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Posts by justivy03
Name: Ivy Maye Favor
Joined: Apr 8, 2015
Last Post: Dec 2, 2016
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Posts: 2279  
From: Singapore
School: PATTS College of Aeronautics

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Apr 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2: What are the benefits of requiring young people to serve the army? ... [4]

HI Su, thank you for appreciating our work here on EF, I hope to review you revision soon.
While you're at it, I would like to provide a few reminders that will definitely boost your essay;

- mind the ideas that you input in the essay, make sure that they are relevant and go straight to the point.
- mind the information you provide in the essay, as this matters a lot, you have to be very cautious, as they say, the lesser you talk, the less the mistakes and this is very true in writing too.

- the linking verbs, punctuation marks and verb forms are minor details that most writers miss, the thing is, this is very vital to the construction of your sentences, therefore you have to know where to include them in your sentence.

I wish to review your revision soon, keep writing and read a lot, this is the only form of practice that will give you two things, increase your vocabulary and will let you see a lot of different writing skills from different writers. I hope this insights help. Keep writing.
Apr 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / When people are young, then parents education is the most important for them [3]

Hi Chang, I would like to share a few insights to your essay but before I do so, I would like to WELCOME you to the Essay Forum Family, this is one of those website that genuinely help students and writers alike in making sure that, with a little help, we will be able to help each and everyone in practicing the language and get better is not the best at it.

Below are the corrections for the first paragraphs of your essay.

1st paragraph
- Some people believe that the school
- teachers for their children.
- I partially agree a part ofto this idea to athe certain content.
- BecauseThis is because, in the
- growth of the children, in a way parents
- they cannot moreno longer influence
- to their children longer .
- from their parents are the
- this in the futurewill deeply impacts people lifetheir future life .
- for people, to elaborate my points .( the last phrase is not relevant to the essay anymore as you have established your point in the beginning of the sentence)

There you have it Chang, well, overall, I must say that you have the idea on what to write in your essay but pulling it together in order to present an idea that is easy to understand, is not really depicted in your essay. As it goes, I hope you follow through with the corrections presented for your essay and I hope to review the revision soon.
Apr 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2: What are the benefits of requiring young people to serve the army? ... [4]

Hi Su, upon reading your essay, I believe you're not suppose to be concerned with the flow of the essay at all, I must say that the flow of the essay is quiet good it actually follows a certain sequence, a certain logic and this is already properly placed.

Now, what I worry is the verb forms and the way the ideas are coming together in your essay. The thing is, the essay has a good flow but not all the ideas are in sync. Here's what I'm trying to say;

1st paragraph
- Nowadays, there areis an increasing
- whichthis has sparked off an intense
- communities can replace in serving the army.

- UnarguablyHaving said that , every country
- which is conductiveconducive for countries to

The above are just a few corrections that has been made, in order to show you that there is still a few improvements that can be done in your essay and this will bring your essay to greater heights and hopefully strengthen it to its full potential.
Apr 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Trying to get into my dream school - essay on importance of having clean water [3]

Hi Sasha, I would like to share a few insights to your essay.

First of all, I believe that your essay is written well, it is very detailed, you were able to showcase a whole lot of different ideas rolled into one in a manner that is absolutely easy to comprehend.

Moreover, as much as it is very crucial that your essay is understood, it is equally important that the words you use in your essay are simple, big words can sometimes be tempting to use but that doesn't mean that they are the best words to use in the essay, especially if they don't reflect the idea that you are trying to convey to your readers. Choosing to go simple and easy on the words that is being used in the essay is always a very effective way in writing an essay.

Well, once again Sasha, it is a well written essay, for future writing reference, keep a good pacing as well as keep the good job on word usage. I hope this insights help.
Apr 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Working as a volunteer after school time could be beneficial and mandatory. [3]

Hello Tran, here's some additional insights towards your essay.

