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Posts by andial
Name: Andi Alamsyah
Joined: Mar 16, 2014
Last Post: Nov 6, 2014
Threads: 21
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From: Indonesia

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Nov 6, 2014
Writing Feedback / I followed several organizations to increase my knowledge about Petroleum Geology - Royal Holloway [3]

Kindly need your meaningful feedback on my friend's letter

My Master Degree Plan in Royal Halloway, University of London

My name is Ragil Pratiwi, female, graduated from Geological Engineering Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia in October 2013. I've been working in Geoservices as geologist, especially petroleum geochemist. I've been working there about a year. I interest to have master degree after I graduated and had several years of work experience. I want to study in Royal Halloway, University of London, since in the 3rd semester when I was the student volunteer of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention in 2010, and I read several papers from RHUL, then I met Mr. Robert Hall. Since that time, I started to study about structural geology and tectonics, then I was hoping to have master degree of Petroleum Geoscience in RHUL.

RHUL has many publications about structural geology, tectonics, and many other specific subjects, which make me interest to study about how to make good researchs. I came to IPA almost every year after that time, and saw South East Asia Research Group (SEARG)'s paper presentation, and I was thinking that these were very good.

Petroleum geology is my interest since I was a student. I followed several organizations to increase my knowledge about it. I entered American Association of Petroleum Geologist Universitas Diponegoro (AAPG Undip SC). I was the Head of Academic department of AAPG Undip SC in 2011, until 2012-2013 I was the student advisor there. The highest achievement of ours was honorable mention of AAPG International in 2012. It is the appreciation of the most active student chapter in the world.

Living in an area with high tectonics complexity like Indonesia, make me interest to study about it, about its processes, basin formation/evolution, and which basin that has hydrocarbon potential beneath its tectonic position. Then in my seminar credit, I was study about the structures and tectonics activity which resulting proven petroleum system in Indonesia, which I was inspired by Mr. Awang Harun Satyana's course about "Tectonics, Structures, and Implications for Petroleum Systems: Cases from Indonesia."

My skills also involve seismic interpretation and well log analysis from several courses held by AAPG Undip SC, and got from my thesis activity in PT. Medco CBM Sekayu in 2013. My thesis was about structure and tectonic influences in predicting coalbed methane potential in South Sumatera Basin. I concluded that the permeability is controlled by geological structures, especially normal faults in research area. This research was accepted in IPA convention 2014 to published and presented.

After I graduated, I work in PT. Geoservices, a multinational company which has clients from oil & gas, and coalbed methane company around the worlds. I've been working there more than a year as petroleum geochemist support. Petroleum geochemistry is new subject for me, but I start to love this subject.

Working as petroleum geochemist, I start to understand more detailed about petroleum system, especially source rocks behavior. Petroleum geochemistry is important, because it holds critical roles in exploration and production (Satyana, 2004). It is more exact (not much interpretative), but it depends on laboratory analysis. It can predict the fluid type, composition, petroleum generation, migrated, and accumulated in a basin, alteration, and soon, but of course, it should be integrated with basin analysis.

In campus, I was selected to follow several geological competitions. Furthermore, our highest achievement was the First Champion of Geology Open Challenge. It is the annual national geology mapping competition held by Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, which followed by several geology departments in Indonesia, such as: ITB, UGM, UPN, Trisakti, STTNas, Unsoed, and Unpad.

Besides those academic backgrounds, I'm an adaptive person, easy to live in different atmospheres. I work in Geoservices, which has employees not only from Indonesia, but also from UK, US, Philippine, and others, and our clients are oil and gas companies from around the worlds, such as: Petronas, Pertamina, Repsol, ConocoPhillips, Santos, etc., and teach me how to communicate, socialize, present material, and respect the differences of nations, races, ethnics, and religions. So I'm sure it'll be useful to study in such high diversity campus like RHUL. I'm a brave, enthusiastic, energetic person, and tough to work in hard fieldwork. I'm sure that we can get whatever we want as long as we believe, pray, work hard to pursue it.

After graduated from master degree, I wish I could be a petroleum geologist who could integrate all subjects like tectonics, structural geology, geochemistry, geophysics, sedimentology, and others to decrease risk in exploration, and RHUL is the right place to earn it.

