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Posts by anita11
Name: Anita Rachmat Putri
Joined: Feb 1, 2016
Last Post: Feb 28, 2016
Threads: 28
Posts: 20  
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From: Indonesia
School: State Islamic University of Jakarta

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Feb 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / It is evident that the business has to search the profit to maintain the production and pay a salary [2]

Q: The purpose of business is to make money and they should concentrate only on this.
Do you agree or disagree?

In this globalization era, everyone can be a part of the market or business world. In fact, many people argue that the main motivation for starting a business is merely money, and entrepreneurs shall only focus on it. I personally believe that the companies should back to the main purpose to gain profit and consider their role to help the society's life.

To begin, Money is the aim of the private business. It is because the business has to defend continuous their company and hires the employees. Mayora, for example, has a large capital, which successfully hires thousands of workers due to defending the first purpose to gain maximum profit. Finally, this company can help the economic stabilization in this country. However, the huge company has the responsibility to help the societies.

Moreover, huge businesses have responsibility to support the local government to build the infrastructure near their factories. It is because the local societies take the important role to provide the natural and human resources for them. Cevron company, for instance, contributes to the construction of the main street for Sukabumi people, in West Java. They also provide scholarship to the surround children on the area of mount Salak. Finally, the good sustainability will occur between the dwellers and company. There is no doubt that the financial aid from great business is needed to supporting administration program.

To sum up, it is evident that the business has to search the profit to maintain the production and pay a salary. Hence, it can also help the general public through the construction of infrastructure except the payment of tax.
Feb 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / It's evident that electronic devices influence the communication between societies when used wrongly [2]

Q: The use of electronic media has a negative effect on personal relationships between people.
To what extent do you agree and disagree?

Nowadays, the advance of technology often influences communication and interaction among people. In fact, numerous people argue that electronic media, such as a television, computer and mobile phone, bring negative impact on the relationships. I personally agree with this statement since the relation of society is more and more disturbed when they use this device without controlling.

In fact, many people often forget their real family and friends when they use the information device. It is because this tool addicts them to leave their lives to still focus on the fictive activities on the screen of the television or computer. For instance, the mothers, who watch serial drama, waste their time only in front of television and bury their obligation to entrust their children. Consequently, they will lose their role as parents to educate their children. However, it is true that the use of technological device affects the communication among people who cannot control their selves.

In addition, using gadget, computer and hand phone, does not influence the interaction among human beings since they merely communicate with their family and relatives. To illustrate this, my father has good relation with his daughter though using computer every day as the journalist. It proves that this solitary impacts to several citizens, instead of all societies. I believe that the drawback occurs towards people who do not know the real function of electronic media to ease human's work.

To sum up, it is evident that electronic device influences the communication between societies when it is used worse. I think that everybody should take an advantage of the electronic effectively and smartly.
Feb 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / It is very troublesome for people to have a healthy lifestyle in the modern era. (IELTS Task 2) [2]

Q: Some people say that in the modern world it is very difficult for people to have a healthy lifestyle. Others, however, say that it is easy for people to be healthy and fit if they want to be.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Obesity becomes the huge problem worldwide which is caused by the consumption of fast food excessively and the lack of exercise. In this case, people argue that a healthy lifestyle becomes something which is difficult to be applied every day, while others think that it is easy when the general public want to choose it. I personally believe that being healthy is a choice for human beings because there are many ways to keep fit, and it depends on the individual.

Commonly, full activities force many people, especially workers, to leave patterns to be healthy through the routine exercise and consumption of healthy meal. It is because they do not have enough time to cook the healthy food or go to a gym. For instance, the workers in Sudirman street Jakarta, Indonesia, tend to consume a fried chicken provided MC-Donald and KFC as the solution to reduce time. Finally, they have the risk much more to be detected in hearth disease and it is added by avoiding to do exercise on the week end. However, there are several people who can merely keep the pattern of healthy lifestyle.

