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Posts by uscuscusc
Joined: Sep 23, 2012
Last Post: Nov 26, 2012
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From: United States of America

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Nov 26, 2012
Undergraduate / 'A valiant role model and being optimistic' -UC App Prompt 2 [2]

Prompt 2: Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

I would always sit on the edge of the bridge, watching cars pass by, hoping that one day I would have the guts to let go of the wall. Living through the hard times of my existence, seeing my father beat my mother until she could barely walk, watching my father lose his job again and again, and knowing that my mother would sneakily cut herself in the other room; I just couldn't bear this life anymore.

As I would sit up on that edge of the bridge I would stare down at the road, asking myself "Can I do it?" One day I convinced myself that I was going to jump, and I was a bit overwhelmed with my decision that I ended up confessing my thoughts to my grandmother when she had just asked how my day was going. Once I blurted everything out, tears quickly rolled down my cheeks as if it were a race. Then my grandmother told me nothing but this: "Deja de llorar y mirame. Ya sĂŠ que usted no tiene la mejor vida, pero la Ăşnica forma de escapar de ella es si seguias tu vida como un optimista."

To this day I have held my grandmothers words as my drive to succeed. Optimism made me a stronger person because now I face anything with determination and endurance. I embraced optimism, the treasured quality that I save my sisters with when they feel like life is deteriorating, and when my sisters feel like disappearing. I pick up their dignity and shower them with optimism, so they can walk tall again with their head held high, looking forward to the future. I gladly accept standing as a valiant role model - their heroine - the first Hernandez generation to attend a University, who yearns for a life more than my parents'. Optimism has driven me away from the petrified girl who couldn't face anything to the young heroine that continues to grow each day.
Nov 26, 2012
Undergraduate / 'out of my shell' - My passion for biology-UC APP Prompt 1 [2]

Prompt 1: Describe the world you come from - for example, your family, community or school - and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

After introductions she questioned me why I applied to REVS-UP, I responded "Well I have always loved biology, and when my friend suggested applying to REVS-UP, I decided to give it a shot. Honestly, I didn't think I would get accepted." My professor from REVS-UP revealed to me something I will never forget: "There was an overwhelming amount of applicants this year, so we only chose the best students who demonstrated their admiration for science, and you were one of them, so give yourself some credit."

Every day I participated in REVS-UP, I always got out of bed five minutes before my alarm clock; REVS-UP showed me my passion arising. REVS-UP was a four week program of hands on research of the types of bacteria found in Bakersfield's local ponds, rivers, and water streams. I had the opportunity to work with four other students from different schools, a biology professor who taught there, and students who attended there. In those four weeks, my group and I grew literally hundreds of bacteria on petri dishes. We collected, inoculated, gramed stained, and then classified our bacteria. At the start of REVS-UP I had no confidence, and I always thought of myself as someone who might never become anyone. As the four weeks progressed, my curiosity for biology ran wild, driving me out of my shell. At the end of the four weeks I was able to converse with my professor without intimidation. I had learned the value of intellectual exchange, I asked questions daily, and I became a person who aspired to explore the world of biology. The last day of REVS-UP we had to present our research and our results to the CSUB president, professors, and students. We also had to present our findings to Chevron's president and faculty. Groups of people stopped by our project, asking us questions about our research and our results, with me being the first one to respond. Then they followed up with questions, such as: "What did you learn from your experiences in REVS-UP?" I proudly answered: I learned many things, like how to interact on a professional level. But most of all, I learned how to succeed."

Participating in REVS-UP accentuated my passion for biology, and it showed me that I want a career that I will love, no dragging myself out of bed every morning, but a career that will ignite me to get up five minutes before my alarm clock. Now, as I recall the person I was on the very first day of REVS-UP, then I recall the last day of REVS-UP, I notice that after participating in the program I grew survival skills in academia, skills in research and organization, and most of all I grew confidence which now drives me to be a role model even in biology. My participation in REVS-UP shaped not my dream, but my future of becoming a pediatrician because it is something that I will love for the rest of my life. REVS-UP demonstrated to me that I have a passion for biology because most of what is knowable is still unknown; however I aspire to satisfy my thirst for more knowledge of science.
Nov 25, 2012
Undergraduate / UC prompt 1: My grandmother, my rock [8]

Too much focus on your grandmother. WHAT IS YOUR DREAM OR ASPIRATION??? you just say you hope that you can develop simple technology? Is that your dream?

this is very unclear and it does not answer the prompt.
Nov 25, 2012
Undergraduate / 'Sharing this success with others' - UC #1- helping my community [6]

each athlete, I became humbled

You make yourself less humble by saying you are.