Thank you.
Jul 22, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS - Effect of movies and computer games containing violence [7]

Hi msarkar,

This sentence

On the one hand, it is often cited that popularity of violent movies and online games is one of the primary causes of increase in number of mass violence and restricting society from such films or games is a probable solution.

is pretty long and need to be reduced in order to increase the clarity.

I think the above sentence still needs one conjuntion to reach its complete meaning

Another suggestion,

If you finally decide to stand in the former statement

Some people believe that they have negative effect on the society and should be banned,

It is highly suggested to put its supporting paragraph at the end due to cohesive aspect
Jul 13, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2. Less Homework Means Less Stress for Children [3]

Halo Friends,

In my personal point of view, no need to worry too much concerning this particular task because you already cover every single angle which the task required. TRUST ME

something which you need to do is to practice a lot in order to ensure that you can do the same thing in your upcoming real test.

Are you sure this can be categorized as one of the academic words?

... Sure eddies, those words we got from reliable source in our asceticism phase :-)
Jul 2, 2014
Writing Feedback / [IELTS TASK 1] Personal savings in five countries [4]

I think you do not need to separete 2 sentences which can actually be combined in one. It is because the second clause

and is measured in percentage

is not as important and urgent as the first one

The table indicates how people in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, America and Japan save their personal income from 1970 to 2000 and is measured in percentage

here is my suggestion

The table provides a breakdown of information concerning the percentage of 7 major countries around the globe saving their personal income between 1970 and 2000.
Jul 1, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS 2- insufficient respect is shown to older people [4]

This habit of respecting the elderly people is encouraged by almost every culture.
Today, however, the essence of this respect feeling seems likely to decline. to be declining.

Thank you dumi for your better sentences. I realize that sometimes my sentences seem to be lack of clarity :-(.
Do you have any suggestion on how to make a better sentence and to sharpen our sense in dealing with a good written English

Jun 30, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS 2- insufficient respect is shown to older people [4]

Experts, Kindly need your review on my essay :-)

In many countries today insufficient respect is shown to older people
What do you think may be the reasons for this?
What problems might this cause in society?

Broadly speaking, the younger people have to respect the older one. It is quite understandable knowing most culture teach their young generation such habit. Today, however, the essence of this respect feeling seems likely to decline. This essay will analyze the reason how it happens and the effect of this degradation value.

One of the main reasons why the good respect in the past does no longer happen anymore is because of the drawback of non-educative TV program. We often watch on TV that a number of kids program like Sinchan shows an appropriate attitude. Lazy to study or even bullying his teacher are some bad examples of such toddler program showed freely changing the culture. Moreover, the invasion from modern culture often worsen this condition. Again, mass media take a great role in this aspect. Modern culture considers every single person has the same right and equal position in all occasion. It is usually imitated by the viewer then applies it in their daily live. Clearly, it makes this inadequate respect comes up.

There are some negative impacts of this bad culture if there is no real action to reflate it. Firstly, it is highly likely that the the honor attitude to parents will be eradicated in the near future. Furthermore, the level of trust to others will be erased as the respect to elderly tends to lose. Clearly, such condition is far from the Madani Society concept as according to philosopher it is the ideal pattern of society.

Ultimately, sufficient respect feeling to older people should be kept in order to prevent the worse condition happened. As far as I am concerned, some causes and impacts said warn us to immediately take action.
Jun 29, 2014
Writing Feedback / The highest number of fishers was experienced by Asia in 1970 - [IELTS TASK 1] [2]

Hi Expert,

Firstly, I am particularly impressed on how persistent and consistent you are in term of writing. Saluteee :-)

But let me give you my view concerning your writing.

Personally, It is quite hard to analyze the accuracy of your word on the chart presented. The picture is not representative, expert

The bar chart illustrates the population of fishers in Asia, Africa, South America, North America and Europe, and is measured in millions from 1970 to 2000. However , the table compares the top ten exporters of fishing in 2000.

I suppose we cannot use contrast linker (however) because both sentences is not contrast at all. Using "and" seems likely more accurate

It is noticeable that the population of fishers inclinesinclined in five countries. However, the number of fishers in Asia dominates and records the top exporters of fishing.

