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Posts by jhhh11 [Suspended]
Name: jul
Joined: Jun 29, 2020
Last Post: Jul 28, 2020
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From: Canada
School: MD

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Jun 29, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS W. TASK 1: Proportion of vehicle registration in US between 1970-2010. [3]

Hi everyone, I wrote this paragraph for IELTS Writing Task 1. I really appreciate any help/comment!

The graph below shoes changes in the share of vehicle registration of the three most common types of commercial vehicles in the US between 1970 and 2010.

Word Count: 150
The line graph reports the ratio of the means of transportation in the United States between 1970 and 2010. Overall, trucks occupied the majority of the transportation registration, followed by taxis, then buses. In 1970, almost 50% of the vehicle registered were trucks, while 25% were taxis, and buses took up above 5%. In 1980, however, taxis rose to the highest proportion since the number of trucks steeply declined; buses also had an increase and met its peak. From 1980 onwards, the number of trucks gradually increased, in contrast, were buses. Taxis had its trough in the year 2000 but soon rose strongly afterward. By 2010, compared to the starting points, taxis were the only mean of transportation that gained popularity in vehicle registration in the United States, while the other two both declined. In particular, the new proportions of trucks, taxis, and buses were 45%, 35%, and 3% respectively.

Jun 30, 2020

Hi HuongGiangNguyen, I have some suggestions for you to improve on your essay:
- I recommend you to use free version to fix basic grammar errors. You should see 17 errors in this essay.
- "... raise public awareness" --> wrong word choice (maybe: public education?)
Jun 30, 2020
Writing Feedback / The chart: why agricultural land becomes less productive, the table: three regions affected (1990s) [2]

Hello, I have some suggestions for you, hope it helps!

- "Europe ... for that purpose" --> As an opening sentence, you shouldn't use "that" since it is quite hard to track what you are referring to.

- For the last paragraph, I think you should write an intro sentence before jumping into data analysis.

- I especially like how you paraphrase "over-grazing" into "farmers herded livestock immoderately on them"
Jul 1, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1: Employment Rates of South Korea (line graph) [4]

Hi everyone! I will really appreciate if you can leave some comments on this essay based on the marking criteria of IELTS.

Can anyone please estimate the band score for this essay too? (e.g. should be above 5.5, etc)

The graph analysis task

The graph below shows the proportions of workers in three different sectors in South Korea between 1981 and 2011.

Word Count: 190

The line graph above shows the changes in South Korea's figures for 3 sectors of employment between 1981 and 2011. The units are in percentages.

Overall, it is clear that there were great shifts in the employment rates of workers in the service and agriculture sectors, meanwhile, the industrial workforce remains relatively stable. Despite the changes, workers in the service sector always dominated South Korea's total workforce.

Looking at the graph more closely, in 1981, the gaps between the 3 job sectors were minimal. The labor market's shares between service, agriculture, and industry were 39%, 33%, and 28% respectively. Between 1981 and 1991, small upward growths were seen in the service and industry sectors, each increased by 5%, whereas the other declined, down to 20%.

In the next 20 years, service was the only employment sector to gain proportions. It surged dramatically and reached almost 70% of the total workforce in 2011. In contrast, the portion of agricultural workers plummeted rapidly and hit 7% by the end of the period. After 1991, the industry sector went through a downward trend and back near to its original starting point of 26%.

Jul 2, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1: Employment Rates of South Korea (line graph) [4]

Hello Mr.Holt, thank you so much for such a valuable comment! However, please forgive me that I am not entirely clear on these 2 comments that you made.

Can you please give me an example for the comparision presentation and pointed out to me the 2nd trending statement?

Thank you for your time and support!
Jul 2, 2020
Letters / Make an enquiry (formal letter) - looking for a garment manufacturer [3]

Hi! Here are some feedback, hope it helps:
- I think a greeting (Dear...) and a sign off (Regards, Your name) are missing.
- "We are ... in Korea and are looking for"
- "men's leisure market" --> better if you can paraphrase this
- "We are impressed..."
- "I We look forward"
Jul 2, 2020
Writing Feedback / Certain benefits - advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad [2]

Hi! Here are some feedback based upon my knowledge:
- I think that the word "demerit" is not suitable, due to its meaning
- Plural noun fix: skill sets
- " that taking of themselves is a key" --> quite confusing
- "immersing themselves into the education system of their host country, they can have" --> "By immersing themselves..."
- "On the plus side, overseas study is beneficial in many ways." --> repetitive statement. It will be better if you go straight into the point.

