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Posts by SHanafi
Name: Sekar Hanafi
Joined: Jan 17, 2014
Last Post: Jul 2, 2017
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From: Indonesia
School: Diponegoro University

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May 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Intended instruction hours in public institution [3]

IELTS Task 1 : Intended instruction hours in public institution (re-write - ITALY)

The chart compares the number of intended instruction hours on children aged 7 to 14 in 29 major countries during a particular period in 2005.

Overall, the trough of instruction hours recorded by children in Finland, while the Italian children aged 7-14 outperformed the figure remaining other 28 province during the course.

Italy broke a record as the nation having the highest number of instruction hours among its children with more than 8000 hours. It followed by Netherlands and Australia as the second as third highest of the overall nations. While stood at the eleventh from the overall number, children aged 7-8 in Ireland had a similar number of instruction hour as children in Italy. Likewise the figures in Slovenia and Norway as well as Korea and Hungary experienced approximately 3500 hours in the figures of children aged 9-11.

Obviously, the number of instruction hours in Turkey and Portugal showed the similarity in the overall aged group under review ended up 7000 in the overall amount of hours. It was slightly different with the trend of Mexico and Greece. While the amount was similar in the amount of hours, children aged 9-11 in Greece showing a rapid improvement accounted 4500 hours.

May 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Hydro Electric process [5]

The diagram depicts the process of water use for producing electrical power.

Overall, the process involves various stages beginning from sea water through sophisticated procedures prior to create sufficient electrical energy.

The process is begun when seawater evaporate to form a small cloud as the effect of sun heat. Once the cloud produces rainfalls, such downpour is collected in a reservoir linking with a dam and pumping pipes. To following step, the valve is opened caused the amount of water flows to the turbine below the reservoir and it rotates to produce the electrical current. Pass through the turbine, the water comes onto the shelter and ready to pump back to the reservoir, a circular process occurred.

The electricity made by turbine is transferred to the transformer station over high voltage cables. Moreover, the station is responsible to deliver the demand of domestic and industrial costumer for the electricity through installed cables under the ground.

May 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 : Factors influence job performance [5]

The bar chart compares the affecting factors on job performance in number of the 2 aged groups.

Overall, all mentioned figures varied markedly while team spirit and work environment shows a similar number between the groups under review.

As per the bar chart, 35 workers aged 18-30 and 45-60 engage with work environment as a factor affecting their job performance. The number doubled in term of team spirit. However, some trends reveal that the younger group affects more than the older. The chance for personal development influences 100 young workers for performing their work. By comparison with the elderly worker, such trend has almost tripled in number. Similarly, the wide gap is seen in the trend for relaxed working environment and promotion prospects. The gap more closer as money factor attracts around 77 workers aged 45-60 and 75 workers aged 18-30 while the similar gap also shows in the money's trend.

On the contrary, by around 50 elderly workers are affect by respect from colleagues, this is slightly increase than that of 45 younger works engaged in. Competent boss also chains the job performance of 56 younger employers and 58 older employers.

May 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Number of childeren ever born from mother aged 40-45 [6]

The table shows the percentage of baby born from Mother aged 40-44 in Australia during particular periods from 1981 to 2006.

Overall, the percentage of woman with no children, one child and two children had increased while the woman having three or more children decreased over 20 years between 1986 and 2006.

As per the table, the percentage of mother having no children increased from 8,5% in 1981 to 15,9% over 21 years. Similarly it followed by the increase in the figures of one child' and two children' mother. While both figures shown the different proportion in its increase, each of them accounted a 7% rising compared between the early and the end of the course. On the contrary, appearing around 27% in 1981, both number of three children's mother and more decreased in the rest of the course.

In 1981, the highest percentage had shown in mother having two babies. By comparison with the percentage of mother having one child, it was more than fourfold increased in full loan of percentage. While the highest percentage in the following five years stood in the same trend, its percentage increased to reach at 35,6 %. The overall trend in 1996 underwent a least by 11,3 % engaging with one baby's mother while in 2006 the least percentage caught at 11 % by mother having four or more babies.

May 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 : Process of making cement to produce a concrete brick [4]

The two diagrams illustrate an overview of the cement production from available devices in purpose to manufacture concrete for construction using.

Overall, the process of making cement involves various stages from the beginning to make an ultimate product. Likewise, there are numbers of prerequisite needed for making a solid concrete.