Jun 28, 2014
Writing Feedback / Food can be produced more cheaply today because of fertiliser and better machine [3]

Experts, kindly need your time to review my essay :-)

Food can be produced much more cheaply today because of improved fertilisers and better machinery. However, some of the methods used to do this may be dangerous to human health and may have negative effects on local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


There is no doubt that the way of producing food as a primary need of people to survive is much cheaper in the present life. It is obviously because of the advancing of fertilizer as well as sophisticated machinery. While such revolution brings a huge number of benefits, the drawbacks of it which is likely to be harmful for well-being should be taken into account due to having some negative effects on societies. Considering many respects, I personally agree with the latter consideration.

The first consideration which supports my view is the contamination of chemical essence which is likely to be involved in using fertilizers. The improved fertilizers usage is highly required some additional chemical essence to lengthening the expired date of food produced. Based on several updated scientifically inventions, this is particularly harmful for human health knowing that the accumulation of such kind of essence will increase the risk of cancer on the human body.

Another consideration is the relying of inhabitants on instant food produced mainly by better machinery which has a tendency to make inhabitants lazy to make their own food. There are a lot of evidence in our surrounding proven that the existence of instant food that is usually called as 'junk food' not to encourage people to be proactive in reserving healthy food for daily consumption. Clearly, it is not good for inhabitants' lifestyle which tends to simplify everything, including health.

Having said the two main consideration concerning the chemical essence involvement as well as the alteration of inhabitants' way of life, it seems to me that I do not agree with the former opinion because the using of such technology clearly brings many disadvantages that should be paid more attention.
Jun 5, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: The zoo deserves maintenance and public respect [13]

you may use " the first consideration is... " instead of firstly. " another aspect that we should pay more attention is... " instead of secondly.

hope this little information helps :-)
Jun 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS 2 : Housing and accommodation has become a major problem in many countries [2]

Kindly need your feedback FOLKS

Housing and accommodation has become a major problem in many countries around the world.
What are some of the main factors that have contributed to this problem?
What can be done to help reduce the number of homeless people?

Undoubtedly, a house as a place for taking shelter from sunshine and rain or a place for taking a rest after working the whole day is a primary need. It becomes a serious concern knowing the fact that a huge number of inhabitants cannot afford the accomodation. Such problem is becoming more crucial in the present life because of the increase of homeless number. This essay will analyze the cause contributed to this and offer possible solution to press the number of homeless people.

Such problem happens because firstly, the exploding of population density which is likely to be uncontrolled. It is due to the unbalance of migration distribution. Clearly, the more number of citizens are, the more number of accomodation are needed. Secondly, The poverty reduces the ability of society to buy a house. There are a lot of evidence in our surrounding prove that the majority of them do not have money for living. They just depend on the nobel heart of people around them. Such limitation make them homeless.

Actually, this phenomenal problem can be reduced by applying a strict rule to manage population growth. In this case, the government should actually be more active to campaign the importance of the migration balancing. Besides, opening many job opportunity in order to grow the purchasing power of society especially in term of affording house for accomodation becomes one effective solution to deal with it.

It seems to me that the exploding number of society and poverty can be eradicated by applying strict rule of government and or offering new work field as many as possible.
Jun 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Share expenditure for selected categories in four countries [9]

It is noticeable that Americans have the highest proportion of housing expenditure share,while Britons spend the lowest percentage of share spending on health care

I am afraid that using 'while' as a comparison linker is not completely right in this occasion. It is because you try to compare two different things.

the highest proportion ofhousing


the lowest percentage of share spending on health care

However, the general figure can be seen that housing is the largest proportion of share expenditure component in all countries except Japan.

Tia, I do not know if the problem is in my understanding or your sentence above is pretty confusing but looking closely at the chart, I am afraid it does not represent the factual condition of the data.
Jun 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: The zoo deserves maintenance and public respect [13]

FIrst of all , the zoo should be considered as a means of education with regard to providing real and vivid materials for learners

Secondly , the zoo also serve as a means of ecological protection. Nowadays the process of globalisation is accompanied by the encroachment upon natural habitats,

Hi salmon, I do not want to say that "first of all and secondly" are bad expression. Even though some people say that it can enhance coherence, some experts claim it is likely to be hard to reach band 7 or above in IELTS test. It is because such linkers seem too general in use
Jun 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Visitor from and to UK [6]

Dumi, eddies, pahan,

thanks for your suggested overview :-). you always come up with better sentences and approach.

