Research Papers /
Essay about the roles of education in reducing juvenile delinquency. [3]
Hi, Sangho!
Let me share several things of your opening paragraph.
1) For me, the sentence below has incomplete meaning due to the missing of verb or even phrase.
One of crimes of juvenile
,(is) juveniles' murder
(that) accounts for almost 10 percentage of murder happening in the U.S.
2) The red colors below refers to the words that need to be revised.
They want
them to be punished harsher and raise their voice to make harsher punishments
came into action. >> the word 'them' if it refers to juvenile which similar with the subject 'they' should be revised into 'themselves' to avoid confusion, and the word 'came' since you use present from the beginning, it has to be 'come' in order to maintain the tense's consistency. Beside, I think the punctuation also need to be considered. My example is as below:
They want them
selves to be punished harsher
(coma is needed here) and raise their voice
s to make harsher punishments c
ao me into action.
3) I think you miss some words in this sentence, so I give you alternative words to add to complete the meaning in your sentence like below:
However unlike their opinions, others think that the most effective way to
(overcome/deal with ) juvenile delinquency is
(doing/having) prevention.
4) And here are my suggestions the rest of first paragraph.
There are several measures: making
more cops in the school;
making education programs to help parents
make appropriate parental education
on their children; curfew; direct education toward children, which educate
them things related to delinquency are harmful; putting more additional education on children who need support in learning; and making recreational program which can prevent them from delinquency and give them social skills
...etc >> the corrections are as follow:
more cops >> do you mean 'student cops' or another kind of cop?, if it is student you better make it specific with mentioning the 'student' there.
making >> nothing wrong, the meaning is delivered, but it is better to use the word
'creating/establishing/composing' to make it more appropriate.
make >>
in makingon >>
tothem things >> ...them
(that) things...
and give them social skills...etc >> the
(...) should be revised by coma
(,), and instead of using
etc , it's better to use
'and many more'.
From the research I have done,
I could provethat one of prevention
method , education should be implemented other than tougher punishments toward juvenile delinquents because of its numerous advantages to the juveniles themselves and social advantages in the long-term period.
Here are the corrections:
From >>
according or
based ondone >>
conductedthat one of prevention method >>
that as one of preventive methodsI could prove >>
it can be provenLastly, here my example for your thesis statement:
According to the research that I have conducted, it can be proven that instead of giving rigorous punishments, education as one kind of methods of prevention should be implemented in overcoming juvenile delinquencies due to its advantages both for the juvenile themselves and for their social life in long-time period.Hopefully my corrections above will be helpful. (: