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Posts by vangiespen
Name: Louisa, EssayForum Contributor
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Jan 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / Number of people aged 65 and more amids USA, Sweden, and Japan for over a century. [3]

As a 25 minute essay, I have to say that you did not do a very good job with it. The essay does not follow the requirements of the test, neither does it show an expert understanding of the information that you were provided with. For starters, the overview summary is only a single sentence long. It does not contain the proper keywords, information, nor summary of the line graph information. The formatting is so incorrect that you actually came up with only a single paragraph for an essay that requires at least 3 paragraphs to be considered complete.

The time that it took you to present this information is amazingly long considering how short and incomplete the actual essay is. I suggest that next time, you try your best to complete individual paragraphs as follows:

1st paragraph - introduction, summary overview of the report
2nd paragraph - expanded illustration information
3rd paragraph - additional information if any (related to a second illustration or otherwise)
4th paragraph - conclusion

If you take the time to list or outline the information from the chart first, you will be able to develop better explanations and paragraph topics. You will also find your essay growing longer as you individualize the information provided in the charts. You will also not take 25 minutes to write this essay.
Jan 31, 2016
Undergraduate / Keen interest in embracing a holistic and well-rounded development in my student life - extra info [2]

Andrew, here is something to keep in mind when writing an application essay. Explain it, don't list it. You always have to set examples of the tasks that you were involved in, what you had to do, any obstacles you encountered and how you resolved it. Since this is an open topic essay, you should take advantage of it by explaining more about your participation rather than just listing down your participation as bullet points. Bullet points are good when you have to submit a cover letter for a job application. It is not something that normally finds its way into a college application essay.

That said, you need to convert the bullet points into a more enlightening discussion for the reviewer. As the essay requires, you should explain your outlined participation in a connected sense regarding your major. The connection will show the reviewer that you have the ability, background, and proper foundation for the course major you have chosen. Make sure to highlight the connection whenever possible because that is the best way to call attention to your "expertise" in this field. The reviewer will also pay major attention to the points that you discuss at length because it helps him to get to know the kind of student you might become.
Jan 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / 1992 survey: television was popular in the evenings while radio were listened in the morning [7]

Kristy, you should repeat your writing exercise for Task. 1. You have failed to accurately develop the summary report based upon the chart provided. It is evident that you tried to use short cuts in developing the essay and the use of word fillers indicate that you did not thoroughly understand the report that you were made to read. Such failures are sure to result in a negative grade on your part. So, since this just a practice test, I will give you the chance to revise the content.

Pay close attention to your opening and closing remarks. both need to contain a complete summary of the report. The opening paragraph, should have a complete 3-5 sentence overview while the conclusion should have the same number of sentences representing the restated report. You also need to develop at least 2 more body paragraphs in order to deliver a better summarized report to the examiner. Anything shorter than 4 paragraphs tends to be lacking in overall information and compromises the quality of the paper.
Jan 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / The frantic beat of a broken heart [4]

Or when your bony white hands, blood frozen by the bitter winter frost?
- What happened in this instance? The previous sentences indicated clear occurrences to the person. This question lacks information in order for the reader to relate to the question.

Kate, I am not sure of the format nor of what kind of writing you are doing here. Are you writing a poem? an introductory paragraph to a Gothic story? Or maybe you are writing a fictional reflective piece? Whatever it is that you are trying to do, you are not doing a very good job at it.

The formatting of the paper alone is a big mess. You should have these grouped by question, discussion, location, or event depicted at the very least. Right now, the setting, who is talking, why is there such a discussion, and what the ending of all this should lead up to is unclear. Perhaps you can throw in some hints for the reader, just to give us an idea as to the background of the story. If we know that, we can better follow the events as they unfold. Don't forget to fix the formatting problems though. That will also help us to better keep track and analyze what is going on in the story.
Jan 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / People are extremely straightforward in creating a close relationship and maintain it in a good way [3]

Muhammad, when you give an example such as Eid Mubarak and Christmas, in support of the discussion that implies how electronic media has had a negative effect on people's lives, you should be sure to explain why this is so in detail. What have you personally observed regarding the two holidays which has led to the claim that the electronic gadgets entice a negative development in the relationship of people? In order to ensure a better score, you always have to present clear examples based on personal experience. While the personal experience is optional, the explanation is not.

You need to tighten your conclusion. What I mean to say by that is that the conclusion is not as strong as it should be. The summary of the discussion, along with the other expected representations in a proper and strong conclusion do not exist in what you wrote. It is also, one sentence too short. Always aim for at least 3 sentences per paragraph, regardless of what essay you are writing about. a complete conclusion can never be presented in shorter sentences.
Jan 29, 2016
Graduate / Graduate application for pursuing LLM after failing the Bar exam. [6]

Sayeda, you are not being asked to explain any academic failure that you have had in the past. You are not being asked to justify what happened either. So I cannot understand why you are discussing such an unrelated event in your statement of purpose. There is nothing in what you have written which could be considered a "purpose" for higher study. It is nothing more than an academic failure statement which makes it unusable for a statement of purpose.