Having somewhat successful academics, I found myself motivated to share this success with others.

.Dont say somewhat.

Its nice that your goal is to give back to the community, but is that your DREAM? you can say that you aspire to help your community as they did to you, but that you DREAM of ____.

If you don't include what your dream or aspiration is then you are not answering the prompt, however you can make some tweaks in it to show that helping your community is your aspiration.
Nov 25, 2012
Undergraduate / immigration to america (shaping my dreams and aspirations) [4]

Armenia is the place for a child to be raised under an efficient traditional system.

That is an assumption.

You are not answering the prompt, it states : Describe the world you come from - for example, your family, community or school - and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

Throughout your response I don't see anything about your dreams or aspirations, you just say what you have already done.
You focus waaay toooooo much on the immigration from Armenia, now unless that actually has something to do with YOUR DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS then trim a bit of that off.
Nov 25, 2012
Undergraduate / 'I used to live in the International Baccalaureate bubble' - UC Prompt #1 [18]

Try including what you hope to be

I aspire to pursue coursework and experience in communications that will allow me to eliminate the barrier between the disadvantaged and their success. I hope to build personal relationships with individuals to understand their weaknesses, alleviate their suffering and change their role in society. I am eager to use my college education and experience to empower my community, one person at a time.

Like what will you become once you pursue coursework in communications?
Nov 25, 2012
Undergraduate / 'daily newspapers' - academic interests USC Supplement [7]

The word limit is extremely small, so while you are talking about your academic interests try cutting it and add some more on how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC and include that international/global studies major because it will show diversity.
Nov 25, 2012
Undergraduate / 'Molecular biology / Japanese Culture Club' - UC PERSONAL STATEMENTS [3]

Prompt 1:
In 2002, my grandfather passed way from cancer, leaving my grandmother alone in the house. As a result, my mother and I had to leave my previous house in South San Francisco to live with my grandmother in the Sunset. Changing houses meant separating from my father, adapting to a new neighborhood, and taking on new challenges of assistingassisting her with what? my grandmother. Although, these obstacles were difficult to overcome, I amyoure using both the past and present tense, choose ONE ecstatic to be able to spend time with her every day.

consider changing the introduction
Over the years, my grandmother developed Alzheimer's and mobility problems, and it has been challenging to take care of her. It is difficult to know that one of my own family members remembers my name one minute, but forgets another minute. I try to spend time with her as much as possible to keep our connection. Even though she may forget who I am momentarily, I still want her to know that I will always be there to take care of her. In these years that I have taken care of my grandmother, I have come to realize how blessed most of us are to still have the ability to remember even the tiniest trifles in our everyday lives.

On a typical day, I assist my mother when taking care of my grandmother. Before I leave for school, I usually make oatmeal for my grandmother, so it is ready for her when she wakes up. My mother then takes her to an elderly center for exercise until the time I come home. When I arrive home, I give my grandmother a healthy snack and walk one block with her, holding on to her arm. If my mother is not home in the evening, I would make dinner and look after my grandmother until my mother comes home. Before she sleeps, I feed her medicine and tuck her in bed. It is a challenge to take care of my grandmother, while keeping up my grades and doing various extracurricular activities, but I still make time to spend time with her.

Both my grandmother and grandfather helped me discover what career I would like to pursue: Molecular Biology. After they developed these diseases, I wanted to learn more about what the causes were and how they develop over time. In 2011, I took a class at school called Biotechnology 1 and 2. In this class, I was shown the various types of genetic disorders and diseases. I was especially interested when I researched in depth about the various types of cancers, including the cancer my grandfather developed. I was also exposed to various techniques used in a typical lab that will help me pursue a career in this field. I am currently taking Biotechnology 3 and 4 to continue my learning and strengthen my techniques before I plan to major in Molecular Biology in college. By pursuing this career, I would like to make an impact in the flourishing Molecular Biology industry and help those who are suffering from diseases.this should be your main focus

while i was reading this I had to constantly check the prompt, you are not answering it!
Prompt 2:
you are telling me not SHOWING. How does this make you proud and how does this relate to the person you are??
The introduction can be started off with an image of the area you cleaned up like :
Houses torn, matresses lying in the street, debris on lawns, this was the Tsunami in Tohuku. Devastation was everywhere..."
Draw a picture with your words.
Nov 25, 2012
Undergraduate / 'Torrance and Korean friends / Unexpected grades' - UC Essays. [3]

Prompt 1:
You are telling your story, not SHOWING. Honestly, it doesn't make me remember you, you need to stand out and it is just kind of boring. show me your story, show me how you parent influenced your dreams and aspirations. use imagery!

