Is that about the role of education in countries' development? If yes, you should just focus on this topic. You do not need to talk about other factors influencing nations' development. I think you should pay more attention to the structure and organization of an essay. I wrote a template for writing an essay :

1. Agree or Disagree topic:
1.1 introduction : Motivator+Thesis statement + Your opinion + Blueprint
1.2. Body: Write at least two paragraphs, through which you should convince the reader why you are in agreement/disagreement with the topic. Each paragraph has three main parts : Topic sentence+Supporting sentence (example, personal experience, quotation, statistics, etc) +concluding sentence (Optional)

1.3 Conclusion: Reword thesis statement+clincher (ending statement)

2. Other topic (advantage/disadvantage- cause and effects- etc.
2.1. Introduction :Motivator+Thesis statement +blueprint
2.2 Body: you should organize it based on the topic. if it is advantages/disadvantages you should write one paragraph about positive aspects of the topic and one paragraph about its disadvantages. If it is problem/solution you can write one paragraph about problems and one paragraph about solution.

2.3. Conclusion: Restate the thesis statement+ Your opinion (You can write your opinion as the last paragraph of the body)+ Clincher

Hope you find the comments helpful
Good luck

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 11, 2012
Undergraduate / Basketball Common App Essay - leave comments or grammar edits [3]

I just glanced over the essay. In my opinion it is a good work. It would be helpful, If other people take a look at your essay . And I found just a minor grammar error :)))

compete when faced with obstacles.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 11, 2012
Undergraduate / Basketball Common App Essay - leave comments or grammar edits [3]

Holding the ball in my hands, sweat pouring offrolling down my forehead into my eyes,

This essay is pretty good. The fluency of the essay, vocabulary and grammar are great. I do not know what the prompt asked you to writ about, but I think you should focus more on your experience in the new team. How could you prove your capabilities? Write more about obstacles and hard situations you had to encounter in the path of success. And I think you should highlight the lessons your leaned from the experience. I know you wrote about these lessons at the end of the essay, but one line is not enough to show how wonderful the experience was.

Hope this helps
Have fun
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 10, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'From Qatar and an independent school for girls' - about yourself [4]

Hi Dana,

My Name is Dana Jumaa. Im from Qatar.imI am a student in Rabaa aladaweya independent school for girl,and imI am in my last year of high school imI am going to tell you about myself and my goals.

Introduction should be more attractive than what you wrote. The best way for making the introduction more interesting is to start it like a story. Imagine you are narrating the story of your life. Through the story introduce yourself and talk about your goals. Introduction is the first and most important part of an essay and it should be more catchy if you want to impress the reader.

About the "Background" part. Do not list the events. You mentioned your experiences and your activities one after another, without using any transition. As I said, try to narratively state the events and connect them to each other. In this way, you can make the essay more fluent and attractive for the reader.

hoping to get to know more in politics. and learn wishing to work in ministry of foreign affairs,ministry if interior,rota,unisco or anything smiler to these

Why do you like political issues? How could you find your interest in this field? Do you think you are talented in this field? If YES,why? These are the questions you should answer in this part of the essay.

If you agree with what I suggested, rewrite the essay and put it here again.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 9, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'Independent, Artistic, Curious' - 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF ESSAY [5]

For the past sixteen years , the question regarding who I really am, has never been answered exactly. Apparently , 3three words will never be sufficient to depict a person. But then again, if you, John Bapst and I are going to have this 2two -year relationship with each other, I'd like to sell myself a little.

We were in debt. When I was only an innocent little3three -year-old (write the numbers under 10 in words)little girl, our family faced a severe financial problem. So my parents had to moveimmigrate to South Africa with the hope of finding new opportunitiesto find another opportunity . Since then, I have lived with my grandparents and gradually grown into an independent and mature girl of independence and mature . I learned to cook at the age of 10, I went to school alone by bus, on foot even (You can talk about more difficult situations that you could overcome. For example talk about the moments you missed your parents OR talk about the obstacles you had to overcome alone) . And when my little sister was born, my parents brought her back to Vietnam and ever since, my main job at home was to take care of her.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 8, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'museum can attract visitors' - [ielts] topic with museum [8]

what has been written in the weblog is not a good structure for writing a goodintroduction (it is not wrong, but it is not the best). I think this weblog is trying to show an easier way for writing an introduction. This method is suitable for people who are not good enough in writing (I know that you are not one of them). But remember that all essays should be opened with a motivator (an attractive statement that gives some general information about the topic). Then, reword the topic (this is what is called "thesis statement"). And finally, "your opinion" that I explained about it through the previous posts.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 8, 2012
Undergraduate / "yes, ma'am" / "physics magazine" - MIT answers- pleasure and challenge [3]