Since you are wishing to study a masters degree, thee is no need to discuss the failure that you had in the past. The reviewer will not be interested in that. What does interest him, is the reason for your desire for higher study. For example, do you want to work at the International Court of Justice? Do you wish to represent people on a global level? think about the reasons why you want to become an international lawyer. Forget that you failed the bar for now. That is an exam you can retake anytime you are ready to.

Instead, focus your energy on explaining why you are a good candidate for a masters degree. It is important that you do not call the attention of the reviewer to your failure because, and you have to believe me on this, he will most likely remember that you failed the bar exam rather than the other accomplishments or purpose that you have for studying a masters degree.

Your statement of purpose lacks substance that is relevant to the application. It would be in your best interest to revise the whole essay at this point, making sure that you change the focus to your accomplishments rather than your failure. After all, why would any university want a failure for a student? Don't mention the failed bar exam unless explicitly asked to do so.
Jan 29, 2016
Undergraduate / "From Childhood" - Statement of Purpose - SCAD (BFA in Animation) [3]

Pranav, your statement of purpose veers more into the realm of a personal statement. A statement of purpose should discuss more than just the development of your interest in the field of animation. It should tell the reviewer more than just your desire to create your foundation in the field. Your statement of purpose needs to tell the reviewer about your vision for your future.

This vision should include not only your plans for employment, but the kind of thinking that you have regarding your craft. Explain how you wish to use the foundation you will be receiving to develop a more cutting edge animation style. Let the reviewer know that you plan to push the envelop of your basic foundation in order to discover what other secrets the world of animation has hidden from normal view.

You need to discuss these sorts of topics in your statement of purpose in order to set yourself apart from the other applicants. All of you will be discussing how this will be the foundation for your future career. Therefore, you need to go a step further by developing a more compelling purpose for your enrollment. Maybe you want to create the next Pixar Animated Studio. Maybe you want to develop animation in a way that Disney Animation did for Frozen, only one or two steps better. Think of a big purpose, and then discuss how this will be the foundation for that higher dream :-)
Jan 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / The Percentage of Varies Residents in Australia who Visit Some Places [2]

The bar chart describes a THE percentage of varies VARIOUS citizenS in Australia who came WENT to some places. There is a THE value IS measured in proportion. ... IS THAT a percentage of various citizens in Australia who came WENT to THE cinema is the highest proportion in OF each category.

Turning first, there THERE are similar patternS of percentage ... who came WENT to zooS and theatreS. The highest proportion is ARE new migrants who WERE born in English-language states THAT visitED the zoo and theatre ... . The middle proportion is ARE citizens who WERE born in Australia come to AND VISITED THE zoo at around 42% and theatre at 20%. The lowest percentage is ARE original migrants who WERE born in other countries, THEY drop in to THE zoo at ...

In contrast, at first glance , there are inverse IS A REVERSE pattern of proportion... Australia who visit to library and cinema. T... come to library is a ARE new migrants who WERE born in other states at around 54% and the lowest is ARE residents who WERE born i... Australia who visit cinema is inhabitant who born in Australia ARE NATURAL BORN AUSTRALIANS at 70% and the lowest is ARE original migrants who WERE born in o...
Jan 29, 2016
Undergraduate / How can I benefit from education at AUC? The epitome of a successfully well-built arts university. [3]

Menna, you do not need to constantly mention the name of the university in your essay. You won't be submitting this essay to any other university. So making reference to the university on a constant basis isn't really necessary. The reviewer is very conscious of the fact that you are applying to their university. The redundancy gets on the nerves of the reader so you need to avoid doing that.

Your essay also does not clearly represent the idea behind how you can benefit from the AUC education. Your essay just kept going round and round and actually got quite long without offering any real information. If you want to make an impact upon the reviewer, you should look into the highlights of a Psychology university course at AUC.

Think of what the university offers in terms of study, internship, and research programs that you can pursue as a college student at the university. All college universities have some sort of internship program that sets it apart from the other universities. You should make sure to mention this information when you can. More importantly. You are asking to study at the American University in Cairo, that alone is enough reason to set its Psychology program apart from the others.

Consider the diversity of the university. Think about how you can benefit from an American educational system while surrounded by the Egyptian culture. How would this unique university situation help make you a better psychologist in the future? Consider your options. Create your answers, then you will have properly explained how you can benefit from the education that the university offers.
Jan 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / There is no excuse for authorities to restrict the unpaid public rights-education and healthcare. [2]

Sholihin, first things first. Your opening statement is confused, does not use the correct word descriptors for your essay and lacks a coherent message. Before you use the term "state" in description of a government, use the term "government" first. After all, the keyword used in the prompt is "government" and not state. it is imperative that you show the reviewer that you know how to use the keywords that were provided to you in the correct context. At the moment, your essay does not do that.

Self-governing means that the people do not need to heed the government orders and they do not need the govcernment's help in doing anything. Since what you are trying to say is that the government should "subsidize" the education and health needs of the people, meaning the government should make it free by paying for the services the people need, you cannot use the term "self-governing".