There are times when my parents' Korean friends ask me what I want to be and are surprised and ashamed when I tell them my dream of becoming a journalist. However


Prompt 2:

Everyone is either born with a talent or learns and develops on a specific skill. I am one is not exceptionally great at a certain activity, I can do a little of everything. However, I know that I have great qualities which make up for my lacking talents and skills. Among all the qualities I carry, I think perseverance and responsibility are my two important qualities. The two helped me to develop into the person I am today, never giving up and working hard on even the most difficult tasks.

first of all, you make yourself sound like your not confident. Dont use "i think" you should know! and everyone is good at something, just think. Make responsibility and perseverance your qualities. So change the introduction.
Nov 25, 2012
Undergraduate / 'decisions concerning the DREAM Act' - COMMON APP Personal Statement [4]

Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.
220-500 words
We need people to call for legislation, like the stalled DREAM Act, that would provide undocumented students with a real path towards college and citizenship. Undocumented students pursuing a higher education are not asking to be given anything; they only yearn to receive the same opportunities as other students. While the federal law guarantees undocumented students a free public K-12 education, after high school they face enormous barriers that make it nearly impossible to continue pursuing a higher education.

Every day, as I walk to class, as I enter the combination to open my locker, I don't see undocumented students or U.S. citizens, I just see students. It is important to me that they receive the same opportunities as I have because there is no difference between us; we are both students reaching for a higher education. They too wish to attend a prestigious university, they too wish to pull their family out of poverty, they too wish for a better future. Even though there is no law that prohibits the admission of undocumented students to U.S. colleges, financial limitations are enough to prevent them from thinking about college. It is crucial for people to be aware of the decisions concerning the DREAM Act, because with this bill, these undocumented students can dream of a future that includes college.

The DREAM Act has remained on the sidelines since 2001. That is a total of eleven years; eleven years that these college-ready undocumented students have been biting their nails and pulling their hair out, anticipating for the bill to finally be passed. I realized that in order for the DREAM Act to be passed, it is going to take millions of voices to help these undocumented students be heard. Just recently, I created a blog called: "Estudiante, الدارس, ĺ­Śç"Ÿ, student...does it matter? We are all students, aren't we?" I created this blog with a goal to raise awareness about the issue of undocumented students receiving a higher education. I thought that perhaps my blog could help pass the DREAM Act or it could be an additional voice that will influence others to help undocumented students receive a higher education with the same opportunities as other students. Even though I currently have no subscribers, I will be persistent with my blogging until I receive my first subscriber, then until I reach my tenth, then until I reach my hundredth; I won't stop until this injustice has ended.

Once the DREAM Act is passed, these students will be able to succeed academically, despite seemingly insurmountable financial and legal barriers. If the United States of America is still the land of equality, then the DREAM act is a piece of it.
Nov 25, 2012
Undergraduate / 'My parents are both artists' - Stanford Roommate Essay [4]

The first sentence is what the common person would say, you need to stand out!
Its funny, not boring or just like "hey its me", it makes me want to have a cool roommate like you
Nov 24, 2012
Undergraduate / 'the perfect intermediate / school lunches' - My Two UC App Essays [5]

Prompt 1:
It begins off by telling your story, but you should SHOW it. Use some imagery.
It neglects to answer the prompt, you leave the reader wondering what your DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS are because all you say is that you want a voice that people will listen to, but is that your dream or your aspiration?

Prompt 2:
The first sentence is confusing. Personally, I think this prompt answers prompt 1, because it shows that you want to do something with fashion right?

Maybe for the first prompt you can say that by posting videos it let's you have a voice, even though it is only heard by your small community of subscribers, but your voice is being heard.