You should use the most appropriate word (avoid replacing words with synonyms) and you should not comment on anything that is not presented by the graphs.

most of IELTS candidates try to vary their vocabulary in order to get higher score as lexical resource mark. :-) . However, sometimes I, like many others IELTS taker, do not really pay attention wheteher it is appropriate or not. thanks for this
Jun 3, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Hydro Electric process [5]

The process is begun when seawater evaporate to form a small cloud as the effect of sun heat

... it is not accurate in this occasion. you may say the process begins when the sunlight hot up the the seawater. :-)..

Once the cloud produces rainfalls

... cloud does not produces rainfalls at all but once cloud cannot accomodate the volume of water which is accumulated in it, raining happens
Jun 3, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2 : Universities provide students with the additional skills [4]

EXPERTS, kindly need your feedback :-)


Universities should provide students with the skills they will require in order to succeed at their future jobs.

How far do you agree or disagree with the above opinion?
What are some of the job skills that employers look for in new employees?

Pursuing degree in university is arguably to be the best way to get better future. While many people believe that universities actually focus on the basic knowledge based on chosen major only in order to master it, I, like some others, think that such academic institution is better to offer some special course for enhancing needed skills in future workforce. This essay will support the aforementioned opinion with some reasons and suggest several job skills that high level companies look for.

It is well known that multitasking graduates are easy to find their dream job compared to the other counterpart. It should be understood that employers have a tendency to hire someone who has several expertise. It means they no need to pay many people who master one competence only. Such situation has direct link to company's outcome which needs to be limited.

Furthermore, there is some expertise that should be owned by graduates with the aim of getting job immediately. Most importantly, having studied by many scientist who concern on this matter states that the competence which contributes most to the success of reaching well-paid job is communication skill. It is because this dexterity becomes easily to be identified even before doing the main job. Secondly, it is related to computer skill realizing that most of duties have to be done by computer. Moreover, digital data which is worked in computer is easily to be distributed. Clearly, the ability to master this sophisticated technology is a must.

Ultimately, considering the need of company which tends to likely hire such skillful person, there is a great responsibility of universities and colleges either to provide additional subjects or to train their student separately in order to succeed them. And based on company's demand communication and computer skills should take into account.
Jun 3, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2 : government involvement in people life syle [4]

Experts, kindly need your constructive feedback


Should government make decisions about people's life style, or should people make their own decisions.

There is no doubt that the inhabitants' life style in one particular country determines some important aspects of country's development. Thus, while some people firmly believe that the government should take a part to decide even regulate folks' way of life, I particularly think that it clearly depends on the circumstances and what part we actually focus on.

The first consideration is related to the urgency of government involvement. It is because the government not only has a responsibility to make a policy in order to keep a harmonization in society, but also keeps trying to educate and let their civilizations become much more mature. Sticking "No Smoking" campaign in public area, for instance, is one of the accepted regulation made by government which has already reached positive feedback from its civilization. This is particularly beneficial to eradicate the high rate of victim because of smoking related-disease.

Having considered the aforementioned account, the involvement of government in another case sometimes invites much criticism. In term of dressing ethic code which is likely to be regulated in Jakarta, for example, is automatically rejected by some group of society as well as practitioner. They have tendency to think that dressing code is clearly private right of every person which is actually protected by the government.

Ultimately, there are pros and cons developing in society concerning the government involvement in case of people' lifestyle. It seems to me that the government should reconsider regarding the feedback from societies which may comes up due to government attitude whether it must be proactive to make a policy regarding such matter or not.
Jun 3, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Channel one news viewing figures [4]

It climbs a slight incline and reaches a peak at around 4.1 million viewers a day in August,

It climbs to.. , I think it is redundant to write "climbs a slight incline"
Jun 3, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Pizza, fish and chips consumed by Australian Teenagers [5]

Sorry Tia,

it has nothing to do with the article.:-)
I mean 'first period' here is not obvious enough whether you mean first half period or first quarter period.

However, I am particularly impressed on how you try to mention every single key feature on that chart. :-).. SALUTEEEEEE.. hehe

Jun 3, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: The number of visitors to three London museums. [8]

The line graph compares regarding the number of tourists to 3 London museums from June to September 2013.

It is clear that there are three museums; British, Science and Natural history museum

Overview should actually present the general information or the main trends of the graph which may come up after analyzing the key feature. :-). That is why I suppose it is not good overview. :-(

merely, based on oxford dict, means simply or only. It seems likely to be inappropriate vocabulary in above sentence
Jun 3, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Pizza, fish and chips consumed by Australian Teenagers [5]

Good morning experts or probably you read it at night :-)

It is clear that the consumption, while the amount of pizza consumed is the reverse in the first period . However, the consumption of fish and chips declines , although the amount of hamburgers and pizza consumed inclines dramatically over the period.