As per the first diagram, limestone and clay crush in a rolling machine to make a mixed powder. The powder come into a round shape of mixer then pass through the 90 degrees shape of pipe to continue the process. In the third step, mixed powder in the rotating heater burns to melt the powder. The heated powder is grinded in advance prior to be packaged in bags.

Once produced, an initial mixture comprising 15% cement, 10 % water, one-quarter sand and a half gravel is fed onto concrete mixer. Then a concrete mixer running clockwise, it mixes the material to make solid concretes for construction purposes.

May 12, 2014
Writing Feedback / the charts below give information about travel to and from UK. [6]

It can be clearly seen that, visitors to foreign countries dominated under the number of guests were visited the UK, while the most popular destination was accepted as France.

... Pahan just corrects my writing in the same prompt as you did. Here I wanna share to you.

Overall, the number international travel done by UK residents was far above the number of foreigners who traveled in the UK from 1979 to 1999. Further, France remained the most favourite tourist destination for English travelers in 1999.
May 12, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Honey bees life cycle [4]

The diagrams presents the live cycle of honey bees.

Overall, the life stages is comprised of six stages from egg to full maturity, and takes approximately 5 weeks to complete.

The first stage of the cycle is started when the queen laying 1 or 2 eggs once in 72 hours regularly. Then the eggs hatch between 9 and 10 days to transform to nymph, immature form of an insect, some parts of the eggs is still surround the nymph's body. Over the three weeks after the egg hatching, the nymph experiences the three stages of moulting, shed or lose old feathers, hair or skin to allow for new growth.

The first stage of moulting directly happened 5 days after the eggs hatch. As result, the nymph without eggshell and un-stripes in the back preparing to the next stages. While the second moulting stages is identified the next following week as the nymph growing bigger, the back stripe, sign of maturity, have not shown yet the nymph's back. Totally after 21 days after the eggs hatch, young adult emerges with complete back stripes. Running from the fifth to the final stage, it is need 4 days for young bee transforms to the adult whose back marked with bolder and darker stripes, and the cycle starts over again.

May 12, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 : Encouraging sense of competition or cooperation in childhood [8]

Your prompt simply asks you which one, "competition" or "corporation" , should be encouraged.

I see..
Is is correct, Sir ?

While some people said that cooperation is more important to teach in the childhood, some others said that it is better to encourage sense of competition to the children.
May 12, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 : Encouraging sense of competition or cooperation in childhood [8]

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion


Sense of competition and cooperation are beneficial in adulthood. Obviously, some people say that the two senses should be encourages as soon as possible in the childhood. Some other, however, argue that it was unnecessary to teach in the early stage of live. In my opinion, both of sense can be discuss with several reasons.

The sense of competition is sharper a soft skill of children. Educating children with such skill can be implying as they join in a competition. Probably, taking interest in playing on musical instrument, parents can be registered their daughter to a local musical competition. Other ways to achieve competitions values are with rewarding children in their good school mark. Thus the sense of competition boosts motivation of children to gain the best of their ability, the beneficial values in order to reach personal goals in the adulthood is easily happen. Taking my niece experiences in facing her interest in photography, while her parents includes her in many photography competition since her teens, nowadays she becomes a professional wildlife photographer in a national magazine.

On the other hand, competition might rise the tendency to defeat other people in such terrible ways. Based on this view, encouraging cooperation skill should be stance stronger. Though children is taught become cooperative and altruistic, in adulthood, adapting with the circumstance of work field would be easily did. One of the ways to teach cooperation skill is with sharing. Obviously, the smallest entity starts with sharing among siblings. In fact, there is a success story started with the way their parents teach them to share with other. Dan Pearman, a Paddle Power organization founder, reaches success in distributing bicycles around the world as his ambitions to share benefits to other people, "my success as a result of advice to share with others", he said.

Having said that encourages children with cooperation or competition has beneficial values in for children later life. While competition trains children to reach their goal in adulthood, cooperation benefits to deliver sense of help. I believe that all mentioned feature having each advantage depends on the way we teach children in their childhood.
May 12, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Garlsdon City on plan to build a supermarket [3]

The map depicts the possible spots for building a new supermarket in Garlsdon city.

Overall, there are 2 sites on plan, noted as S1 and S2. While S1 will be built in the countryside, the location of S2 is held in the free traffic zone in the town centre.