For prompt 2 how does this make you proud?
Nov 24, 2012
Undergraduate / 'molecular and computational biology - academic interests USC short response [8]

Here's the edited version:
Post sophomore year, I attended a summer science program called REVS-UP sponsored by California State University of Bakersfield(CSUB), which was a research experience vitalizing STEM program. The program enlightened my mind and sparked my passion for Biology. If I am admitted to USC, I plan to major in Biological Sciences or Human Biology at the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. In the future I plan to later attend USC's Keck School of Medicine. In order to reach that goal, I decided to choose an emphasis in molecular and computational biology, in the Biological Sciences major. If not Biological Sciences, then I plan to pursue a degree in Human Biology. By taking Human Biology I will be able to focus more on the human organism, which will help me achieve my goal of becoming a pediatrician. It is evident that being admitted to USC will help me pursue my academic interests and achieve my goals.
Nov 24, 2012
Undergraduate / 'molecular and computational biology - academic interests USC short response [8]

Describe your academic interests and how you plan to pursue them at USC. Please feel free to address your first- (biological sciences) and second-choice (human biology) major selections.

Post sophomore year, I attended a summer science program called REVS-UP sponsored by California State University of Bakersfield(CSUB), which was a research experience vitalizing STEM program. The program enlightened my mind and sparked my passion for Biology. When I attend USC, I plan to major in Biological Sciences or Human Biology at the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. I plan to pursue a degree in Biological Sciences to later attend USC's Keck School of Medicine. I decided to major in Biological Sciences because it has three specialties, of those three I plan to choose an emphasis in molecular and computational biology. If not Biological Sciences, then I plan to pursue a degree in Human Biology. By taking Human Biology I will be able to focus more on the human organism, which will be of great help since I will become a pediatrician. In August, 2013 I will fulfill my dream and attend the University of Southern California.
Nov 22, 2012
Undergraduate / 'The idea of the American Dream' - COMMON APP [4]

okay thanks and I had my counselor look over it and he said that im not really answering the prompt because Im talking about the american dream then undocumented students then my parents then undocumentede students again so I think Im going to take the part thats about my parents out

thanks though!
Nov 18, 2012
Undergraduate / UCSC Prompts 'The game of baseball has been the one continued thread in my life' [2]

Unless you are applying only to UC Santa Cruz, do not state: would make me an outstanding undergraduate at UC Santa Cruz.

also, consider revising annd spot out when you didnt use parallelism

prompt 2 is okay, but you don't need to discuss your family problems in prompt 2, since it was discussed in prompt 1.

prompt 1 is amazing though!
Nov 18, 2012
Undergraduate / 'Big Day and A Memory of Time' - commonapp essay [3]

during sixth grade

Even though I did not get lines because I could not speak English fluently then, I still felt excited and actively participated in the dance practice during lunch period.

still played my part seriously

I signed up for the "College Now Drama Class" immediately.

following week I focused on memorization and practice. When I had fully prepared myself before the performance start, the professor announced, the class would switch to the music roo

After exchanging emails with her, I - who's her?
Needs more revision! Needs better diction. and use parallelism
Nov 18, 2012
Undergraduate / 'The idea of the American Dream' - COMMON APP [4]


Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." People, whether they immigrate from Mexico, Asia, or from the other side of the world, they immigrate to America to pursue their idea of the American Dream. So what is the American Dream? The definition is different depending on the person. For some, the concept of the American Dream is to have the opportunity to better themselves by attending one of the best universities in the country.

Escaping to America is a hazardous decision, but sustaining a life in the United States is a perilous threat every day. When immigrants arrive in America, they come with fundamentally nothing but the clothes on their back. Once they set foot on the American soil, they must start from scratch. They proceed to live a normal life, but deep inside they live in fear of being deported. However, instead of cowering away and hiding in the shadows, some choose to be the preeminent student, regardless of their background. Some immigrant students choose to take all the Advanced Placement, Honor, or GATE classes they can, even if they struggle to comprehend the English language. Some undocumented students face being deported every day, but they continue to move forward and pursue their American Dream of receiving a higher education.

Alike these students, both of my parents immigrated to the United States, both driven by their American Dream. Once my parents set foot on the American soil, it seemed as if millions of black cats crossed their paths, meanwhile they were walking under ladders and breaking mirrors, because they have had a lot of bad luck. My parents have struggled most of their lives, yet they still dreamed of many things. Unfortunately my parents were not able to fulfill all of their dreams and desires because of many limitations. However, one dream that my parents actually achieved, was to give my sisters and I a better future. They dreamt to give us a future where our dreams could roam freely - without limits.