I have some suggestions that you will find them below:

(you could liken it to asking a 4th grader the capital of Illinois and getting Washington D.C. as an answer.)

I think this sentence is not essential. You can delete it to decrease the number of words.

I soon found out that "yeah" is considered disrespectful and students are expected to address their teachers as "sir" or "ma'am".

you wrote this fact at the beginning of the essay. So, do you think it is necessary to state it again?

I've heard a lot of Indian kids complain about having a hard time "fitting in" at American schools. For me though, it was the other way aroundas. I'd grown up in the US, playing handball in recess and nibbling beef jerky for lunch. Of course, I could manage basic sentences in my so-called mother tongue, Bengali, but that was pretty much where my Indian roots ended. When my family moved to Kolkata when I was in the 4th grade, I was devastated.

You can make this paragraph a little shorter. For this purpose, I chopped off the sentence "playing handball in recess and nibbling beef jerky for lunch".

Hope this helps
Have fun
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 8, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'museum can attract visitors' - [ielts] topic with museum [8]

It is true that function of museum transforms into diversification today.Some museums tend to focus on entertain, while others are more educative. Personally, I believe that museum can and should synthesis the aspects of entertain and educationBut the question is that which viewpoint is correct? Have museum been created with entertaining purposes or they have educational goals? .

I replaced your opinion with some questions, because you should answer these questions first, and then give your opinion. As I said before, if the topic were an "agree or disagree" one, you should write your opinion in the introduction, but in this essay you should write your opinion in a separate paragraph in the body (after writing about two different views stated in the topic), or state your opinion in the conclusion. This structure is recommended by many examiners and academic writing books.

'museum can and should synthesis the aspects of entertain and education.' this cannot be an opinion???Should I choose one side of the argument?

NO, this essay is not an "agree or disagree" one. In this type of topic you should write one paragraph about first view (those who think that the purpose of museums is to entertain) and one paragraph about the second view (museums are built for education). You can write your opinion in the third paragraph of the body and mention which side of the discussion is in agreement with your opinion, or you can give your opinion in the conclusion.

I will read the rest of the essay once I find free time.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 7, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'Good atmosphere' - What change to hometown more appealing to people your age? [4]

To make my hometownbecome a lovely destination to visit or a wonderful place to live in for people at my age, a lot of things need to be changed. First of all, I'm (do not use contractions) 20 years old and the common things that can appeal this age of people in this age group are the improvement in transportation such as bus service, internet and wifi services and education.

The introduction should be started with an attractive statement. If I were you, I would open the introduction with changes occurred in people's life style through 50 years ago. In this way I could show what the people in my age really need. OR you could start the essay with an introduction about your hometown. You could describe it and show what things are available in your hometown and what things are not.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 7, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'museum can attract visitors' - [ielts] topic with museum [8]

open the introduction with a motivator and give some general information about the topic (general background), then write the thesis statement. In addtition, you should mention your opinion in the conclusion in this type of topic. If the topic were an "agree or disagree" type, you should state your opinion at the end of the introduction.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 7, 2012
Essays / technology and internet ; Need ideas and model essay [2]

Today many people can performare dealing with the activities likeeveryday tasks,such as shopp ing and banking as well as business transactions,without meeting other people face to face. W hat are the effects of thissuch activities on in dividuals and the society as a whole?
because(never use the word "because" at the beginning of a sentence) it is concentrateencompasses/includes a lot of topics, such as online shopping in internet ,banking ,TV shopping guide,ATM , mobil e phone banking and teleconference so on,sothus we muctought tolearnhow do best for this topic (What do you mean?) .

please help me,how do this topic? Give me some idear and model essay.I will join the ILES test,so I learn how write this topic,thank you for help.

