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Posts by Ucha MSN
Joined: Sep 26, 2016
Last Post: Nov 10, 2016
Threads: 17
Posts: 22  
From: Indonesia
School: SMA

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Ucha MSN   
Nov 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / ARTICLE SUMMARY - Obama Congratulates Trump [2]

Presidents Obama in his public speech conveyed an endorsement for the winner of current president's election. However, his expression was assumed that he actually hoped to a win for Clinton. At early Wednesday morning, Obama invited Trump to be in White House to hand ober the presidency tenure. He also said to Trump that they are in one team now; there are no democrats, republic, and patriot anymore. At the same time, Obama also congratulated his state secretary for being a great president candidate. Another aspect that Obama acknowledged was the campaign process especially when Trump gave his speech in front of citizens which was heartened by unifying nature and county needs.
Ucha MSN   
Nov 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / Article Summary: Apple has a new way to get a cheaper iPhone [4]

Apple has offered its buyer FOLLOWERS new concept which called new sales MARKETING program known ...
The customer can buy PURCHASE refurbished iPhone 6s ...
... other products which were ARE sale on its digital ...
Ucha MSN   
Nov 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / TED Summary - How to Build Good Life [2]

Tai Lopes gave a lecture about why people are required to read a book a day. At the beginning of his speech, he described how to get a good life such as health, happiness, and love. In fact, everybody wants something, but not all of them get it.

Next, he presented three major factors that may influence a good life. Those are tutor, media, and book. Mentors have an important position as a role model for their followers. They may help people to experience their work. The Second is media which has treated us. It tries to show us many things to be learned. And the last is book. Book is modern system in learning that provided us many information and education.

Lopes suggested collecting book approximately 150 titles. We need to deem those books as friend so we can enjoy it. He also opined that there is no specific rule on how to read it. How quickly we read, how many pages, and how many days are not required, but it is better to read one book a week. It is noticeable that everybody wants a good life, but not everybody is willing to read to get it.
Ucha MSN   
Nov 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / Tai Lopez shared his experience how to be successful person [4]

He suggests SUGGESTED to the people to ...
People have NEED to find the A role model or mentor to (...), which have HAS ability to ...
In addition, designing the A GOOD life is one ...
Furthermore, he ALSO advised to divide 30% ...
Ucha MSN   
Oct 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / Over the years, an issue dealing with air pollution has been emerging. [2]

Restriction air travel is the only way to prevent air pollution. Do you agree or disagree?

Over the years, an issue dealing with air pollution has been emerging. A number of individuals argue that one way to overcome this problem is by diminishing air travels. Although some people believe that sky trip should be decreased for vilification, this is not the best solution.

Those that support the declension of air traffic believe that this will result in a reduction number of trips and thus solve the problem of pollution. It is because large number of aircraft in sky can produce and expel a lot of fuel. As a result, it can blight the fresh atmosphere in air. Proponent of this solution believes that reducing proportion of sky travel is fair because the minister of communication or transportation should not only subtract the use of vehicles in land but they also need to make a policy to diminish the total of airplane trade.

However, there are a number of reasons why this is not the right course of action. Firstly, the main cause of air pollution is coming from internal combustion of factories. Most of companies do not control their smoke expending that potentially contaminates a natural environment. Secondly, the key cause of air pollution is forest fire. The results of this ignition are very harmful for human population. Inhabitants tend to inhale bad atmosphere because the air space has been damaged by smog, thus it gives impact on serious disease. As the reasons, there is no doubt that those both cases should be considered to keep down air pollution.

To sum up, it is evident that introducing the restriction air travel is not workable. If we continue to explore alternatives, we can continue to prevent the air pollution.
Ucha MSN   
Oct 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / When we just have a little time for relax after work, we disregard our health sometimes [2]

... they just have a littleLIMITED time for relaxRELAXING BODY AND REFRESHING BRAIN after doing many activities in oneWITHIN A day.

It makes people is very demandingDEMANDS PEOPLE to keep their ...
ButON THE OTHER HAND some people argue that ...


As a result, they AREchallenging to live ...
Ucha MSN   
Oct 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / Number of Bulgarians who have different background education and want to stay abroad 2002 - 2008 [2]

... period and in 2002 and 2006, WHILE higher education and lower education haveWERE almost AT the same number.