- Working as a volunteer after school time
- couldcan be beneficial
- drawbacks that could be

- working for charity work ,
- whichthis could bring
- labour infor the next few years.
- couldcan ( mind your verb forms ) be
- accumulatedacquired by doing unpaid work.
- after school time would be a
- careers with practical skills( this phrase is not necessary) .
- of the crucial issues
- them, this willwould relieve their
- lost( lost - things misplaced / loss - grieving from loss of someone ) and give

There you have Tran, as you can see, this is only the first paragraph and there's a lot of work to be done. Now, I hope the corrections above are useful to your revision.
Apr 21, 2016
Letters / This is an essay about the life in the city. Reply for a letter. [3]

Hi Linh, WELCOME to the Essay Forum Family, I hope you find this website to answer your writing needs, we aim at providing you with the best help you can get from our team of experts, students and writers alike.

What I notice on your letter os the lack of formal words that you use, though I'm not sure if this essay is for a major subject or a letter to a friend, regardless though, you still need to make sure that you keep the formality of the letter. The fact that you are able to come up with this essay, only means that you are able to make it better.

I suggest you follow through with the corrections provided here on EF and in addition, be creative however be cautious at the same time.
The letter should remain professional regardless of it's purpose, this will definitely help you practice the English language better.

Keep writing.
Apr 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS - land degradation problem. Some causes which negatively affect the fertility of lands [5]

Hi Yao, WELCOME to the Essay Forum Family, I hope you find this website helpful in your writing references and may you keep writing and practice everyday, reading will help increase your vocabulary too.

I would like to provide additional insights to your essay, please find below;

- The two charts shows the
- regions inof the world.

- It couldcan ( mind the tenses of your verb ) be - compared withto other factors.

- lands whichthat become barren.

- Europe andat 9.8% of
- degradation that comes from it.

There you have it Yao, Overall, this essay is a well written one, as you can see there's to be done in your essay, only a little help, corrections and proper form of the verb tenses. Keep writing.
Apr 20, 2016
Letters / International Software Systems Science program at University Of Bamberg - Motivation Letter [3]

Hi Firebaby, I would like to share a few insights to your letter.

I find this letter well written, you were able to reveal your true intentions in pursuing the masters program, I also liked the fact that the letter used very specific simple words that definitely expresses your desire for excellence in the field.

However, on the first paragraph, try not to highlight a me-me persona, instead of writing "I have or I graduated", write "Having earned a bachelors degree with first honors", this is more appropriate in giving emphasis to your achievements, it is also very effective in letting the admissions see what you have and what you can become.

Lastly, towards the end of the letter, I suggest that you include a couple of sentences that answers the question; should you be given a chance to pursue masters in this institution, what can you contribute to the academe?

I hope this insights help.
Apr 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / The chart shows the employees of men and women in the nine type of jobs in the UK at 2005 [3]

Hi Dina, here's additional insights to your analysis.

- The bar chart illustrates about
- with the nine types of
- jobs in the UK at 2005
- While the men prefer in the skilled trades.

- The women was a lead the
- although the men are more
- interested in the skilles trades.
- second favorite job at 15%. F, f ollowed by the

- The women had a small
- men does not have interested
- in the perr sonal service with similar level( this phrase is not necessary ) .
- In which the man where uncomfortable
- working in the sales
- and officer with the figure at 5%.

There you have it Dina, I say, push for more practice writing, read a lot of English literatures as this will boost your vocabulary as well as your writing skills.

I hope you find this feedback useful.
Apr 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / Compare and contrast the advantages of the city living and country living. Defend your preference. [3]

Hi Hannah, I hope to add additional insights to your essay,
What is very noticeable in this essay is that, you have the idea of what to write, however, you can't seem to figure out how to express yourself, it's as if I was reading an essay written in a manner of "for the sake of", and this should not be the case, every essay practice should be written with much caution, in such a way that each and every essay will be a good written essay.

Now, I understand how hard it is when you don't speak the language, this is why practice is very crucial, practice is the only way we get better if not the best.