- "On the minus side, overseas study is fairly disadvantageous." --> also provide excess information.
Jul 3, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1: Employment Rates of four Countries (bar graph) [5]

Hi everyone! Please help me to improve this essay!
In this writing, I followed the 4-paragraph format: 1 Intro + 1 Overview + 2 Body
Can anyone please estimate the band score and also possibly provide some phrases that I can use to improve the writing?

Thank you.

occupation rates of men and women

The graph below shows the employment rate of each gender in four different countries in 2002.
Word Count: 202

The bar graph gives information about the occupation rates of men and women in 4 countries - South Africa, Chile, Finland, and Norway. The statistics dated in 2002. Units were measured in percentages.

Overall, all numbers of men workers were more than of women. Norway had the biggest combined workforce. Also, in Finland and Norway, the gender gaps were minimal. In contrast were the other two countries; the differences in employment rates between the genders were much greater, whereas the greatest occurred in Chile.

Looking at Norway, this country had the highest employment figures among all countries, reaching high 70% to 80% for both men and women. Having a similar pattern, the ratio of Finland workers of men to women were relatively evenly distributed (just under 70% and around 65% respectively). Both countries had the gender gap differences well under 10%.

Chile's gender balance was the most disproportioned. The number of Chilean men employed were as high as in Finland (just under 70%); however, women workers in this country were only half as much. Coming to South Africa, only 50% of all the men had occupations, which was the lowest statistic for male worker, and less than 40% of the women were employed.

Jul 3, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1: Employment Rates of four Countries (bar graph) [5]

I teach the students based on my own method, which has proven highly successful for the exam takers at this forum.

Dear @Holt, I'm deeply sorry for saying what I should have not. It's my fault that I was not determined in choosing a writing style. From now on, I wish to follow your style and of the students here. Thank you so much for all the valued comments you gave to me, and I sincerely wish to continue receiving your advice in further posts.

Best regards,
Jul 6, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS writing task 2: Teenage and adult life as the happiest time of lives [3]

- I think that you should replace "..." with "while others argue old ages bring the most joy"

- "While it is more acceptable due to ..."
--> Personally, I will write it as: "While exploring new things at a young age can be amusing, I believe that a person may enjoy life more as an adult through achievements in his/her career."

- "is certainly an unforgettable beautiful moment, however ..."
--> beautiful moment = pleasant moment, therefore "however" is a wrong linking word.

I think that overall, you should practice generating more logical and persuasive arguments.

Best regards.
Jul 6, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS WRITING TASK 2: what do you think - are entertainers worth their fortune? [5]

Hi! Here are some suggestions:
- You forgot to answer the 2nd question (WHICH OTHER TYPES OF JOB SHOULD BE HIGHLY PAID?) in paragraph 1. This paragraph should paraphrase the situation and give answers to BOTH questions.

- Overall, paragraph 2 should be equivalent in length as compared to paragraph 3.
Jul 6, 2020
Writing Feedback / The investments of many governments in the arts are pointless and should be reallocated elsewhere [3]

wasting money on the arts?

Hi, this is my first attempt to write an IELTS Writing Task 2.
Can someone estimate the band score of this writing please?

Thank you all!

ART TOPIC: Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and that this money could be better spent elsewhere.
To what extend do you agree or disagree?


It is thought by some individuals that the investments of many governments in the arts are pointless and should be reallocated to other beneficial sectors. I completely disagree with this point of view.

Arts cultivate a society from the individual level. They have a magical ability to enrich a person's soul with various degrees of enjoyment. These exclusive personal experiences then have the power to evoke one's creativity and may become his/her inspirations and immense life motivation. In fact, an overwhelming majority of Nobel Prize winners share common interests in arts - from playing classical pianos to producing oil paintings in their leisure time. Consequently, it is evident to claim that by encouraging the positive development of arts, countries are educating decent citizens.

On a bigger scale, arts conserve and promote a nation's cultural traditions and heritages. Different forms of artwork together reflect the length of history of society; hence, they are invaluable assets. Even more, with appropriate advertising strategies, a country can promote its unique cultural identity to the world to develop tourism. Every year, millions of K-pop fans travel to Korea to attend concerts and movie-lovers come to see the beauty of the country after watching unforgettable scenes onscreen. Korea has made wise and strong investments into its music and movie industries and the success has been tremendous such that its economy arguably relies on the arts now.