In order to give you some ideas I need to know the topic. Would you please write the topic here?
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 7, 2012
Writing Feedback / The power of advertising and ads in the commerce essay [4]

It would be better to took one position (agree or disagree) and then support your opinion through at least two paragraphs. When you take one position you can focus on one aspect of the topic and it makes the essay more fluent and it becomes easier to write for you, as a writer. Moreover, as I suggested you before, try to use more tangible examples for supporting topic sentences.

Good luck
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 7, 2012
Writing Feedback / [graph] Percentage of students giving good ratings - IELTS review [3]

Writing a conclusion in the IELTS writing task one is optional, but I recommend you to write a conclusion at the end of the essay because it shows where the essay ends and it also reveals that what is the main outcome of the data. Note: if you want to write a conclusion, it should be based on the comparisons you made in the body.

Good luck
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 6, 2012
Writing Feedback / Fast food brings us more avails than drawbacks (IELTS task 2) [11]

Work on grammar and vocabulary. If this is an "agree or disagree" essay, you should take one position, either agree or disagree. In this way you can convince the reader to accept your opinion more easily.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 6, 2012
Writing Feedback / Higher education of advanced learning and teaching - better jobs for graduates? [3]

I have some suggestions on your second essay. Hope you find them helpful.
No doubt, humans beings that are known as social animals, usually seek help from others' help . This assistance can be in various forms; however, financial aid can be critical sometimes specially from friends. I do affirm that money can be a troublesome factor in friendship. (the thesis statement you wrote is not clear enough. I think you should rewrite it. In addition it would be better to write the reasons why you took this position. As I said before, these reasons are an outline for the body and this what is called "blueprint".

Friendship is a unique relationship between people , though not developed through blood but is the fundamental to bring people closerto each other . Nevertheless, to trust an ally to lend a big amount of money is not as easy as to break nut. Although, friends keep a good bond with each other, yet money cannot be the basis. under question (why dose it happen? Support what you claim. Elaborate on this paragraph to clearly convey your idea) .

Today... (I think you should work on the supporting sentences. You should clearly describe whatever you say in a paragraph. You can use examples, quotations, statistics, personal experience, etc as supporting sentences. The use of examples and personal experiences are the easiest ways for supporting the topic sentence) .

Your grammar and vocabulary are good, but you should use more convincing supporting sentences in the body
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 6, 2012
Letters / Recommendation letters -Master Program in Geology @ UTromso Norway [3]

I put my comments on the first letter in the following link :"essayforum.com/resumes-letters-19/please-check-recommendation-letter-thanks-very-much-help-43522/".

Mrs. Summyia Khatoon Asi

are you married? If NO, you cannot use "Mrs".

I'm proud to

do not use contractions

I taught her severalShe took several courses from me during her M.Sc and I assess her performance in them to be excellent.

The nature of the questions she asked during the lecture indicatesrevealed that she triestried to grasp the concepts with finest details. She is an excellent problem solver. It seems as if she has a taste for difficult and complicated problems. I found that she solved tough quizzes and test questions with relish.

Mrs. Summyia has a deep understanding and a penetrating insightofabout the concepts that have come across during her course work. She has firm grasp of the theoretical aspects as well as practical implications of the ideas presented to her.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 6, 2012
Undergraduate / George Washington Honors College Essay/7-year BA MD program. [2]

If you wrote the prompt we could comment on your work more easily. By the way, I have some suggestions that I hope you find them helpful.

The Honors Program at The George Washington University is one of the best academic programs in this nation where there is a plethora of resources and excellent professional fields of research. It will provide the beginning stage that will lead me toward my goal of becoming a successful physician. The great honors curriculum will help me attain knowledge about the greater world that we live in. It will also mold me as a human as well as an intellectual scholar. I would like to engage in cutting edge research at this institution, which is highly known for its research successes.

I think it is more interesting if you open the introduction with a personal experience through which you could find your interest in "physics". I mean you should talk more about your interests in the introduction rather than the university. It would be better to write about the positive aspects of the university at the final paragraph.