Definitely, there is a lot of work to be done in your essay and I hope you follow through with the suggestions given here on EF, from my end however, I suggest you use simple words that depicts your essay, when it is big words that you aim, as it is here, make sure that is followed with a well rounded explanation in order for you not to get tangled in the idea.

I hope to review your revision soon and push yourself to practicing the English language, you are off to a good start and keep it up.
Apr 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / GRE issue essay: Should the foundation of education be based on morality or logical reasoning? [3]

Hi Stacy, this is yet another well written argument you have here, you were able to make yout point from the very beginning of the essay, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, base on English language usage and how it used in your essay, I say 8.5 for this essay. This is because, the last two paragraphs that you have towards the end of the essay, is not as strong as the beginning of the essay itself. Consistency, not only in writing, but in everything you do, is key to success.

Having said that, I would like to share my thoughts on the last 2 paragraphs of your essay;

- need to practiceobserve morality
- For example,( an example will not be appropriate in this part of the essay, more likely, a conclusion should showcase your final thoughts of the prompt and not an example )

- I t is logically sound
- want to testput animals
- at the risk ofin developing
- are undoingnot practicing logical
- one's life is being used
- at the stakein the hand of a

- In sumoverall , it is important
- advance in the society.and even for the good of society. ( this phrase is not necessary. Stacy, for future writing reference mind your sentence construction, make sure that the sentences you create, expresses your ideas and not just formed for the sake the length of the essay.
Apr 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / Task 1: Four categories of films which were screened in the United Kingdom and Australia in 2001 [2]

Hi Ivan, as I finish reading your analysis, i must say that is is with a unique approach, you have developed an analysis that is not as typically written as the others, most of the analysis would start as, "the chart below illustrates", yours started in a very unusual way, unusual on a positive note.

Moreover, I believe that the chart has been explained properly, no information has been left out and definitely, no facts has been neglected, you manage to come up with a full detailed analysis that is very important in presenting the chart.

As mentioned, we do hope that you follow through with the suggested revision to the analysis and I wish to review more of your essay soon.

Keep writing.
Apr 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / The map shows the proposed reconstruction of a college in 2020. [3]

Hi Nabila, here's some additional insights to your analysis.

- The picturemap has illustrated
- map, before construction,
- facilities onin this college.
- that havehas been done in 2020.

- there were the only car parks ,
- and a small sports
- constructions havethat has been
- there is a resources centre
- built next to the car park.
- that were rebuilt and
- widened which are the main
- college building and the sports complex.

- facilitate the civitascivic academics.
- of somethe new facilitates,
- it can be seen athat there are several
- development ofin this college without

There you have it Nabila, I hope this corrections are useful and helpful in your revision and for future writing reference, mind the construction of your sentences, most of them lack minor details and this can affect the entire essay.
Apr 20, 2016
Scholarship / I plan to take all my prerequisite classes and then apply to the Dental Hygiene program. Goals essay [5]

Hi Theresa, first of all, WELCOME to the Essay Forum Family, I hope that you will find this website helpful and useful in your writing reference. We strive to help writers and students alike in making sure that they are able to come up with a well written if not the best essay.

Now, I want to appease you with your doubt in writing, think about it as like you are talking, but you have to put it in a physical paper and you have to submit it to somebody who will critique it. Moreover, you don't have to write your name in this essay, stating the obvious will sometimes help, but this is not relevant to this essay.

Furthermore, try to group your sentences into bold paragraphs, for your essay in particular, you can create about 3 paragraphs, your introduction, the body and the conclusion. Mind the substitution of your words, like when you already established your goal, avoid repeating the same words on the succeeding paragraphs.

I hope this insights helped and I wish you the best of luck!
Apr 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / An introductory part of my essay writing practice. [6]

HI Akbar, as I was reading through your essay, I can't help but notice that this is quiet a long introductory part of the essay, as you know, the introduction is pretty much an introduction to the essay, I suppose a maximum of 5 sentences should suffice your introduction.