Even if using "it is clear that" is right grammatically, Using "overall" in this occasion is much better. It is because such expression is likely subjective.

What do you mean "first period" .. I suppose that you have to define what range of time you mean "the first period"

Be aware of tenses usage. It looks simple mistake but quite crucial in written english.. :-)

In 1975, the number of fish and chips consumed was the higher than hamburgers and pizza.

Comparative is not normally allowed by article.
May 12, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: 'right proportion of raw materials'; Cement and Concrete production [5]

The diagram below shows the stages and equipment used in the cement-making process, and how cement is used to produce concrete for building purposes


The first diagram illustrates the tools, the material, and the step of making cement while the second diagram describes the proportion of cement and any other material to produce concrete.

Overall, cement produced passes 4 steps before being ready to package. In term of making concrete, all material are mixed in one tool, called concrete mixer or molen.

As per the first diagram, producing cement process is begun with powdering and mixing raw material, limestone and clay using crusher then mixer. After that, the mixed material is processed through rotating heater in order to melt it. Cement then is ready to be packaged after grinded in advance.

The quality of the concrete is determined by the right proportion of its raw material. Fifteen percent cement, 25 % sand, small stone 50% are blended in one place, namely concrete mixer. Such equipment works to mix all material given while flowing some water (approximately 10%). Spinning process inside this tool ensures the right proprtion of combination mixed well.

  • process1.jpg
May 11, 2014
Graduate / 'My interest in geophysics' - how can I improve my SOP, any things to change? [2]

I have already tried to scrutinize your SoP concerning your plan to study "petroleum geophysics" as we are in the some boat. Hi, My name is Andi, visioner geophysicist from Indonesia. Currently, I am in process of applying master degree petroleum geophysics at Imperial College London. :-)

Well, the approach given by pahan is quite good approach in dealing with SOP.

After I enrolled Geophysical Engineering Department of XXX University....

Instead of using saying from your academic advisor or someone else. It is highly better to show your own motivation. NOTED: do not judge yourself, try to give fact (something that you have done to show your concrete motivation (research, on job training, project or so forth) and let the reader interpret and judge what kind of person you are :-)

Good luck brother,

(if you are interested to discuss further about this or something else about geophysics i will give you my contact
May 11, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Total school spending in the UK [5]

Folks kindly need your input. It is counting days before taking IELTS test :-)

The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991, and 2001


The three pie charts provide informatian concerning the alteration of annual spending by one school in Great Britain in 1981, 1991, and 2001.

Overall, while most categories experienced a considerable fluctuation during the period under review, some others faced either increase or decrease..

As per the data, excluding 'furniture and equipment' and 'other workers' salaries' which were saw a slight decrease, others experienced an increase from 1981 to 1991. Resources, books for instance, and insurance were the most marked categories in this occasion. It was led by their 30% increases from their previous proportions which were 15% and 1% respectively.

Turning to the next decade, the increasing trend of 'insurance' and 'furniture and equipment' continued up to more than 100 % and almost threefold respectively. Both categories were the most marked in this case. Interestingly, although teachers' salaries decreased slighlty from 50% to 45%,andtwo other categories, resources and other workers' salaries, saw the same thing, teacher salaries, however, still stood at the highest respect in this focused period.

  • pie.jpg
May 11, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 : Temperature in Kolkata graph [3]

Sekaaaaarrrr.. , good morning or you probably look at my word in the afternoon.. :-)

The climate graph shows the number of temperature and precipitation in Kolkata during a particular period of a month.

what do you mean this 'a particular period of a month'. It is obviously not appropriate knowing it is in a particular year that is why there are 12 motnhs given. :-)

Overall, monthly temperatures remained stable during the given year while maximum precipitation occurred in the summer of Kolkata, from June to September.

I am not sure that the tenses used is right in this occasion. As long as there is no exact year mentioned, we have to use "simple present". It is because the chart has a tendency that the information pointed here is valid in any case.
May 11, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: How Dangerous Products are Dealt with in Three Countries [4]

Clearly , the harm of waste products can be dealt with through five ways, they are recycling, incineration, keeping it underground, giving chemical treatment, or dumping it to the sea.

