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Posts by MisterWandering
Joined: Sep 20, 2011
Last Post: Sep 20, 2016
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From: Viet Nam

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Apr 9, 2014
Writing Feedback / The contribution of three different sectors to the UK economy; 'agriculture 50%' [8]

the charity (or contribution)

the changes in the contribution

during the period between 1990 and 2000

InAt the beginning of the twentieth century

five percents

five percent

In the 1950s

In 1950

a slightlyslight increase

closely in millennium

in 2000

was picked the lowest point ever had during the period shown

was the lowest figure throughout the period
Apr 7, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: The number of men and women in further education in Britain [2]

The bar chart illustrates the amount of males and females in extra education in Britain in the years 1970/71, 1980/81 and 1990/91, and who of them were studying part-time or full-time.

The bar charts illustrate the changes in the number of men and women who undertook full-time and part-time further education in Britain in three separate periods.

"Amount" is used for uncountable nouns.

In general, in male diagram, full-time education fluctuated slightly and part-time increased over the 20-year period, while in female chart, both, full-time and part-time education rose.

Overall, there was an increase in the number of students of both genders who studied part-time. While full-time male student numbers dropped slightly , the corresponding figures for female rose gradually over the given periods.

In men statistics

In the first chart,

full-time started from 1 million men in 1970/71

There were 1 million full-time male students in 1970/71

100 thousands

In the years 1990/91, full-time education rose negligible.

Then it rose steadily to approximately 900 000 at the last period.

part-time started from just under 100 thousands males and had a little increase in 1980/81. By 1990/91, it had jumped over 200,000 men.

The number of men studying part-time jumped from just under 100 000 in 1970/71 to over 200 000 in 1990/91.


Apr 3, 2014
Writing Feedback / 'heat-debated topic'; Everyone has the right to get university education? [5]

Whether or not should government support free access of university education to everyone is a heat-debated topic

Whether the government should provide free tertiary education (or not) has become a heat-debated topic.

student marks

students' marks

Free access to university education allows people to acquire better knowledge and skills, which can act as a precursor to career success and valuable contribution to the society.

In my opinion, not only "free" education can help students to attain valuable knowledge but also higher education in general does. In fact, I think free university will guarantee the opportunity to attend university for more students, especially those having financial problems.
Apr 2, 2014
Writing Feedback / Cambridge English IELTS 9, Test 1; island/ tourist facilities [5]

The two given maps tell us the information on an island, before and after the construction of many / some / a lot of / a few / lots of travelling / tourist facilities / equipment.

The two given maps illustrates the changes of an island after the development of tourism.

As is shown / presented in these maps, a significant / dramatic change happened / occurred in the island.

This sentence could be separated to form an overview paragraph.

According to first one, just a few trees stood on the island at the beginning of the construction which the quantity of trees in the west was less than the eastern one. Not far from the western woods, a beach stretched to sea from coast. Except for these, there was nothing at all .

Before the construction, there were only some trees and a beach on the west of the island.

But swimming was allowed around the beach

Tourists were able to swim at the beach

two parts of accommodation were found which were near the two sections of trees

Many huts were built at the center of the island near the two rows of trees.

and some footpaths were convenient for tourists to get to different rooms

You could use relative clause to merge this idea with your previous one:Many huts were built at the center of the island near the two rows of trees, which were connected by footpaths.

And you would went along the vehicle track around the reception after you launch on the pier from boats.

Don't use "you" in your academic writing.
The island was made more accessible with the construction of a pier where boats could launch. It was linked with the reception and the restaurant by a short road.

I hope this helps!
Apr 2, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Adult educational survey report [15]

would you kindly give me explanations ?

Hi, Sekar! I told you this because I'm afraid that these phrases do not add much value to your paragraph. I think you could start your body paragraph directly with the features of the chart you are going to describe. For example, in your first body, you could say: Individuals are thought to share the highest proportion of education fees with 40%.