Now, there is still a good thing in this introductory draft, that is, you know exactly what you want to say and write in your essay, all you have to do now is to re- write them in a way that is like a summary to the one that you have right now, as mentioned, a few sentences will be enough to act as your introduction to the essay that you are trying to come up with.

Overall, it is a well established idea and I hope you will be able to come upi with the the succeeding paragraphs as strong as your introduction.
Apr 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1: Multiple Data Sets in Pie Chart and in Bar Chart [3]

Hi Nurtria, below are additional insights and corrections to your analysis, I hope this helps.

- The re source of some grievance
- the given period and
- of the average
- the period of 2000
- At firsta glance,
- that the public
- becomes a major oneissue .
- that on the average

- To begin with , there is a
- that the public
- than the others which
- The other iss are identified
- state, ( the punctuation marks are also valuable to your sentence ) shows almost

-time in the bar chart,
- it can be clearly seen clearly that
- the trend experienced
- slow fluctuation slowly over 4 years.
- end of the time frame,
- least stood, standing at just over 4.

There you have it Nurtria, I hope the corrections are useful and I wish to review more of your essays and analysis soon.
Apr 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / "What is your greatest strength?" - it is not only a tough question, but also philosophy question. [5]

Hi Alvius, as I read your essay, somehow, it is hard to understand, this is because, the words that you used in the essay are not the right ones that should be added unto the sentences as it does not depict the idea that you are trying to convey in answering the prompt, as a result, the essay became a whole of ideas rolled into a jug of paragraphs, hoping that the reader will understand it eventually.

I believe what you need to realize it that, English words vary in meaning as its form changes, an example is the verbs, should the subject be a present action, then the verb should follow through. This is the trick in getting this rhythm right.

Moreover, as much as you want to be creative in your writing, you also need to make sure that it is understandable and expresses your answer to the essay in a manner that is simple, comprehensive and more importantly, direct to the point.
Apr 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / International communication online. Distance is not a main problem in connecting people anymore. [5]

Hi Wira, I would like to share a few insights to your essay, I will take on the first 2 paragraphs so you can follow through with the last one.

- has been advanced nowadays.
- Distance is not athe main
- to makecreate a relationship
- with someone in overseas .
- Beside of manyAside from these benefits

- whichwherein social media
- users are approximately reach 2,2 millions.
- does not cost too expensive andas much it is more affordable
- Due to spreadingWith the spread of internet, ( mind your punctuation marks )
- every place in the entire of the earth,

There you have it Wira, I hope the corrections provided above are useful to your revision, do follow though and should you need further assistance, we are here to help.
Apr 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / Task 1: The number of visitor to and from the UK over the period from 1979 to 1999 [3]

Hi Hengky, some additional insights to the analysis. Refer to the previous essay reviews, your linking verbs are still missing, like when you say,"it can be seen," this phrase shpuld be followed with "that", so it's, "it can be seen that", mond that this linking verbs are very vital in order to complete the whole idea of the essay.

Howeve, this are just plain suggestions and we hope that you follow through, the thing is without the linking verbs, as they are regarded to link ideas, the whole sentence will still be good but it lacks the essence of a complete sentence, therefore these verbs are very important.

Overall, it is a well written analysis and I hope to review more of your analysis, for future writing reference, follow through the suggestions provider for your essay and make the most out of every help you can get.
Apr 19, 2016
Scholarship / 'idea to simplify the system in more efficient and effective way' - Implementing change or reform [3]

Hi Alvius, WELCOME to the Essay Forum Family, I hope you find this website to be helpful and useful in your writing reference, should you require any further assistance to your writing projects, this is the place you can post it.

Now, going back to your essay, I must say it is quiet a self centered essay, though nothing is bad about it, however, thd idea of writing an essay that answers this prompt is to showcase you as well as your contributions tp the institution you belong, without being me, me, me.

What I suggest is that, you revise your essay, still with the same focus but without the regard to your self, like "with my help the development of a system...", as you can see, it is still your work being highlighted but in a very subtle way.

