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Posts by Arlen
Name: Arlenliu
Joined: Nov 8, 2016
Last Post: Nov 20, 2017
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From: Taiwan

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Nov 8, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing Task 2: young people have no leisure time and are under a lot of pressure to study hard [2]

In some countries young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, the youth spend most of time on studying without doing the things they like. Honestly, this phenomenon may led to lots of problems since they burden too much pressure.

To begin with, I convinced that the most of pressure comes from their parents. Parents always expect their children being outstanding. In order to achieve the goal, parents will supervise their children whether they study hard. Secondly, it has become more and more competitive in modern society. People who are more extraordinary than the peer can be chosen to those top companies. Beside earning a living, people are seeking to be successful. These factors cause a lot of negative effects, such as disease, tension of society, moreover, the growth of suicide. People should considerate these problems seriously.

I suppose the direct solution is to change people's concept that studying is not the only method to success. Therefore, we should start change it from the individual to the organization. People should advocate the parity of each occupation and realize that each occupation is respectable, the white-collar is not better than the blue-collar. Moreover, the government should fund a scholarship to encourage those have talent in sport, music and painting children.

It cannot deny that studying is important to the young people since knowledge is the foundation of developing. But we have to agree with that under no circumstance should they scarify their leisure time for studying only, they deserve to explore the world without bearing any burden.
Nov 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / It can't be denied that internet has currently become the main method for obtaining information [3]

It is generally believed that the Internet is an excellent means of communication but some people suggest that it may not be the best place to find information.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It cannot be denied that internet has become the main method for people obtaining information currently. In some countries, the usage of internet even exceeded the usage of other media, such as television, newspaper. Despite the abundant resources people gained online, I take the suspicious attitude toward the accuracy of these resources.

In the first place, one of the advantages of internet is its efficiency. People don't need to look through all articles on newspaper or wait for specific television show. The only thing they have to do is clicking the mouse (or slipping the phones), information they need is shown immediately. Secondly, in the past, the major information comes from the main stream media. Now, by contrast, there are blogs, Facebook, Twitter, even Wikileaks that are quite different from the traditional media. People can get the information from multiple ways.

On the other hand, I think the most important thing people should concern is the accuracy of internet information. Nowadays, everyone can create and edit the news, then post online without any serious censorship. Moreover, some of this online information is manipulated which may lead to redundant panic if spreading. People should have their own judgement to distinguish the real or fake data. Furthermore, to believe it or not.

To sum up, although internet brings us the convenient life, we should considerate the information we learned from it as an unconfirmed message that needs our wisdom to determine whether it is worth to trust or not.
Nov 16, 2016
Undergraduate / Boston University is the Perfect Utopia [6]

I can't really catch the point you mentioned how your sister impacted you on pursuing the campus.I think it will be better if there are others persuasive reasons for joining BU.

hope it can help.
Nov 17, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing Task 2: Visa regulation should be relaxed for overseas students [2]

Visa regulation should be relaxed for overseas students.
Do you agree or disagree?

Due to the growth of international communication, there are more and more exchanged students now. However, the first barrier these overseas students encounter is the visa applying. Some people believe that the government should loose the restriction of applying visa for these students yet I state the opposite view that the government should not treat these students different than the others, and my statement are following.

First of all, the main reason people support to relax the visa limitation is their identities-students. Compare to other applicants such as immigrants and businessmen, students seem much simpler. They visit for studying or researching and most of them will not stay for a long time. Secondly, it can encourage the exchanges between different countries in terms of academic, sporty and art. In order to improve the diversity, it is a good way to attract different aspects students from worldwide.

On the other hand, I believe the biggest concerned about visa restriction is safety. Although the purpose of these overseas students visiting is studying, it is hard to supervise all the students' life. For instance, there are several cases that some girls from poor countries will pretend as students to those developed countries to do the sexual business which can earn the money in very short period. I suppose the government should treat all the applicants the same so as to prevent such situations.

To sum up, it is good to have many overseas students to visit. However, under no circumstance should we scarify our safety only for welcoming these students.
Nov 18, 2016
Student Talk / Need help with writing IELTS Essays [10]

I am also a new here and I delivered three threads already.
I think the best way is to post your essay with whatever topic, and others will try to help by correcting your grammar, spelling or giving some advises. It's quite useful and the responses are usually fast!

Hope it helps.
Nov 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / To be an athlete is the dream for many - the famous sporty stars usually have an impressive income [3]

Write about the following topic:

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think is fully justified while others think it is unfair.

Discus both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

To be an athlete is the dream of lots children, and one of reasons is that the famous sporty stars usually have fertile income. However, it is very controversial that these successful sports players earn such great amount of money. In my opinion, I think it is fair enough.

Firstly, some people think this phenomenon leads to bad influence on teenagers. The great gap between the income of sports professionals and the other professionals seems to courage the youth to incline being the former one. What's more, the benefits of successful sports players are not only the money but also the reputation. Being sports professionals seems a shortcut toward an enviable life. These factors make an imbalance between the athlete and other occupations.

On the other side, I suppose people should realize that it is not easy to become successful sports players. It needs numerous practices and gifted talent. Before being famous sports players, they have to tolerate strict training and low income. For instance, in my country-Taiwan, an ordinary athlete earns lower than the average income, and most of them need the sponsors from the public and the companies so as to compete the games aboard. Next, compare to the other career, the athlete has short career life. Because most of the sports need physical power, it is hard to maintain the energy when you are aging. In order that, they have short period can earn the money.

To sum up, in the short term, people may think the successful sports players earn more than they should. Nevertheless, we should consider it, in the long term, seems reasonable for them to have a great number of money.
Nov 30, 2016
Writing Feedback / A number of aspects are able to contribute in people's success. [4]

hello, here are my suggestions,

1. After that, with strong determination every obstacle (...), and determine what our target ...
--> you use "determination" or different parts of speech of "determination" several times. It can switch to another word to express the same meaning and show your ability of vocabulary.

2. ... that they are the nearest members and know .....
--> closest might be better.

hope it helps!
Nov 30, 2016
Writing Feedback / Working hard and strong determination are a way to get our dreams. [2]

hello, here are my suggestions,

1. ... determination are a waythe ways to get our dreams..
2. ... main keys to catch success in life --> "reach " might be better
3. however big motivation from families be ablemakes people goals happencome true ....

hope it helps!
Nov 30, 2016
Writing Feedback / In this modern society, the more languages you can speak, the more competitive you are [3]

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

In modern society, the more languages you can speak, the more competitions you have. Since this phenomenon, it becomes popularly for parents to raise their children' interest toward a foreign language. Even more, some researchers state that it is better to start leaning a new language in the early age. In my opinion, I support this illustration under some conditions, and my statements are following.

Firstly, the biggest concerned about learning another language in early age is the children may not focus on their mother language properly. The primary school seems to be the first place for them to access their own language officially. They are going to learn the grammar, the punctuation and the correct usage of a language. It might be a struggle for them to learn two languages in meanwhile. Secondly, learning a new language may cause extra pressure to the children. In some countries, especially in Asia, parents expect them to be successful in the future. Even the students of primary school have a lot of homework and extra activities. It is cruel to put further burden on them.

However, in my view, I think this is a good chance for young children to access a foreign language. In the first place, because a language is a first step to experience a different culture, in term of thinking, concept and attitude, children can border their horizon by studying a new language. Especially in the early progress, exploring a new culture can accumulate great resources before they grow up. Next, people often regret starting too late to learn a brand new language because of the poor memory. It is obvious that the youth have better memory than the elderly so as to proof that the earlier children leaning a language, the better outcome they could have.

To sum up, learning a foreign language is definite a good thing, but for the very young kids, there are lots pros and cons need to be considered. Under no circumstance should children sacrifice their precious childhood only for meeting the expectation of being a competitive person in the future.
Dec 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / In my country-Taiwan, many high schools encourage students to be a volunteer. [2]

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmers (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

In my country-Taiwan, many high schools encourage students to be a volunteer. But being a volunteer is not a mandatory requirement. Some people state that this kind of unpaid community service should be included in high school curriculum. In my point of view, I am on the support side of this statement.

The against people argue that the reason of these high school students willing to do such extra work is doubtable. The real reason is that they think of the certification of volunteer as an extra bonus to applying the university. It proofs that you don't only concentrate on studying but pay extra attention on social issue. Therefore, it is too controversial to set this kind of programmes in school.

On the other hand, I believe the high school students are mature enough to participate in social activities. They can learn lots from these experiences, such as being thoughtful to the handicapped and understanding their parents' efforts on themselves. You can observe that in modern society, many students take everything for granted, and they lack sympathy. By setting these programmes in school, it seems a good way to lead them toward the right path.

To sum up, there are pros and cons toward the unpaid community service being compulsory progammes. But isn't it a good chance to these students to gain something different from formal education.
Dec 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / Reduced number of people who keep in touch with others and disrupted personal relationship [6]

hello, here are my suggestions,

For the introduction, you should describe your state clearly and confidently. Instead of using word like "that idea", you should explain what the idea is. Or reader might misunderstand what is the topic you want to discuss.

Secondly, there is no VERB in many sentences, you should be careful of this error.

hope it helps!
Dec 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS writing task 2: too much exercises is bad for one's health, do u agree or disagree? [5]

Hello, here are my suggestions,

1. You have to state your view- agree or disagree in the first paragraph, it is clear for the reader to understand your following article.
2. Using the punctuation properly, you should use conjunction to connect several sentences.
3. The require of word count is over 250 words in IELTS writing 2, you can try to expand your sentences by giving an example or explaining more detail toward your view.

hope it helps!
Dec 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / The aim of the firm is to be profitable and companies should only focus on this. [5]

hello, I think it is a good essay, and here is my suggestion,

In my point of view, the lemma is a little bit weak. I think you can expand your thesis more border. For example, the reason of a company making money is not only for its expansion, you can discuss toward the aspects like the vision of a company or the living of those employees.

Also, the conclusion is too short to convince the reader that the company should focus more than profit. If you can have some support sentences in the last paragraph, it helps a lot.
Dec 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing 2: Despite health warnings, a large number of people continue to smoke [5]

Despite health warnings, a large number of people continue to smoke all over the world.

Why should we be concerned about this?
What solutions would you suggest?
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, more and more researches reveal that smoking is harmful to health. However, there are still some people doing so. The fact is, with the rising of people concerning about their own health, seeking to alternatives solutions is inevitable.

To be honest, smoking is not as serious as drugging or drinking, but it is still a bad model to the children. For somehow, in many commercials and movies, the media intend to make a stereotype of smoking as a symbol of mature adults. This phenomenon leads the children to imitate. Secondly, the worst part of smoking is the second-hand smoke. People don't smoke are influenced by the detriment air. It is unfair that second-hand smoke causes as damaging as smoke, and it results in coughing, allergy and cancer.

I think there are two ways to solve the smoking problems. First of all, the government should raise the tax of cigarettes, which can curb people's desire to purchase it. In this case, once the demand of cigarettes falls, the number of smoking people will drop down as well. Next, to prevent to the second-hand smoke, the authority should legislate that people can't smoke in the public, or they have to pay a huge penalty. For example, in Taiwan, there are many smoking booths in public area, and there facilities can protect both of the people's health and the smoker's right.

To sum up, in spite of the obvious truth that smoking cases disease, many people are still stubborn. However, there are several corresponding solutions as long as people are willing to obey the rules. Then, we can reduce the damaging level of smoking to the lowest.
Dec 8, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing 2: Despite health warnings, a large number of people continue to smoke [5]

Thanks a lot of your comments toward my several essays, I really appreciated.
I noticed that you mentioned many times that I have to improve my cohesiveness and coherence, which always get low score in your marked. Could you possible to give more tips about it?

Also, in this essay, I had tried to use different vocabularies than I did... But it seems not enough at all which make me feel quite upset.

Anyway, Hope you can advise, thanks!
Dec 13, 2016
Writing Feedback / The importance of communication skills in job relation [4]


1. ... 60 percent which it is mean(two verbs) that ..
2. types tend to increase by 1 untilto 9 percent from 1997 to 2006....
3. strongly to post the topic or reader are confused about the correction of your essay.

hope it helps!
Dec 13, 2016
Writing Feedback / Travel in a group can save money and time, it's pity though that people can't do then what they wish [4]

Travelling in group with a tour guide is the best way to travel.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

With the blossom of tourism, many types of travel are developed, such as group, mini group, package group and individual form. Some people believe that in these diverse choices, travel with group is the best way. However, I stand on the opposite with this statement.

Frankly speaking, the biggest motivation of people choosing to travel in group is its convenience. From planning the route and the viewpoints to booking the accommodation and the transportation, all the details in whole journal are settled down by the travel agency. Especially for those are busy and are going with large number of people. What's more, the extra advantage of joining a group with tour leader is that the members in group don't need to worry about language barrier or losing direction. The tour leader is alike mom who takes care all the stuff during the trip.

On the other hand, I think travel in group miss the opportunities of two aspects. First of all, the opportunity to experience deeply residents' real life. For instance, before visiting a city, I usually find someone who is willing to introduce his/her hometown to me from couch surfing. There were fascinating experiences that exploring a city with a dweller. Secondly, the opportunities of following own preference. People in group have to compromise since the group travelling must follow the schedule, no matters the food to eat or the places to visit. I suppose these insufficient factors make a trip losing its nature.

In brief, although people in group can save money and time, also can be taken in good condition, it is pity that people cannot follow their wishes while travelling. Obviously, there are pros and cons toward group travelling, therefore, it is not the best option to choose.
Dec 22, 2016
Writing Feedback / Food revolution - and how the change impact on people's lives - IELTS essay [5]

hello, here are my suggestions,

1. I agree partially with this statement, preparedpreparing ...
2. The main reason that can be seen by every personeveryone or each person
3. These methods make food lose...

I think it is a solid essay that you illustrate some viewpoint to support your statement, but I suggest you can pay more attention on the grammar since there are few mistakes for the verb using.

hope it helps!
Dec 22, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing 2: people think that men and women have different qualities to certain jobs [3]

Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Gender Diversity in the Workplace

Due to the various characters of two genders, some people are inclined to the assumption that men and women have their own suitable jobs. However, I stand on the opposite toward this issue.

First of all, it cannot be denied that men and women certainly have some physical differences so as to cause some stereotype that men are much qualified than women to do the physical jobs or women are much proper than men to do the paper work. For instance, the secretaries are usually women and the construction workers are men. I suppose this kind of stereotype is just the statistical theory, and it doesn't present the reality. In real life, a man can be sensitive to handle the detailed work, and a woman can afford an energy occupation.

Secondly, I think that will be the genderism if a job has its gender restriction. In order to create a gender equality employment environment, most of countries legislated to deter the gender discrimination. A highlight of gender equality law is protecting people's right to pursue their career instead of being restricted by the gender limitation. Also, the law implies that there is not a job much appropriate to a gender than another.

To sum up, although some people think there are some jobs are suitable for specific gender, I still hold the against attitude that any gender could be capable of a job as he/she is willing to do it.
Jan 9, 2017
Writing Feedback / Writing Task 2 Sample for IELTS: Discussion and opinion about Internet [3]


First of all, I think this article doesn't match the 250 words requirement. The body part (paragraph two and three) is too short and lack the support sentences for your point of view. For example, you mentioned that the information accessing is the main problem of the internet, then you talked about the paraphrasing problem, which made me confused what was the topic of this paragraph you would like to address.

Next, I found you used some difficult words which can show your ability in word management. This is really great!

Keep writing!!
Jan 9, 2017
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2 - Compare the merits and demerits of having a car. [3]


In my opinion, I think it is a well-organized article and answer your question-- I don't think you use too many linking words.
Although there are few grammar problems, as a reader, I still can understand what you are trying to express easily.
My only suggestion is that you can address your standpoint in the beginning, which can make the people catch your points shortly.

Keep writing!
Jan 9, 2017
Writing Feedback / Writing Task 1: average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in four countries [3]

The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.

average carbon dioxide (CO2) spread in different world areas

The provided line chart illustrates the average emission of the CO2 per person in four European countries for a 40 year period beginning in 1967.
In detail, the CO2 emission in the United Kingdom and Sweden had decreased. Especially in Sweden, besides the markedly lift between 1967 and 1977, it had dropped from 9 to near 5.5 metric tonnes in 40 years. On the other hand, the graph depicts the steadily growth of CO2 emission in Italy and Portugal. The former grew from 4 to almost 8 metric tonnes and the later was 5 times as much a in 1967 as in 2007.

We can observe from the chart that the CO2 emissions in four countries were quite apart originally, but in the year of 2007, the number became closer and closer. Interestingly, in 2007, the average CO2 emission in the UK was equal to that in Portugal.

Jan 10, 2017
Letters / My friend need some information about my country for visiting [5]

Hello, I think this is a lovely letter and indeed you know where is the fun place in your country. However, while reading your letter, I had a kind of feeling that there is no enthusiasm for you or for me to visit this country. The reason is I only see the introduction but no motivation to encourage me. I suggest you can add some personal experiences in your letter, which can let the reader feel as like in the cities with, meanwhile, the reader can know you more from your description.

Hope it helps!
Jan 10, 2017
Writing Feedback / The Line graphs of how much people in UK and US to spend on Petrol [8]


I think your essay already covered the all the criteria. My suggestion is trying to put the comparison in the last paragraph which can make a perfect conclusion of the article.

Also, I would change the description- "three categories of people" into "three different income level". Using "categories" to depict the people sounds a bit weird.

Hope it helps!
Jan 10, 2017
Writing Feedback / Writing Task 2: People claim that not enough of the waste from home is recycled. [3]

They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.

To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

The waste recycling scale - should it be more widespread?

Nowadays,the concept of eco-environment has been raised. People is facing the environmental issue eagerly and trying to find the solutions to repair it. There are several ways can achieve the goal, and recycling is one of them. Some people believe that only by making the law can make people do the recycle. In my opinion, I support this statement and my reasons are following.

First of all, although recycling takes time to recognize which categories of your garbage and what is proper handing way, it is the easiest method which everyone can do it. However, lazy is people's nature that people would ignore to do so only for their own convenience. In order to let people practice the recycling, the government should be the leader sheet which not only announces the importance of recycling but also legislate. Furthermore, the laws should restrict not only individual but the industries. I think only when the whole society anticipate in this activity so as to make the laws meaningful.

On the other hand, others argue that it is unnecessary to make the law because recycling should be integrated into our life. Rather than legislating, they assume the government should pay more attention on the education. I do believe the emphasis on the sustainable environmental education is able to let the next generation understand the importance of recycling, but it is easy becoming an empty talk. For example, in my country, people have to pay the considerable money to the government to handle the trash properly.The irony is that we learn lots of environment-friendly issue since young but grow up people never do the recycling.

There is an old saying that actions speak louder than words. I convinced that if the government make recycling become an obligation, then the people is willing to obey.
Jan 11, 2017
Writing Feedback / The possession of car in a proportion of no car, one car, two cars, and more than two cars in Canada [4]


First of all, the words account doesn't meet the 150 words requirement. I think your sentences address the criteria of chart clearly, but the importance of a essay is to compare and summary. You should write the phenomenon you observe from the chart, and try to summary in a independent paragraph.

Indeed, I have to admit that this essay is quite hard owing to the limit information. Because of it, I suggest maybe you can depict the trend of the car ownership in Canada, that will make your article looks more attractive.

Hope it helps!
Jan 11, 2017
Writing Feedback / Are the real teachers replaceable? [4]


I found you've tried to discuss the both sides and, in my opinion, I think it is fine to do so. BUT it will be better if you state your point- agree or disagree in the first paragraph, which can make the reader understand your point of view easily.

Also, I think there is a little bit mess because you throw many ideas, however, the coherence isn't enough. This makes your article like difference pieces of views without well-organized.

Hope it helps!
Jan 11, 2017
Writing Feedback / Besides the economy, there are many types of progress worth our attention as well. [4]

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country..

economy vs social issues?

Nowadays, economy seems to be the most important topic since it involves in very widespread aspects, especially the living standards. But some people state that besides the economy, there are many types of progress worth our attention as well. In my opinion, I believe that all the development are equal important.

Economy is a basic index which how people judge a government. Meanwhile, it is also a symbol of the power of a country. In terms of the salary structure, the minimum wage and the price level, these factors have severe impact on every citizens. That is why the first priority for a government is always the economic progress. For example, it can be easily observed that the economic growth rate in Japan is under 1 % for a long time. The key point of President Abe won the election was he claimed he can revive Japan's weak economic situation.

On the other hand, are others terms of social issues less significant? The answer is no. I believe that a wealth society doesn't represent a well developed country. In addition to the economic progress, the social welfare, the environmental crisis and the education of the young generation are also worthy to notice. These kinds of subjects are valuable because they are closely integrated with people.

In conclusion, I trust a government which awares the economy is not the only beneficial way to its people can create a better future. A future with balanced cares and resources of people's livelihood
Jan 13, 2017
Writing Feedback / It is important to rest the mind during leisure time. [4]

I think the article is nice and you address your statement clearly.
There are few things I would like to suggest.
When I read your article, especially paragraph two, I think it is lengthy. It could be better if you can simplify the sentence as as to let the reader understand quickly.

Next, I feel some points of few are digress which might impact on your task accuracy score. For example, the games you mentioned on your body paragraph.

Hope it helps!
Jan 13, 2017
Writing Feedback / Besides the economy, there are many types of progress worth our attention as well. [4]

Thanks for your correction and I have a question that whether to have an example in essay is good or not?
Since the examples can make the reader catch your point quickly, it seems fine. However, sometimes the examples might let people think you loss focus.

I am quite confused about this.
Jan 13, 2017
Writing Feedback / Writing Task 2 opinion's people about internet using [4]


I found you list lots reasons to support one statement. I think it would be better if you can illustrate a main idea and use several developed sentences to support it. Otherwise, I think the reasons you addressed are not deep enough.

Next, how about re-writing your conclusion? Since you mentioned that the internet is dangerous to the youth but it is not the main concept in paragraph three. It makes me feel awkward.

Hope it helps!
Jan 13, 2017
Writing Feedback / Writing 2: people think instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it [7]

Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

stopping climate change

Nowadays, climate change is a well-known issue and almost everyone is aware of it. Some people are finding ways to avoid the said issue whereas others think that figure out how to survive in such situation is much worth to consider. In my opinion, I think both arguments are equal important.

It can be observed easily that the weather change has become severely than ever. From the icebergs melt in Arctic to the heavy rain in desert, the climate change has affected the worldwide environment. In order to prevent the rising of temperature, people are looking for several methods: the government sign the agreement to decrease the CO2, the school educate the importance of environmental protection and the individual does the recycling.

On the other hand, another side argue that since the climate change is an inevitable result, it is better for human adapt it as soon as possible. This kind of thinking is quite realistic but seems to be an alternative way. For the purpose of it, the astronauts explore the possibility of moving to Mars and the scientist research the condition of living underground.

In conclusion, I think although stopping climate change is the first priority to do, to find the others ways in the same time is also meaningful.
Mar 14, 2017
Writing Feedback / IELTS- Bigger Priority - governments should charge on railways instead of roads. [5]


firstly, I don't think your word count is enough since task two need at least 250 words. My suggestion is that you should extend your body paragraph with different supporting view.

Next, It is fine to use the opposite view to highlight your opinion, however, it is better to avoid using the same conjunction word -- on the other hand. You can use "on the contrary" or "in contrast" to show the different view.

I think the conclusion is good, which is quite clear and rephrase your statement again.

hope it helps!
Mar 14, 2017
Writing Feedback / The talk about your favorite language [5]


First of all, I think that will be much formal to write some number in English. For example, I can speak two languages. Of course, not all the number should follow that, only the simple one, please describe in English.

Next, as a foreign like me, don't really understand the learning level in your school, which means, the class level you mentioned in article let me feel confused. I think it will help if you can take some description to explain what it is.

And a good paragraph can help the reader understand your words quickly. Try to make a clear paragraph next time!

Hope it helps!

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