As per the map's features, the suggested location, S2, for building a new supermarket is placed in the resident area. Also in the south-west and south-east of the map there are 2 rush belt cities. The highway from Bransdon (16 km with 15,000 population) to Cransdon (25 km with 29,000 population) and vice versa is linked to the centre of the town were the location of S2 is sited in. This might be pointed as the best spot compared with the area of S1. The location of S2 would probably reflect how important it is to the local inhabitant living around there.

Turning to the S1, does it has no bargaining for better spot? S1 location is sited just off the main road to the town of Hindon, lying 12 km in the north-west. Also, located between railway and main road and pass through the outskirt's road makes such spot easily to attract the traveler, while this is not allowed in the area of S2. Besides, the location of the countryside enables for S2 having a large parking area or any additional features to serve the customer.

May 12, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Freedom for creative artist - 'show their idealism freely' [7]

Hello friend

please forgive my prolongation----grammar should be emphasized more.

It is unnecessary to make an apologize, while you say the truth.
Please kindly correct my another writing, thank you :D

This essay too looks a bit bulky. Have you managed time well for this task or you ran out of time?

Yes, I wrote under 40 minutes, Sir
May 12, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: UK Tourism (Departure and Arrival) [4]

The line graphs show information on UK tourism in terms of departures and arrivals over a 20-year period, while the bar chart presents the details of foreign travels made by UK citizens in 1999.

Overall, the number international travel done by UK residents was far above the number of foreigners who traveled in the UK from 1979 to 1999. Further, France remained as the most favorable tourist destination for English travelers in 1999.

As per the line graph, the number of visiting abroad among UK residents slightly increased from around 12 millions in 1979 to 20 millions in 1984. Similarly, the tourism departure showed a slight increase with less number. Stood 10 millions to 12 millions in the same period, such trend climbed steadily to 12 million overseas residents coming to UK. By comparison with the number of visiting to UK that showed a slight increase to nearly 30 millions in 1999, the overseas travel by UK residence rose sharply to more than 50 millions in 1999.

The sharp increase of traveling in 1999 attracts around 12 millions UK residence to come to France. Standing in contrast with USA trend being accounted 4 millions of UK visitors come there, such trend had almost three fold increase in full loan of visitor. Spain comes as the second favourable by 9 million visitors are arrived from UK. However, Turkey and Greece strong stance as the two least favourable tourism destination which reckoned less than 3 millions Britons deciding take their vacation there.

May 8, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK I : Britons weekly expenditure on fast food (two charts) [11]

Hi, Andi

least favorite to mean the opposite of favorite

... I think once even twice about your advice. Then I back to the graph, it depicts hamburger as the highest trend in both groups. I still dive onto vast confusion, why should I mentioned the opposite of favorite while it was the favourite.

like you say...CMIW
May 8, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK I : Britons weekly expenditure on fast food (two charts) [11]

your writting is very helpfull to me .

you are welcome Jyoti. I am glad that it is helpful enough for you. Also, I suggest you not only read my essay but also the advices from moderator and contributors given above. By the way, I wait for your beneficial advice in my another writing. Welcome to essay forum :D
May 8, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Freedom for creative artist - 'show their idealism freely' [7]

Freedom is a sister of art. This saying can be implied to support a creative artist for expressing their imagination in terms of words, pictures, music or film. Some people think that the freedom expression should be bordered by the government. However, the critics claim that it is unnecessary to limit in order to produce a fabulous creation. I tend to agree that the right of expression should be free from any intimidation.

Freedom of expression plays a vital role to create some creations. While it is bordered, creative artist cannot show their idealism freely. Taking an ice sculpture as an example, in terms of making an ice sculpture the designer need many inspirations. How about if it is limited with some regulations? in terms of precision for example, whereas in his intuition, making an abstract sculpture is better. Bordering the expression also can be categorized as a crime. As my country in the 27th chapter on the principal right already guarantee freedom expression for their citizen.

On the other hand, the freedom sometimes benefited by some creative artists as medium to hypnotized people. An artist with rebellion idealism could make a provocation to against the government with their creation. The drawbacks occur when the idealism acculturate people and result an immense demonstration. Thus, national stability harm due to an art creation. Also, the audience of the art is strong stance as a consideration. While art creation purposes to show in child exhibition, pornography content should be avoid or for wedding exhibition punk style could be unnecessary held. Taking Indonesia's government steps with their broadcast regulation, the government ever suspends some music program in the local television, Dahsyat for example, as the feature involved sarcasm value.