Also, double check the words that you use in the essay, like "memorize" instead of "memories", this minor details can change the logic or even the idea of the essay, so you have to work on this part too. I hope this helps!
Apr 19, 2016
Research Papers / Obesity in America Composition. I need your assistance revising my paper. [3]

Hi Devin, first of all WELCOME to the Essay Forum Family, we are absolutely growing and with overwhelming acceptance from social media and the rest of the netizens that are ruling the world, we hpe to provide you with the most comprehensive and unbiased criticism that will definitely help you improve your writing skills as well as learn new tricks in writing.

Going back to your essay, it seemed as though I was reading a research paper, I must say it is written very well. I really loved the fact that you are able to incorporate the facts with your own opinion, it is a well drafted essay and the logic behind the study is very evident.

Moreover, the notes you highlighted in each and every paragraph is well distributed throughout the essay, this means that the reader will not ne bored in going through your essay, more so, in understanding it.

Overall, it's a job well done.
Apr 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK2:The only way to improve road safety is to impose severe punishment for driving offences. [3]

Hi Su, upon reading your essay, I would rate at 8, this is on the English language and its use perspective, reason for this score is the fact that you were able to come up with a strong introduction, quiet a different approach from the other responses for this essay.

Following the introduction is a couple of paragraphs that I must say it is not that strong, the information is somehow broken into pieces in order to keep the length of the essay, though this is a normal technique in writing, you have to make sure that in doing so, the essay remains strong from the beginning towards the end and the ultimate conclusion.

There you have it Su, I hope my insights help, for future writing reference, make sure that when elaborating the details of the essay, it will still hold bearing to the original purpose of the prompt.

I wish to review more of your work soon and keep writing.
Apr 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / The impacts of technology in today's education system [3]

HI Xavier, WELCOME to the Essay Forum Family, I hope you find this website essential to your essay writing as well as any other writing exercises, this forum is aimed at providing students and writers alike with constructive criticisms in order to assist you with your writing needs.

Moreover, the essays posted here can be used as reference for a healthy comparison and as an idea to your future essays. Going back to your essay,

I believe it is written well, the information you provided truly expressed your idea and how you picture technology and its evolution, how it affect our daily existence and how it co - exist with the advancement of time.

Moving forward, I'm just not sure with the length of the essay, I must say it's quiet long, however, the good thing about it is that, you didn't loose the idea as well as the sequence of the essay. Your strict input and emphasis on the important information is very vital in keeping a strong approach to the prompt.

Once again, job well done!
Apr 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / Free - tuition policy by University for luring new professors - argument response [3]

Hi Robin, as I read through your essay, I found out that there are some words that are either missing a letter or spelled wrong, I understand that this is minor observation, but the impact is definitely big, the effect of a misspelled word or missing letter can greatly affect the idea that you are trying to depict in your essay, so you should be really careful.

devoided - divided
near be -nearby ( one word )
comparitivly - comparatively
elder - older ( older - when referring to age / elder - referring to the respect for the older people )

Moreover, the use of "was", instead of "has", "to" instead of "for" this are necessary to the completion of your essay, having said that, mind the linking verbs as well as the tenses that you use in your sentences as this will affect the overall aspect of the essay.

I hope my corrections helped and keep on writing.
Apr 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / Modern technology is now very common in most work places. What do you think about it? [3]

Hi Maria, I would like to share a few modifications to your essay.

- over times and it has
- become to integrated
- in different workplaces with
- improving the working
- conditions of employe es and
- way of employees accomplishing specific
- could become positive

- taking the technology
- advancement into work places.
- be done bywith the latest
- manpower, ( mind your punctuation mark )
- in contraston the contrary ( contrast - color / contrary - idea ) at that
- accepted is to increase

There you have it Maria, I hope this corrections help and oh, before I forget, WELCOME to Essay Forum, I hope you find this family helpful and useful in your future writing needs, moreover, I kindly ask that you share this website to your family and friends in order to spread the access to this incredible website.
Apr 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / GRE Argument essay: Recall on pet food [3]

Hi Stacy, as much as I want to rate your essay, I don't have the expertise when is comes to GRE grading system, however, here's what I can say about your essay.