I hope this helps!
Apr 1, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Adult educational survey report [15]

The charts depict a report of an educational survey in terms of why they study and whether the share of educational fee should be shared.

The bar chart provides information about the reasons for studying of adults and the pie chart illustrates how tuition fees should be shared among individuals, employers and taxpayers.

Overall, the majority of adults tend to study due to their interest in subject while two fifth adult think that educational course fee should be shared individually.

You don't need to give data in the overview paragraph. You had better save it for your next paragraph, where you just mention the percentages of the other two subjects.

Overall, the majority of adults tend to study due to their interest in subject while individuals should be responsible for the highest proportion of educational fees.

Move onto the pie bar chart

I find this phrase kinda redundant.

Turning to the details


Move onto the pie chart



You could omit all these phrases.

Interestingly, while the bar chart shows the variety percentage, the resemblance percentage by 20 percent adults either enjoying study process or due to improve prospects of promotion is occurred.

You don't have to have a separate paragraph about this feature. It should be placed in your previous paragraph so that you could compare with other proportions.
Mar 31, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS essay - why adults decide to study; shared cost of each course [6]

The chart shows the reason why adults decide to study and the pie chart explains how the cost of each course should be shared.

Don't reuse the words given in the prompt. Try to paraphrase them:
The bar chart illustrates seven motivating factors in adult education in percentage terms. The pie chart presents data concerning the contribution to the tuition fees of individuals, employers and taxpayers.

most of the adults

choose tostduy study

last one is for meeting other people.

while the reason for meeting other people accounts for the lowest proportion.

Major opinions are because of their interest in particullary subject, 40%

40% of adults decide to study because of their interest in subject

as it is to helpful for their current job

To improve the prospects of promotion and enjoy learning, studying are 1 in 5

The proportions of those who study to improve the prospects of promotion and enjoy learning are equal, with 20% each.

To able to change jobs only 12%. Almost the same as to change jobs, 9% decide adult education to meet other people.

The percentages of the other two reasons are slightly lower, with 12% for people who want to change jobs and 9% for meeting other people.
Mar 30, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Emigration intentions, Bulgarian aged 15-60, 2001 & 2006 [9]

The chart showscompares the proportion in of emigration intentions of Bulgarian people aged 15-60 in 2001 and 2006.

a rise of about 3 percent in the 5 year.

This part could be omitted.

for temporary

temporarily/for a short time

experienced a rise of about 4 percent, from 5 percent in 2001 to 9 percent in 2006

Mar 30, 2014
Writing Feedback / Should wealthy nations be required to share among poorer; education and food - government [7]

there are a lot of concerns that humans are facing each of them

Developing countries are confronted with a number of issues, notably famine and illiteracy.

environmental, political,

They are not related to this topic.

developed countries should support poor ones in terms of food and education, while others believe that this support is responsibility of wealthy poorer nations.

Also, you should include your own opinion in the introduction.

Firstly, governments should support their citizens with medical free service.

They are irrelevant to the topic. You should focus on food and education.

Most developed countries spend most part of their budget to improvement of education such as America, Japan and Great Britain.

In fact, this paragraph should explain why poor countries should be responsible for their own citizens. These developed countries are able to handle their responsibility well.

require from wealthy nations


The comma is incorrect. Although is not followed by a comma.
Mar 28, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Main reason for study; different age groups; employer support [6]

The first bar charts compares students of different ages in terms of why they study and the second chartcompareswhether they are supported by an employer different levels of support from employers.

the proportion of students


However is an inappropriate word. You could use "Also" instead.

both younger groups

You should mention the ages of the groups.

receives by more than 50 per cent

less by under 47 per cent than both former groups

this proportion is still higher

students aged 30-to-39

A more details looked at the bar graph reveals that the proportion of study purposes is not always similar.