In fact, many employees can keep their healthy though they are really busy as the officers since they manage the schedule very well to do sport activity 30 minutes per week and choose the high nutrient cuisine. To illustrate this, Megawati, officers in Kuningan city, Jakarta, provides the food before go to the office every day and does an aerobic on Friday night. Finally, she can merely healthy and it proves that everybody can be healthy if they want.

To sum up, it is evident that every human kind can be healthy person when they can manage their time. Everybody should consider the healthy lifestyle and maintain the schedule to cook nutrient food and do routine exercise.
Feb 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Are the profits the major business purpose? Should people who operate it focus exclusively on money? [2]

hello linda, it is better for you to write the hook before starting to the question
It is argued that profits are the major business purpose and people who operate the business should focus just on it. I personally agree with this view as they must take a responsibleility in advancement of business itself and the workers.

... so that it can overcome a bigger profit as; it will be used for the salary ...

... to create good-working environment asbecause it can give effect in work productivity.

The aforementioned shows that although there is any another business purposes ...
... that business purpose is just about money and it should becomes the main concentrationfocus .
Feb 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Fashion is one of the ways to assess someone's habit. (IELTS Task 2) [2]

Q: Some people say that the clothes people wear are the most important indication of what they are like. Others, however, say that people should not be judged by the clothes they wear.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Fashion is one of the ways to assess someone's habit. In fact, numerous people value a person through style which they choose. Others consider that this cannot be turned as the measure to know human's interest. I personally believe that first appearance cannot be used as a judgment as the wise statement, 'don't judge book by the cover'.

In fact, wider society has habituated judge about human' beings hobby and personality based on their fashion. It is because everybody tends using something appropriate with their habituation. Research from Fletcher conducts that some persons will illustrate their selves regarded interests, such as wearing jeans, jackets, and t-shirts every day indicating that they are casual and like something that is free. Consequently, this value can be used towards several people, daily using the same clothes. However, this not be applied to all conditions.

In some cases, the first appearance does not be used as the judgment because in several circumstances; people will change their fashion directly. To illustrate this, in the same research, Fletcher also proves that everybody can try to change their style as effort to adapt towards different situation. Finally, the assessment is not done in all matters. I strongly believe that the value about someone's life cannot be applied in all times.

To sum up, it is evident that the appearance cannot explain someone's interest. In this case every human should not merely judge person based on their fashion.
Feb 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Fashion is one of ways to assess a person's ability, including in a business world. Dressing smartly [2]

Q: Some organizations believe that their employees should dress smartly. Others value quality of work above appearance.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Fashion is one of the ways to assess a person's ability, including in a business world. In fact, numerous employees are encouraged by some occupations to wear the best clothes. Meanwhile, the others consider that work quality is more crucial than an appearance which is shown by it. I personally believe that the fashion does not guarantee the occupant's capability.

According to my opinion, the good style becomes something, regarded in several public jobs which require meeting with societies. It is because formal and polite situation is displayed by wearing 'blazer or coat'. To illustrate this, Public Relations (PR) have to meet the new client with better appearance. Afterwards, the PR can easily be believed to present their companies plan to cooperate in the business. Finally, the clients will accept the PR companies' plan to join together and the PR succeed doing their jobs. However, the good fashion can support their jobs, I believe that it does not occur in all sectors.

In some cases, this condition is not required towards several careers since many jobs merely need certain abilities of their employees. For instance, engineers in the industries who have to manage numerous machines are not valued by the companies based on their latest style. Consequently, it proves that their skills to operate these devices are more essential than the impressive style. I strongly believe, for several vocations fashion is not reckoned as the main reason to hire people.

To sum up, it is evident that fashion does not guarantee the employee's ability. I think, it is better for people to adapt their styles appropriate with the occupations which they have.
Feb 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Starting a business, instead of trying to gain a job in an occupation (IELTS Task 2) [4]

Q: Some people decide to start their own business instead of working for a company or organization.
Do the advantages for people working for their own business outweigh the disadvantages?