Volunteering at many different hospitals and health system organizations, I have gained a broad perspective on many issues. I am able to offer my opinions and give critical advice while still being able to learn from others opinions.

How could these experiences help you to achieve those mentioned positive things? Write more about your experiences and the things you had to do through those volunteer works. In this way you can clearly convey your idea.

As a child, I have learned the values of approaching life whole-heartedly and being able to pass on my fervor for achievement

how could you learn that? it is not clear enough. Elaborate on this part if it is possible.

others around me

repetition. Use another statement.

U wrote about the positive influences that your experiences may bring to the society, but you did not apparently mention what these experiences are. Write more about them and convince the reader that these experiences are really helplful for the university you are applying to.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 6, 2012
Undergraduate / "Learning from others"-Rutgers admissions essay [6]

it's good to dream,

do not use contractions

they have a taught me the importance of balance, education and keeping an open mind.

At fifteen

write the numbers over ten in digits.

to choosefind the best path toward prosperitythat is best ;

I have a creative mind to offer, but a realist's attitude to keep me down to earth. A wicked sense of humor and an ambition to do well and learn from others make me more diverse than a skin color or a religion ever could.

it would be better to write your capabilities and your interests in a separate paragraph. Use your personal experiences to support what you claim. In addition, I think you should write more about this fact that why you are match for the university that you want to apply to. Highlight those abilities that you think can help you to become a successful person at that university you are applying to.

Hope this helps
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 6, 2012
Writing Feedback / Bad sides in public hospitals and the gap between the rich and the poor [4]

I think you should write more about the problem stated in the prompt. Reword the topic as a thesis statement to show the essay is mainly revolving around what issue. In addition, the topic asked you to express your view. I think if you add your idea and the issues that you want to describe in the body, would help you to make your essay more fluent.

Indeed, public hospitals in many crowded areas in the world.

I think it would be better to move this part to the introduction as it is the thesis statement and it is what the prompt asked you to write about.

Hope you find the comments helpful
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 6, 2012
Writing Feedback / Fast food brings us more avails than drawbacks (IELTS task 2) [11]

I believe that overall its benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

I think it would be better to say why you took this position at the end of the introduction. In fact, when you write the reasons, you can point out that what issues are going to be discussed in the body. For example you could write :"I believe that overall its benefits outweigh the drawbacks because of time saving and economic issues" This is called "blueprint" that makes your essay more fluent.

fast food

you can use the word "convenience food" to avoid repeating the word "fast food"

Hope this helps
Kind regards
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Nov 3, 2012
Letters / A coverletter requesting a PhD scholarship, for review [3]

With this letter, I would likeam writing to apply for the scholarship program to attend the PhD in (...) at University of (...).
I would like first to introduce myself. I am (...), Jordanian, and I holdhave got a Master's degree from the (Department of ...), (...University). In my bachelor study I majored in (...), and in my master study I majored and done research in the area of (...). My Master thesis title was (...), and I has co-authored the (...),published in (...) .
Along with my academic studies,with my working now in an NGO like (My Work Place), it has given me a perspective of the importance of environmental and sustainable practices. This drives me to look forward to continue my studies in the Environmental Sciences and Sustainability. Among the available universities available , I have chosen to apply to the School of (...) in University of (...)to pursue my study towards the PhD in Environmental Sciences.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 31, 2012
Letters / A letter for Scholarship :P (help me to get it ^^) [4]

Coz there is an attached list about the degree and achievement of candidate, so i think i should not mention in this letter... How do u think ?

I think it would be better to mention the highlights of your achievements. Just state the most important ones.

I want to ensure that my family is not rich enough to affor a course of A*** so that this money is very helpful for me :D

anyway, what you wrote could not clearly convey this idea. Rewrite it and then put it here again.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 31, 2012
Letters / A letter for Scholarship :P (help me to get it ^^) [4]

You did not talk about your abilities in the letter. This letter shows who you are. So, use this opportunity to perfectly introduce yourself. Mention your special abilities to set yourself a part from other applicants.

