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Posts by wahyu
Name: wahyu hidayat
Joined: Feb 23, 2016
Last Post: Sep 6, 2016
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From: Indonesia
School: UNY

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Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Violence is a hot phenomenon in the young generations in this day and age [3]

whats app Lily your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your conclusion paragraph :
you can make more than 2 sentences and
you can use this pattern :
1. restatement the question
2. opinion,
3. new idea such as hope, recommendation

To sumthis up, although parents and teachers are the main ...

my suggestion :
To sum up, it is evident that although parents and teachers are the main aspect on children development, the huge role of media to influence crime on kids are inevitable. It is imperative that the effective guidance could control and protect in order to against children's abuse. Then i hope that in the future the council can more persuasive to push the families and school to pay more attention than in this era to solve the problem.
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Youth crime due to the lack of social and emotional learning from their parents as the major cause? [2]

whats app ....... your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your introduction paragraph.

you could use this pattern :
1. Bridge ( give some background to the topic to the topic using some fact)
2. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
3. Tell the reader what will be in your essay.

As such, some experts believe that youth crime occured due to the lack of ...

My suggestions :
Character building is pivotal things for children developments. some experts believe that youth crime occurred due to the lack of social and emotional learning from their parents as the major cause. There are therefore several reasons why I absolutely disagree with that statement.
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS2 : the increase of using plane nowadays - need the flights be burdened with tax more? [3]

whats app Lapolo your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your body paragraph.
you could use this pattern on the 1 idea paragraph :
1. Give one idea
2. Give a reason Why this idea is true
3. Example of it / research / experience from expert
4. Say what the implications/ effects of this example
5. conclude the paragraph.

It inevitable that the flights offer numerous advantages to us it is because air travel is an optimum and fastest source of traveling overseas,which is a contributing ....................other country.

My suggestions :
Recently, it inevitable that the flights offer numerous advantages to us it is because air travel is an optimum and fastest source of traveling overseas,which is a contributing factor in globalization and promote the fraternity among the people who belongs from different culture. To illustrate, flights plays phenomenal role in upsurging the tourism industry radically consequently it helps in flourishing the economy of the nation. As a results is that such tourist bring hard currency with themselves when they visited diverse nations. In short, the aforementioned believe that flights provide immense benefits in business sectors also such as the transportation of products of a country to other nations.

I hope that my suggestions help you, correct me if i do mistakes.
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2, In this modern era, smoking is more than lifestyle [3]

Smoking not only harms the smoker, but also those who are nearby. Therefore, smoking should be banned in public places.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In this modern era, smoking is more than lifestyle. Smoking can make not only the smoker becoming sick but also those who stay near them. I totally agree that smoking should be forbidden in public areas.

Recently, massive inhabitants think that the smoker is free to smoke in everywhere because it can guide the smoker becoming relaxed to do their daily life. For instance, when they want to go back from their job, they do smoking in waiting area near bus station. As a result is that they are feeling well after working in whole day. In short, smoking is one of human right and everyone has different way to release their stress in their daily activities.

On the other hand, some people believe that smoking lead us to the many serious diseases not only for the smoker but also people who absorb their smoke and we have to consent for forbidding it in public spots. By doing smoke can guide a person to gain many illnesses such as cancer. According to the Harvard University in 2015 released that cigarette smoking causes 87 percent of lung cancer deaths and is responsible for most cancers of the larynx, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, and bladder. In addition, although passive smokers are people who do not smoke, they can also obtain the same risks if they suck cigarette smoke. The results are that we have to make a rule to minimize the smoking impact to our society. To conclude, smoking is not healthy habit and it also can give serious problem to the people who stand near us.

To sum up, it is evident that some citizens two point of views about the place of smoking. Hence, I absolutely agree that smoking in public spots have to be banned since it can be dangerous to the dwellers who sit no far. Then I hope that the smoker will use the smoking area where the council has provided it.
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Fish pie production process; peas and sous are given before arranging with potatoes and wrapping. [2]

An illustration of fish pie production process which has some parts in a factory is reveled in the picture. Overall, it can be seen that the factory has two main line stages which potato and fresh salmon steps. Even though some processes use mechanical method, human is still used to remove skin and bones and inspect in the processing salmon.

In the potatoes process, there are some steps to prepare it. Firstly, the row potatoes are delivered by delivery truck and the estimate time of it is up to 4 weeks. Then, in the factory, all of the processes are done by machines starting preparation to storing steps. The first three steps which are clean, peel and slice, when in the peel, the skin of potatoes are thrown out to waste disposal. Next, they are boiled and continuing in the chili before store as the last step of potato preparation.

On the other hand, the fresh salmon is also sent to the victory by truck but the time has to less than a half day. After it arrives, such fresh salmons are given lemon juice followed by salt. The next steps is that the salmon meats come into the steam oven machines and the output will be removed skin and the bone by humans while the waste disposal are used to collect the rubbish of the removed components. Following this the individual are still functioned to inspect the meats. And then, giving peas and sous are done before arranging with potatoes and wrapping. After that the peace of fish pie are ready to come in to freeze machines then storing or packing.

Apr 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / The Oldest People Love To See Cinema ___ IELTS Task 1 [4]

What app bro Ansorry, your essay is good, i have suggestions to your introduction paragraph.

you could use this pattern :
1. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
2. Overview the information

... as a projected year, a two-decade period,was revealed in the line graph. Overall, it can be seen that ...

my suggestion :
A breakdown of the proportion of British people who saw the film in the United Kingdom cinema on two decades after 1990 is revealed in this line graph. Overall, it can be seen that although all age categories experienced a significant increase from the beginning to the last year, there were a slight decrease for all age types in the middle of period.
Apr 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing IELTS 1: Cinema attendance pattern which occured amidst the four of age groups in the UK [3]

whats app Fudla your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your body paragraph.
1. you can make a grouping the information by time or group
2. body one for group one body 2 for group two.

