Feb 11, 2015
Writing Feedback / A horizon communication these days speaks more than one language. Learning foreign language issue [2]
A horizon communication these days speaks more than one language. As the country's future asset, children are able to master foreign languages. Therefore, the early grade school year is the perfect quality of time for them to learn this lesson. While the evidence of this argument is nearly to be true to some extent (why? you should have finalized your view here) , I am personally convinced that children who learn second language in the earliest age are expected to be well-prepared for advanced language learning tasks.
It would sound better this way, when it comes to this sentence ''It shows that young learners are difficult to learn English structures '''
according to xxxx ,youngsters have a tendency to find it arduous to comprehend new grammars such as pf e.t.c
A horizon communication these days speaks more than one language. As the country's future asset, children are able to master foreign languages. Therefore, the early grade school year is the perfect quality of time for them to learn this lesson. While the evidence of this argument is nearly to be true to some extent (why? you should have finalized your view here) , I am personally convinced that children who learn second language in the earliest age are expected to be well-prepared for advanced language learning tasks.
It would sound better this way, when it comes to this sentence ''It shows that young learners are difficult to learn English structures '''
according to xxxx ,youngsters have a tendency to find it arduous to comprehend new grammars such as pf e.t.c