Having said that the freedom of expression is very beneficial to make a tasteful creation, while government still have to take a position for bordering such invaluable content creative creation,. I tend to agree that freedom need to support as far as the result has beneficial values to the society.

May 8, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Different qualification level in Australia [4]

The bar chart illustrates the post-school qualification level on both genders in Australia during a particular period in 1999.

Overall, the number of males was more qualified in vocational diploma, post-graduated diploma and master degree, while undergraduate and bachelor women in Australia showed the reverse.

As per the bar chart, more than 90% males having vocational diploma education were skillful than that of the female counterpart in the same part. By comparison with undergraduate diploma males being accounted 40%, such trend doubled in full loan of qualification. Coming second highest, the post graduate male gained 70%, it was 10 % higher in comparison with males in master degree which showed 60%. Also, males in bachelor degree showed 45% in the level of qualification.

Fast forward to the female trend, female percentage varied markedly, while undergraduate diploma female reckoned 70 %of the qualification could be stood as similar as the percentage in post graduate diploma in the male's trend. However, the qualification level of the bachelor degree woman, 50%, defeated the males counterpart by around 10 % higher. While master degree woman being accounted 40% qualification,

it was higher than post graduate and skill diploma which accounted 30% and 10% respectively.

May 7, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Administrations often invest in the art such as music and theater. [8]

Hellow Friend :DD
Take a look at your prompt

Government investment in the art such as music and theater is waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public service. Do you agree or disagree?

This type of prompt require you to state your position. To me, you start with well in your introduction

i disagree because art is important beside public service.

. Also, stating your position in the conclusion is necessary too..
May 7, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Jakarta - Some people prefer to eat at restaurants than eat at home [6]

Hi, welcome to essay forum.

Please kindly include the question once you upload your essay to let us know what the essay type is

First, include your prompt in the post so that we know exactly what your prompt is expecting you to do

Booth of advisers give a essential role of this forum.

Some people prefer to eat in the food stand or restaurants

However, other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home because they are want eats fresh food and keep health their body

double verbs

To me your essay is understand enough, also you have plenty of idea. Try not to translate from your origin language to English in order to make your writing more mature. Overall, keep writing even though you made mistakes for several times. A quote that I like best said " falling for seven wake up for eight" : D
May 7, 2014
Writing Feedback / Many charities can society get if government investment money in arts activities [5]

Overall, to me your have a rich range of idea. Don't worry about many mistakes that you made. Your writing will be better soon as far as your perfect practices. Ups, another simple suggestion from a beginner learner, be diligent enough to open your dictionary. Beside do writing and do reading, opening the dictionary also very helpful.

Lastly, welcome to essay forum :DD
May 7, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2: Learn by self better than with a teacher [7]

Specifically for the conclusion, eddies, one of contributor, ever give me an advice how to construct conclusion
Here i want to share

The Concluding Paragraph has three parts:
1. a 'conclusion' signal: In conclusion, ....etc,
2. a summary of the main points or a restatement of the thesis (in different words!)
3. a final comment, based on the information in the essay.
The final comment can be:
a warning or prediction (often using the first conditional: If ..., ... will ...)
a suggestion or recommendation (often using should or must)

hopefully helps you :D
May 7, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1; Rechargable vs Disposal Battery [5]

IELTS Task 1 :Rechargable vs Disposal Battery (re-write)

This is the link of my old writing https://essayforum.com/writing-3/task-rechargable-vs-disposal- battery-55453/. As I am not keen on my previous, I try to re write it. Please comment my newest. Thank you

The line graph compares the forecast sales of rechargeable and disposable battery throughout the world over 13-years period, from 2009 to 2025

Overall, all mentioned batteries are excluded of cars, laptops, tablets and smartphones batteries. While the rechargeable battery will be increased on sale throughout the globe, the disposable counterpart is predicted to decrease on sale in the overall year statistic.

As per rechargeable trend, it is obvious that the sale will be increased gradually. Such kind of battery was sold around 2 billion dollars in 2009 then rose to nearly 7 billion on the overall sale in 2013. Avicenne Energy, a company held the estimation, reckons that the sale of rechargeable battery will be estimated to reach more than 20 billion dollars in year 2025. By comparison with the happening year, such estimation has almost six fold increase in full loan of sales.