TO BEGIN, secondary education always dominated than other educationsLEVELS OF SCHOOL in 2002, 2006,...
... still higher than other educationsGRADES.

... education and primary and lower educationSCHOOLS had a gradual increase. AndNest, in 2008, the number of ...

It to many words repetition (especially "education). You can use other words that have the same meanings such as school, grades, level, or degree
Ucha MSN   
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Increasing number of criminality is certainly a topical issue, as so many felonies are found today. [2]

Each year, the crime rate increases.
What are the causes of crime and what could be done to prevent this rise in criminal activity?

Increasing number of criminality is certainly a topical issue, as so many felonies are found today. There are several causes for this, but also a number of measures we can take which I will outline now.

The main cause is probably the highest number of social asymmetry and unemployment. As soon as fulfill daily basis and suffering from poverty, Individuals have to ride for a fall such as thieving and robbery. Furthermore, the key cause is the growth of juvenile deliquesces. It means that people, especially youngster, are tempted to experience new action and consume forbidden goods that harmful for them even their surroundings. For instance, most of adolescences that perform criminality such as affray, ravish, and embellishment are affected by drug and alcohol. Finally, many areas of public places and streets still have minimum security from proper authorities. As the result, evil doers utilize their chance to do crime action because they are not protected by policeman or security guard and CCTV.

As a matter of fact, there are various steps that can be taken to lessen the problem. Firstly, governments should provide funds for the pauper. Hence, the authorities need to investigate the people who have the right to get donations, for example the community who are living in slum areas. Another positive development would be for the educator. Teachers and parents as role models have to teach their children pedagogically since they were born in order to prevent them from criminal activity. Lastly, every area should get custody by security and advanced technology like CCTV. This would help to minimize and protect the crime stems.

To sum up, we can say that presence of poverty, uneducated youngster, and limited pacification are the keys causes behind this trend. However, government, educator, and advancement of technology together can reduce the impact.
Ucha MSN   
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / The government has predominant role to inhibit the crime level increase [4]

According to some researchS, level of crime steadlySTEADILY increase in the world.
This essay beIS able to discuss about the causes and sollutionsSOLLUTIONS to solve this condition.

It giveS opportunity to other personPEOPLE to commit a crime.
It indicateS that crime have ...

other + (plural) >>>>> OTHER PEOPLE
Ucha MSN   
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Understanding entire Universe history just in 18 minutes [2]

... 18 minutes to read this summary to understandingunderstand the entire universe history.

... and gravity were born to combine the hydrogen ...

... years ago human risenrose in Africa and they (...) which they arewere migrated.
Ucha MSN   
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / One way to restore our body and mind is traveling. Article summary - Traveling [3]

One way to restore our body and mind is traveling. This is because experiencing favorable place can raise our joyful. Besides, traveling becomes a perfect time for restarting our busy daily activities and losing our weary. Spending leisure time in weekend in or out of our environs brings spirit and inspiration from surroundings.

In addition, having chance to travel a place that we have never gone before is not only about self-reflection, but also meet a new atmosphere. We are able to communicate with native people and learn about their culture. As the result, we can built a new relationship and create useful community.
Ucha MSN   
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / 'not many succeeded in their own business' - Being Entrepreneur - Advantages and Disadvantages [2]

... can make people's liveslife more independent. It is as long as when they work, there is no more pressure from their boss if we are working in own business.

This is because many of starters are beginners and have no at all experience to be businesspersonsthey begin to build a career without having an experience before.

... most of beginners prefer to choose stoppingbe opting to stoptheir business because ...
Ucha MSN   
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Media Habits Today - celebrities became the role model for ordinary people [3]

First of all, actors ARE still famous even though without too much exposingTHEY ARE NOT EXPOSED MUCH by media.

There are still a lot of people that need media to help them reach the dream . IT IS BECAUSE MANY PEOPLE RESPECT TO THEIR FAVORITE FIGURES TO KEEP APPEARING IN SOCIAL MEDIA.

... for helping their parents fulfilTO FULFIL their daily needs.

... it will make people give many donationMUCH DONATIONS and doing charity activities ...
Ucha MSN   
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Sir Ken Robinson in his public speech shared about how the schools kill children's creativity. [3]

TED - School Kill Students' Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson in his public speech shared about how the schools kill children's creativity. One important thing to keep in our mind is creativity has essential part education as literacy. Therefore, all the students should be treated as same status. Robinson then argued that most of schools have determined the same statement about the range of school subjects. They put mathematic and language as the top position while students' talent such as in music and drama were in less portion. As a matter of fact, this is the reason why schools today do not develop their students' creativity.