The huge number of unemployments is one of the crucial problems which have to be faced by numerous countries. In this case, many people think that everybody should have entrepreneur spirit to start a business, instead of trying to gain a job in an occupation. I personally believe that starting to be the entrepreneur has much more benefits to them rather than the drawbacks.

In fact, entrepreneurs have to face the huge risk that their own businesses can experience default anytime. It is because the world economic crisis can suddenly come and disturb the stabilization of their business as well as own company. For instance, 1998 witnessed global crisis and caused many private companies in Indonesia bankrupt. Finally, numerous entrepreneurs must let their profit and asset of their own company lost. Thus, I think that they have to overcome the possibility if their companies collapse into bankrupt.

On the other hand, the entrepreneurs are the people who are free to do something in their companies. It is because they do not work to other people. To illustrate this, the owner of shop can manage the time and income of their shop. Consequently, the entrepreneurs can be more creative to operate their own companies. There is no doubt that independency of entrepreneurs also support the government programs to deal with the number of jobless.

To sum up, it is evident that beginning to create the own business has more pros rather than cons. The successful businessman should encourage societies to start their own business and the government should support the spirit as entrepreneurs by financial aid.
Feb 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / The heat losing process occurs because the air always infiltrates into and out of the house; IELTS [2]

Q: The diagram below shows how heat is lost and energy wasted in a house because of air getting into and out of the house.

Summarise the information by reporting the main features and make comparisons where appropriate.

A breakdown of how air circulates in a house and it causes waste of energy thanks to heat losses is illustrated in presented picture. Overall, it is obviously seen that the heat is lost from a room via several equipment on plafond or ceiling. In any case, the heat is transmitted through some areas of rooms.

According to the diagram, the heat losing process occurs because the air always infiltrates into and out the house. Air leaking transmits into the first floor of the building through a dryer bent, window, and outdoor faucet. In addition, in the second floor, the air enters through the window and door, whereas a bathroom electrical outlet and kitchen fan vent add the air infiltration.

Furthermore, heat air releases out home through the ceiling. In the kitchen and bathroom, the air transmits via the recessed lights and fan vents. Next, it also leaks out through the attic hath in the living room.

Feb 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Surveys representing the employees' relations with their supervisor and co-worker IELTS Task 1 [3]

The breakdown of a comparison of two surveys representing the employees' relations with their supervisor and co-workers from 2005 to 2009 is illustrated by the pie charts. This survey is measured in percentages. Overall, it is obviously seen that the most significant results in the charts show that the workers have 'very good' relationship with both partners.

According to the first chart, just over three fifths of occupants had 'very good' relation with their supervisor in 2005, and this trend changed better by 3% of increase. Although in the same year 26 % of workers, who had 'good' interaction, fell to 22 % in the next four years. In addition, a very small number of proportion and alteration occurred towards fair as well as poor relationship.

Turning to the next chart, 63 % of officers also had 'very good' relation with co-workers and it experienced increase to seven in ten. 2005 also saw that there was good relationship which was owned by 28 % of employees and then it declined of three percent in the end of period.

Feb 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / A recent study in 1997 and 2006 representing the communication skills in work (IELTS Task 1) [3]

The breakdown of a recent study in 1997 and 2006 representing the communication skills are crucial at occupation is compared in the table. This survey is measured in percentages. Two types of communication in which the certain skills are needed are classified into the external and internal sectors. Overall, it is obviously seen that dealing with people and listening carefully to peers are the most significant factors that should be considered either 1997 or 2006.

According to the data in 1997, three-fifths of employees considered that they had to have the external capability to deal with people in their occupations, while 24 percent of employees had to selling a product or service. In addition, for internal interaction skills, there was 38 % of workers thought that listened their colleagues as the most important skill, though only seven per cent believed making speech and presentation as the crucial thing.

In the following nine years, two-thirds of employees thought that they had to be able to deal with people. 41 % and 39 percent also believed that they had to have knowledge of particular product as well as advising or caring for costumers respectively. Therefore almost a quarter considered listening carefully to colleagues as the most essential skill.