A series data on disposable trend reveals that the battery selling will estimated experiencing a decrease towards the next year under review. Although there was a huge sale by around of 12 billion dollars in 2009, the disposable battery became less favourable by 10 billion dollars sold over the next four-year. Then the company forecasts that the sale will be dropped consecutively to just 8 billion dollars in 2025.

May 6, 2014
Writing Feedback / Writing task 1: Gold sales in Dubai [6]

When is the exam?

It is held in 24th of May, Pahan. I hope the prompt given is the one which I understand enough.
May 6, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Different age group work in economical sector [9]

By the way, about the various comment that all of you given, it is coloring me. hehehhe, Thank you for supporting me, I hope someday as my writing become better I can help other people as you all.
May 6, 2014
Writing Feedback / Writing task 1 : Diarrhea cases in Mashhad [3]

Hello friend, here I found something interesting in this graph which take my curiosity to write it down into 5 paragraphs, please commented mine, thank you

The line graph shows the changes of diarrhea cases in Mashhad Island during a particular period from 1983 to 1992.

Overall, the diarrhea case in Mashhad showed a slight fluctuation during the first 5- year, then rocketed before experienced a sudden drop towards the end of period under review.

A series of data revealed that there were approximately 100 diarrhea cases in marshland between 1983 and 1985. After a slight increase to approximately 170 cases showed in 1986, such trend rose steadily before experienced a sudden drop to nearly 50 cases in two following year.

As per the year 1988 onward, a rebound to almost eightfold increase occurred in 1989. Standing in contrast with 1988 diarrhea cases, by 400 people in Mashhad suffer by such disease in 1989. While there was the peak of case throughout the year under review, after leveled off around 350 cases between 1990 and 1991, the diarrhea case swiftly changed to the zero case in 1992.

Interestingly, Marshland city could break the number of diarrhea to zero case while the trend showed tremendous case in the past three years.

In conclusion, in 1992 Mashland noted as the health city having zero case of diarrhea after take war of such kind of disease over 8-year between 1983 to 1991.

May 6, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Different age group work in economical sector [9]

I see, dumi.

Try to think simple and present your ideas in a simple tone.

Here also my problem, in my head there are many words that I want to write it down, as result I confused which one that i want to write. Also, the grammar rules in the application of writing make me crazy T.T

Come to our feedbacks and read them very carefully with your own volition

, I will, eddies.
May 6, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS task 1: Electricity source in Australia and France over a-20 year [6]

Here you have forgotten the rule :D .... OVERVIEW( state the main trend/ trends in the graph. Don't give detail such as data here) .... So, you should not have data in this overview. They should go to your detail body paras.

hiihiiiiihihi, again and again @.@
May 6, 2014
Writing Feedback / Writing task 1: Gold sales in Dubai [6]

The line chart presents the number of gold sales in Dubai during a calendar year in 2002.
Overall, the Dubai gold sales fluctuated throughout the year. Besides, sales stances stronger as the peak period observed in March while the weakest sale figures could be observed in July and September.

A series of data revealed that Dubai's gold sales increased slightly from 200 million dirhams to around 230 million dirhams in February. After a short peak period by 350 million dirhams sales in March, such upward trend plummeted dramatically over the next for month to stand nearly 100 million dirhams in July.

As per the August sales onward, the significant sales occurred before leveled off in the end of period. Experiencing a little rebound to 200 million sales in August, the trend dropped to nearly 100 million in September, a similar sale in July. However, from October onward the Gold sales in Dubai remained stable by around 130 million.

May 5, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Table of poverty living in Australia [5]

The table presents the percentage of poor families living in Australia during a calendar year in 1999.

Overall, the highest percentage of poverty living showed in sole parent trend while the least age coupled group strong stance in statistic's year.

As per the table, sole parent trend accounted as the highest familial type living in poverty by 21 % of the overall percentage. By comparison with aged coupled family being noted as the least 4 %, such trend had more five-fold increase in full loan of household living. Standing in contrast with single aged person showed 6% poverty, the couple with children family doubled by 12 % throughout the statistic year. The single without children experienced 19% poverty in Australia while the couple without children reckoned the less of one-third, noted as huge gap in percentage.

Fast forward to the numbers, the couple with children stood 933 thousand household. Such trend presented an approximately halved in comparison with the overall number of households being accounted 1.837 thousand in number of household in such annum. While as the percentage single family with no children accounted the second position, in terms of household it was stance the third by 359 thousand.