Another factor that affect why teacher tend to force their student in science. This is because the point of view about entering university mostly required the highest of academic achievement. As the result, education system allows the students focus on it. So, their skill and ability in art tend to declining.
Ucha MSN   
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Writing - People Never Understand the Culture of A Country unless They Speak the Language [3]

Some people think that a person can never understand the culture of a country unless they speak the language.
Do you agree with this opinion?

cross-cultural understanding

A number of societies opine that people are not able to acquire and adapt a specific culture without learning its language. I personally would argue that this is a positive development.

To begin, the best measure to study other national culture is imitating the way of the native speaks. Individuals tend to practice more by repeating what the other speakers produce from their mouth. A good example of this is the process how kids acquiring language. Children are never be taught a language such as their mother tongue or first language, but they are able to speak their mother tongue/L1 well during they grow up. It is because they always listen and the language to surroundings. As the result, youngsters get used to speak that language. There is no doubt that it is referred that learning about culture is speaking about its language.

Another reason is by understanding the language; inhabitants can learn one's culture independently. Although there is no a guide to accompany us visiting one county side aimed at knowing its tradition, we are able to communicate and experience this culture by ourselves because we have master the language. A case in point, nowadays most of tourists from abroad in Indonesia do not need a translator to research a local relic because they have learnt Indonesian language before coming at there. Thus, language is one important factor in order to recognize a specific culture.

To conclude, it is clear to me that cross-cultural understandings become easy to learn if the followers start initially to speak the local language.
Ucha MSN   
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Simple method of producing electricity by wind turbine but troublesome process of its location [3]

The diagramsfigures illustrate turbine (...) electricity and where it is usually locatedwhich aimed atto gaingaining electricity.
... in some extent related to theplaces.

.. of two main parts, namely blades and tower.
Also blades areIt is also added with (...) computer which is close to tower to ...

To get maximum energy, thea turbine can be...
In contrastWhile the other oneanother turbine can be set up ...
Ucha MSN   
Oct 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / Birds regularly do a movement to their breeding places and the areas that they inhabit [2]

Paraphrasing reading passage - Bird Migration

In the rest of the year, birds regularly do a movement to their breeding ground and the areas that they inhabit which is known as migration. This kind of activity is the great samples of how nature affects the biological command for species to maintain their population for breeding and growing.

Bird migration generally travels to the higher latitude for breeding during the warm weather and then returning to the lower latitude during the non-breeding phase. However, the bird opt places that suitable for nesting and feeding their young. Northern Hemisphere is the common areas that take place for migratory bird, only species of seabird breeds to Sothern Hemisphere.

Most of bird species are also trans-equatorial that live in Northern Hemisphere for breeding season and in Southern Hemisphere for the rest of the year. Arctic tern is the popular example which has trans-equatorial migration. They travel about 24,000 miles a year during the migration that breed in the arctic region and winter in Antarctic waters.

For other species, such as grouse like ptarmigan, do not migrate for long distance. They just spend the breeding season in the higher geometrical, near by the top of mountain, while the non-breeding season is spent in the lower areas of valleys.

At any period of migration, most birds fly for about six to eight hours a day. On the other hand, some birds wile away for much hours because they have to cross the long distance of geographic features such as desert, ocean, and mountain. For instance, a travel of many special those pass through the Gulf of Mexico required twenty-four to thirty-six hours or longer because the spacing is over 1,000 miles. In addition, the bar-tailed godwit is well-known for their extreme trip which have continuous flight non-stop over 11,000 miles from Alaska to New Zealand each year.

The way of bird in control to appropriate journey is one feature that has charming observers for centuries. Nowadays experts endeavor to detect this perfect. Most research have found that all migratory bird are able to investigate and inborn in specific direction.
Ucha MSN   
Oct 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / A policy to raise the price of petrol to solve congestion and emission problems [2]

Alternatively, government can builtRAISE THE NUMBER OF public transportationTRANSPORTATIONS in which have lower ...
... the price of train ticket so more people will use train. THE SOCIETIES TEND TO USE TRAIN

This policy is succeed
SUCCESS in California WHERE many people are doing ...
Ucha MSN   
Oct 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / Logging actions also interplay on both water and land ecosystem like nutrients, water, and shelter [2]

Paraphrasing - Environmental Impact of Logging

A collection of products such as crates and paper bags are supplied form the logging industry. Therefore, it affects the global warming, habitat loss, and pollution which mostly influence the rainforest in Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America to the northern woods of Canada and Scandinavia. Logging actions also interplay on both water and land ecosystem like nutrients, water, and shelter for plants, animals, and microorganism.