Now, going back to the opening statement, it is flawed because it does not accurately portray the line of reasoning or discussion in the essay prompt. You immediately open with your opinion discussion, which is a big mistake since it does not follow the correct essay format for the IELTS test. The opening statement should contain the following:

1. Restated prompt
2. Opposing view summary
3. Supporting view summary
4. Your opinion summary.

Then you can move on to the actual discussion. The conclusion is also wrong in the sense that you need at least 3 sentences to properly explain, summarize, and present your opinion on the topic again. The one that you wrote is not acceptable.
Jan 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / Prejudice of Personality by Experience : Can We? [3]

... clothes which are worn by inhabitants PEOPLE represent their true colors CHARACTERS... This essay will discuss both notions OPINIONS. ,butI extremely believe that MY OPINION, IS THAT people should be aware to wear OF THE IMPORTANCE OF WEARING appropriate clothes according to the circumstances DEPENDING ON THE OCCASSION.

... protect our body from the environmentAL conditionS to become SOMETHING more specific like revealING PEOPLE'S residents' identities due to the fact that mostly, people will get c... will get complimentS from the others. In addition, ... , tenD to be tagged trustworthy. ...

However, publics THE PUBLIC cannot judge others just by looking to AT what they wear. The popular quotes QUOTATION SAYS, "Do not judge the book from BY its cover", should become the mind's program A PERSON'S MINDSET when someone meetS the individuals. ... prejudice of women WHO wear a sexy outfit as an "easy" WOMAN though that could be just their HER way to express themselves HERSELF. Moreover, there are various crime occurs such as deception of BY well-suited DRESSED people. ...until the criminals run AWAY with their money.

...Should consider the places to WHERE THEY wear their clothes.... In addition, residents cannot just deliberately appear with their styles regardless the condition.
- The last sentence does not make any sense. You need to revise it for clarity and logic.

... that fashion is has already become a significant part of our life LIVES, but the personality A PERSON cannot be judged simply by the appearance. The best solution will be for everyone TO adjusts their clothes based on theIR situation.
Jan 29, 2016
Undergraduate / 'Three-hour drawing contest'; Admission essay - What makes you a perfect candidate? [3]

Nhi, the way I see it, you have more than enough credentials to support the reasons what you would be a perfect candidate for FIT. However, I do not believe that you should start the essay with your fifth grade experience as that does not really relate to your interest in fashion. However, you should start the essay from the point where you describe your traditional Vietnamese family and how the boy figured in your realization that you had a natural calling for the fashion world. The story is much more interesting when you start from there. The ninth grade camp t-shirt design doesn't deliver the same impact as the basketball story so you can opt to delete that description in full. Just keep the information that tends to really create an impression upon the reviewer.

Now, try not to deviate from the topic of the essay. That means, you should remove the reference to the fact that you enrolled in architecture school at first. That is a topic that is irrelevant to the prompt requirements. Always focus on delivering the required answers, nothing more, nothing less. Don't offer any topics that will serve as a distraction to your consideration as a student.

Develop the reference to the awards that you won. It is of high importance to the prompt. So it should not be a mere mention as part of an existing paragraph. It should be highlighted in its own discussion space instead. Separate from the others. Develop your work experience as Fashion Q as well. That is one of the most important discussions in the essay.

If you are worried about the word count, all you have to do is delete the portions that I indicated above so that you will have additional discussion room in the essay. After you revise the content, the paper should be ready for grammar checking already.
Jan 29, 2016
Undergraduate / I was expected to work without sufficient training. [2]

Jenny, in order to better reflect the seeming hopelessness of your situation, you should better describe a specific incident at the workplace that left you with a big problem in this unfamiliar situation. Then explain how you managed to handle it properly even though you do not have any experience in the field of waiting on tables. The explanation that you gave is very generalized in presentation and does not strongly present a professional trait that can help you become a better student in college.

This is actually a trick essay prompt. The idea behind this is to have the student explain his work ethic while also depicting your ability to handle stress under pressure. When things get rough for you, what do you do? Make sure to explicitly explain how and why you handled the situation that way. Give the reviewer a clear idea of what to expect of you as a potential student. Keep your line at the end where you talked about mistakes being inevitable. That is a very important part of your life lesson that has helped you become a better individual and hopefully, an exemplary student. So make sure to keep that as your concluding sentence.
Jan 29, 2016
Undergraduate / Tell about a time you dealt with a problem and/or an unfamiliar situation. -UBC Personal essay [4]

I don't see why you can't use the word in this essay. It seems to fit the overall sentiment that you were trying to convey. A journey signifies an adventure in life that you are embarking upon. It is something that you should be looking forward to doing. Now, if you are embarking on a path towards a culinary career, then using the term journey works very well in the overall scheme of the essay. However, if you only did it as a part time job or as an aid in finding your career path, then maybe journey is not the word to use.