This sentence could be removed.

out for of interest purpose

Therefore, while is seen from the overall groups, student age 40-to-49 shows the similar percentage of study purpose.

This sentence is pretty confusing.
Mar 27, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Main reason for study; different age groups; employer support [6]

Overall, there is an equality of study purpose showing by student age 40-49 while the inequality proportion in each study purpose is revealed by the four other student groups. However, while the three student groups, from 30 to 49 years old, receive less than a half from all the support from the employers, student at the age under 26 and 26-to-29 years old are supported more than the former.

I feel that the first sentence does not clarify the main trends of the chart. Also, you don't have to give data in the overview paragraph.

Overall, the percentage of people who cite career as their main reason is significantly higher among younger age groups while older age groups study mainly for interest purpose. Likewise, employees under 30 years old receive the highest amount of employer support.

the two groups of student

You should mention the age of these groups.

A more details looked at the bar graph reveals that the proportion of study for interest in numbers is not always similar.

This sentence adds no value to your paragraph.
Here you describe some features of both charts in body 1 and some other features of both in body 2. This makes your flow of ideas and contents somewhat disorganized. I think you should mention the main trends of the first chart in the first body paragraph, and the second body paragraph should be about the trends of the other chart.
Mar 27, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Studying at university to be successful? Yes, but it is not main decisive element. [6]

I'm trying to find why my topic is changed as 1 sentence in my essay.

Maybe your sentence was not clear and the moderator replaced it with a more meaningful one. Anyway, the prompt that Dumi and Pahan mentioned above is not that title only. This is the prompt that you should have posted with your essay:

Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to reach successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

You can see that it wasn't included in your thread. Also, don't use "you" in academic writing.
Mar 27, 2014
Writing Feedback / Parents are the best teachers? YES! 'mother always give you motivation, and love' [13]

You should include the full prompt of the essay so that we can give you more meaningful comments.

As we know that The role of parents important to growth youngster because father always give her adoration to her childwhich it never change anything.

This has grammatical issues and is quite confusing, especially the bold part as it doesn't explain why parents play such an important role?

There are many factors about children of growth be better at around circumstance that its influence from father become the best teachers to children.

Again, I don't get your idea here.
You had better revise your grammar carefully as I found many grammtical mistakes in your essay.
Mar 27, 2014
Writing Feedback / Writing: The high sales of popular consumer goods/ advertising as extremely powerful tool [15]

This is it:

The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect power of advertising and not the real needs of society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

However, people now are really alert, they usually make a careful choice and spend money on what is nescessary.

It is better if you write a sentence about your own opinion in the introduction.



we can attract consumers

"We" should be replaced by "Companies"


There is just one "p" -> opinion
Your two body paragraphs do not clarify the power of advertising or why advertising does not reflect real demands. In each body, you should state the reason first, then give explanations and examples to support it.
Mar 27, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Expenditure on fast food by Income groups in UK; hamburger and pizza [6]

The bar chart shows weekly expenditure on three groups in Britain by food and incomeduring 1990

The bar chart compares the expenditure of three income groups of Britain on three types of fast foods in 1990.

Overall, both high and average earner have spent on hamburger over the other two food items while low earner have spent more on fish and chips

Overall, hamburger was the most popular fast food of both high and average income groups while low income group spent more on fish and chips than the other two foods.

Turning to the details, fish and chips consumption varied markedly.


A more details looked at the bar graph reveals that the group earner expenditure on fast food in amount was not always steady.

I don't think you should use these sentence on all essays because they are not appropriate with all given charts.
Mar 26, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Studying in univ. or finding a job? High education prospects a successful career [5]

High educationprospects a successful career.

High education and higher education do not have similar meanings. Higher education means education beyond high school such as at college and university level.
Also, I'm not sure if "prospect" is the right word in this case. As far as I'm concerned, prospect as a verb means searching for something desirable or finding out or exploring things such as minerals.

some paradoxical group people assumes that gotwork getting a job directly after graduated graduation is more beneficial, too .

both assumptions opinions

Finding a job after school not surprisingly doesis done by students who dream of financial independent.