Undocumented students have been the driving force to my success. They brought me to the realization, that since I am not an undocumented student myself, I have the opportunity to apply to the college of my desire without any limitations. This realization has pushed me to dream about attending one of the best universities in the country. These undocumented students have the greatest amount of hope and strength I have ever witnessed. It is important to me that they receive the same opportunities as I have, since both of us have worked just as hard. These undocumented students have shown me that at the heart of the American Dream is the idea that if you believe in the beauty of your dreams, then your future is in your hands.
Nov 18, 2012
Undergraduate / common app: "development of my taste for politics" [2]

I attended a private secondary school. wheen?

At the age of 11, when I started the seventh grade, I realized that Most of my peers thought of themselves as being superior to me, both in terms of income as well as social status.

For many of us, this was a new school. Given that this was a class with a large - you went from "this was a new school" to "this was a class" what do you mean by 'this', and what class are you talking about?

I was not being bullied, however, i was regularly put down by unpleasant remarks.

When we reached ninth grade- who's "we"?

was off to a "normal" vacation spot- what do you mean by 'normal'

Don't start a sentence with "but"!

This needs some more revision.
You are very vague, you mention something but don't explain well and leave the reader asking themselves"what?" like confused.
You also use the same words, so consider broadening your diction, you could use some parallelism.
Other than that I really love the last sentence, but the middle of your essay is just like bits and pieces and seems incomplete.
Nov 18, 2012
Undergraduate / 'a positive Latino role model' - UC Personal Statement Prompt #1 [6]

They felt that their lives were set and to just live life right now on doing whatever we pleased
that sounds like an awkward sentence consider revising
However,this all changed when that night I had the heart to heart talk with my mother.[
I decided to take the AP World History exam even though I could not take the course.
if your going to mention this, then mention the score you recieved
Still, there are two worlds I see today: one where only about 58% of male Latinos graduate from high school, where only about 16% graduate college with a bachelors degree, where a majority of male Latinos flunk out of high school or become incarcerated due to drugs or gang violence.

also, try to edit the last sentence, change it with something that will make them remember you. other than that its really good!
Sep 23, 2012
Undergraduate / 'So many students wanting to go to college' - QUESTBRIDGE- ESSAY #1 [2]

If you could change one thing about your community, what would it be and why?

"Hey do you have paper?" she asked, "Yes." I replied while taking out a couple of sheets of paper out of my binder, "Thanks, how about a pen?" she asked, "Yes...w-wait how do you come to school without a pencil or paper, but you can wear clothes by Hollister and Abercombie & Fitch, which a pair of pants costs like eighty dollars?" I asked, "I'm not coming to school all crusty" she replied taking my pen. "Why? Why don't you care about school?" I muttered to myself.

I live in Bakersfield, California, the hottest city I have ever lived at and the dwelling that contains students that care nothing about their future except making "big money" when they grow up, but without actually thinking about how hard they'll be willing to work to get that "big money". Just recently, on September 10, there was college night at the Rabobank Arena, which is the Los Angeles Convention Center for Bakersfield, and there were tons of students. Once I got there I was like "Wow! I didn't even know there was this much students that actually wanted to go to college." As I walked around passing by each table and squeezing through people, trying to catch up to my sister, I heard a lot of people say "Where are those flag thingies?!" I decided to stand in the center of the room to find my sister; I listened to the overlapping voices, most of them in search of those "flag thingies". Then I realized that most of the students I thought came to college night, to sign up for college newsfeeds and gather more information about possible colleges they might attend next year, were just looking for pennants to collect to decorate their bedroom walls with, to take a Tumblr picture with it as the background.