You were able to create an argument in much detail, the facts featured are base, not only on your personal opinion, but base on facts and realistic occurrence in our daily lives, recalling pet food is indeed as much harmful as recalling human food, pets are are part of human existence,therefore , they should be treated with utmost importance.

Moreover, the writing style you showcased in this argument is very comprehensive, you made sure that the words are simple, easy to understand and more importantly, the argument is well presented with a very sequential progress of ideas. If I were to rate your essay base on the English language and its use, I would give it a 9, this is because I know that you can still strengthen the argument by choosing to include only the very important details to your essay.

I hope to review more of your writing and the best of luck to your GRE!!!
Apr 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / Ielts T2 - space programmes. Is funding those activities a wise choice? [4]

Hi Mara, I agree that this essay that you have is a well written one, however, as I am not an EILTS administrator, I will not be able to put a scale on your essay, what I can say is that, judging your essay on a grammatical perspective, I would rate it at 9, this is because the essay depicts a highly researched, full of facts and it is a realistic approach of the matter at hand.

Moreover, it is presented in a way that not all the information is rolled in one place, the details are properly written in its own space and in its own timely sequence, meaning the logic is very evident.

I hope to review more of your work in the future and I wish you the best of luck in your EILTS. Also, keep this clean and simple approach on your essays, this will help you land a good EILTS score.
Apr 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / The percentage of young people in the UK who choose to eat vegetarian diet over the past fifty years [2]

Hi Nabila, as seen in this analysis, you received a very comprehensive modification from our EF contributor and I hope you follow through.
What I like about your essay is that, you were able to use words that truly depicts what the analysis is trying to implicate. The analysis is pretty much a showcase of what you have understood in the graph, so you have to be very careful.

Moreover, you manage to keep the analysis to its facts and started very strong, the body of the essay is also very comprehensive and lastly, the conclusion and final sentences of the essay is written as strong as it started.

I hope the insights help and I wish to review more of your work in the coming days. For future writing reference, keep a good pacing on the flow of your ideas and maintain the simple approach towards every prompt or analysis that you answer.
Apr 18, 2016
Research Papers / Research Critique- I have to read an article and Critique it but I am not sure how to start [5]

Hi aj2012, the critique should comprise such information with a substance or shall I say, it should comprise your understanding of the research or the topic at hand. One thing that you have to understand is that, a critique is like telling your readers what your take away is or your understanding of the matter at hand.

Moreover, mind the information presented on the paper, it should be as much detailed as it is from the paper itself towards your critique, this is crucial as it the life of the research, towards the end of your critique, you can add your personal insight to the topic, this makes the critique more personal and will add warmth to the readers.

I suggest that you post the entire research paper so we can help you out in coming up a much more comprehensive critique. I wish to read and review your work soon.
Apr 18, 2016
Writing Feedback / TASK 1 :The changes that have occurred in selected area, around school area [3]

Hi Rangga, here's additional entries from my end.

- The changes that havehas occurred
- in the selected area,
- around the school area , there
- it can be seen, the most noticeable that the - then thesethis change

- To begin with , there were
- left of the schools
- building and in the playground
- area in the first
- withinto a car park
- inas it was use to be sport field.
- HoweverMoreover , school building
- the 30 years period .

- Car parks located
- to the left of the science
- south from the car park
- expansion of a car park. Andand the playground
- with the size less than before.

There you have it Rangga, I hope the additional corrections help and for future writing reference, mind your linking verbs, refer to the modifications above.
Apr 18, 2016
Writing Feedback / The cycle of hydro-electric power generation classified by two important concepts - IELTS [3]

HI Rangga, I would like to share additional insights to your analysis.

- generation is classified
- seen,that the two concepts
- constituted a mutual support.
- water in dams ,
- in distribution of electricity
- whothat had been
- produced by turbine, will be
- reaching the consumer.

