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Posts by Yonathan
Name: Yonathan Kristianto
Joined: Sep 13, 2016
Last Post: Nov 1, 2016
Threads: 46
Posts: 65  
Likes: 5
From: Indonesia
School: English Studio

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Oct 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / TED Beau Lotto, the TED speaker, began his speech with a game. [7]

Hi Dioba
Let me give you some correction

... game show that colorsColours enable us to see ...
..., but also the colorcolour of their illumination. The colorcolour of the space (...) also has an important role in ...
... can change the colorcolour of the light that ...
... such as an object with the similar shape, ...
... those relationships with behaviorabehavioural meaning.

Thank you...
Oct 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / Recently, many politicians and academician discuss about renewable energy and its benefits [5]

Governments should make more effort to promote alternative sources of energy.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Recently, many politician and academician discuss renewable energy and its benefit for the country. Many alternative energies such as the wind, geothermal, and nuclear energy sound promising to overcome the rise of fossil energy.

There are several reasons why the alternative source of energy should be a government priority. Firstly, alternative energy relies on natural resources which do not harm the environment. For example, alternative energy such as solar panel, windmill, and geothermal are natural resources and do not have any emission or disposal which pollute the environment. Secondly, alternative energy is a solution for rising price of other non-renewable energy such as gasoline and charcoal. Many countries which do not have fossil energy import a large of crude oil and charcoals from another country like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to fulfil energy necessity. Finally, alternative energy is never ending energy which is available for a hundred years or even forever.

On the other hand, there is a reason why the alternative source of energy should not be government priority because renewable energy did not produce a large amount of energy instead of fossil energy. For example, energy resources like a solar panel or windmill only produce a little of electricity rather than power station which rely on charcoal or gas. In many countries, alternative energy still contributes a little percentage of total energy necessary.

In conclusions, I agree if government spend more money and time to focus on alternative energy because alternative energy is a solution for energy in the future. For a recommendation, I would suggest government and academician help each other to conduct more research in renewable energy.
Oct 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / Why Bilingual Language Education Have To Be Implemented Since Earliest [2]

Hi Mr X
Let me give you some correction

Universal language that havehas to be honed since...

... international language that havehas to be owned by all of the individual is the (...) and accessing all of the materials that contain english English language.

... and books that use englishEnglish language. Secondly, a person who study...
... with another person who livelives in the different region and (...) that are occuredoccurred in world society.
There are a great deal of benefits ...

Thank you...
Oct 7, 2016
Undergraduate / Alex Kerr ApplyTexas Essay about the environment in which I grew up [3]

Hi Alex
Let me give you some correction...

... my brother was born inat a British military base...

... a new product line of blow moldingmoulding machines used to ...

... job I counted on odd jobs from neighborsneighbours and birthdays for ...

I however, i decided to spend two hundred on ...

I like your story
Your writing is quite good too
Thank you...
Oct 7, 2016
Graduate / Graduate Application Essay: Why are you interested in Business Analytics [3]

Hi Lin
Let me give you some correction

... was the maximization maximisation of output with current ...

.., I have met many managers from different cultures.

... drive change in organizations organisations and make the ...

Actually, you writing skill is good
Just a little correction here
Thank you for share your experiences
Oct 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / Article Review: Weird Orange Crocodiles found Gorging on Bats in Gabon Caves [3]

In part of an expedition into Gabon's Abanda cave system, the explorer Olivier Testa found a population of dwarf crocodiles. The team's crocodile expert Matthew Shirley realised that crocodile eats many bats that falling into the water or lining up to be plucked off the cave walls. With at least 5 kilometres of caves to occupy, its difficult to precisely know how many crocs are in this cave.