Should you wish to figure out if the word "journey" is suited to your essay, all you have to do is read the essay again, this time, with a critical eye. Try to see if the word suits the description of the events that took place and your actions. As the saying goes, "Life is a journey composed of adventures" so the use of the word and the meaning that it implies in your context all depends upon the story that you want to portray. I think the word suits the essay content, but if you have some other ideas as to how you want to start the essay, then go ahead and present your alternative sentence here so we can compare the two and figure out which one suits your essay best.
Jan 28, 2016
Undergraduate / Tell about a time you dealt with a problem and/or an unfamiliar situation. -UBC Personal essay [4]

Noah, you have chosen a very relevant and enlightening experience to relate to the reviewer in response to the prompt. The fact that the situation that you shared is something very personal to you allowed the reviewer to get to know the kind of person that you are. In fact, it shines a light on how you may approach any difficulty that you could encounter as a student. You will definitely earn consideration for that presentation.

I don't see any section of the essay that you need to improve upon or expand at this point. It is a well developed and discussed essay. There are only a few grammar issues that you should address. Maybe you missed these mistakes because of the rush in writing the response. So let me point those out for you below:

working as a pizza cook for my THE first time...
I was very eager to LEARN AND WORK during my training day.
... was unexpectedly taught the basics of ...
The instructions were thorough and the procedural forms were simple to follow through.
my first pizza came out as WAS a blunder.
that was built up inside of me didn't stop me from MAKE ME GIVE giving up.
Over the going process of learning how to make pizzas,
Jan 28, 2016
Undergraduate / "Showing Leadership Capabilities" Essay for Transfer App [7]

In the first essay, try not to discuss what you learned on the job because we are talking about your leadership abilities. Instead, focus the essay on your position as the project leader. Discuss more of the collaboration that you should have had with the other members of the team. Explain how you encouraged them to work with you, with the team, and how the sense of cooperation that you fostered helped see the project to completion. The part that you wrote about the special education program was also good. You need to develop that further to show the kind of leader that you can be, the one who does not see a weakness in his employee or team member, but rather, an untapped potential that you always try to draw out of the person.

As for the second essay, I am not sure that you are supposed to be presenting in it since you did not provide us with the prompt that accompanies it. I am not sure about the focus of the essay. Please provide the prompt that you are responding to in that essay so that I can better assess the work that you have done. I'll wait for the information since you said we have only a few hour to perfect both essays. I'll try to help you until the last minute. I'm on standby.
Jan 28, 2016
Scholarship / Financial Obstacle - Irwin R. Sheer and Yvonne H. Sheer Endowed Scholarship [2]

Derek, the story that you tell in the scholarship application should focus on your story and the story of how difficult it will be for you to attend college without a scholarship. You can mention your parent's restaurant and how you have worked there for 7 years, how your parents finances have gone up and down to the point where you no longer have employees in the restaurant. What the reviewer will not care about is the story of your parents and how they grew up poor. Their story does not have a direct relation to your college dreams so you should not focus too much attention on their story.

In a schoolarship application, what the reviewer would like to know if you have personally done anything to help ease your financial problem. Maybe you have a saving account that you started when you were enter high school but it isn't enough to get you into college. Or maybe you parents have a college fund set aside for you but it can only answer for a limited amount of your fees. When you combine your savings with the fund, you still find yourself short. So while you will continue to find work as a college student, you feel that receiving a scholarship will help you perform better at school because of the less worry about financial needs. Make sure that you highlight your ability to finance your college degree by finding a job. However, you can only work one job in order to not sacrifice your studies. These are the lines of reasoning that the reviewers often take note of and consider when discussing the scholarship grants.
Jan 28, 2016
Undergraduate / TAMK UAS - I want to become an Energy & Environmental [2]

Please tell your brother not to start the essay from his childhood. Reviewers have already repeated time and again that they want to hear realistic information about the development of an interest. They do not, for any reason believe that a child will develop an interest in such a complex field that he cannot even pronounce properly at his age. It is best to start the story at the high school level, from the moment he saw the newspaper clipping.

His prior education in high school or in relation to his chosen major is not clearly developed in the essay. I also noticed that he did not respond to the "experience" section of the prompt. If he does not have any work or internship experience in this field then he has to explain why that is so and how he plans to fix that problem leading up to his admission in this major at that university.

More importantly,while he has submitted information about his IELTS test, he did not give a clear evaluation of his English language abilities. He has to evaluate his reading, listening, and writing abilities on an informal tone. So if he can explain that he can carry on a simple English conversation, understand his text books written in English, and write coherent essays, he will have responded to the prompt. A nice touch would be for him to explain how he continues to develop his English language skills even after having taken and passing the IELTS. He has to prove that he is doing what it takes to learn the language that will be used in teaching his classes.

This letter cannot be submitted to the admissions team at all. He has to revise the content to better reflect the prompt requirements. He wrote a personal statement without considering the questions that he is expected to respond to. So the letter falls short on delivering the necessary and expected information to the reviewer.
Jan 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Receiving the formal education at young age can benefit young population [6]

Suwi, you understood what i explained to you perfectly. That was one very good introduction to the topic that you wrote. The way that you developed the flow of discussion and your transition into your next paragraph was quite good. However, I would not suggest closing that paragraph with a colon because you will be discussing a number of paragraphs after that. Try to revise it to close as a simple sentence instead. You don't necessarily have to present the information in chronological order. Just write a clear transition sentence and that opening statement will be perfect :-)

Here is a tip for better essay writing. Always refer back to the prompt as you progress with writing your essay. There are times when you become more focused on a particular discussion in the essay so you begin to neglect the other aspects of the prompt. Checking the prompt as you complete your paragraphs will remind you if you missed something. That way you can adjust the essay content and ensure that you will have completed all of the requirements as you progress.
Jan 28, 2016

Your paragraph in support of your point of view regarding the media attention being showered on celebrities explains your point of view in a very impressive manner. You were able to indicate the shallowness of the news media these days and provided the reader with an enlightening bit of information regarding the misplaced media interest in celebrities. However, you were not able to properly discuss the reason why you believe that media should pay the same attention to the normal people who make news headlines.