In conclusion, I believe that arts have beneficial influences on a country from different levels and aspects, and should receive adequate financing to support.
Jul 6, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Academic 14, test 2: one of the biggest problems of our time is the loss of particular species [6]

Hi! Here are some suggestions for you:

- "An instance is hunting rhinos to ..."
I will rewrite it as "Rhinos are being hunted to extinction since many people believe that owning the animal horn may bring them luck and powers."

- "For example, a whale eats 40 tons of ..." --> As a matter of fact, this is wrong. If 1 whale dies, it will not affect the food chain that greatly. "It" should be changed.

- "However, in addition to the problems mentioned above..." --> As an intro to a new paragraph, you should have a clear reference to environmental impacts in specific.
Jul 6, 2020
Writing Feedback / Essay about teenage problems [3]

Hi! I have some suggestions for you:

- First of all, looking at the writing, the 2nd paragraph is way too long. Instead, you should break it into smaller paragraphs with unified topic/argument.

- You have many extremely long sentences. For instance, "First of all, most of them are prone ..."

--> Please write more concise sentences.
Jul 6, 2020
Writing Feedback / Online communication platforms reach out across the globe and befriend others from different nations [3]

HI! I have made some adjustment to my writing in order to meet the structure requirements.
I always appreciate comments, even if they seems short and simple!
An estimation of the band score of my writing will also be very helpful.

Thank you!

International Communication Online

COMMUNICATION TOPIC 1: Some people think that being able to communicate with others online is breaking down geographical barriers and enabling people, who would normally never have the chance to meet, to communicate.

What are the advantages of international communication online?
Are there any disadvantages?


The rapid development of technologies has revolutionized many ways how we communicate. Nowadays, the geographical distance between human seems unsubstantial. These changes meant to bring immense advances, however, come along are some negative implications that should also be discussed.

Technology has undoubtedly improved the human way of living. Online communication platforms such as Skype, Whatsapp, and Viber, now provide flawless connectivity to their users. Not only to stay in touch with close friends and families, but a person also can reach out across the globe and befriend others from different nationalities. The exchange of ideas and beliefs create valuable, universal relationships that bridge the cultural gaps between nations. Yet, all of these online connectivities are both time and cost-effective, since the need to physically travel is unnecessary. This allows more people who have personal difficulties to still communicate with the world.

However, international online communication may have its dangers. Firstly, many nations' unique cultures may be altered by the influence of globalization since many younger generations want to change their lifestyles taken from other parts of the world. For instance, many Vietnamese music groups are trying to dress and sing like influencing Korean colleagues. Secondly, privacy has always been a major concern for any online activity. Without vital awareness and cautions, a person may have his information, such as messages and contacts, stolen, or become a target for cyber-attacks.

In conclusion, the ability to effectively communicate across borders through online platforms allow humanity to create more intimate bonds. However, the risk of cultural assimilation and the lack of privacy on the Internet should not be ignored. Everyone should be aware of these advantages and disadvantages for better online communication usages.
Jul 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS: people pay to enter museums can help conserve artworks and facilitate sustainable development [4]

Hi! Here are some suggestions for you:

- In other to show examiners that you have lexical resources, you should paraphrase "museums start charging people for admission" (you just copied from the question)

- "agree with the idea"

- "While part of income is spent in labor ..." --> "At the same time, part of the revenue is spent to pay museum employees, so that potentially they receive higher earnings."

- "For countries like Italy, where it mainly ... to support their the economic development, through applying apply heavy entrance fees ..." (countries ... apply)

- "However, ... entrance, their accessibility decreases gradually." --> Whom are you referring to?
Jul 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / TASK 1: Maps of the Olive Drive Area [2]

Hi! I would love to see comments based upon IELTS marking criteria, and possibly a detailed band score!
Thank you!

TASK 1 (Maps): The two maps below show the developments along Olive Drive before and after the construction of new facilities between 1980 and 2010.

summarise the information


The two maps provide information on how areas along the Olive Drive changed by comparing the years of 1980 and 2000. This area had grown larger in residential capacity and offered many new businesses. Overall, it is clear that more housing units and retail establishments were built.