Feb 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / A breakdown of the education levels of Bulgarian citizens who went to live overseas in 2002-2008 [2]

Q: The chart below gives information about the level of education of Bulgarian people who wanted to go and live in another country in 2002, 2006, and 2008.

A breakdown of the education levels of Bulgarian citizens who want to go and live overseas in 2002, 2006, and 2008 is illustrated by the presented bar chart. Overall, it is obviously seen that among three levels, including (higher education, secondary education, and primary and lower education), the secondary education students tended to leave their nation, while the others saw low figure over six years.

According to the chart, in 2002, the rate of people with secondary education level stood at two-thirds and became the highest data. This trend declined slightly in the following four and six year to 61 % and 59 % respectively. In addition, at the beginning of the period, the higher education started at 17 percent and in the next four year experienced a marginal rise of three percent. Interestingly, 2008 witnessed a dramatic two-time decrease to nine percent in the end of the period.

However, the proportion of primary and lower education was eight teen per cent in 2002. Even though in 2008, the dramatic rise occurred up to reach 32 %, though this percentage was merely a half as many as the secondary education.

Feb 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / A survey representing the people who are happy in the US (IELTS Task 1) [2]

The breakdown of a survey representing the people who are happy in the United States of America is illustrated by the bar chart. This survey is measured in percentages. Overall, the citizens who are married are happier than unmarried dwellers. It is also obvious that having a child has no significant impact on happiness of the family.

According to the first chart, the majority of couples feel happy with their lives. It is shown by more than two fifths of the 18-29 age groups which are satisfied. In addition, 44 percent of the 30-49 and 65 and over age groups is felicity with their lives, while only 40 % of citizens also have same feeling. However, this trend is different from the unmarried people who tend unhappy in three groups of age, whereas there are 34% of older people feeling satisfied.

Nevertheless, 44 % of married couples, having children under 18 is happy and then forty-one and forty-three percent of citizens, having children 18+ and no children respectively have been felicity with their condition.

Feb 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Four crucial components of the wind turbine and how this machinery works in the optimum places [2]

A breakdown of a wind-turbine design and three different locations to be placed is illustrated in the diagrams. Overall, it is obviously seen that the first diagram highlights the construction of the wind turbine, consisting of four crucial components, whereas the second picture reveals how the wind turbine work in the optimum places.

Turning to the first picture, component which becomes most important part of the wind turbine is blades made by fiberglass or wood. In addition, a wind sensor acts to control speed and direction of the blades. A generator also has role as a power producer, resulting 1.5 megawatts of electricity. Therefore, other components are a steel tower and a computer to maintain the system and receive information from the sensor.

Behind the turbine structure, there are three places where the turbine can produce maximum energy. First, the turbine can be built by the sea with landscape position, secondly in the domestic location which can produce 100 kilowatts, and also the top of the hills which surprisingly becomes the most optimum location.

Feb 26, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS 2 : Working after school before studying at University - education and career consideration [5]

i think you neea a hook as introduction in your writing
It is suggested that involving (sing ) in a job for several years after school bringS the benefits for ...
While this idea tends to bringgive the advantages (...) and financial income , I argue that there are ...

... is inclined to provide some benefits. However,though the disadvantages should ...
Feb 26, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS 2 - Electronic Media negative influence; people become introvert and less active socially [5]

Electronic media has a significant role in relationship ofamong people to other people .
... get a bad impact on personal relationships among people .
... I firmly believe that a negative effect of it is biggermore much than positive effect.

First of all, electronic media bringing people to becomes an introvert becausetheytendas people become having a tendency to spend their time alone.

good job linda. :)
Feb 26, 2016
Writing Feedback / Interviewing candidates before hiring them as great method for choosing new employees [2]

Hi Riska,

... an aptitude test to measure their capability on offered jobon the process of recruitment.

... since it does not covering the ability of the applicant's ability in required position.
... the capability of someone in communication matter skill
and general knowledge, it cannot ...
A technician oftenhas(don't forget to write a main verb) lack of communication skill , but ...