The example that you gave in support of your sentiment does not really offer any convincing information that will lead the reader to believe that your explanation is sound. The accomplishment that you indicated by the individual was not properly presented. Why should the media care about what he accomplished? What would have made his accomplishment a worthy news story? Why should the people care about his accomplishment? Those are but a few questions that could have supported your claim that there is a valid reason to expect the media to pay the same attention to extraordinary accomplishments of people as they do to the celebrities and politicians.
Jan 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / [IELTS TASK WRITING] The Comparison of Economic and Social Indicators of Four States [3]

You did not format the report summary properly. When you write yout thesis statement, you must provide a description of the illustration you were provided. Was it a chart? A diagram? A pie chart? A bar chart? A line chart? What? You cannot use the description or label of the illustration in the opening statement. The description of the chart is part of the summary overview. You also cannot say that it is important to be described because you will be describing it anyway. Actually, you don't even need to say that. All you had to do was transition into the informative paragraph that would explain the information found in the chart.

While your information sharing in the body of the essay is most certainly acceptable, informative, and highly professional in presentation, your concluding statement did not present itself in the same manner. You cannot have just a single sentence, regardless of its length, representing your conclusion. Instead, you should break up the long sentence into short sentences by using periods. The constant semi-colon usage makes the paragraph just an over-long sentence. So it is best to just follow the format rules and present the essay in its expected form.
Jan 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / 'level of blissfulness' - IELTS TASK 1 : HAPPINESS RATING CHARTS [3]

... information about the blissfulness HAPPINESS level of individuals who have ARE EITHER married and OR still single, ...group, whereas . WHEREAS, a breakdown of the percentage of mated MARRIED couples' happiness based on the number of children THE COUPLE HAVE is illustrated in another THE SECOND bar chart.... In any cases , the bliss ...

To begin,THE happiness rating in whole THE OVERALL age groups of mated MARRIED people are virtually equal. ... are recorded as HAVING THE the highest level of blissfulness at 45%, while married people in the age 50-64 age group saw WAS lower by 5% compared... years of age is WAS just over 20, ... above 64 years reachED 34% of happiness rate.

... analysis of mated MARRIED couples' 'S happiness, ... groups, with A PERCENTAGE reaching 44%. ...
Jan 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Some claims that planting the idea of competition in children's life is an obligation [3]

Fariz, the minute I read the first sentence of your essay, I saw a red flag that said "He did not understand the prompt!" and immediately, from the mindset of the examiner, I had decided to give you the lowest possible score for the essay. Keep in mind that you need to fully understand what the prompt is asking you to discuss and you cannot change the discussion topic just because you want to. The topic words in the prompt are the only keywords that must appear throughout your essay in reference to your response.

That said, the minute that you changed the prompt keyword from "competition" to "obligation", you totally changed the target discussion of the essay and showed a total disregard for the prompt requirement. While I will admit that the rest of your essay is in line with the prompt requirements, the opening sentence really affected your essay score in a big manner. The change of the keyword showed that you are not familiar enough with the English vocabulary to trust you to properly discuss a given topic.

Your succeeding paragraphs after the opening paragraph were prompt responsive. That is why I cannot understand how you could have made such a serious mistake in analyzing the prompt when you restated it. Please pay more attention to the way that you develop the thesis statement because that will create the first impression of your abilities with the examiner and also be the basis for your initial essay grade. A reconsideration may be given at the end, but the fact that you misstated the prompt is a grave error that might not be easily ignored in the final grading.
Jan 28, 2016
Undergraduate / "Showing Leadership Capabilities" Essay for Transfer App [7]

Mario, your leadership abilities just don't come through in the essay. One thing that reviewers hate is when the applicants try to make them believe that you decided on something at an age when you could barely pronounce or much less, write your name. Anything htat starts with "When I was 5 years old" will automatically be viewed, not with suspicion, but perhaps, disbelief by the reviewer. So you will need to rephrase your opening statement. You need to automatically portray the foundation of your leadership in the opening statement. Talk about how you trained yourself or received some sort of training, through activities that led to the development of the aforementioned skill set.