- water from the rain is
- A valve seesis seen to
- the water from the dam
- Then the water which
- with a pump back
- to the reservoir and the process is repeated.

There you have it Rangga, I believe, the linking verbs that are missing in most of your sentences will complete the idea that you are trying to convey to your readers. I left the last paragraph so you can practice editing it yourself, following the corrections done in the first 2 paragraphs.

I hope this is helpful.
Apr 18, 2016
Research Papers / The dangers of Fast Food and GMOs - so many people are unaware of their harmful effect. [3]

HI Angelica, first of all, WELCOME to Essay Forum, I hope you find this website helpful as well as useful to your writing needs. Please do share this website to your friends so that they will participate in practicing the English language and master it in the process.

Now, going back to your research paper, I must say that it is well written, you were able to come up with comprehensive information that is backed by your well researched information. The length as well as how your essay is presented is also essential in the submission of your paper.

However, the citation that you have included in your essay can be further focused if you add them alongside the facts that you have drawn from the particular source. Overall, it is a well written research, as mentioned earlier and I hope to review more of your writing here on EF in the coming days.
Apr 18, 2016
Writing Feedback / Some think that children should be obedient to the rules and do what the teachers want them to do [5]

Hi Sophie, it's good to hear words of appreciation, it's actually one thing that we look forward whenever we log in to the website, your words of encouragement will only make us more determined to keep this website as much help to you as well as to us. I hope you spread the news that this website does exist with the goal of helping students and writers alike.

Now, for your future writing reference, when answering a prompt, mind the flow of your ideas, make sure that it is in as much detail as needed. Essays are base on a particular topic and this means that your writing should only evolve in it, however, a personal opinion will not hurt if you add a little of it, specially in the last paragraph or before you do the closing statement of the essay.

Furthermore, when writing, mind the purpose of the essay and provide all the necessary information needed to support you essay and make the cut. I do hope to review more of your essays and writing articles here on EF and keep writing.
Apr 16, 2016
Research Papers / "Technology waste reduction" - ENG102 Lesson#11 Drafting and Peer review 4.09.16 [3]

Hi Alex, WELCOME to Essay Forum, may you find this website helpful and useful to your writing needs. This website is aimed at providing unbiased and constructive criticism in order to get better if not master the English language by practice writing, students forum and plain and simple conversation.

Going back to the research paper, I must say, it;s quiet comprehensive, very detailed, well researched. The transition of the ideas and information in the paper is also flowing smoothly, it follows a certain sequence, a sequence where your readers are able to follow and understand what exactly is written in the research paper.

However, I suggest that, when it comes to your citation, I suggest that you write them, enclosed in a parenthesis, alongside the information drawn form your source, this will help your readers see the source of the information, straight away, rather than going to the citation page to verify the information.

Now, this does not mean that you can eliminate the citation page, you can have this as an addition to the page.

I hope this insights help.
Apr 16, 2016
Writing Feedback / West Park changes: buildings repaired, science block in housing area, sport field, larger car park.. [2]

Hi Rere, for this particular analysis, I must say that you nailed, it, you made sure that the sentence is complete, you may have some more corrections but they are minor and I believe the suggestions above from one of our EF contributors will help you in coming up with a much better analysis.

Moreover, what is good about your analysis is the focus or the attention to details, you are able to gather previous suggestions provided here on EF and this is a very good character, you are showing that is it important to listen, learn and be able to approach your essays and analysis in a way that is suggested to you.

Overall, this analysis as well as the previous ones I have reviewed, only lack fine details, minor ones actually, however important, to pay close attention to.

I hope this insights help.
Apr 16, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 - The pie charts below show the online shopping sales for retail sectors [4]

Hi Rere, here's another help from my side.

- corneredgathered the online
- the year while books arehad the least.

- that haswas spent
- for the travel sector.
- terms,are music and film
- was at 19% for selling books.

- of the proportion
- HereinMoreover , travel
- decreased asat the least,
- is was only at 16%.