There was a complete lack of interest in what the college representatives had to say. I and few others barely gathered any information, if any, because of all the other students who just asked for a pennant. I wish to show my fellow peers that there isn't just being Facebook famous and swag in Bakersfield, but there is a whole world out there that is just waiting for them to try to get there. Like most of my peers in Bakersfield, my parents never dared to go to college, my mom dropped out high school and my dad barely finished high school; they have shown me that without taking an interest in furthering my education, life is just going to be full of struggles. Every time I ask one of my peers why they're going to college they say: "My parents didn't struggle for nothing" or "My parents didn't try hard enough and they don't have much, so I'm going because I don't want my type of life for my child." I just can't find a good enough reason not to try.
Sep 23, 2012
Undergraduate / 'anything and everything of biology' - QUESTBRIDGE-BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY [3]

We are interested in learning more about you and the context in which you have grown up, formed your aspirations and accomplished your academic successes. Please describe the factors and challenges that have most shaped your personal life and aspirations. How have these factors caused you to grow? (800 word limit)

Hanging clothes on the clothes line, sweat was dripping down my face, the fiery breeze made my eyes water, my feet were burning, red ants were crawling up my legs: it was another burning summer day in Bakersfield. I couldn't stand it, I hoped that I would be back in Los Angeles, instead I was still here. It was Sunday the day before my sophomore year, "Yay, I can't wait" I yelped to myself.

"Welcome back! Pick up scheldules in the Gym", the sign mentioned. I walked in tip toeing over the heads of my peers, in search of the table for the sophomores. Students' voices hovered around me, a few squeals, head nods, and hugs were exchanged between them. I picked up my schedule: 1st Physical Education (PE), 2nd Biology, 3rd Geometry, 4th Lunch, 5th English, 6th History and 7th Spanish, "The day better go by fast" I sighed, "It will, hopefully."

PE came and went, then it was second period, biology. I walked into room 1605, already tired of school and just yearning to go home, Mrs. Riley was super energetic greeting all of the students walking into the class with a big "Welcome!" Mrs. Riley was rambling on and on about what we would be doing in her class, she barely even took a breath. She spoke of biology as if teaching it gave her great gratification. A few weeks later, my sister asked me if I liked my classes, then I started rambling on about my biology class; I realized that I started to love biology as well, and I didn't even think about going home anymore. As the school year progressed I grew a passion for biology, I started staying after school, taking more interest in my other classes, and actually tried.

I didn't just do good in school to get high school over with anymore; I did good in school because school became my home. I dreaded every second after I got off the school bus. Every day I slowly walked home, making each step into three little steps. As soon as I would open the door, the voice of my father would blare at me for not doing the dishes the night before or not having his breakfast ready before I went to school. Every time I would start my homework my father would say " What are you doing? Your supposed to be making dinner. What about the other people that live in this house? You can't just think about yourself!", then he would rip my homework away from my tight grip and hide it until I made dinner. Still, I kept fighting to get more priviledges at home.

"Welcome back! Pick up scheldules in the Gym", I read for the last time. I walked in tip toeing over the heads of my peers as I did before, this time cautious in case someone would bump into me and make me drop my insect collection. The Principal had called me over from across the Gym, noticing the case I had with me. "What do you got there?" He asked, "My insect collection for AP Biology" I answered, "Wow that's really great. It's the best one I have seen so far. Good job!", He congratulated me. Then I saw the table for Seniors, and I squeezed through the crowds of students, making my way to pick up my scheldule. Everyone kept stopping just to take a gander at my insect collection. I picked up my scheldule, "I wonder what I have for first, hopefully it's a good teacher" I murmered, "First AP Biology with the infamous Mrs. Riley." In my sophomore year, Mrs. Riley got me hooked to biology just by her genuine interest in the subject, so this year I returned to her class, but for AP Biology to reunite with my ardour. I have a passion for biology because most of what is knowable is still unknown. This is why biology has spurred my fascination for the medical field, and it is also the reason as to why I am going to attend a medical conference at California State University of Bakersfield on October 5th. I love anything and everything of biology because I know there is something out there just waiting to be discovered, that could change someone's life or the entire world.
Sep 23, 2012
Undergraduate / 'being evicted several times' - QUESTBRIDGE ESSAY #2! [3]

Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. (500 word limit)

I had seen it before, but this time I knew exactly what it meant. The site of the horrific yellow paper made my stomach cringe. My eldest sister, Madison, rapidly pushed open the gate, ran up to the door, ripping it off the door and tearing it into shreds. She shook the handle and tried breaking the lock off of it, but it wouldn't budge. Then she ran to the back door, while my younger sister, Janet, and I ran swiftly behind her. Madison was at the footsteps of the back door with a red pigmented face, tears running down her cheeks, and wailing out "Why?!" The refrigerator was outside, food was covering the floor with our clothes on top, mattresses' were on the mud, all doors were sealed and the windows were air tight- we were evicted.

