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I followed several organizations to increase my knowledge about Petroleum Geology - Royal Holloway [3]
Kindly need your meaningful feedback on my friend's letterMy Master Degree Plan in Royal Halloway, University of London
My name is Ragil Pratiwi, female, graduated from Geological Engineering Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia in October 2013. I've been working in Geoservices as geologist, especially petroleum geochemist. I've been working there about a year. I interest to have master degree after I graduated and had several years of work experience. I want to study in Royal Halloway, University of London, since in the 3rd semester when I was the student volunteer of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention in 2010, and I read several papers from RHUL, then I met Mr. Robert Hall. Since that time, I started to study about structural geology and tectonics, then I was hoping to have master degree of Petroleum Geoscience in RHUL.
RHUL has many publications about structural geology, tectonics, and many other specific subjects, which make me interest to study about how to make good researchs. I came to IPA almost every year after that time, and saw South East Asia Research Group (SEARG)'s paper presentation, and I was thinking that these were very good.
Petroleum geology is my interest since I was a student. I followed several organizations to increase my knowledge about it. I entered American Association of Petroleum Geologist Universitas Diponegoro (AAPG Undip SC). I was the Head of Academic department of AAPG Undip SC in 2011, until 2012-2013 I was the student advisor there. The highest achievement of ours was honorable mention of AAPG International in 2012. It is the appreciation of the most active student chapter in the world.
Living in an area with high tectonics complexity like Indonesia, make me interest to study about it, about its processes, basin formation/evolution, and which basin that has hydrocarbon potential beneath its tectonic position. Then in my seminar credit, I was study about the structures and tectonics activity which resulting proven petroleum system in Indonesia, which I was inspired by Mr. Awang Harun Satyana's course about "Tectonics, Structures, and Implications for Petroleum Systems: Cases from Indonesia."
My skills also involve seismic interpretation and well log analysis from several courses held by AAPG Undip SC, and got from my thesis activity in PT. Medco CBM Sekayu in 2013. My thesis was about structure and tectonic influences in predicting coalbed methane potential in South Sumatera Basin. I concluded that the permeability is controlled by geological structures, especially normal faults in research area. This research was accepted in IPA convention 2014 to published and presented.
After I graduated, I work in PT. Geoservices, a multinational company which has clients from oil & gas, and coalbed methane company around the worlds. I've been working there more than a year as petroleum geochemist support. Petroleum geochemistry is new subject for me, but I start to love this subject.
Working as petroleum geochemist, I start to understand more detailed about petroleum system, especially source rocks behavior. Petroleum geochemistry is important, because it holds critical roles in exploration and production (Satyana, 2004). It is more exact (not much interpretative), but it depends on laboratory analysis. It can predict the fluid type, composition, petroleum generation, migrated, and accumulated in a basin, alteration, and soon, but of course, it should be integrated with basin analysis.
In campus, I was selected to follow several geological competitions. Furthermore, our highest achievement was the First Champion of Geology Open Challenge. It is the annual national geology mapping competition held by Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, which followed by several geology departments in Indonesia, such as: ITB, UGM, UPN, Trisakti, STTNas, Unsoed, and Unpad.
Besides those academic backgrounds, I'm an adaptive person, easy to live in different atmospheres. I work in Geoservices, which has employees not only from Indonesia, but also from UK, US, Philippine, and others, and our clients are oil and gas companies from around the worlds, such as: Petronas, Pertamina, Repsol, ConocoPhillips, Santos, etc., and teach me how to communicate, socialize, present material, and respect the differences of nations, races, ethnics, and religions. So I'm sure it'll be useful to study in such high diversity campus like RHUL. I'm a brave, enthusiastic, energetic person, and tough to work in hard fieldwork. I'm sure that we can get whatever we want as long as we believe, pray, work hard to pursue it.
After graduated from master degree, I wish I could be a petroleum geologist who could integrate all subjects like tectonics, structural geology, geochemistry, geophysics, sedimentology, and others to decrease risk in exploration, and RHUL is the right place to earn it.
Thank you.