In your second paragraph, you can then discuss SoMM and how you became an Education Associate. Outline your leadership responsibilities along with the title description and then transition that into your third paragraph. That will be the paragraph where your deliver an example of your leadership ability. If you want to use an incident when you were teaching the future music teachers, then go ahead and do so. Just make sure to complete the discussion in that paragraph because your next transition sentence should lead into the conclusion of your essay. In the conclusion, you can recap the training you received, the leadership ability you displayed, then imply that the skills you have will come in handy once you begin to participate in social activities at the university.
Jan 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2: The advantages and disadvantages of taking a job between school and university [6]

Siti, in this essay, you need to keep the reference to the high school graduate from the college graduate consistent. There are many times when yo simply refer to "graduates" when discussing the work opportunities available to the high school and college level graduates. Therefore, you need to use the correct reference terms for each. For example, you can refer to a high school graduate as an undergraduate which is different from a college graduate. You can also say, secondary school graduate, which means a high school graduate, while the college graduate is often referred to as a tertiary graduate meaning having graduated from the 3rd level of highest education (college). The differences are important so that the reader will know which particular form of graduate you are discussing in reference to your claims.

Now, your discussion is good. It is based upon facts that can be easily proven. So the basis of your discussion is strong. The word usage is varied, showing a desire to portray yourself as an advanced English user. More familiarity with word synonyms and antonyms should help with the redundancy problem and the lack of understanding in word differentiation. Overall, the essay should have gotten a pretty decent score from your tutor if you had it graded.
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 : CAREER RELATIONSHIP AMONG WORKERS - officers' responses [4]

Anissa, you need to better develop your overview summary. It seems that there is more information to be given to the reader than what you have in your opening statement. Remember, a complete opening statement will create the logical flow of information presentation in the rest of the discussion. You just need to take some sentences from the second paragraph and add it to the first paragraph, then add some new sentences to the second paragraph to make it flow better and become more informative.

I wish that you had provided the image with the essay so that we could have checked for the validity and accuracy of your summary essay. At this point, I cannot really verify the claims that you are making, which makes me pull back on correcting the grammar of your essay. I need to be sure that you are presenting the right information. If you can present the image for this essay, I promise to come back and write a more accurate analysis of your essay and grammar corrections as soon as I see the image.
Jan 27, 2016
Scholarship / College/Career Goals and Reason I Should be Chosen for a Scholarship [5]

Olu, this is a good start. It at least gives your scholarship essay a direction with which to flow in. However, the way that you discussed the facts of your situation were not really well thought out nor impressively presented. Your ideas are all over the place, and does not really reflect the one reason why you should receive this grant. Most importantly, you should not blatantly discuss the money aspect of this essay because that is already a given. All of the scholarship applicants need the money to sponsor their college education needs. It is my opinion that you should instead, revise the essay to contain more important qualifiers in your essay.

In the introduction, consider discussing how your desire to help in the medical field developed. Direct the discussion towards your eventual decision to attend medical school for the benefit of (insert here). The first two paragraphs should clearly explain why you want to pursue this line of study and what your immediate short term plans are. The long term goals can be discussed as a separate paragraph as well since it still provides information demanded by the prompt. Right now, you say that you want to be a pediatrician, good. That responds to the college and career goals. Then you mention that the first step is going to college. Wrong answer. That is already a given. Explain about your academic goals, such as going to college at Harvard Medical School for your internship or something like that. it is not about simply wanting to attend college. Present your goals and ambitions in life. That is what might set you apart from the other applicants.

It would be to your benefit if you can mention any savings that you have which you plan to use for your education, and any savings that your parents have which they plan to use to help you get into college with. Mention how you have a job or jobs that you hope can help offset your expenses. Then at the end of the essay, that even with all of these available to help you with college, you are hoping to fill in the budget deficit with the "help" of this scholarship.
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / The obligation of official training for children, to become proper parents, is not working. [3]

While the essay you present is based on logic, you have not considered one very important piece of information that should have been included in the discussion pertaining to the reason why schools wish to educate teenagers, not children, about becoming good parents. Consider that there are actually young parents who are still teenagers that need to take on the responsibility of raising a child themselves. Then it seems logical and imperative that "children" be educated by schools regarding good parenting.

Also, consider the fact that there are many parenting books out there for parents to study in order to teach them how to properly raise their children. Don't you think that the existence of these books makes it logical for schools to begin teaching proper parenting as well? That way these children will not grow up blind as to what comprises a good parent. It can also help them recognize if their parents are good or not and they can do something about it.

What I am trying to point out here is that before you write, you should consider all possible arguments and pick the most important ones to discuss in the essay. Don't always go for the obvious reasons, These unexpected lines of reasoning are what helps to set your essay apart and impress the examiner into offering it a higher grade consideration.
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Technology devices brings merits toward the users, particularly on their personal relationships [2]

Make sure that you use the correct words to describe certain aspects of the essay. For example, use the term electronic media when discussing the technology that connects peopled. When you say electronic, all you mean is that something uses electricity to power it. It does not refer to the electronic media that the prompt indicated. When you use the wrong keywords, your essay will sauffer due to the content becoming conflicted in meaning or usage.

While I agree with your opinion that electronic media brings positive effects, you should have balanced out the essay by indicating a simple discussion of the perceived negative effects so that your personal opinion would have been given a stronger position of discussion. Keep in mind that a balanced debate always requires two sides of the issue to be presented. In this case, since you were being asked for the extent of your agreement disagreement to the issue, discussing both extents would have helped solidify your presentation and garner a better score.
Jan 27, 2016
Undergraduate / Pursuing political science to find equality - USC transfer supplemental essay [2]

Tiffany, there is no way that this response meets the prompt requirements. You have given the reviewer an overview of the path that it took before you came to the conclusion that you want to major in Politics with a minor in Economics. Did I guess right? It was not really pointed out clearly in the essay. There is a need for you be very clear about the major and minor interests that you have and wish to pursue at USC.