As a sunset orange illuminated the sky, our stomachs were roaring loudly, Janet fell asleep on a chair, Madison's eyes had dried up, I was just numb, and still no site of our mother. I only thought of one person that I knew would come and save us, my aunt Selene. As soon as I she arrived I fell into her arms, she confessed that our mother had fled to Las Vegas with her companion. I broke out crying, I just couldn't believe that my mother left me, when I loved her unconditionally unlike her companion who just tormented her, I was drowning in despair, then she comforted me with: "Why are you sad? Are your tears going to bring back your house? Are they going to bring back your mom? No. Stop crying, get up, and never let your past define you."

Living through the hard times of my existence, being evicted several times, knowing my mother sneakily cut herself trying to end her existence due to the lack of compassion from her companion, I had to find ways to save myself from great depression and apathy. I have chosen to embrace optimism, to save my sisters when they feel like our life is just going to get worse, and when my sisters feel like disappearing. I pick up their dignity and shower them with optimism, so they can walk tall again with head held high, looking forward to the future. I left my family's idea of me being the walking image of my parents in the past. I pushed myself to become a high school woman with a 4.5 GPA, ranked 16 out of 449 students, applying to colleges and becoming a heroine for my younger sister and other high achieving low-income women. I am defined by where I am, who I am, and what I am, now.
Sep 23, 2012
Undergraduate / 'a sunset orange' - University of California: Prompt 1 [3]

Prompt 1: Describe the world you come from ï for example, your family, community or school ï and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

Looking through the window with blurred vision, all I could see was a sunset orange illuminating the sky, occasionally seeing a building outline or human shape. All I could feel were the hot, heavy tears running down my burning cheek. Suddenly the houses had stopped moving; she put the car in park, then the tender dear voice of my aunt, brought forth the question I had anticipated the whole ride there, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Then I unconsciously opened the door.

I stepped out the car, bracing myself for anything that I might face, and then I turned around. My hearing was faint; all I could see was my mom on her knees, crying and begging him, for what? I could not hear. I must have clicked the slowdown button, because everything was in slow motion, and all I could hear was the howling wind passing by the trees and through my hair, blowing away my tears. I cried out, "Mommy!" She did not even flinch my way, so I ran across the street, pulled her up from the ground, but her hands pushed me away as if I were a thief trying to rob all she had. He shouted at her; she begged at him, and I pleaded at her; all of our voices floated around us; yet all I could hear was the wind. He pushed my mother away from the car door and started to drive away, but she ran after him oblivious to my existence, and I was left emotionally motherless, in the middle of the street- alone.

I grew up in a world that started with both of my parents; once they divorced, they became self-centered and forgot they had children. My parents' divorce caused their families great disappointment, and my parents became the family screw-ups, incapable of doing anything to better themselves. I grew up in a world where everyone around me thought of me as a miniature person of my parents, therefore everyone expected me to fail.

Once upon a time, I thought their recklessness had rubbed off on me; but in efforts to distinguish myself, my sophomore year, I attended a summer program at California State University of Bakersfield (CSUB) called REVS-UP. German, my friend, mentioned it was a program about the sciences, and since I happened to love science, especially biology, I decided to apply, and even if I didn't get accepted, I would be proud of myself for at least trying. So I applied, and I got in! I had the opportunity to work with four other students from different schools, a biology professor who taught there, and students who attended there. We gramed stained our bacteria and grew literally hundreds of bacteria on petri dishes. Every day I participated in REVS-UP, I always got out of bed five minutes before my alarm clock; REVS-UP showed me my passion arising. Participating in REVS-UP accentuated my passion for biology, and it showed me that I want a career that I will love, no dragging myself out of bed every morning, but a career that will ignite me to get up five minutes before my alarm clock. My participation in REVS-UP shaped not my dream, but my future of becoming a pediatrician because it would be something that I would love to do for the rest of my life.

I first took biology in my sophomore year with the infamous Mrs. Riley, who got me hooked to biology just by her genuine interest in the subject, so this year I returned to her class, but for AP Biology to reunite with my ardour. I have a passion for biology because most of what is knowable is still unknown. This is why biology has spurred my fascination for the medical field, and it is also the reason as to why I am going to attend a medical conference at CSUB on October 5th. I love anything and everything of biology because I know there is something out there just waiting to be discovered, that could change someone's life or the entire world.
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