Rainforest as the home to myriad plants life as well as other beings such as insect, worms, reptiles, amphibians, and small mammals allows canopy of branches and leaves keeping it healthy and intact. The canopy also holds the heavy rainfall so the water can flow in the porous earth.

Erosion is also prevented by the tree roots by stabilizing the soil. As the result, a healthy soil boosts roots development and microbial energy which increase the tree growth and well-being. A main factor of soil logging emerges from road building, with heavy equipment compressing the spongy soil and corrupts the underground water flow. So, the surface of soil wears away, and pull away infertile layer of clay and rocks.

Plants around the river can maintain the water flow by blocking entry of soil and other residue and trees' shadow reduce the growth of algae. However, the logging of aquatic habitats estranges these boons. Eroding soil flows into waterways can cause the organic within its area consume more oxygen then lead to oxygen depletion, killing fish and other wildlife.
Ucha MSN   
Oct 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / Rural life and modern life. What is better ? [3]

In my opinion, there were four main benefit .

... villages always knewKNOWeach other, so when someone gotGETSinto troubles, everyone in the villages wouldWILL help to solve the problems.

Sencondly, the people who livedLIVE in small villages wereARE very friendly and generous. The inhabitants wereARE in a quiet way of life.

Next, the children in there couldIN THIS COMMUNITY grow up in natural way.

They did notDO NOTplay video games ...
they could play with many friends, and they enjoyed ENJOY doing outdoor activities ...

..., so the people wereARE in a healthy lifestyle.

when you decribe about a habit or daily activities, you have to use present tense
Ucha MSN   
Oct 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / Earliest grade students are required to learn foreign language [3]

All children should study a foreign language, starting in the earliest grades.
To what extent do you agree or disagree to this statement ?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.
Earliest grade students are required to learn foreign language. I personally agree with this idea that it is important for young pupils to study second/foreign language at the primary level in order to gain impressive competence on its language.

There are good reasons why foreign language needs to be learnt in the earliest grades. Firstly, people are able to imitate a language since they were a child. Children usually repeat the words they listen and easily keep in their mind. A research on a second/foreign language learning and acquisition found that the Critical Period Hypothesis in which at the age of under 13 is the best stage of people to acquire or learn a language to be native-like. Secondly, environment in which all the communities use foreign language as a medium of communication can affect on people behavior. Kids who enrolled in international kindergarten and elementary school are able to speak foreign language because they get used to listen and speak its language each other. For instance, Dian Harapan International School that has around 60% students from local people while the rest are from overseas uses English as their medium of instruction. As the result, the local students are able to speak English well.

Next, nowadays people live in the modern era in which technology becomes primary needs. Students utilize personal computer or notebook to support their learning activities. It means that they have to know foreign language such as English because all the instructions are written on it. Finally, as well as supporting students learning, students use internet to support their lessons and materials. Mostly information in e-learning from world wide websites that can be accessed openly is used international language (English).

In conclusion, I do believe that it is better the students of earliest grades in school to learn foreign language with some profits that they easily memorize the vocabularies and help them to find some information that support their lesson.
Ucha MSN   
Oct 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / Some professors claim that learning a foreign language should be started in the earliest grades [3]

Some experts believe that is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

In order to communicate well in global era, some educational professors claim that learning a foreign language should be started in the earliest grades in school rather than in high school level. Personally, I assume that a couple of benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Therefore, there are valid arguments on the both sides, which I will discuss now.

On the one hand, it is often said that acquiring foreign language will be much better since we were a child because children are able to imitate language than adolescence. This also supported by the theory of second language and learning acquisition which is stated that Critical Period Hypothesis or the age between 3 - 12 years old is the golden age to acquire or learn second/foreign language. For instance, kids who enrolled in international kindergarten until elementary school are able to speak English well because they get used to converse on it. In addition, a reasonable learning foreign language since childhood become good foundation for the next stage or school level because nowadays many books and social networking are written or spoken in foreign language such as English.