Misna, good morning or you probably look at my word in the afternoon.. :-)

Cleraly in this occasion is not completely appropriate. Instead of using such attitude adverbial, it is highly better to write "overall". It is because we always try to help you with the best option... Hehehe "dumi said
May 9, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Visitor from and to UK [6]

Temans, kindly need your constructive feedback on this IELTS Task 1

The charts below give information about travel to and from the UK, and about the most popular countries for UK residents to visit.

The first chart compares the total number of international traveller from Great Britain and that country's visitor over a-20-year period from 1979 to 1999 while the second bar chart gives information about the most well-known nations were visited by Briton in 1999.

Overall, the increasing number of tourists from UK which rose far higher than that of international visitors to that country made the gap between them had widened over the particular period. Furthermore, the five most frequently countries visited by UK inhabitants in the last period pointed in the first chart had different proportion.

As per the information, the number of Briton visiting abroad stood at approximately 12 millions in 1979.It was little bit higher than traveller going to UK which was only 10 millions. While the visitor numbers of visitor going to UK inclined slightly, the visitor number from UK increase considerably. In around 1987, both visitors from and to UK continued to grow up to 55 and 25 respectively.

Looking closely at the bar chartreveals at the end of the period regarded in the first chart, France showed as the most popular countries visited by UK inhabitants which was approximately 10% higher than Spain, stood at the second position. Interestingly, Turkey which was located in the same continent as UK stood at the lowest position while USA which was in the different continent successfully got the third position higher than Greece.

  • comparison_bar_chart.jpg
May 9, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Birth and Death rates in Switzerland [4]

Temans, again, need your input to help me score higher :-)


The chart below gives information about birth and death rates in Switzerland from 1970 to 2020 according to United Nations statistics.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The bar chart provides information concerning the rates of natality and mortality in Switzerland over a 50 year period between 1970 and 2020 based on data provided by United Nations Statistics.

Overall, the rates of natality almost rose consistently over the focused period while the mortality rates increased only in the first half period. On the other hand, the gap between the number of births and deaths observed was wider in the last half period which reached approximately over threefold in 2020.

As per the information, at approximately 1.2 million of baby born in 1970 and flattened out in next 10 years. This was followed by a slight increase in 1990. On the other hand, while the rates of natality was higher than mortality, it was no longer happened in 1980. In term of births, the was a significant incline from 1.7 million in 1990 to 2.7 million in 2000. While the rise of birth rates continued in the following year until the end of the period, the death rates decline gradually from 1990 onwards.

  • multiple_bar.jpg
May 8, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK I : Britons weekly expenditure on fast food (two charts) [8]

the all mentioned figures are varied noticeably, while Hamburger noted as the most favourite fast food for high and average earners, the low earners ate much Fish and Chips

Hi Sekar, for your information : we do not use most with this adjective: most favorite but we say least favorite to mean the opposite of favorite
May 8, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Parcels delivered by two mail services [3]

HI folks, kindly need your comment on my 20 minutes IELTS Task 1. It counts the day before I take the real test IELTS on 24 May :-)

The diagram below gives information about the number of parcels delivered by two major mail services companies from 1920 to 2000.

The line graph shows the alteration of parcels number delivered by two leading mail services, FedEx and TNT, over a-80-year period between 1920 and 2000.

Overall, while the two main service companies showed wide enough gap at the beginning of the period, they narrowed it in the middle of the period which was in 1960. Interestingly, the gap widened again before finally crossing over in 1990. While the number of parcels organized by TNT increased constantly, FedEx saw a fluctuation over the period.

As per information, in 1920, FedEx stood at 15000 packages taken and saw a considerable increase to approximately 17500 in 1930. After a short peak in 1940, almost reach 25000, a tremendous decrease to 12000 happened for 10 year later. On the other hand, a gradual rise of TNT parcel delivered saw consistency until 1960, at 11000. This was followed by a wide gap trend between them. Finally, in 1990, TNT crossed succesfully over FedEx in term of number parcels organized. This position was consistently showed until the end of the period.

  • multiple.jpg
May 7, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: the peak of epidemic X disease (500 cases) [2]

The given line graph illustrates a reserach done by a university lecturer regarding the number of incidence of X disease cases found over a 35 year period between 1960 and 1995 in Someland.