... to measures the basic required mathematics skill of the applicant. Consequently?

In conclusion, the interview would lack of the some indicators of ... suggestion ?
Feb 26, 2016
Writing Feedback / Now it is more common to have similar lifestyle among people from different countries in the world [6]

In recent daysRecently , it is has something thatmore common to have less and more same lifestyle among people from different countries in the world because of using products made of same brands. ? you can cheque this reason first; i think it is too vague

In my opinion this trend can have much more positive effects than negative ones .

The positive consequences of this phenomenon can be discussed in two aspects. (Firtsly)On an individual level, it is fair for all people to use developed facilities to have acomfortable lifestylein order to ease their household work (this sentence is just a suggestion) , and get rid of difficulties due to using old fashion products.

For example, most householders in cities can use the washing machine, dryers, and dishwashers made in good brands or in most high streets can be found McDonalds, Subways? (subways (train? or a brand of product?)) , KFC to save time and have high standard level of life.
Feb 24, 2016
Writing Feedback / Number of graduated students hired as English and French teachers in Ontario City [2]

A breakdown of the percentage of teacher's recruitment in Ontario City according to year of graduation from 2001 to 2007 is illustrated by the line graph. Overall, it is obviously seen that students who got a job in teaching French-language had an upward trend. Meanwhile, the trend of English language teachers was slight upward with some fluctuations.

According to the data, both English and French language teachers had a similar proportion. In 2001, the percentage of English and French language teachers' recruitment started at roughly 70, but these trends declined to 58% and 53% respectively in the next year.

Interestingly, in the following year, these categories experienced difference trends. In 2003, the alteration of English teachers' point fell by 18%, whereas that of French rose by 15%. 2003 to 2005 witnessed slight rises of both teachers' languages by roughly three per cent. In addition, the decrease of English teachers tend continued to the lowest percentage at the end of the period. However, the percentage of French teachers' recruitment dropped in 2006, but it merely had a high proportion and rose again to 74% in 2007.

Feb 23, 2016
Writing Feedback / It is evident that the parents and teachers have an essential key to manage the children's lifestyle [3]

Please note the next time you give a semi-useful comment, your account will be suspended.

Q: Many children these days have an unhealthy lifestyle. Both schools and parents are responsible for solving this problem. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

In this globalization era, the young generation has to face the unhealthy lifestyle. In this case, the parents and teachers have a responsibility to maintain their children's lives. I personally agree with this argument and this essay will explain why the parents and teachers have an important role to keep the young generation's health.

The parents and the teachers are of an authority to educate the children about the healthy lifestyle. It is because they spend much time with the children, in the house and the school. To illustrate this, the parents can prepare the healthy food and try to habituate some exercises to the children in home and it can also be applied by schools by providing healthy canteen without fast food as well as socialization about healthy lifestyle. Finally, children can understand how crucial this matter. I think that the parents and teachers' role improve the children habits.

On the other hand, the wider societies, government, mass media, and surrounding have to support the children's good lifestyle by providing better environment. The reason why this should be done is the children can easily imitate the worse behavior from their environment though their family and school have educated the healthy lifestyle. For instance, the consumption of massive fast food can make the children want to follow it. Consequently, the pattern which has been thought parents and teachers becomes useless.

To sum up, it is evident that the parents and teachers have an essential key to manage the children's lifestyle. In my opinion, good environment should also support their roles as the good role model about healthy lives.
Feb 23, 2016
Writing Feedback / Healthcare, lack of money, school for kids - the percentage of problems facing by immigrants; IELTS1 [6]

Please note that the next time you provide a useless comment in other student's thread, your account will be suspended.

The bar chart reveals the percentage of problems, facing by immigrants, in three different groups based on the age. Overall, it is obviously seen that the majority of people, who decide living abroad, has to overcome the problems of healthcare and finances. Meanwhile, finding a school for the children merely becomes trouble for a small proportion people.