Immediately present your major and minor topics at the start of the response. Keep in mind the word count that you have so that you can go direct to the point with the proper information beforehand. So indicate the major and the minor course choices. Then indicate the academic opportunities available for these choices at USC. Whether it be a particular class, a related organization, or an internship program, all of those facts will create the idea as to how you plan to pursue these subjects diligently at USC.

So, you need to revise the whole essay then come back here and let us help you better polish the new version :-)
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Essay about encouraged young people to work or travel between studies [4]

Win, the opening statement of the essay is what reveals your understanding of the prompt, your logical understanding of the wya it should be discussed, and what you personal understanding of the prompt actually is. These are the main factors that the examiner will look at when deciding your initial essay grade. Therefore, writing the introduction in the proper manner is very important to your final grade. Let me show you an example of how to write the opening statement for this prompt. Perhaps it can help you better write your future opening statements.

In some countries like Europe and the United States, students who graduate from high school are encouraged by their parents and teachers to take a year off from academics before pursuing higher studies. They claim that the rest given to the brain during this period helps the student to better decide upon what he wants to pursue in college. That is because they get to live life and experience various adventures that they would not have it they go directly to school. Others say that working after high school teaches the graduate to be more responsible and handle responsibilities. Both of these arguments make sense for taking a gap year. However, I believe that there are other positive and negative considerations to be taken into account before one can decide to take a gap year.

At the end of that introduction, you can present your opinion if required by the essay prompt.
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: The air circulation system in the 2-floor house [3]

This is not a bad example of how to write the report on the diagram. You were able to deliver a different take on the understanding of the illustration. The way you presented the facts are far different from the other essays that have been presented here. Yours has good mistakes, in the sense that you only need to worry about building your vocabulary in order to avoid your tendency towards redundancies.
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Being children means learning every aspect of life. The competition and cooperation is no exception. [3]

Muhamad, I have a sense that you did not totally respond to the prompt in this essay that you developed. You seem to have two kinds of line of reasoning going on in this essay and I am not sure if you are actually discussing it properly. Can you present the essay prompt in totality to us? the one that you have posted in the title does not seem to be the complete prompt. Which is why I have some questions about how you wrote the essay. Should the concentration of the discussion been on cooperation? If so, why did you decide to discuss struggle? Was there room in the prompt for you introduce such a deviation from the topic of the prompt?

What is the connection of competition with struggle? Why is the latter important to learn along with competition? The essay is not really very clear about the discussion. You are not using the proper keywords throughout the essay to clue in your reader as to how and what you are presenting as information. I believe that the essay can use some revision and clarity. Again, we need to know the actual prompt in order to decide about your prompt responsiveness.
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / The Merits and Drawbacks of Take Break Before Continuing University For Young People [2]

I agree that you have written a very logical essay. The clear sense of what you wish to say in English, regardless of the grammar problems, indicates that you are becoming quite comfortable in thinking and writing in the English language. I would say that you vocabulary at this point is at the professional level but lower than the advanced status of use. The sentence development is also moderately advanced and shows how you have began to acclimatize yourself with the written word. Even with the grammar problems, I am sure that this essay will pass the test because of the level of English expertise that is reflected in your work.

Now for the changes:

... is better for youngsters HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES to work...their study STUDIES at A university. However, there are several merits and drawbacks ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES CONNECTED WITH about this notion ...

These days and ages ,... and applying in IN ORDER TO APPLY FOR particular work to gain experiences. Firstly, they THEY learn to socialize widely in the working world and accustomed AND GET USED TO DEALING WITH VARIOUS PEOPLE to face various characteristic of other coworkers.They will involve with some problem and adjust to solve similar situation later. THEY LEARN FROM THEIR WORK MISTAKES FOR APPLICATION TO THEIR FUTURE ENDEAVORS...

However, there are some demerits of this NEGATIVE EFFECTS WHEN CHOOSING THIS OPTION FOR choice for adolescents TEENAGERS. First and foremost, as the world developed, some companies require A specific criteria ... This causes MEANS that they will not get any opportunity to get well-paid job... offered for collage graduators TO COLLEGE GRADUATES. Also, the most important point, psychologically, there is a best time for human to learn when they are CTHE BEST TIME TO LEARN IS WHEN ONE IS much younger so that they should not loss LOSE the opportunity to study when they can.

To sum up, the choice of youngsterS , whether they continue their study STUDIES or get a job first, ...
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Tolerance and sympathy are more crutial than a truth. [4]

Menglu, when you write an essay, regardless of how short the prompt requirement is, your opening statement should be longer and more informative than the prompt. Your introduction is very weak because of the way that you have presented it. There was no prompt restatement, no line of reasoning for discussion, no flow of discussion presented. All we have is your opinion, which will never be considered the full and proper content of an introduction. From that point alone, this essay has already failed the test.