Another discovery, when the crocs go deeper, the older, dark-coloured males had become paler, turning a bright orange. The water these crocodiles swim through is essentially an alkaline slurry formed form bat dropping. The urea in bat guano makes the water very basic and erode away the skin and changes its colour. While the crocodiles appear to spend the entire dry season in the caves, they emerge during the wet season at least to breed.
Oct 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / Daniel Levitin tells how to figure out a problem before it happens or how to minimise the damage [3]

How to Stay Calm When you Know you'll be stressed by Daniel Levitin

Daniel Levitin is a neuroscientist, and he shared his experience when he cannot go into his house because the door is locked. He decided to break the window with a large rock and came into his house. His experience inspired him to share about how to figure out a problem before this problem happens or minimise the damage. The part of brain named hippocampus is responsible for tracking the locations of important things.

Many peoples have decided about its life when a problem happened. For example, when someone had a bad disease, they must decide to live in shorter life and pain-free or longer life which has a great deal of pain towards the end. When our brain under stressed it released cortisol and make some part of the brain do not function normally, and the best you can do it is think rationally.
Oct 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / The importance of balancing our income and expense. Money Management. [5]

Hi Killua
Let me give you some correction

... numerous bills, all of these showshowed the increasing importance ...
Many people,however , find it difficult to developedevelop the skills of how to ...
... for those who take (a) part-time or full-time job...
...has some economic enducationseducations organized organised by the University of Illinois,..
...so not only do they like wellgood investments, but they ...
AlthoghAlthough, some of them will make profit ...
... to read and listen withto basic economic knowledge ...

When you use punctuation marks like , or . you must give a space
Thank you
Oct 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / How Much Water should you drink a day? Your Throat will Tell You [3]

According to a study by Michael Farrell and his team at Monash University in Australia, our body have a mechanism in controlling our fluid intake, on top of our conscious feelings of thirst. If we are dehydrated, swallowing is effortless; if we are overhydrated, swallowing feels more difficult. Farrell and his team asked a volunteer to rate the sensation of taking a small sip of water, they found that people who had drunk a lot of water took much more effort to swallow than those who were mildly hydrated.

When people were overhydrated, brain scans showed that swallowing was linked with more activity in certain regions of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for conscious thought processes. Farrell says that the discovery is further evidence that controversial advice to deliberately drink fluids is wrong. Farrell says even people doing exercise just need to drink according to their thirst.
Oct 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / Nowadays, people like living in big and developed cities. [3]

Hi Snowrussia
Let me give you some correction

... and disadvantages to having livinglive in small communities.

.., which made the small villages to become a good placesplace for the `` living was the security ...
I believe that living live in the small villages, not the central , had three disadvantages.
Because most of the best companycompanies were located in the city.
... was not good such as: school, hospital, library,...
The last disadvantages waswere the entertainments.
... entertainment center centre .

... conditions like the city to realize realise my dream and develop my career.

Thank you...
Oct 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / TED Reviews: The simple Cure for Loneliness by Baya Voce [4]

Baya said once that loneliness is an emotional state that we have when we feel disconnected, loneliness is a public health crisis which affected one of five American peoples. In order to overcome the loneliness and fell connected with other people, someone has to feel seen, heard, and valued ourselves and it can be achieved through ritual. Ritual does not always about the religious practice but as something that we already do day-a-day.

Many peoples with same hobby or interest can build a ritual to fulfil a necessity to share with other people and ritual can expand our capacity for kindness and compassion. Baya stated that people do not have to change to build a connection, find something you are already doing with your friends and family and do thing over and over again
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Both deforestation and global warming are very important issues of human beings in today's world. [3]

Hi alfa
Let me give you some correction

This world gets old with(a) responsibility to face the problem in today's(this) era. There are a lot of problem ...
... world say removing forest fromin large area or ...

Global warming is an effect from producing of carbon dioxide and (...) fumes which are increasingincreased by human activities.
... affects the atmosphere toas a shield less us from ...
It increases ofoff The Earth temperature more (...) Earth is very harm to arrayfor a lot of species and habitat of them in order to adapt ...

... of habitat of myriad genusspecies of flora and fauna in the forest.

We should not be skeptic sceptic person to compare one ...
... generation with contribute to solvesolving these problems.