On the other hand, learning foreign language in primary level has several drawbacks. One problem is that students will be frustrated in the school because they have been given many compulsory subjects including mathematics, sciences, and even their first language. So, children may not be able to focus on their lessons because too many subjects must be done. Another issue is that childhood is the period in which they played more than learning. As a result, many children cannot enjoy their early stages like others.

All in all, regarding to both point of views, it seems that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for the children who started to learn foreign language in primary grades.
Ucha MSN   
Oct 6, 2016
Undergraduate / I am going to apply for Erasmus Mundus undergraduate exchange, this is my Statement of Purpose [2]

My English skills were not so goodAS WELL AS when I was a freshman,

so that the first step I tookTHAT I CONSIDEREDwas improving my English ...

I haveHAD never (...) English class BEFORE but a lot of English club's activitiesI JOINED SOME ENGLISH STUDY CLUBS, especially about ...

In another way, I am doingALWAYS DOa volunteerVOLUNTEERY work at the External ...

I not only haveDO NOT HAVE ONLY the chances to practice many ...
Ucha MSN   
Sep 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / More spendings for Food, Drink & Tobacco rather than Clothing/Footwear in some European countries [2]

The table describes how five different countries spent the expenditure in 2012. At first glance it is evident that all five countries including Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey dominantly expended for Food, Drink & Tobacco rather than Clothing/Footwearspo. Therefore, Leisure/Education lied on the lowest percentage at all.

Turning first to the five nations, Turkey had the highest use of Food, Drink & Tobacco at 32.14%, whereas the least rate of its use belonged to Sweden at 15.77%. In contrast to this, the remaining for Clothing/Footwear all countries used it up only under 10%. The largest percentage of its expenditure was Italy at 9.00% while the smallest value was Sweden at 5.40%.

Interestingly, none countries paid out for Leisure/Education above 5%. Turkey which was at the highest proportion in this figure only stood at 4.35%. Next, Sweden and Italy used its trends just over 3%. While Ireland and Spain were just over and under 2%.

  • FB_IMG_1475143847574.jpg
Ucha MSN   
Sep 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / First Baby with DNA from Three Parents Born in the World [2]

A baby who has three biological parents was born in the world. Although the practice was known as controversial technique, doctors from U.S team based in Mexico applied genetic mutation to born a healthy baby.

Shaban, the baby's mother, carries gens for Leigh syndrome as genetic disorder. Her first two children could not be saved from birth because of Leigh syndrome even though the mother was healthy. So she decided to get help from the New Hope Fertility Center in New York.

The doctors at the institution advised to do 'spindle nuclear transfer. Shaban's egg was removed and inserted it into a donor egg which had had its nucleus removed. Then the egg was fertilized with her couple. Nine months later, the baby was born since it was implanted in Shaban's womb. When the baby's mitochondria were tested, the result showed that less than 1% Leigh syndrome was found.

Since the baby grew up, the doctors always monitor the baby to make sure that the levels of the Leigh syndrome remain as low.
Ucha MSN   
Sep 28, 2016

Most people believe THAT lives LIVE in the modern (...) technology makes CAN MAKE THE society complicated BE COMPLICATED to keep fit with ...
Others said it IS easier for human to be ...
Ucha MSN   
Sep 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Home and International Students who Studying Computer Science in UK, 2010-2012 [2]

The bar chart describes the amount of UK University students who studying Computer Science during 2 years between 2010 and 2012. Overall, both British and International students, the proportion of men has fallen and rose while women shows that it increased constantly.

The diagram of British home students shows that the men was stood at 48 students in 2010 and then plunged to 23 students in 2011. However, it was increased steadily to 43 students in 2012. By contrast, side, the number of women was increased gradually during three years from 35 students in 2010 to 45 students in 2012.

On the other side, International students highlight that the total number of men rose from 20 students in 2010. Therefore, it increased dramatically from 23 students in 2011 to 38 students in 2012. Besides, the proportion of women increased steadily within the three years from 13 students in 2010 to 20 students in 2012.