Coming mature, rely on parents financial constraint become embarrassing for some student

This has many grammatical mistakes.
Financial dependence leads to low self-esteem of some young people
Mar 26, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: The same money for sport activities or libraries? They assemble money from learner [7]

As we know, University is build and place that it gives benefit for many students because it gives knowledge about lessons for us

Universities are places where students can acquire a large amount of worthwhile knowledge.

In here, Academy should give the same amount of money to their students sport activities as they confer to their University libraries. I totally disagreeaboutwith this statement. However, if I look from other side, I agree about this.

This part is pretty confusing. What is your final opinion on this statement?


You don't have to capitalize the first letter of university as it is not a proper noun.
Also, you should pay careful attention to your grammar!
Mar 25, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS exam: studying at university is the best route to reach successful career [8]

The This proverb which may be

While there are a huge number of benefits to of finding a position in workforce straight after graduation

seem hard to find a job

find it hard to secure a job

It can be understood knowing that many college graduates seem hard to find a job. In fact, they graduated with a good GPA. In Indonesia, for instance, at least 360000 new graduates are still unemployed.

I find these two sentences are not coherent with the paragraph.

find their career develop more rapidly.

have a better future career prospect.

numbers a number of the inhabitants

Juveniles who are apt to study at university firmly believe that the best way to find a job with competitive salary which end up prosperities is education

This sentence depicts the same idea as your previous sentence.

To illustrate, world challenging needs the contribution of professional people who have high qualifications. For example, it is not viable to reach high technologies without the assistance of experts.

You could give an example of how knowledge from university or college are required in workplace, such as data processing skill or presentation skill, which I think is more convincing.

there is more a great possibility to whom it may have higher levels of education to be successful.

I have to reiterate that students who choose to continue to study further after their graduation are more likely to have a successful career.
Mar 25, 2014
Writing Feedback / Begin learning EL at primary rather than secondary school?Advantages outweigh disadvantage [4]

Thanks for globalization, countries onall over the world can interact and create an openness in economy, culture and so on. English, an international language, is playing thea more essential role than ever before

In the age of globalization, English plays a more prominent role than ever before.

So, when is appropriate time to learn this langgue? Primary school or secondary school?

I find these questions unnecessary.

Im my oppinion, chidren should be touch with English as soon as possiple and can be learned from primary is really an advantage.

In my opinion, studying English since primary schools is more beneficial to children.
Mar 25, 2014
Writing Feedback / The most beneficial discovery in last 100 years - internet invention; many impacts [7]

Today's contemporary world

If you use "today's", "contemporary" becomes redundant.

What discovery in last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country?

The prompt asks you about the most beneficial discovery in the last 100 years. However, your essay is about the Internet, which is an invention. As far as I'm concerned, their meanings are not similar:

- Discovery is finding out or figuring out something that already exists.
- Invention is using objects that preexist to create something new that is first of its kind.
Mar 24, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS exam: studying at university is the best route to reach successful career [8]

This essay will examine both perceptive regarding this issue.

It is better if you state your opinion right in the introduction.

It can be understood knowing that they are able to earn much money as soon as possible.

By doing so, they are able to become financially independent from their parents as soon as possible.

my neighbors do not want to pursue his bachelor

You should pay attention to the consistent use of nouns and possessive adjectives.

making money is obviously good choice

they decided to secure a job and start earning for their living

get the real happiness

Do you mean that money brings them happiness?

they have to bother their parents again and again.

they still have to rely on their parents due to financial constraints.

numbers of inhabitants

the number of

The higher your education is, the better your life later will be

You should explain why higher education will lead to a better future. This sentence just repeats the idea of your previous sentence.

the manager of the company always has higher education than his or her staffs

This is not always true as far as I'm concerned.

educated people

This is not about educated or non-educated people, but about whether graduates should continue to study or start a career after school.
Mar 23, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELS - A cheap air travel? advantage/ disadvantage; overweight - safety considerations [4]

Thank for topic from Bingbingliang. Hope that everyone also help me to improve my essay on this topic.

You should open a new thread to post your essay rather than posting in an available post!

air companies provide a cheap air travel

airline companies offer cheap flight prices to customers

it is a good opportunity

the benefits it brings derived from cheap air travel

less salary

a low salary

the cheap air travel is always applied to short distances

Mar 23, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Expenditure on fast food by Income groups in UK; hamburger and pizza [6]

Overall, hamburger and pizza experienced a gradual decrease in case of Briton expenditures, as opposed from both figures there was a fluctuation in amount of Britain expenditure to buy pizza.

"Decrease" and "Increase" are used to describes changes of a subject with times. However, in this essay, you have to compare expenditures of three groups of people so comparative and superlative adjectives should be used.
Mar 22, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS WRITING TASK 2: full-time education for young people 18 and below; agree or disagree [5]

should always be respected by student's attention and effort

should always be given priority by students

then don't usually learn very well

, which usually leads to their poor academic results

as a result it is hard for them

You could start a new sentence from here to avoid a too lengthy one.


do not
Don't use contractions in your essay

get out of these mess

These words sound a bit informal to me. You could use "solve the problems" instead.
You write very well and the ideas are clearly presented :)
Mar 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS PART 1 - Car ownership in Britain 1971-2007 [5]

Don't worry, Hung! You presented the ideas clearly and just made a few grammatical mistakes. Keep on practicing and you will surely improve :)
Mar 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS PART 1 - Car ownership in Britain 1971-2007 [5]

Please help me correct this writing.

Ok but you should attach the graph with your essay :)

The graph illustrated the information about the percentage of Britain each citizen car during the period from 1971 to 2007

The graph illustrates the changes in British car ownership from 1971 to 2007.

Overall, The one-car household was the most common type from the late 1970's. Households with regular used two cars rose significantly whereas the number of households without car declined rapidly over the period shown.

Overall, most of the households owned one car during the period. While there was an increase in the percentage of households owning at least two cars, the proportion of households without a car declined rapidly.

under a half of Britain population without car had no car

nearly 45% of household own owned one car

It was uncommon for families had two cars and over two cars in Britain

The proportions of households having two cars or above were significantly lower

the percentage of residentsowned two cars

owning/who owned

The two-car the families

Mar 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: age percentage of people in Yemen and Italy between 2000 and 2050 [8]

The pie charts compare the populations of different age groups of Yemen and Italy in 2000 and 2050 in percentage terms.

Overall, it can be seen that the population of aged 60 and above is expected an upward trend, and that of 0 to 14-year-olds is a downward trend in both countries.

You could separate this part from your introduction to make an overview paragraph.

the number of people

the percentage/proportion of people
Mar 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : average annual Gross Domestic Products (GDP) [12]

The chart below compared the percentage in the number average annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in a-four decades, started from 1960s to 1990s, in a field of wealthy countries, globalisers, and non-globalisers.

The chart compares annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rates of wealthy countries, globalisers and non-globalisers in four consecutive decades.

In general, the two high GDP percentages came from wealthy country and globalizers in the different decades while the troughs, in the entire decades, gained by non-globaliser country.

This overview paragraph is not clear.
Overall, wealthy countries experienced a decrease in their GDP growth rates, as opposed to globalisers whose rates increased significantly during the period. Meanwhile, there was a fluctuation in average GDP growth rates of non-globalisers.

the data revealed that the GDP of non-globalisers country fluctuated in a first third decades but recovered slightly by 13 per cent in 1990s.

Non-globalisers' rate rose gradually from 2.5% in the 1960s to around 3% a decade later. However, it plummeted to less than 1% in the 1980s before a slight recovery at the end of the period.