Hope the comments help
Good luck
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Help me!! Short essay for Common app [5]

I have never written a short essay like this before, but I think it would be better to state why this experience is important for you, as well as what things you could learn through the experience.

overall, it is a good work
Good luck
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 28, 2012
Writing Feedback / Stress is the body's reaction to a change [3]

" In the modern life, we often meet thedeal withword " stress"everyday . Stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Stress occurs with all of people, but the cause of stress is different for everyone.and there is only a difference between them that is the state. It can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or anxious even hopeless. Stress would be cure easily or dose not depends on how they see it (what do you mean? it is not clear) . Its danger arlams people and they must think ofshould recognize the causes of stress . It is shown that stress can stem from three main reasonsThere are three main causes : environmental reason, internal reason and fatigue and overwork.
The first cause of stress is environmental reason. There are many things in environment that make them feel tired such as noise, crowding, and pressure from work or family..."

To elaborate on the second paragraph you can write how each of the things, stated in the paragraph, can affect the level of stress. Google it and you can find loads of information about that.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 28, 2012
Undergraduate / (Trojan, Poetry, Identity, Ambicious, God-mother, Energy) - 2012 NCSSM [10]

I have always been a socialsociable person

You stated several issues to explain your character, but there is no support for each one. You can add some of your personal experiences to show who you are and make each point of your personality more apparent.

There are more things about me that make me who I am but this is just a brief synopsis.

I think this is not a good clincher. You can reword what you mentioned throughout the paragraph. For example :"shortly, I find myself as a xx, xx, and xx person.

Ambitious: Ever since I was a little girl, I have always had big dreams that I want to make a reality one day

what are these dreams? I think it would be better to mention some of them to show how ambitious you are.

I attended 3 grade schools, 2 middle schools, and hopefully 2 high schools

write the numbers under 10 in words.

I was so sad that I was sleepingslept in the room with my mom for about a week. The distressing news did not only affect me at home, it also affectedinfluenced (use synonym) me at school.

All I wanted was for my father to be okay againregain his health

I absolutely love talking tointeracting/communicating with people

That is one of the things people have toshould do if they are accepted into NCSSM's residential program.

Hope this helps
Kind regards
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 28, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'avoid prolonged exposure to the Sun' - My essay for term's examination [5]

This article, which appeared in the Health and Wellness Section of the Chicago Sun Times (3rd March 2001),

If I were you, I would not use the expression "this article". You can write :" An article about xxx was published in the Health and Wellness Section of the Chicago Sun Times on 3rd March 2001, in which it was revealed that ..."

Furthermore it was stated that people who are in theat high risk category forof catching the flu should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. To me, this conclusion was formedstands onfrom avery narrowsuperficial knowledge ("knowledge" is an uncountable noun and you cannot use "a" before it) and could be criticized as being incomplete and be challenged on many fronts .


this is an uncountable noun and you cannot use it in plural form.

these medical records were of a comprehensive researchinvestigations OR "a comprehensive research report"

This conclusion asserts that through the years that had heavy sunspot activity,had the worst flu epidemics was experienced .

flu during the other years

Moreover, during the alleged six years of major flu epidemics there were many other possible reasons and factors such as xxxx that could contribute to the outbreak and the spread of these epidemics.

Actually flu can be contracted in areas with very poor hygiene. Water contamination or poor hygiene standards in the transportation of water supply can result in a flu epidemic. Limited medical supplies can also affect how a flu epidemic is treated. Flu can be the result of weather changes whether man made or natural or living conditions of the society, too.

support what you claim. You talked about weather, but you did not explain why it influences the spread of the flu.

This conclusion ignored

u used past tens here while at the beginning of the third paragraph you used present tens "the conclusion asserts..". Use the same tens throughout the essay.

Proper medical facilities and standards are the important elements

there is not enough evidence to prove the statement that prolonged exposure to the sun could result incontribute to the distribution of the flu and that of flu epidemics

It is very possible that the two facts: that of sunspot activity and that of flu epidemics are completely

havethere is no direct correlation between themwith each other.

Generally this argument conclusion can be criticized for being drawn on a very weak evidence and a narrow scope.

this sentence is not necessary because you wrote it previously.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 28, 2012
Scholarship / I opted my career as an electrical engineer. Personal Statement for Review [3]

Open the introduction with an attractive statement. For example you can write one of your experiences through which you found that you are interested in Electrical Engineering.

