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Writing Feedback

Research advice on TOEFL, SAT, IELTS, GRE and other academic essays (page 472)

Replies | Threads
"You don't choose your family." - Turning Point Essay Edit

Writing Feedbackzouter - Mar 6, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Mar 7, 2009
Ethics and Values BA Hons Social Work

Writing Feedbackelzbietabielec - Mar 6, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Mar 7, 2009
Oh Spring! Where is your sense of humor?

Writing Feedbackjohnyeeto - Mar 5, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Mar 6, 2009
Flight & Growing Up -Comparive Essay

Writing Feedbackmohsin_ahmad - Mar 4, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Mar 6, 2009
"That Night I Proposed" - ENGLISH 080 essay

Writing Feedbackic3 - Feb 26, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 6, 2009
Help with a letter (Joe Lawry)

Writing Feedbackrandysnyc - Feb 21, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 6, 2009
Taking courses of more than one subject prepare students for a broad spectrum of careers

Writing Feedbackcici510988 - Feb 20, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 6, 2009
Narrative Essay, any subject ("jobless rates in America")

Writing Feedbackakern - Feb 22, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 5, 2009
Essay on a personal challenge at school

Writing Feedbackmystery200 - Mar 1, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 5, 2009
eating disorders (Anorexia Nervosa), introductory paragraph

Writing Feedbackshan - Mar 2, 2009 / Gautama - Mar 5, 2009
"Unexpected Change" essay

Writing Feedbackkatj21 - Feb 28, 2009 / akern - Mar 5, 2009
Shopping is a necessity in our life

Writing Feedbackjurgita - Mar 4, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 4, 2009
Castin Characters #1: Jim

Writing Feedbacknewsha31 - Mar 2, 2009 / newsha31 - Mar 4, 2009
Lit Review (Borderline Personality Disorder)

Writing FeedbackChicitaGatita - Feb 27, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 4, 2009
Reading - My favorite subject essay

Writing Feedbackmystery200 - Mar 3, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 4, 2009
Jame Joyce's Portrait

Writing FeedbackNecrovex - Mar 3, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 4, 2009
A creation of the mind - "Imagination" essay

Writing Feedbackbugsy444 - Feb 27, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 4, 2009
Write a short story in which the central character is a rebellious teenager

Writing Feedback_cartwheel_ - Feb 28, 2009 / _cartwheel_ - Mar 4, 2009
"Green Jeans" / "The love of my life" / "Fathers" - rhetorical essays (finals)

Writing Feedbackjoey2dawn - Feb 23, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Mar 1, 2009
Short Story (heart still aches for Darren)

Writing Feedback_cartwheel_ - Feb 27, 2009 / EF_Sean - Mar 1, 2009
Essay on equal gender in university

Writing Feedbackpupi - Feb 27, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 28, 2009
When I am in uncertainty I feel my emotions at their strongest

Writing Feedbackfitz1901 - Feb 26, 2009 / GHouse - Feb 27, 2009
Reaction paper (reaction to the hotel we just visited)

Writing Feedbackeng1 - Feb 25, 2009 / EF_Sean - Feb 26, 2009

Writing FeedbackYassin - Feb 22, 2009 / Yassin - Feb 25, 2009
motherhood (Motherhood is Amazing)

Writing Feedbackpurfec8gel - Feb 23, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 24, 2009
Not Mr. Towers, he and his family watched TV; Narrative Essay

Writing FeedbackCTowers - Feb 17, 2009 / EF_Sean - Feb 24, 2009
People are Living Longer (causes of this phenomenon)

Writing Feedbackoto - Feb 22, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 22, 2009
Math is Crucial for Society

Writing Feedbackligfsing - Feb 22, 2009 / EF_Sean - Feb 22, 2009
Midsummer Night's Dream Character Essays

Writing Feedbackicemaster2340 - Feb 21, 2009 / EF_Sean - Feb 22, 2009
Yet another essay on television...