However, after a short peak period

in a period of sixty four decades

Turning to the details


A more detailed look at the chart

I think in the first body paragraph, you should make comparisons between two opposite trends of wealthy countries and globalisers, and the second body paragraph is to describe the fluctuation of non-globalisers. This will be more aligned with the overview.
Mar 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS 2 - Retirement homes or Living with families? Which way is better for the elderly? [12]

Over recent years, our attitudes toward aged people have changed considerably. What are the reasons for this change, and what are the implications for the future?

It is much better to state your opinion clearly in the introduction.

We are living in a fast-moving world and have been equipped with enormous amount of fascinating technologies.

You should start your body paragraph with a direct reason why some elderly people are living in retirement homes. This sentence seems a bit off-topic.

but it is really shame that we are ignoring our loved ones, especially when they get aged

Most people are so busy pursuing their business that they have little or no time to spend with their parents. That is why some of them even have to send their parents to nursing homes, citing it is the only way to guarantee these elders will be taken care of.
Mar 20, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 (Line Chart) - Goods Transported by Four Modes of Transport. [4]

the quantities of goods which were transported by roads

had been fluctuated

, during this period

The comma here could be omitted.

, then, saw a slight decrease and reached a peak of more than 65 million

After a slight increase in 1998, it reached a peak of more than 65 million in 2002.

Comparing to

Compared to/In comparison with

Comparing to the letter had dipped at around 25 million tones, before remained stable at 40 million in 2002.

This sentence lacks a subject.
Meanwhile, the latter experienced a decade of fluctuation prior to finishing the period at 40 million.
Mar 20, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Fitness membership among male and female (rewrite) [4]

the number of women member

the number of female members

remained stable

I think female membership experienced an upward trend during this time as it nearly doubled its 1970 figure after 10 years. Also, this make your next words "continued the fluctuation" not very logical to me.

Interestingly, by comparison with 1970 membership in which the numbers of men membership was getting increase, in 2000 the female membership showed the reverse.

This part is not very necessary. Instead, you could add one more sentence in your overview. For example, male membership surpassed the corresponding figure for women in the majority of the years within the period, with the exception of 1985 and 2000.
Mar 20, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Fitness membership among male and female (rewrite) [4]

The chart shows information regarding a comparison of women and men fitness membership between 1970 and 2000.

The chart compares the number of female and male members of a fitness club between 1970 and 2000.
Mar 18, 2014
Writing Feedback / Ielts: The population growth! each period of time had different leaders [5]

This column graph illustrates the information about different population growth rates in some of the world's super cities

The column chart compares population growth rates in twelve cities over a 25-year period.

Between 1975 and the year 2000/ some of the cities are shown to experience changes in population, but within individual cities and in comparison with other cities. The indications are shown in millions.

This could be separated to form an overview paragraph. Also, the bold part is quite confusing.

First and foremost


To begin with

If you use "First and foremost", "To begin with" seems to be redundant.

this graph rose gradually from 1975 to 2000 and it had only upward trends.

There was a significant increase in the population of all cities from 1975 to 2000.
I feel that your ideas are quite disorganized. You should follow Pahan's suggestion on the structure of this task and reorganize your ideas.
Mar 18, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 - Total UK School Spendings! [4]

three definite years

three years/three separate years

the smallest percentage of school budget spent to

was spent on

Looking at the graphs more details

This part is unnecessary


were expended

were 15%

were 15% each.

while the letter was 23% of total school spending in 2001

while the latter made up 23% of total school spending in 2001

the insurance of school spending had not changed almost over the 10 years, but it was 8% in 2001.

the proportion of insurance expenditure remained stable for the first ten years prior to rising to 8% in 2001.
Mar 18, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Should whistle blowers be immune from punishment? [3]

should endure entire life in prison.

have to be imprisoned
I don't think "put to jail" means that they have to spend the rest of their life in prison.

defended from danger

protected from danger

Al though,

"Although" can't stand alone at the beginning of a sentence, with a comma after it.
Mar 17, 2014
Writing Feedback / Analysis of a questionnaire on kids activities - IELTS writing task 1 sample: Pie Graph [5]

Firstly, I compare something that has the same proportion or approximately equal in two pie charts. After that, I compare something that has the same field together.