According to the data, more than a third of immigrants aged 35-54 has to classify healthcare trouble, while classifying of finances and determining schools for children are faced by less than a third and almost a fifth of people respectively. In addition, roughly 35% of elder immigrants (people over 55) feel difficult to sort out medical facilities, though it has quarrel five percent with sorting out finances. Interestingly, a very small number of older people must manage the education of children and it has the greatest gap with other problems.

On the other hand, classifying finances becomes the greatest trouble approximately 34 percent in the younger generations (people aged 18-34). It has the lowest gap as separating healthcare by two percent even though only 6% of immigrants in this group experiences difficulty to find an education institution for their children.

Feb 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / I personally believe that governments should prioritize the public services rather than art sectors [2]

Q: Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is necessary, but others say money is better spent on improving health and education. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Artwork is one of the measurements about the progress of a civilization. Consequently, numerous governments spend their budget to the improvement of art besides public service sectors. Some people argue that government should focus only in public services because this policy directly affects the quality of people' lives. In this case, I personally believe that it is better for the government to finance public services first before spending national budget in art.

Commonly, the improvement of public services drives to high quality of life, because the citizens can fulfill their basic needs. For example, in Singapore the government gives priority to finance hospital and school and it plays an important role to help people to be healthier and more intelligent. Consequently, their citizens are more wealth and have higher life expectancy than other countries.

On the other hand, the countries have to dispense the national income to the art sector. It is because the artworks and artists are needed by inhabitants as the entertainment. For instance, maintenance of Taman Ismail Marzuki theatre in Indonesia is required extra attention from the Indonesia government in order that the artists and artworks do not demolish by the sophisticated era.

To sum up, I personally believe that government in each country should prioritize the public services rather than art sector.
Feb 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / University graduates as problem solvers, IELTS Task 2 [2]

Q: Some people believe that the aim of university education is to help graduates find better jobs while some others hold that there are wider benefits for the individual and the society. Discuss both viewpoints and give your opinion.

Education is one of the ways to reach success. Recently, numerous students have graduated from colleges and most of them try to obtain the prosperous job as the first expectation on their background, whilst the others consider that graduates will guarantee better life for wider societies. I personally believe that the university graduates many intellectuals who will get well-fixed job to provide the benefits for their communities.

Commonly, one of the university functions is a production of graduates who have certain abilities. It is because they are educated in many subjects by theory and practice about these. To illustrate this, the alumnus of State Islamic University of Jakarta in sociology subject can work as sociology teacher in Senior high school or as society's researcher after they have studied in that discipline for four years. Finally, it proves that the specific skills which are gained from university can increase the possibility to get better job.

However, the college can also result problem solvers in society's lives because the alumnus have been put to the test as a scholars which have knowledge in certain subject. For instance, doctor, who has graduated medical education, can solve the public-health problems. It proves that the university prepares the convergent thinker which is useful for the citizens.

To sum up, it is evident that higher education receives an academic degree for community who tackle the trouble in societies and has better job. In this case, the government should improve the quality of college in order that the graduates are more compatible.
Feb 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Maintaining public library with computer or conventional way? IELTS Task 2 [2]

Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology can replace their functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, the advance of technology eases human beings' job in many sectors, including management of public libraries. Consequently, numerous people consider that computerization of book's database has to be applied to change the manual management once. In this case, I believe that computing is useful to manage the book systems in huge library, but the conventional way should be defended to reduce the risk, caused by malware though spending much more money.

Commonly, conventional way to maintain the books manually has to be applied to support the computerization because by this the librarian can effectively control the database of books without worrying about the virus in the computer. For instance, the National Library of Indonesia merely uses the management of book from professional staff to support the cybernation system. Finally, the harm, resulted when the data are attacked malware can be minimized. There is no doubt that the maintaining public library is useful to support computer system.

The computerization eases the public libraries' workers to organize library system which is more complicated. It is because this can easily classify the huge number of books effectively and efficiently. For instance, Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) is software which can be used all librarians in Indonesia to manage the books online. Consequently, SLiMS can help the librarians to deal with the proportion of books' reference which is more and more increased.

To sum up, it is evident that the manual and computerized ways have to be applied together to hinder the possibility of virus attack in computer. In this sector, the government in each country should encourage the cybernation process as supporting manual management of public libraries and provides a certain budget to finance it.
Feb 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Table task 1 about the route of underground railway system [2]

The breakdown of the figure regarding the number of route kilometer of underground railway and the figure of passengers per year, counted in millions in six cities from the 1800s to 2000s is illustrated by the table. Overall, London was the first city which had tube transport system whilst Los Angeles became the metropolitan area which had recent subway scheme.

According to the data, the only one of subway system was built in London in 19th century. It also had the furthest route, though the number of passengers was 775. However, this was different from Paris which had almost 2000 passengers. Therefore, the railway of London was twice as many as that of Paris which had been built in 1900.

In other continents, the first underground railway was constructed in the capital city of Japan, Tokyo, which interestingly has the highest passengers at two thousands. Nevertheless, its route was less than a half as many as London. In the other city, Kyoto, railway line was constructed in 1981 and had the minimum of passengers as well as the shortest path. In addition, the US citizens had underground transport in 1927 and the newest railway system was built in Los Angeles in 21 century.

Feb 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Line graph - spending much money on buying books [3]

The line graph highlights the percentage of citizens aged 65 and over from 1940 to 2040 in three countries. In common, it is obviously seen that the proportion of elderly in Japan, USA, and Sweden will be upward during one century.

According to the data, Japan stood as the lowest percentage (5 %), though it was level down up to the next four decades. Next, the prediction is that it will gradually increase until 2030 even though it will be stable as the least trend. Surprisingly, the number of unproductive people in Japan is predicted enormous increase three times during a ten-year of periods and then becomes the highest data.

However, in 1940, USA began the greatest trend and experienced gradually increase, followed by Sweden which is almost equivalent. Interestingly, they had the same point in 2000, and then USA remained steady while Sweden experienced double. Equally important, both of them repeat similar tend in 2005. It is predicted that Sweden will be the second rate and USA to be the third.

Feb 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Artefacts, having artistical and historical value are objects attractive to be seen directly [2]

Q: Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Artefacts, having artistic and historical meanings are handmade objects which are attractive to be seen directly. For several centuries, these tools are immortalized by numerous people in museums and galleries as the evidence of human being's works, but the advance of technology, including computer is recently considered changing the position of those places to safe the artefacts. In this case, I personally believe that the computer development cannot replace the function of museums and galleries as the building, used showing human's works.

Commonly, visiting the art galleries and public museums directly offers aesthetic experience. It is because people can interact towards the artwork and interpret the feeling of the creators when they made it in those buildings. For instance, in Musee du Louvre, Paris which displays Leonardo da Vinci's work, Mona Lisa, the art communities can see the historical objects from middle age in the real shape. There is no doubt that the travellers obtain the artistic spirit in galleries and museums.

On the other hand, computer, consisting of internet can show the artworks anywhere and anytime. It is because the website provides the picture and photograph which can be accessed people worldwide. To illustrate this, in islamicartmagazine.com, people can download the picture of Islamic carpets without visiting to Iran (Persia) which needs much money. Finally, this is more effective and efficient to learn about art.

To sum up, it is evident that the position of public museums and art galleries cannot be substituted by the sophisticated computer. The government in each country has to maintain the construction of gallery and museum to be more artistic in order that the existence of these can represent the artefacts or artworks.
Feb 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2: Interviews are not the best method to select the applicants [2]

... cannot be determined by their words and the best methodmay be you can useapproachto avoid repetition is requiring an objective ...

(Countable noun)because this word has been used, please using article'the' Interview is not an effective way because ...
The skillsdon't put plural noun as modifier tested in interview do not cover allaspectsknowledge that have to masteris owned by employees since just (...) how to answer questionS appropriately can be measured. For instance, a technically experts such as programmers (...) their work only connectS them with many computers, so ...