There you have it Rere, I hope the suggestion are useful to your revision.
What I notice in most of your sentences is the lack of linking verbs that is associated to completing the idea of the sentence. This are just minor details, such as punctuation marks, but believe me, they mean a lot in getting that idea across your readers, so be cautious on this matter.
Apr 16, 2016
Writing Feedback / The most popular transport in Edmonton. Cars represent more than 2/5 of all transportation types. [4]

Hi Ester, let's see if there's any progress with your analysis, I know there will be and I know that you pay attention to the given suggestions in your analysis and overall to your writing skills.

- proportion of inhabitant'speoples ( people - human being / inhabitants - other living thing aside form humans ) - using cars in the inner city.
- It is measured in percentage .
- Overall,from the first chart,
- shows the most favorite
- car,( a comma is not necessary when the idea is followed by the word "and" ) and mostly
- they utilized itthis for commuting to work.

- seen,that people in

- is one of the most reason
- SecondlyNext iswas doing business,
- about 45% and closed to this position
- alongduring the day and
- other reasons were for shopping
- about 15% each reasonrespectively .

There you have it Ester, I hope the corrections help and with your essay, they left me curios, do you have to repost it when you do the revision?, I ask because, I never read any revision from analysis done by anyone.

Anyway, I wish to review more of your work soon.
Apr 16, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 - The chart below gives information about Southland's main export [2]

Hi Rere, I have a few additional insights for your essay,

I believe, your analysis is one of the most comprehensive ones that I have read so far, you made sure that the information depicted on the chart is clearly analyzed and elaborately written in the essay.

The thing that I like most about it is that, you have given full observation to the details of the chart, the measurements, the facts and the figures are in line with all the necessary and vital information of the data provided.

Overall, it's a very well written analysis and as much as I want to stress, I know you will do much better in the next projects that you will have. Maintain the details, the focus to the information as well as keeping the rules of the language evident to the essay.
Apr 16, 2016
Graduate / The conservation of nature is an obligation of humanity [3]

Hi Irvin, I must say, at a glance, this particular letter is way to long for a letter to the institution with a sole purpose of getting in for a masters degree. Most of the essays I have read, on the same agenda, is written in a way that is direct, precise, straight to the point and with all the necessary, vital and detailed information on the topic that works best for the applicant.

Now, don't get me wrong, I read your letter and it is clearly elaborative, full details are evident to the essay, however, most of the information you provided is not necessary to this application.

Remember, as you are applying for the masters program, the admission staff already knows your eagerness to the subject at hand, they already know that you have the passion and dedication to the craft, stating the obvious, sometimes helps but most of the time, excessive information can lead to devastating results, so you have to be very careful.

What I suggest is you revise the essay, introduction should be a brief background, the body, this can be 2 paragraphs, details of your academic ambition, lastly, the conclusion, draw your future self, what will you gain out of this masters program.

There you have it Irvin, I hope to review the revision soon
Apr 16, 2016
Writing Feedback / Offences that are commited using a computer are more and more common this days.. [2]

Hi Tugba, as it seems that you have put up a good argument here on your essay, I would like to help out in making it an even stronger essay. I will focus on the first 2 paragraphs so you can follow through;

- technology companycompanies ,
- It is not new occurr ence that
- accessing the internet.

- Firstly ,the copying of
- case tothat people
- who access tothe internet
- personal and detailed information - There are many trickster pP eople are pulling tricks on those
- SecondlyNext ,anonymously
- accessing in itpersonal information to annoy , - the communication is a deceptive manner for somebodyinformation ( the rest of the phrase is not necessary to the sentence nor to the paragraph ) .

There you have it Tugba, I hope the corrections I made are useful.
Now, with regards to your other concern, writing for IELTS is very crucial, very complicated yet very challenging and you will find it very rewarding in the end, the main thing that you have to take note of is to follow the English language rules, rules such as subject - verb agreement, proper tenses, proper clause, etc., this are vital to attaining better score at an IELTS writing,

I wish you the best of luck and I hope to see more if your work soon.

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