A more detailed look at the graph reveals that of 100 such cases identified at the beginning of the period remained steady at that point until 5 years later. In 1975, a tremendous increase accumulated up to 500 cases was prior to considerable increase begun in 1970. After being flattened at 500 over 5 years, the trend declined substantially and continued to fall until 1990. This final falling became the most remarkable event considering that the epidemic was succesfully eradicated.

Overall, the tendency varied declined by 100 cases comparing the beginning and the end of the period. Interestingly,the peak of of the epidemic underwent between mid seventies and early 80s which the trend alteration happened every five-year.

  • G59.gif
May 7, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Travel to and from UK and popular countries visited by BRITON [7]

Hi Dumi .. Hi Pahan,

This is a task which is aimed at assessing your report writing skills. Therefore the tone you adopt for this task should sound more formal;

Actually I still try to imitate many patterns in order to find the best of my IELTS exam.. :-)

They seem to be a bit too sleek than they should be :D

I feel so too.. many thanks for your useful feedback
May 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Jakarta - Some people prefer to eat at restaurants than eat at home [6]

Hi teman,

Please kindly include the question once you upload your essay to let us know what the essay type is. It is important here in order to give us comprehensive views before giving you constructive feedback :-)

We know that Undoubtedly, Jakarta is one of the busiest busy city in Indonesia the world. While some people prefer to eat at foodstand or restaurants because they must work faster. So they have a few times to eat. However, other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home because they are want to eats fresh food and keep health their body healthy. I will give some reasons to support my answer.

there are some grammar issue :-(
May 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Travel to and from UK and popular countries visited by BRITON [7]

Helooo fellas, long time no see :-). Please kindly need your comment on my IELTS task 1 paper

The charts below give information about travel to and from the UK, and about the most popular countries for UK residents to visit.


The two graphs illustrate the number alteration of British tourists travelled abroad with that of International visitors to the United Kingdom over a-20-year period between 1979 and 1999 and the 5 major countries were frequently visited by British inhabitants.

Overall, traveller from and to the United Kingdom rocketed in the 1980s and 90s. What is more, most of the journeys set up by the Briton overseas were to 5 countries only.

As per information, the former initially leveled at approximately 13 million before climbing up to six fold at the end of the survey period. By comparison, the latter number saw a slight different which was less than that of the British tourists in the beginning and faced identical yet less intensive trends, reaching approximately half as high by the end of the century.

A more closer look at the second bar chart reveals that It can be seen that while France and Spain become the largest numbers of British tourists with about 11 and 9 million visits respectively, Turkey was the least popular among the five, travelled by only around 30% as many British as France.

  • Nonameuk.jpg
Apr 17, 2014
Writing Feedback / Life is unfair; Big money for some modern artist while other struggle to survive [5]

Helooooo frens, Please kindly need your constructive input in my essay in terms of task response, coherence and cohesion, grammatical range and accuracy, range vocabulary.

Some modern artist receive huge sums of money for the things they create, while other strugle to survive. Governments should take steps to resolve this unfair situation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Life is sometimes unfair. Broadly thinking, most people who work in art industry is usually associated with rich people. It is quite understandable knowing they sell their creativity in the right way. A huge number of artists can charge money easily from their job, while many others have to take pains to earn it. In a particular point of view, It is reasonable for some reasons and government should not actually be involved in this circle.

Generally, artist has to spend most of their time in a shooting location even in weekend. In term of making film, an actor or actress has to be ready working over time to complete his or her episodes based on film director's instructions, for instance, when the movie is in deadline as his or her already receive the salary in advance. The artist is already ready to acquiesce his meaningful time not to gather with his beloved family. Clearly, effort made is directly equal to the result that is why government no needs to prevent the artist from asking a high price for it.

In many respects, artist has spent much money and time in order to find and sharpen his or her talent by taking several professional training. In contrast, other people may just fully enjoy their time doing useless things instead of finding out their talent and focusing on it. According to some beliefs, spending time and keeping struggle on doing useful activities when we were young will guarantee our better future. Again, why must a government waste energy to overcome thing which is in step with nature law?

In summary, work ethic which belongs to a person and the effort made are two important factors which may influence a person success. Thus It seem useless for government to take steps to overcome such kind of problem. Moreover, there are many urgent problems that government should pay more attention instead of thinking over about this.

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