Writing Feedbackakern - Feb 15, 2009 / drmemo - Feb 20, 2009
Help rewriting Lead paragraph and Conclusion - Computer History Paper

Writing Feedbacktycheongster - Feb 9, 2009 / EF_Sean - Feb 19, 2009
Experiencing a rescue just in time

Writing Feedbackceberus - Feb 19, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 19, 2009
Analysis of an Art Piece, Creativity of Re-Use essay

Writing FeedbackSomeone18 - Feb 18, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 19, 2009
Critic my "Education" essay

Writing Feedbackbluek7 - Feb 18, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 19, 2009
How many money was spend on different forms of entertainment over a five - year period.

Writing Feedbackpamfan0810 - Feb 17, 2009 / pamfan0810 - Feb 19, 2009
wording problems in a paragraph

Writing FeedbackNoob in writing - Feb 17, 2009 / EF_Sean - Feb 18, 2009
"Where is my Desktop screen?"

Writing Feedbackjameslihaochi - Feb 14, 2009 / melat - Feb 18, 2009
We should discuss the balance of the life quality and the powerful tourism

Writing Feedbackpamfan0810 - Feb 15, 2009 / pamfan0810 - Feb 17, 2009
Essay: Who is more important in the family? Mother or Father?

Writing Feedbackceberus - Feb 11, 2009 / GHouse - Feb 17, 2009
English Class -- persuasive essay -- School Uniforms

Writing Feedbackdrasagon - Feb 16, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 17, 2009
Thesis Statement About Things I Like

Writing FeedbackGHouse - Feb 16, 2009 / arbennett - Feb 17, 2009
Essay On Comparisons of Trials and Their Respective Jury Proceedings

Writing FeedbackSeanMasih - Feb 12, 2009 / EF_Sean - Feb 17, 2009
Honours Social Work (privilege, power)

Writing Feedbacknaomi - Feb 15, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 16, 2009
"I was running" essay. Grammar and punctuation help.

Writing Feedbacknewsha31 - Feb 11, 2009 / newsha31 - Feb 15, 2009
Geo Project - Vehicles in the Lower Mainland

Writing Feedbackvipao - Feb 14, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 15, 2009
PERSONAL ESSAY what books and reading mean to me

Writing Feedbackhannahkim91 - Feb 12, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 13, 2009
Living a simple but meaningful life is a lifestyle which you must choose.

Writing Feedbackjasonmuraira - Feb 10, 2009 / jasonmuraira - Feb 12, 2009
The first time i crossed the road by myself

Writing Feedbacknewsha31 - Feb 11, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 12, 2009
Essay on describing a scene in my life (that last time i saw my friends)

Writing Feedbacknewsha31 - Feb 5, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 12, 2009
Essay on empty space; I live a fast paced life

Writing Feedbackfitz1901 - Jan 29, 2009 / SeanMasih - Feb 12, 2009
Essay: A Crab in the Sand

Writing FeedbackJoey11235 - Feb 11, 2009 / SeanMasih - Feb 12, 2009
Short Essay on Modern day televison watching.

Writing Feedbackakern - Feb 9, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 10, 2009

Writing FeedbackSeanMasih - Feb 9, 2009 / SeanMasih - Feb 10, 2009
If criminals have punishments that are not severe enough, it may encourage people to commit crimes

Writing Feedbackpamfan0810 - Feb 6, 2009 / pamfan0810 - Feb 10, 2009
Essay on theories as to why one might be service orientated and others not.

Writing Feedbackjenfkb - Feb 8, 2009 / EF_Sean - Feb 10, 2009
Kouzes and Posner's practices within a leadership event.

Writing Feedbackharperme - Feb 8, 2009 / EF_Sean - Feb 10, 2009
Supposedly we, young people, are no longer interested in religion, and thus losing belief in God.

Writing Feedbackceberus - Feb 9, 2009 / EF_Sean - Feb 10, 2009
"The Great Gatsby is seen in two ways" - Help with Essay Writing -

Writing Feedbacksara213 - Oct 9, 2008 / EF_Kevin - Feb 9, 2009
Education Through My Eyes

Writing Feedbackmllaury - Feb 3, 2009 / mllaury - Feb 9, 2009
Domestic Abuse (persuasive essay)

Writing FeedbackTiffiny9880 - Feb 5, 2009 / EF_Kevin - Feb 6, 2009

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