Thank you...
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Ken Robinson declared about the importance of creativity in education [3]

Hi Fauzi
Let me give you some correction

The fact that (,) if you are not preparing (...) with the original (idea) . Educations whole thein the whole world have ...
... if people don'tdo not have a degree so ...
... their future, this is an inflation of educations.
... it doesn't mean you can jointjoin to the university.
... from university more than any year in the history.
... the talent then chosechoose the best way to improve it.

Thank you..
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Is it true, that in order to understand the culture of a country, we must speak the local language? [3]

Some people think that a person can never understand the culture of a country unless they speak the language
Do you agree with this opinion?

the importance of speaking a local language

Recently, some people argue that in order to understand the culture of a country, we must speak the language. But, I strongly believe that way is not suitable for every people.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why we do not have to speak the language in order to learn the culture of a country. The first reason is the literature give us much information than verbal knowledge. For instance, nowadays the college students learn a lot of cultural information about a country in literature sources such as books, journal, and encyclopaedia. Learn their language also give a lot of information for academic purposes but language skill much useful in order to communicate with a foreigner. Another reason, most of the people now learn the culture of a country which informed in another language. Finally, the manifestation of culture can be found in many ways such as cultural dance, festival, food, statue and more.

However, I have a reason why an ability to speak the language also gives advantages in order to understand the culture of a country. In specific isolated tribes which are no information about their culture an ability to speak their language is the most important ability. For example, in recent centuries, European explorers travel around the world and visited several unknown countries. In order to learn their culture, European explorers have learned their language in order to learn about their culture because at this time there is no information about that country.

In conclusion, I believe that an ability to speak the language is not an essential part in order to learn the culture of a country. Nowadays there are several literature sources such as books and journal and available in several languages. However, in the past, an ability to speak is very important to understand the culture of a country. For recommendation, it would be better if every people learn the culture and also learn their language.
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS essay TASK 2; it is easier to understand culture by speaking the language [2]

Hi Rizaldo
Let me give you some correction

... able to reflect the way of the communitiescollective thinking regarding ....
... particular location and group of the race inside.
... more softly than others tribes since this behaviour is ...
... of the culture related to engageengaging in their traditional activities ...
... for a long time until he involvesadopted to the natives' tradition,...

In conclusion, although (a) language is valuable to use ...

Thank you...
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Comprehending communication relies on cultural mastery of the local language. [3]

Hi Dils
Let me give you some correction

... that runs in the human blood across (...), this termsterm leads to the opinion ...

... nature enables individuals to recognizerecognise expressions.
... according to the review of some piece of literatures, this kind (...) and notice other culturescultural manner without have ...

However, this is not makingtriggered a relational problem,..

... teach us to fully functioning in (an) appropriate way ...

Thank you...
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Connection between language and culture. Communication is important. [4]

Hi Kimchi
let me give you some correction

... most important way form of communication.
The this world has so many languages ...
And there is a connection ...
We cannotdo not know what they told ...
... that football is a common sport that we see aton the TV,but in The US ...
So the simplest way is to ask or hire someone ...

Thank you...
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Our Ice Age ancestors skinned cave lions to make roofs for huts [2]

Marian Cueto is a Palaeontologist from the University of Cantabria in Spain and his team found an evidence that our relative in La Garma cave in Spain hunted formidable cave lions, and use their pelts as the roof on tent-like huts. The new discovery is a collection of toe bones believed to have belonged to a single cave lion. The team, suspect that the pelt may once have formed the roof of the dwelling.

Previous similar discoveries from Swabian Jura in Germany suggest that hunting a cave lion was a widespread event which has been a minor contribution to their extinction. The team speculated this was a collective or individual activity with ritual purposes. The team is now examining other carnivore fossils such as hyenas, foxes, and bears were skinned in a similar fashion.
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Three approaches to drag crime rate down: authority policy, education and self-awareness [2]

Hi Alfa
Let me give some correction

There areis a great deal of factors affect ...

... the crime rate has increaseing increased.
... morality in our civilization civilisation .
... Nation's wing organization organisation , World Bank reports ...
... accessible technology was were brought the criminal action in the next level.
... or top secret information form from societies ...
... internet makes everybody more painless to share their thought .
In my opinion [fnt#FF0000](,) we should concern ...
Firstly, there is political will form authority .
For example, with a policy we make (...), it is an advantage over ...
... self-awareness in public areaareas such as social medias ...
... another is essential behavioraction to tackle crime.