  • FB_IMG_1474968218116.jpg
Ucha MSN   
Sep 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Shawn Anchor believes that our brain views can shapes our reality. [6]

... that our brain views POINT OF VIEWS can shapes SHAPE our reality.
He tried to find the key to understanding UNDERSTAND the science of happiness.
... of our happiness, we just know only SOMETIMES ONLY ACTIVATE ABOUT 10 percent of OUR long-term happiness. Fortunately, the most gives BIG impact is how to our brain views ...

From his research, he find FOUND that only a quarter job ...
When our brain positive POSITIVE THINKING performs, it will rises RISE other aspects ...
Ucha MSN   
Sep 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / On learning vacations the travelers may enjoy their time off by learning something new [3]

Now days, there are kinds of trip which is ...
Nowadays, a trip becomes more various which is provided with learning on vacation. The travelers will not only enjoy the journey but also learn something new.

In the past, these types were generally [...] of travel programs be more interest.
Previously, such activities was generally presented by pupils who did study tour. Recently, this kind of practice has became trends for many people event for collegers, workers, and private travelers.
Ucha MSN   
Sep 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Youngest female airline captain' - 26-year-old Kate McWilliams [2]

As the youngest female airplane captain, Kate McWilliams 26 years old have experienced about 100 journeys around the world. Many people were surprised and impressed with her achievement in young age of 26.

Last year the airplane informed to increase the number of female to be pilot. However, Kate was not the youngest ever female captain when Sarah Henry on the age of 24 joined in the same company.

13th years old was her first time flying on the airplane and she never thought before the she would be a commercial pilot. Starting her carrier, she joined in aviation training Southampton and became co-pilot in May 2011. Nowadays, she is known in the rank of captain after passing the airplane's command program.
Ucha MSN   
Sep 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Online sales in retail sector between 2003 and 2013 [4]

The pie chart presents IMPARTING KNOWLEDGE about the percentage of ...

... was followed by clothes as the second highestPOSITION.
This resulted in the travel sector was the second highestBECAME THE SECOND POSITION in retailer sales eventually.

In contrast with sales of film/music and books sectors, although such figures , ALTHOUGH THE FIGURES OF FILM/MUSIC AND BOOKSwere the least in online sales, but in the following ten years, they showed an upward trend . THEY SHOWED AN UPWARD TREND IN THE FOLLOWING TEN YEARS.
Ucha MSN   
Sep 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Make People Listen To Our Speak [2]

Most of people always speak without having meaningfulness and powerfulness. Some habits people need to move away from their speaking. Those things are pretty large deadly sins of speaking that most of us can fall into. First is gossiping. Speaking about someone who's not present is an ill. Second is judging people that might hurt. Third, negativity which is just makes wasting of time. Fourth, complaining that doesn't have any quality. And the last is dogmatism. That is when someone talks about the confusion of fact with opinion. All of this must be avoided to get the positive feedback from others.

Here are some positive ways on how we draw people in our speaking. Four powerful foundation of it are abbreviated as HAIL which is has a great definition as well. Its word stands for Honesty, Authenticity, Integrity, and Love.
Ucha MSN   
Sep 27, 2016
Graduate / I want to apply for masters program in Agricultural Economics [2]

Hi Janet.. I have read your study objective. I can say you're high-motivated student. Hopefully all your aims can be true.
Now, I want to give some correction and suggestion in your writing.

My main Purpose of choosing to study ...

is to be able to apply economics principles to various issues arising in Agriculture and also to help Agriculturist in the efficient use of Resources. I decided to pursue a career in this course because I see it as a program that people don't know its worth as the population ...


Students overlook Agriculture and they believe that ...
Ucha MSN   
Sep 26, 2016
Writing Feedback / Butter, margarine and other spreads consumed during 26 years timeline [3]

The line graph illustrates the amount consumed of 3 spreads since 1981 until 2007.

It is noticeable that at the first butter was the most common consumption of three spreads but it decreased dramatically at the last period. However, a considerable rise can be seen in the consumption of low fat & reduced spreads.

Between 1981 and 1986, butter consumption rose from around 140 to 160 grams. In spite of 1986 until 2007, its spread had plummeted drastically to around 50 grams. On the other hand, in the figure for margarine fluctuated between 80 to 90 grams in 1981 to 2001 but it also dropped from around 85 to 40 grams in 2007.

By contrast, in 1996 low fat & reduced spreads came as a new spread and it had doubled since 2001 to approximately around 10 to 85 grams. Nevertheless, few decrement also happened in 2007 from around 85 to 70 grams.

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