Interestingly, it is obvious that the proportion rate in percentage of household type living in poverty In Australia was not always linear with the number of household in thousand.

May 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 : Different age group work in economical sector [9]

Dear, dumi

I just suggested the following lines for the overview for the same task in a different thread :D

I always read every comment you given to me. But I need plenty of time to understand it. Unfortunately, when I face the table, graph or map the advices lost :(
May 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS task 1: Electricity source in Australia and France over a-20 year [6]

The pie charts illustrates the total electricity's number in Australia and France in the field of fuel source over a 20 year from 1980 to 2000.

Overall, total electricity production in both countries increase dramatically, while France' production doubled over a period of 20 years, Australia reckoned 70 % increase of the total production. Besides, the electricity sources were different in both countries under review.

As per the pie charts, coal production in Australia increased noticeably from 50 to 130 units. In comparison with the similar electricity source in France being accounted with 25 percent in both statistic' year, such trend showed a 80 percent increase. Similarly, hydro power in Australia rose around 16 percent while nuclear power in France had almost ninefold increase in full loan of electricity support. Standing in contrast, the electricity sourcing from natural gas of both countries decreased sharply. Australia experienced 18 percent reductions from 20 units in 1980 to just 2 units in 2000 while France showed a larger 23 percent reduction from 25 to 2 units over 20 years under review.

A more detailed look at the pie charts revealed that the overall changes in percentages in Australia and France was not always similar. While the Australia's oil production experience a two-fifth decline, from 10 to 2 units, such production in France raised 5 percent increase over the measurement. However, it is obvious that the larger of total electricity production in France was supported by the immense growth of nuclear power whereas did not occurred in the Australia charts.

May 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Travel to and from UK and popular countries visited by BRITON [7]

A more closer look at the second bar chart reveals that It can be seen thatwhile France and Spain become the largest numbers of British tourists with about 11 and 9 million visits respectively, Turkey was the least popular among the five, travelled by only around 30% as many British as France.

... your sentence seem too long, and also make reader confusing. It is better for you to separate it. However, more than one sentence rather than one sentence for a second detail paragraph more well organized. Also, I am not an expert grammar, but my blue aligned make me confused,I just know "while" is rarely using next to "that" directly...
May 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Ages of the populations chart - Yemen vs Italy [5]

I am an IELTS learner. I just wanna share that this structure is very helpful to write writing task 1. While i try to predict my writing score in another website, the result is higher when I write with this structure. Conversely, it becomes worse in my experiencing style :D

....Please pay attention about this structure in order to gain good score :D
May 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELT TASK 2 :TV programmes should be blocked "agree or disagree" [6]

Take a look at at your prompt

TV programmes should be blocked.Do you agree or disagree?


Here I get from my lesson book
In this type of prompt you have to take a position. Defend it strongly. Give several reasons to support your argument. (1 paragraph each) It is useful to acknowledge the opposite view (counter argument) and saw why you don't accept it.

hopefully help you :D
May 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Graph: Changes in the birth rates of China and USA [6]

The graph shows the alteration of birth rates compare between China and USA from 1920 to 2000.

...The line graph presents the birthing level of a-two major country during a period of 20 years, from 1920 to 2000

In the other hand,

... Please reminds that the correct one is "On the other hand".
May 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1: Global sales - dvd's, games, cd's over a three-year period [4]

Your essay does not contain with the overview, write the overview without conclusion is better than you make conclusion without overview in Task 1. Despite, if you can make both of them, overview and conclusion, with advance you can achieve sophisticated score. :DD

here mine... Overall, the two categories rose gradually in the overall time, while in the case of CDs sales record a slight decrease towards the end of period.
May 4, 2014

Hello friend ...

Some people think we should keep all the money we earn and not pay tax to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

I disagree with

In conclusion, it is narrow-sighted to keep all the money by ourselves. Everyone should fulfill their tax obligations in order to live in an ordered and equal society.

... After you state your position in order to answer task in intro, it is better to state too in the conclusion
May 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2: The world is losing important natural resources. [3]

Hello Friend :D

In this essay, I would like to give my opinion about this argument. In this essay , I would like to give my opinion about this argument.

... I don't know is it do intentional/unintentionally or perhaps you are in tiredness :D.
Despite the structure and another requirement in IELTS writing descriptor, For an IELTS learner, like me, I think you are engaging with this prompt.

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