Jun 23, 2011
Writing Feedback / Being happy with a job is more important than having a high salary? [7]
Everyone wants to have their dream job.
Many people prefer employment with a high salary, while others consider whether they like the jobs or not.
One factor that affects the efficiency of work is the attitude of the employee towards his job.---Very good point!
Even with high salaries, many people refuse to continue their jobs because they feel that they do not fit with what they are doing or that there is no room for creativity.
Therefore, he will gain precious experience and easily get promoted.
Being happy with your job motivates you to stay longer with the company and have set goals to achieve.
When you have a job you love, you do not want to jump to another company.
Well-paid occupations often come with a lot of pressure.
I agree with you!! Good luck in school and have fun!
Everyone wants to have their dream job.
Many people prefer employment with a high salary, while others consider whether they like the jobs or not.
One factor that affects the efficiency of work is the attitude of the employee towards his job.---Very good point!
Even with high salaries, many people refuse to continue their jobs because they feel that they do not fit with what they are doing or that there is no room for creativity.
Therefore, he will gain precious experience and easily get promoted.
Being happy with your job motivates you to stay longer with the company and have set goals to achieve.
When you have a job you love, you do not want to jump to another company.
Well-paid occupations often come with a lot of pressure.
I agree with you!! Good luck in school and have fun!