As compared to 1980, the community had 5 more houses, in the same areas with the old ones, located along Olive Drive. The most significant difference to the town was the removal of the shopping compound; a shopping center and a supermarket replaced its place. Next to the new buildings, the old bank now transformed into a café. Furthermore, a new school was constructed in the unused land to the northeast of the map.

Other areas around the Olive Drive had little changes. Some more vehicle tracks emerged to support internal traffic. Only the community center shrank in size to share the space with a small bank in the southern direction. Next to them, the hospital and the park in the north of the map remain unchanged.

Jul 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / High wages are believed as a prominent part of delighted life rather than a sense of satisfaction [7]

Hi Elsa,

You have a wide range of vocabulary and it is great. However, in order to improve your writing, you should learn how to deploy your arguments more logically and also more persuasive. Currently, your opinion is not very clear - perhaps it is because of the lack of clear topic sentences.

In addition, I recommend you to not give exact data figures (80%), in real exams, you do not have access to the Internet to research these stats.
Jul 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / Some students decide early in life to pursue vocational careers that involve cooking and baking. [3]

Hi, to my understanding, the essay is stating that students want to learn vocational-related subjects at school. Therefore, your example of Master Chef might be a bit off the topic. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

In addition, you should find more ways to paraphrase the words "vocational", "students" and "subject". They are repeated too many times in your writing.
Jul 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / TASK 1: Plastic Bottle Production Process [2]

Hi! I would love to see comments based upon IELTS marking criteria, and possibly a detailed band score!
Thank you!

Task 1: Plastic bottle production process.


The diagram illustrates how a plastic bottle is made. Overall, there are 6 stages in the production process. The principle concept requires the plastic to be heated and shaped to form a bottle.

The process begins when a preform is placed inside an extruder machine with a heat source. Once the piece melts, the machine is removed. Subsequently, four separate pieces of mould then enclose to form a bottle shape surrounding the preform, which stays at the cap of the structure.

The preform stays within the mould for the majority of the production period for the shaping purpose. Now in the 4th and 5th stages, through the opening, a needle is injected to the preform to discharge pressurized air. The hot, therefore malleable, material expands along the moulds until a desirable shape emerges. It is let cold down and the mould pieces are removed by this time. At the final stage of the process, a plastic bottle is successfully produced.

Jul 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 - Birth and death rates in New Zealand [2]

Hi @lynn1851010065,
- Your paraphraph 2 and 3 are quite short (only 2 sentences each) --> You should write more or break long sentences into smaller ones.

- In 2041, the 2 lines overlap but you didn't include this detail. This detail is, in fact, very important.
Jul 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / TASK 2: Animal Extinctions - causes and solutions [4]

Hello everyone, below is my writing on the topic of Animals.
Comments on IELTS marking criteria and estimated band score are sincerely welcomed!

Thank you very much for your time and support!

ANIMAL TOPIC: More and more wild animals are on the verge of extinction and others are on the endangered list.

What are the reasons for this? What can be done to solve this problem?

[i]WORD COUNT: 278/i]

Nowadays, it is alarming that the lives of many species of animals on Earth are being seriously threatened, some have even been oppressed to non-existence. Numerous reasons contribute to this problem, whereas human holds the highest accountability. This essay will put forward some notable causes and suggest potential ways to tackle the issues.

Most of the negative impacts on animals are caused by human activities. Firstly, smokes and manufacturing wastes from factories around the world have caused serious environmental destruction. The air, land, and water qualities that all living beings share get heavily affected. It is evident that unlike the human, many vulnerable species cannot endure such extreme conditions. Secondly, since cities and farming areas constantly expand due to overpopulation, the home to myriad wild lives shrink in size. These two major issues are enough to jeopardize the existence of many creatures.

Nevertheless, there are several ways that countries can protect wild lives. A possible solution is that governments can designate areas for nature reserves. These carefully protected territories have a fine ecosystem that can cultivate and allow the many animal populations to thrive. To provide another direct solution, Chinese authorities once chose mates and manual aided the reproductions of pandas and rare elephants. At the time, these actions were vital to maintaining the continuation of these animals. Additionally, in regards to the effects of industrialization and urbanization, countries must impose stricter regulations to ensure sustainable growth. These controls are essential for long-term benefits.