... by applying aptitude test as the one of the selection series is the most ...
... to be located in suitable positionS . For example, people who want to be a secretary in the office should be tested aboutON their ability in operating computer ...

... rather than occupation related abilities and the moreMOST appropriate method is requiring ...
Feb 18, 2016
Writing Feedback / The mass media makes the sensational issue from celebrities, eg. actors, singers and footballers [5]

Q: The media pay too much attention to the lives and relationships of celebrities such as actors, singers or footballers. They should spend more time reporting the lives of ordinary people instead.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The life of extraordinary people always attracts to be reported. In fact, mass media makes the sensational issue from celebrities, including actors, singers and footballers. Meanwhile, news about ordinary people, having achievement, has to be informed also to encourage societies to be more creative and innovative like them. In this case, I personally believe that the media have to provide information about the behaviour of ordinary and extraordinary people in similar proportion.

Commonly, lifestyles of celebrities are more attractive to be reported. It is because everybody wants to know their behaviour and private life much more, and it also requires more profit to the media mass which publish it. To illustrate this, the report of newspaper and television programs towards the achievement and private life of Cristiano Ronaldo as a football player encourages people to read and watch these media. Finally, the news about him and other impressive persons gives more benefit to the media. There is no doubt that the tidings of impressive people, consisting of celebrities and footballers are more interesting to be published.

On the other hand, the achievement of the average people has to be reported too. It is because they do the same accomplishment as the famous ones in different sectors and give the pros to the societies also. For instance, the scientist who finds the equipment to help societies' job has to be appreciated through the news from mass media. Consequently, everybody knows about his invention and it encourages citizens to do something which includes a benefit to the societies' living.

To sum up, it is evident that the equal news about the famous and average people must be applied by the media in order that people are motivated to be more creative to invent something new which is useful for dwellers.
Feb 9, 2016
Writing Feedback / Good health is one of the crucial life components. Pros and cons of the medical care improvement. [2]

Q:One of the consequences of improved medical care is that people are living longer and life expetancy is increasing. Do you think the advantages of this development outweight the disadvantages.

Good health is one of the crucial components that must be owned by everybody. In this case, many developed countries prove that the advance of medical care gives a significant increase of living longer and life expectancy to the citizens, and vice versa in the developing world. I personally believe that the improvement of this has many benefits for the societies than the drawbacks which are shown.

Commonly, an effort to raise the medical care makes the societies more productive in older age, because they are still healthy and can work up to 60-70 years old. To illustrate this, most of elderly citizens in developed countries can create handy crafts, such as sewing as well as knitting clothes. Consequently, this adds the income to their nuclear families and the tax to their own countries. There is no doubt that the old societies are more creative because of good medical support.

In addition, the elderly people in the first world nations are more independent than the older once in developing countries. It is because they can live without full physical support from the younger. For instance, in Japan, the grandmother and grandfather do not become the burden to their families, even they can precisely help and play with their grandchildren. Finally, it can reduce the money, which has to be spent to employ a baby sitter. All in all, it argues that more autonomous dwellers can be found in industrial nations.

On the other hand, it can affect over population of the citizens. It is because the number of old people increase, whereas the rise of fertility rate has turned the highest problem. In China, for instance, the density trouble cannot be solved thanks to this improvement. Finally, the government's policy to reduce the trend of over population is merely stagnant. In brief, the elderly societies cause the rise of the number of inhabitants.

Overall, it is evident that the pros about the developing medical care are much more than the cons. I strongly believe that the policy about this improvement has to be applied by the governments in all nations because older people are the humans who have ever given contribution to the country and the countries have to guarantee their quality of life.
Feb 9, 2016
Writing Feedback / Over the 50-year period, the women role has transformed in several countries. [4]

Hallo wahyutri, i think; it is better for your conclusion to follow the pattern, like writing the closing which is the paraphrase of the tesis statement, and giving the most effective suggestion for the writing rather than trying to repeat the same sentences.

To sum up, it is no doubt that women have to get an equal opportunity in social societies, therefore they can improve their abilities and knowledge.

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