All in all, crime rate is a trend which we cannot avoid ...

... respect to another and be a good person who...

There are several confusing sentences such as more painless to share their thought or political will form authority
using simple sentence is better, so your reader will easily understand
thank you...
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / David Christian ask every audience with one question: How does the Universe make complexity? [3]

The History of our world in 18 minutes by David Christian

David Christian ask every audience with one question: How does the Universe make complexity? To answer this question, he begins with 13.7 billion years ago when nothing exists and suddenly the core of universe which small as atom appear and expanding very quickly. 380.000 years after big bang simple hydrogen atom appear. With a high temperature, the cloud of hydrogen transformed to star and a large number of a rocky planet.

The next stage, first living organism created from the right amount of energy, chemical reaction, and liquid. In 4 billion years ago, there is a simple living organism such as single cell organism. Then, about 500 million years ago multiple cells organism exists such as fish, reptiles, plants, and dinosaurs. When asteroids wipe out the dinosaurs, our mammalian ancestors thrive and the first Neanderthal man exists about 35 million years ago. And then, the first homo sapiens exists about 200.000 years ago.

The basic difference between human and other animal is human conduct a complex and precise language system, as the resulting human have an ability to transfer knowledge to generation to generation. Human ancestors learn to live in the different environment such as dessert, jungle, even ice age tundra in Siberia. And now, 7 billion of human are linked up globally with the internet.
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Increasing number of criminality is certainly a topical issue, as so many felonies are found today. [3]

Hi Ucha
Let me give you some correction

The Increasing number of criminality ...

As soon as fulfill fulfil daily basis and suffering ...
... are tempted to experience a new action and consume ...
For instance, most of the adolescences that ...
... evil doers utilize utilise their chance to do crime ...

... to get donations, for example (,) the community who ...
This would help to minimize minimise and protect the crime stems.

Thank you..
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Time's Summary: Pro-Government Demonstrators Clash With Opposition in Caracas [5]

Hi alfa
Let me give you some correction

... Assembly building and the situation has high tension inon October 27th 2016.
... free-falling of the economy, lack of food (...) and good stuff areis rarely in that country. The majority of the opposition said Maduro ...
... taking into the consideration onof the fact that in ...
Either parliament wantwants to impeach the president or not.

Thank you...
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Several possible factors which trigger crime rate and the best action to prevent criminal activity [2]

Each year, the crime rate increases.
What are the causes of crime and what could be done to prevent this rise in criminal activity?

In specific countries of the world criminality still a big issue. The fact showed that the crime rate increases annually, this essay will discuss several possible factors which triggered crime rate and the best action to prevent criminal activity.

There are several potential factors which feed criminal rate. The first factors are poverty. In specific place where poor people lives such as slump and prostitution area, criminality can be occurred anytime. People who do not have money to buy daily basis goods have a bigger tendency to do crime. As the result, poor people usually take illegal action such as pickpocket, burglary, and robbery as a shortcut to get money. Not only this, lack of education also takes important factors. Uneducated people have small chance to get well paid job. As the result, they have a bigger chance to fall on crime. Finally, lack of government control also increases an opportunity to do crime.

In terms of solutions, I believe that government and individuals should work together to prevent criminal activity. Government should recovery slump and prostitution the area to beneficial public facility such as library and public park. As the the result, criminal who usually hide in such places will difficult to find a place to live. Individuals should take a the role as social control agent. People should report their neighbor if they commit a criminal action.

All in all, there is a several problem related to criminal activity. To solve this problem, government and citizen must work together to tackle this issue.
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Fish Swims to the Same Nest Each Year Just Like Migrating Birds [2]

Fish also migrated to same nest each year, but unlike migratory bird such as white storks or swallows, the fish does not migrate over long distances. Instead, it disappears for the month and travelling offshore to feed. Male shannies (Lipophrys pholis) were already known to return to their nest if they were artificially removed during their breeding season from October to April.

But, Paulo Esteves Jorge at University of Lisbon in Portugal stated that it is not yet clear how shannies find their way back, and they may use scent, visual landmarks or other cues. "many species od intertidal rock-pool fish have excellent homing capabilities backed up by fantastic spatial learning" says Culum Brown at Macquarie university in Sydney, Australia. The researchers also still wonder why these animals only stay in the breeding area for a month during the breeding season.
Oct 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / The idea of banned air transportation is not the best solution for air pollution [4]

Restriction air travel is the only way to prevent air pollution
Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, many people travelled around the world faster and more easily thanks to air transportation. Many travelers are likely to choose air transportation because of their efficiency and cheap. Although air transportation is contributed to air pollution, the idea of banned air transportation is not the best solution.

Those support the restriction of air travel believe that this restriction will reduce a large quantity of air pollution. According to Green peace organisation, the quantity of air pollution, produce in a single travel from New York to London takes 1,3 tonne of emission. A very large number. And around the world at least there is a 500 flight every day. Such a big air pollution will harm our world and pollution in the sky will cause acid rain. People who support the idea of air pollution restriction believe that air transportation is taking a majority of problem-related to the environment.

However, there are a number of reasons why the restriction of air pollution is a bad idea. The first reason is; air pollution is the most efficient transportation compared other transportation. For example, people who take a journey from Surabaya to Jayapura with ship need at least one week to arrive at the destination. Meanwhile, with the plane it only takes 5 hours. Not only this, air transportation also transports a lot of goods from other countries. As the result, the global trade will more efficient. Finally, air transportation is the only reliable transportation in several small districts in developing countries.

In conclusion, it is evidence that air transportation is the most efficient transportation and ireservable with other transportation. I hope that in the future the air travel would be eco-friendlier for the continuation of the world.
Oct 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / Although air travel becomes the easiest way for massive people to transport, it should be reduced [4]

Hi Gigih
Let me give you some correction

In recent years, air pollution becomebecomes the main problem ...

A large numberamount of air travel can ...
For example (,) if each day there are (...) and as a result, it effectsaffects the weather....

There are anotherother ways to ...
Actually, those vehicles produce a large amount of CO2...

... some alternative ways to save the environment.
The type of question is agree or disagree
it is mean that in the body you write about one or some idea WHY you agree or disagree
For example:

Body 1
I agree because

Body 2
I disagree because

in body 2 you write about solution which is not correct

Thank you...
Oct 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / Lightbulb made of modified E. coli fuses Biology and Electronics [2]

A group of students from Newcastle in the UK are attempting to combine electronic engineering and synthetic biology to create a light bulb. The bulb is meant to switch on when the bacteria experience heat stress from a miniature microbial fuel cell which is a device that acts as a battery by harnessing electrical energy from the action of microbes. They also designed a circuit to connect the bulb and the power source in the hopes of creating a kit that can snap together as easily as a Lego set.

The project will debut in International Genetically Engineering Machine competition, an annual global competition that ends in a synthetic biology science fair called the Giant Jamboree. Although they failed to get the fuel cell to activate the lightbulb in the final round of testing, team member ollie Burton says the main goal is to create a toolkit that will encourage others to build on the idea.
Nov 1, 2016
Writing Feedback / Extreme Weather is Behind Record Lows in Butterfly Populations [3]

British butterfly could be under threat from increasingly frequent episodes of extreme weather according to researcher data from the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). The team found that rainfall level during the cocoon life stage affected more than a quarter of butterfly species in the UK. Aldina Franco from the University of East Anglia stated that this phenomenon comes out from over-wintering too early and subsequently be killed off by colder conditions.

Again, Franco stated that "years with extreme warm summers and winters may have mixed effects" She conduct a study to demonstrated previously unknown sensitivities of UK butterflies to extreme climate events, which are becoming more frequent with climate change. Otherwise, some of the climate effects are undoubtedly putting future populations at risk, such as warm winters. However, we have seen that warm and even climatically extreme hot summers may actually benefit butterflies."

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