The endangerment of many wild-life animals is real. Human is responsible for many of the reasons why this issue occurs. Hence, all countries should marshal their powers to revise the Earth's balance biosphere.
Jul 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / Opinion essay: the university is not better than a training center in the process of knowledge [4]

Hi @TuHuynh051001

- First of all, you should separate paragraph 2 into shorter ones.

- There is a problem with the opening sentence (It is argued that the university is not better than a training center in the process of knowledge acquisition.) <-- Knowledge acquisition is from the perspective of a student (he/she receives knowledge), yet, you are referring it to university/training center.

- You should try to write more academically. For example "You don't need to worry about that anymore." --> "It should not be a concern..."

- I am not entirely sure about this, but I don't think that you should use "YOU" pronouns. It will make your writing less professional. --> Say "students", "people", etc, instead.
Jul 8, 2020

Hi @Ptp03,
- Your arguments are very persuasive that can pull readers to your side.
- Honestly, I learnt a lot from your wide vocabulary range. Thank you!

There is only 1 problem that I must state: your essay is too long. In IELTS W2, you should only write from 260 to 290 words in order to have sufficient time to write and error-checking. Remember, you only have 40 minutes.
Jul 8, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2 - Appearance or Work Quality? Discuss both views. [5]

Hi everyone, by this thread, I want to ask for some advices on the writing timing: I am a slow writer, usually it takes me an hour or more to finish a task 2 essay. Apart from practicing more, what else should I do? How do you manage to have a high score essay within short timing?

Kindly give me a detailed band score, and any grammar, punctuation or sentencing fixes.
Thank you to all.

the importance of dress-code vs productivity at work

Some organisations believe that their employees should dress smartly. Others value quality of work above appearance.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


It is argued by some companies that the dress-code of their employees should reflect their bright values. Whereas, others believe that work productivity is more desirable. While I agree that the level of output is crucial to an organization, in my opinion, appearance is not less important.

On the one hand, the skillful and dedicated services of the workforce are the key to the success of one company, not the physical outlook. In that regard, the job satisfaction of employees should be well-cared. As a thought, some organizations, such as Facebook or Google, promote free dress-code within their institutions. This policy allows workers to enjoy their freedom of choices and may sense the respect that the company offers. Many managers believe that wearing favorable clothes will eventually motivate individuals to work harder and improve the company's performance.

On the other hand, many organizations do business directly with their customers. As a result, the appearance of their staffs cannot be lightly weighted and should be professionally managed. For instance, employees at most retail shops are required to dress neatly and formally to greet buyers. A seller's image is the representation of his company, therefore, may influence the business and its prospect. Besides that, even internal staffs should wear suitable clothes. An appropriate clothing manner prepares a person for a successful job prospect, or potential career progression by creating great impressions with higher-ranking managers or colleagues.

In conclusion, it may depend on a company's belief or its way of doing business that the value of physical appearance varies. Working productivity indeeds valuable to any organizations. However, I think that outlook of one individual is meaningful and should always be regarded properly.
Jul 22, 2020
Writing Feedback / Is sport nothing more than a leisure activity? [5]

Hi! Here are some suggestions I have for you:

- It is very clear that paragraph 3 is way longer than paragraph 2. When the question is "Discuss both views", you should make them equivalent in length.

- I think that you should only give your opinion in the conclusion, although I am not entirely sure about this point.

- "However, I believe that sport is something ..." This opening statement of paragraph 3 should refer to "benefits to society" --> relink to the question.

- Please avoid using informal languages, such as "a bunch of sport lovers".

- "In conclusion, regardless of the fact that ..." --> This is a very long sentence, break it down!
Jul 22, 2020
Writing Feedback / Some companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some people think it is good... [2]

Hi! I am taking my first IELTS test in 2 weeks, please leave some comments! I highly appreciate a detailed band score too.

Thank you for your time and support!

TASK 2: Sports Sponsorship

TOPIC: Some companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some people think it is good, while others think there are disadvantages to this.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


As the competition between businesses getting more intense over time, so must do their advertising methods. Many companies choose to fund sports as a way to increase their publicity. I think that this is a good strategy, however, some drawbacks should also be weighed.

