Dec 2, 2015
Writing Feedback / The information presents what visitors claimed to dislike or like on the Fairmont Island - IELTS [2]
The pie charts give information about what visitors claimed to dislike about and things that people liked about of Fairmont Island according to tourists' opinions. Overall, it can obviously be seen that while visitors enjoy the residents on the island, high living cost is the main reason which might hinder tourists from visiting.
Whilst the largest proportion of drawbacks goes on living expenditure, representing more than two fifths of the total, the quality of food is merely one in twenty of the total. Surprisingly, weather condition as well as leisure activity are two things of problem which are too interesting to abandon since both of them cannot be well-satisfied, the former accounts for a fifth and the latter is more by one in ten.
Another pie chart shows four distinct plus icons that tourists enjoy spending time there. While the main reason visitor visiting the island is based on people there, showing two-fifths of all total, the second major cause is the scenery, which is only 3 percent less.
In contrast, the proportion of culture and good living places are a minority, 12 percent goes on the cultural reason and 11 percent for good accomodation.
The pie charts give information about what visitors claimed to dislike about and things that people liked about of Fairmont Island according to tourists' opinions. Overall, it can obviously be seen that while visitors enjoy the residents on the island, high living cost is the main reason which might hinder tourists from visiting.
Whilst the largest proportion of drawbacks goes on living expenditure, representing more than two fifths of the total, the quality of food is merely one in twenty of the total. Surprisingly, weather condition as well as leisure activity are two things of problem which are too interesting to abandon since both of them cannot be well-satisfied, the former accounts for a fifth and the latter is more by one in ten.
Another pie chart shows four distinct plus icons that tourists enjoy spending time there. While the main reason visitor visiting the island is based on people there, showing two-fifths of all total, the second major cause is the scenery, which is only 3 percent less.
In contrast, the proportion of culture and good living places are a minority, 12 percent goes on the cultural reason and 11 percent for good accomodation.