The essay completely lacks a valid conclusion as your final paragraph only presents a continuation of your previous discussions. You cannot just keep on presenting information in an essay. In order to end the discussion, you need a conclusion. You have to conclude that all of your stated opinions are true and that it cannot be argued. Otherwise, all you have is an essay that is open ended. Which again, does not reflect a good writing ability on your part.
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / The air circulation in an accommodation, which affect room temperature and energy spent [4]

The diagram explainS about the air circulation in an accommodation HOUSE, which affectS THE room temperature and energy spent CONSUMPTION. Overall, most of the air leakS FROM THE in the main floor of the building, while in the attic, most of it THE AIR getS out from OF the house. In addition, lights cause the air leave the house.

... the air leakS into rooms t... the air goES in through... and by THE dryer vent a... electrical outlet room . ... there are loots LOTS of air leak in PASSAGE WAYS through the door and ... air come in by ENTERS THROUGH the fan vent in the wall.

Based on the diagram, ALSO ILLUSTRATED IS THE ATTIC WHERE in the attic, there are many A LARGE amount of the air which leaveS the room. The recessed light also causSe the air out AIR TO LEAVE THE from the house. In addition, the come in air will out from the main floo ENTERING AIR WILL ENTER AND EXIT FROM THE MAIN FLOOR, through the attic, to the outside ...

Don't start your paragraphs with the same words. These repetitions show a weak grasp of the English language because your vocabulary is limited to a few words to describe certain things.
Jan 27, 2016
Letters / Email to my teacher for UBC references [6]

Hey Ethan, thanks for the clarification. I really needed to know that because of the tone that needed to be used for the letter. However, as I consider the fact that you are both Phil's friend and student, the letter should contain a little of both relationships in its tone. You see, before Phil is your friend, he is first , your teacher. Therefore, the tone of the letter needed to be balanced between a formal tone of approaching a mentor and approaching a close friend. The balance of which, is the letter that I developed for you :-)

Like I said in my previous response. the letter I wrote is an example of how you can approach writing it. Consider the facts that you have to present and keep in mind that this time, you are not asking for a friendly favor from a friend. You are approaching him now from the position of a student, asking his teacher to help him. So accord him, the relationship necessary for the fulfillment of your need, and the proper approach towards this. You can't be too friendly in the letter because he is a teacher at this point and he is supposed to be talking about you from an academic, not friendly point of view. So start the letter in the tone that is applicable and respectful of the situation :-)
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2 - School Should Provide Formal Training For Students To Be Good Parents [4]

Muhammad, in this essay, I am not sure if you are using the right example. I seem to recall this same prompt being used as a practice test previously but the people involved were teenagers and not children. Are you sure you took down the prompt correctly? Somehow I feel like you missed something in the interpretation of the prompt.

You have a problem sentence in your opening statement. There is an incomplete subject presentation or line of reasoning in the sentence that indicates:

I also concur that such particular course is not significant and would not be useful because children will grow naturally and they will find their own to be qualified parents.

What exactly do you mean? The children will find their own what in order to become qualified parents? When the thought process is not complete, the paragraph does not make any sense to the reader. I suggest that you revise that line and complete what it was that you were trying to say. It is important that you do so for the proper grading of your essay. Your high grade all depends upon how well you can make the examiner believe that you understood and responded to the prompt in the proper manner.
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Receiving the formal education at young age can benefit young population [6]

Suwi, the essay would have been acceptable had you delivered on all of the requirements of the prompt. The introduction was incomplete and not acceptable because you did not specify which side of the issue you agreed with. While you did professionally present both sides of the issue, your opening statement was not only weakened, but also left in error because you did not present your support for a particular point of view. That was a prompt requirement that should have been presented at the end of the opening statement.

Now, as for the rest of the essay, you spent so much time discussing the two points of view that, as Wahyutri said, the content became redundant. One simple example and discussion for each side would have been sufficient. The reason this happened was because you neglected to review the prompt and thus, learn that you should have saved one paragraph or so for the discussion of your opinion on the matter. As such, this essay would have suffered greatly in the final scoring process had this been an actual test.
Jan 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / The cause of increasing violent crime among youth generation [2]

Desy, you have argued this prompt in a highly informative manner. Your approach to the discussion is by far, the best discussion that I have seen regarding this topic in a very long time at this forum. You have taken into account the fact that the essay may be open to discussing other factors that could contribute to the problem presented and that, truly helped propel the grade of this essay to something way above average.

You were able to explain yourself clearly using moderately advanced vocabulary, which translated into a heightened use of sentence devices. These factors helped your essay, considering its grammar problems, become a well written essay just the same. There is no mistaking the fact that you not only understood the prompt, but you were also able to express yourself in an acceptable manner.

The only problem I found with your essay has to do with the conclusion. It is really an almost negligible error that did not affect the wrap up of the essay at all. However, for reasons based on technicalities, you should have included the teachers in the statement referring to the responsibility of the parents. Keep in mind that the keywords used in the prompt should be found in the essay response. Most specially in the introduction and the conclusion of the statement.

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