I think you should start your detailed paragraphs with the highest or lowest figures as they are the most remarkable features and may catch our attention first. Then you could continue with other smaller features.
Mar 17, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK1; The consequence of a survey of grown up person education [5]

Given charts below illustrate the consequence of a survey of grown up person education.

I feel that this sentence is not necessary. Although it is shown in the prompt that the charts are the results of a survey, it is the data from the charts that you should focus on.

which is done by adult students

of adult students

It is clear from the bar chart that more significant reasons of adult education are interest in subjects and to obtain qualifications which are highest percentages taken by them.

You should include main features of both the bar chart and the pie chart in this overview paragraph.

40 % of adults decided decide to study, because they are interested in subjects

The comma after "study" should be omitted.

with about less than 10 percent, more specifically 9 percent .

thе cost of taxpayer course should be shared 25%, while employer course 35%

taxpayers should share 25% of total costs of education, which is 10% lower than the corresponding figure for employers.

Largest part of pie chart taken by individual course which should be shared 40%.

I think this sentence should be written first in the fourth paragraph as it is the most significant feature.
Individuals should be responsible for the highest percentage of tuition fees with 40%.
Mar 14, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Subway system in six major countries [5]

The table reveals evidence of the underground railway systems in six major countries in field of opening date, length of route, and the commuters are carried.

The table compares six underground railway systems in terms of opening date, total length of route and passenger numbers per year.

Kyoto subways reckoned for the least route and the least passenger statistic per year

Kyoto's subway has the shortest route and lowest number of passengers

by comparison with Los Angeles subway system

I think this part adds no value to your sentence.

coming the sixth underground railway systems, Los Angeles, being inaugurated in 2001 carried 50 passengers in the route of 28 kilometers.

This sentence has grammatical mistakes.
The latest system of the six is in Los Angeles, which is inaugurated in 2001 and responsible for carrying 50 million passengers annually over the route of 28 kilometers.

A more detailed look at the table shows, the subterranean railways appears in the twentieth century in Tokyo.

Actually, there are four systems established in the twentieth century.
You should pay attention to your grammar!
Mar 14, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Australian children leisure activity [5]

The given chart reveals information regarding gender in a preference of leisure among Australian children aged 5-14.

The given bar chart compares the participation of Australian boys and girls aged 5 -14 in five leisure activities in percentage terms.

the Australian children, either boys or girls, does watching television or video as the first chosen for their leisure activities

watching television is the most popular activity among boys and girls.

skateboarding or rollerblading coming fifth free-time activities with different proportion of each gender

skateboarding or rollerblading accounts for the lowest proportion of both genders.
Mar 14, 2014
Writing Feedback / Analysis of a questionnaire on kids activities - IELTS writing task 1 sample: Pie Graph [5]

The two pie charts provided illustrates an analysis of a questionnaire . They show the activities that girls and boys participate in, in percentage times.

The two pie charts compare the participation of Australian children of both gender in percentage terms.

Overall, it can be seen that equal quantities of both sexes enjoyed listening to music, but a dramatically larger number of girls liked reading, and there were many differences in terms of their preferred sports

This could form a separate overview paragraph.
Overall, the majority of activities girls are involved in are different from those of boys, with the exception of reading and listening to music. Likewise, while dancing is the most popular activity among girls, computer games account for the highest proportion of boys' participation.

Your essay has only 140 words, less than the required total number of words. Also, you should reorganize your ideas by stating the most significant features of the charts first and going into details afterwards.

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