On the one hand, sports sponsorship has good intentions. Without extra funding, many sports events may have lacked the resource to run, and players receive inadequate support. For that reason, any companies that put the investment into these activities in need easily gain the public's fondness. For instance, Nestle Milo is famous for setting up annual intramural sports games for young Vietnamese. This campaign of Milo has been so successful that the company's image ties a strong bond with many youth athletics activities, and is widely recognized in Vietnam. By reaching a mass audience, Milo escalates its milk sales significantly.

On the other hand, sports advertisement is not suitable for all businesses. Small companies with limited finances may have little impact on an event such that their contributions are not recognized by the public. Furthermore, if their product placements cannot stand-out, small businesses can be lost in the sea of more powerful competitors. To take an example, the large majority of people will recall Red Bull when they think of Formula 1 series. The truth is these racing events are funded by above 20 corporations but all are overwhelmed by the giant drinking company.

To sum up, sports sponsorship by its nature brings benefits to all parties. I support this way of marketing. However, this advertisement strategy does bring some disadvantages as mentioned and should be put into consideration by all corporations.
Jul 23, 2020
Writing Feedback / Today more people are overweight than ever before. What's are the primary causes of this? [6]

Hello! Here are some suggestions for you, hope it helps!

- "is increasing more and more than many years ago"
--> The level of obesity has grown significantly over time.

- "fast food which includes the amount ... "
--> ...fast food, which exceeds the regular standard limits of fat, sugar and carbohydrates.

"... more than 50% of citizens in American have become fat by these eating habits."
--> I think that you should mention the great sales of McDonald's and several other fast food chains here to show how much the Americans eat junk food.

- "... excessively in today nowadays"
Jul 23, 2020
Writing Feedback / The pie charts compare the amount of energy taken from five different sources in the US (1980-1990) [4]

Hi! Here are some suggestions for you:

- "varied fluctuations were occurring ..."
There are 2 mistakes in this sentence:
1/ "Fluctuation" is a wrong word choice. You should use this word in line graph essays where you can see how the data change over some points in time. In this case, you are comparing 2 points of time only.

2/ "were occurring" --> "occured" (simple past)

- "In 1980, oil accounted for nearly half ..."
--> Personally, I find this sentence difficult to follow, maybe there's a better way to write it?
Jul 23, 2020
Writing Feedback / Teaching discipline should be the responsibility of teachers, or it's parents duty? [7]

Hi! This is my first attempt to write a 5-paragraph discussion essay. I wish to shorten it to 4 paragraphs if possible. Hope to see all comments!

A band score break down will be very helpful too!
Thank you!

TASK 2: Children's Discipline

TOPIC: Discipline is an ever-increasing problem in modern schools. Some people think that discipline should be the responsibility of teachers, while others think that this is the role of parents.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


In recent years, the issue of students having a lack of discipline is concerning. Hence, there has been a debate about whether who should be responsible for the practice of the children - parents or teachers. The truth is both parties can make contributions.

On the one hand, fathers and mothers should hold the highest accountability of their children in any case. When the young ones reach the age to attend school, parents can show the children disciplines by helping them to come to class on time, wearing appropriate uniforms, or bringing books and stationaries. It is also the responsibility of the parents to teach their children to a righteous way of socializing and acting accordingly, in this case, to their classmates and teachers.

On the other hand, on weekdays, children spend more active time at school than at home. Therefore, it can be argued that teachers supervise young ones longer than their parents do and can generate a greater impact on a child. Educators can measure the discipline to wider degrees based on direct observation and can make adjustments promptly. For instance, if one kid refuses to come back to class after break time, the teachers can correct this disorderly act.

From my perspective, the discipline of a child extends beyond a school's area and tightly related to home orders as well; his understanding can be very similar at both places. For the best interest of a child, both the parents and teachers should cooperate well.

To conclude, the adults should provide support in their ways to correctly shape the young ones' discipline. I think that parents have the highest obligations to their children, whereas, educators have no less duty to tutor the future generation to good practice.
Jul 23, 2020
Writing Feedback / Passenger activity of Toronto metro system [4]

Hi! Here are some feedback:

First of all, you should include the question so that we can see if you have paraphrase it or not.

- " different period of the daytime."
--> The statistics were recorded until 10PM, so I don't think that you should use the word "daytime".