I do not know what the prompt asked you, but as far as I know in a personal statement you should write about your educational and professional backgrounds first and then write why you choose that particular university, organization or institute to apply for. Mention what may set you apart from other applicants and write about your exceptional abilities such as your ability in research, communication skills, team work spirit, your ability to accomplish and manage a project, etc.

Google "write a good personal statement" to find loads of information about it.

Hope you find the comments helpful
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 28, 2012
Writing Feedback / IELTS: I believe that poorer countries require rich ones support to develop their countries [3]

Tell me what is the best way to improve my IELTS during 1 month. I bet you know how it is difficult to take part in such a exam in Iran. I will write more and more and I'll post some of them here. Please assess them. I pray for your success entire your life

I do not know what books are you studying now, but for improving your writing you should write as many topics as possible beside reading various texts with different subjects. Reading and writing are linked. The book entitled "Focus on Vocabulary" contains very useful words and passages that can help you to ameliorate your reading and writing skills. Try to buy all IELTS books and do all the tests in the books ("IELTS practice test plus 1 to 3", "IELTS trainer", "Practice and preparation for IELTS:Reading and Writing", "IELTS Cambridge 3 to 8" {volum 1 and 2 are too old} , "IELTS crack: Listening").

This forum is also very useful to find your mistakes in writing. It is my pleasure to help you and I will review your future works :))))

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 27, 2012
Undergraduate / 'nothing is guaranteed' - Villanova Supplement [3]

I learned that nothing is guaranteed and you can lose anything unexpectedly.

If I were you, I would not write this statement at the beginning of the essay. I recommend you to write a narrative essay. Start the essay like a story. Introduce your grandmother first and make it clear why she was a role model for you. Talk about your relationship with her. Try to portray all positive aspects of your grandmother's behavior to make the reader like your grandmother too. Then talk about her death as a very sad event in your life. Finally, through a conclusion mention that nothing is permanent in this transient world and "I learned that nothing is guaranteed and you can lose anything unexpectedly" .

Hope this helps
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 27, 2012
Undergraduate / 'My heroes, engineers' - Why engineering - yale supplement [3]

I think you should write more about your interest in Engineering. You allocated two paragraphs (almost 50% of the essay) to one of your childhood experiences. That is interesting, but it is too long and you did not elaborately talk about Engineering, the main issue that the prompt has asked you.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 26, 2012
Writing Feedback / (choosing fields of study based on job availability) - GRE issue [3]

Every student in colleges should opt for ahis/her field of study. This is an important decision, because choosing a field of study (do not repeat the term "field of study". You have other options such as "area of expertise", "subject", "major", "discipline", etc. ) plays a significant role in the students' future and determines their future job scope. The author contends that students choose the subjectsfields which provide them witha highergood job opportunitiesyfor finding job in the future. Generally I don't (never use contractions in writing) agree with this statement in what follows the drawbacks of choosing afields of study(repetition) based on job availability(this word has been used in the topic. Use a synonym like "accessibility) are discussed.

I think the thesis statement is not apparent enough and it is a little long. I recommend you to rewrite it.
It would be better to write the reasons why you are not in agreement with the statement through two or three words at the end of the introduction. This is what is called "blueprint". You can google "blueprint in writing/essay" to find loads of information about it.

Hope the comments help
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Oct 13, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'consumption of seafood dishes in Bay City' - GRE Argumentative [4]

The first assumption in this argument beg the question of why the writers believe (the subject is "writers") that increasedthe increasing rate of seafood dishes unveils (the subject is "increasing rate") the fact that the Bay City Dwellers are into such food? However, there is no evidence to show that this is the case. As a likely, maybe due to an influx of temporary immigrants, who are interested in seafood dishes, the rate of ordering such dishes has boosted. Also (the words "furthermore" and "moreover" are better) , it is probable that the quality of other dishes has(use the same tens before and after the word "and") diminished and people had to consume seafood; although, it is not of their favorite (what do you mean? this part of the discussion is not convincing and clear) . Without ruling out these or other alternative explanations the writer cannot defend the conclusion.

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