- "... same trend of using train: from 7 - 10h in the morning ..."
--> You should say that the top figures occur at 8am and 6pm. These are the "overall" data that you should mention.
Jul 24, 2020
Writing Feedback / [IELTS-T2] Using smart phones and online platforms leads to lack of human face-to-face communication [6]

Hi! I have some suggestions for you:

"applied applying technology into life"
"humanity communicate in person" --> in-person communication
"more than anytime of human's histories have ever had." --> more than ever before.
"histories" --> we only have 1 --> history

"For example, the founder of Facebook, the most popular ..."
--> This example is irrelevant to your points.

There are some typos: "belive" --> believe, "buil" --> build, etc.

I think that you should work on grammar and spelling more for a better essay!
Jul 24, 2020


"four types of café (the tea room, internet express, wi-fi café and café cool)" --> I think that the diagram is reporting on 4 coffee shops, not types of café . The name of these shops should be in capitalized (the Tea Room, etc)

Identifying wrong subject will lead to a very low score. Be aware!

I also think that you should compare and contrast all the café shops along the way. Don't just describe them one-by-one.
Jul 24, 2020
Writing Feedback / Population aged 65 and older [4]

Hi! I have some suggestions for you:

- "three types of nations" --> there is no "type of" countries.

- "... noticeable change in the population of the three aforementioned countries."
--> I think that this information is wrong. The only significant change occurs in Japan.

"... Japan experienced the very similar figure in 2000"

--> This is also wrong. In 2000, Japan had the highest data, not France.

You must be very careful when reporting data, or else you will receive a low score.
Jul 26, 2020
Writing Feedback / TASK 2: Helping other countries - Financial or Non-financial Aid is better? [2]

Many thanks for your comments. I hope that I got the structure of the discussion essay correct. If not, please show me the way to do it.

TOPIC: More developing countries are given aid from international organizations to help them in their development plans. Some people argue that financial aid is important but others suggest that practical aid and advice are more important.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Many nations, nowadays, are receiving financial support from international sources; and people are having different views about this. While some believe the monetary investment is very effective, I share the view with people who think that having nonfinancial supports is a better solution.

Financial aid is practical, necessary support to countries in many cases. It may come under various forms, including money, workforce, and machines, for instance. Without this support from external bodies, many countries may not be able to launch crucial works. To take an example, Africa has been accessing the resources from the World Bank and several nations to build roads, more hospitals, and schools for the citizens. These basic facilities are built from the availability of the financial resource.

However, advice and nonfinancial support can also bring immense benefits. Firstly, sending experts oversea is a common option that many governments do. These professional individuals can share valuable skills and experiences with local peers, and in many cases, offer technology transference. The knowledge and tools gained are not only helpful to a single project but also the future ones to come. To illustrate, the first subway system in Vietnam came from the cooperation between Japanese and domestic engineers. Secondly, wealthy economies can sign commercial contracts with developing countries. These agreements will encourage trades between nations, leading to sustainable development for all parties. In my opinion, I find that attaining mutual benefits is the most ideal solution, therefore, I am on this side of the argument.

In conclusion, there are indeed different ways that a country can help another. Financial assistance help achieve realistic goals, whereas, nonfinancial support may bring more values in the long-term for associated countries. It seems to me that the second method is better.
Jul 28, 2020
Writing Feedback / Spending a lot of time at work - positive or negative? [4]

Hi! Here are some suggestions for you:

- I think that if they ask "is it positive or negative development?", you should pick 1 side. Your opinion is not clearly stated in the essay, which may lead to lower TA score.

- The way that you construct the essay is not so clear as well. The question is not a "discuss both sides" type. Where did you give reasons to the increment in work hours?

I suggest you to have 1 body paragraph that contains all the causes and 1 body to argue if it is a positive OR negative trend (pick 1 side only).
Jul 28, 2020
Writing Feedback / Survey about people's consumption behavior of purchasing coffee and tea in several Australian cities [3]

Hi! Here are some suggestions for you:

- "in the last 4 weeks" --> I think that you should change it to "over the 4-week period surveyed", because the timeline of the report ad our real time is different.

- "most of the people in every region" --> wrong, because of the exception in Adelaide. You can change it to: "people in most regions"

- "from Adelaide that most of the residents there (50%) purchased instant coffee, while around 1% lower percentage shown that people there bought instant coffee" --> wrong, you have mistaken the 2 graph bars.

--> Please be very careful when reporting the data, or else you will have a low score.

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