In the first ten-year period,.......remained stabil stable, adults aged 34-44 saw a reverse. It was dropped gradually by nearly just under one in twenty.
Moreover, in the next span, similar pattern occured occurred amidst the all groups. All of the rate were increased dramatically from . ....... figure.

My suggestion :
in body one : In a decade after survey there are some movements for the proportion of cinema attendance (1990-2000)
the second body : After that, in the last a decade before 2010, the level of audiences of cinema increased significantly (2000-2010)
Apr 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2: Traveling to a new place or a familiar place [5]

whats app Anaguna your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your conclusion paragraph :
you can make more than 2 sentences and
you could use this pattern :
1. restatement the question
2. opinion,
3. new idea such as hope, recommendation

I hope that my suggestions help.

... I absolutely believe that the benefits contribute more interest for people to get on ...
I recommend that it is better off making a traveler ....... experience.

Apr 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / China has the greatest number of population in the world, while United States is the richest country [2]

What app bro LaPolo, your essay is good, i have suggestions to your introduction paragraph.

you could use this pattern :
1. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
2. Overview the information

I any case, china has thegratest number of pupulation while nort america is the rishest country

my suggestion :
A breakdown of the number of world population and the distributed mechanism in different nations across the continent around the earth are revealed in the bar graph. Overall, it can be seen that the world population statistics are inversely proportion to wealth distribution. on the other hand, China has the hugest number of community while North America is the richest country

I hope that my suggestions help you, correct me if i do mistakes.
Apr 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / The proportion of British people who saw the film in forth age groups on two decades after 1990 [2]

A breakdown of the proportion of British people who saw the film in forth age groups on two decades after 1990 in the United Kingdom cinemas is revealed in this line graph. Overall, it can be seen that the most favorite age group was viewers which had aged 44-24, while the least uninteresting group was occupied by the young age between 14 and 24.

In a decade after survey there are some movements for the proportion of cinema attendance. In 1990, the age 44-54 and 34-44 had a slightly stood at 37percent and 35percent close behind as the highest and the second highest while the latest is occupied by the adult group (14-24) at 15%. 2000 showed that most of the group and the 24-34 aged members also fall down as the low number of the group at 19percent.

After that, in the last a decade before 2010, the level of audiences of cinema increased significantly. Most of them rise significantly by around one-third in 2005. Then in the last year of assessment, when the oldest (44-55) and old (34-44) group were gradual climb to 52percent and 42percent, the percentage of viewers in third group remained constant at 33%. On the other hand, the figure for the young group was a rapid growth to 21%.

Apr 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2, Some folks are too afraid to look at around due to a panicky criminal [4]

Many people are too scared to leave their home because of a fear of crime. Some people think that more should be done to prevent crime, whereas others feel that nothing can be done.

What are your views?

Some folks are too afraid to look at around due to a panicky criminal. Massive inhabitants believe that more should be attained to avoid terror of criminality, even though others feel that nothing can be undertaken. In my point of view, I believe that some mechanisms can be done to minimize the terror of crime by collaboration both of people and institutions.

Recently, some people believe that we could do to reduce the criminal rate since the major point which is metal of the humans. To illustrate, the criminal have a bad mentality and they think that the easy way to earn money by applying the criminality. As a result that although we have supported to reduce the terror by using many mechanisms, it could not be significantly result when we do not change the criminal mindset. In short, the way to think of criminal is going to be harmfully when we miss understanding to detect the main problem.

On the other hand, massive inhabitants can act some actions to solve the problem of the crime. Firstly, people have to pay more attention to another person who lives near them since it can make good relationships for keeping each other from doing daily positive activities. Society can also play important part in this case by making training to make hand-made products. It means that the criminal can make a new product after they have the new abilities. Finally the official have to give more attention by using their power to reduce it such us making a regulation or giving more sadistic punishment. All in all, those are some mechanism which can be done to reduce the crime.

To sum up, it is evident that there are two statements of terror of crime. Thus, I have tendency that same method can be acted for making a good situation in our society. Then, I hope that in the future the citizens, community and council can collaborated to solve the problem for creating the best circumstances to live.
Apr 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / Global population in different world regions - historical data and predictions for future [2]

whats app wiwik your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your body paragraph.
you could make collaborations by using 3 tenses
1. past
2. present
3. future

I hope that my suggestions help you, correct me if i do mistakes.

In 1800, the number of people world population growth stood at 2000. The number inceased increased gradually to 2500 in 1940. However, ........... number in 2000. Next, it is predicted to incease increase significantly to 8000 in 2040, which .......... growth, but then fall dramatically by 6000 over the period.

my example :
In the first survey which was in1800, the human population was 1000 million people then it gradually rose until in 1950 to 2500 million people. Afterward, the global population had significant soar which until this year to 7000 million people. In the future the world population numbers is predicted to climb to 8000 million people in 2040. After 2040 it will decline slowly to 6000 million.
Apr 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / Leisure time among different age groups - elderly people rarely undertake any sports or exercises [4]

Good morning bro rahmat, your essay is not really good, i have advice to your introduction paragraph.

you could use this pattern :
1. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
2. Overview the information

I hope that you pay more attention to s + v agreement and make read a comparing data. it will improve your band score.

The bar graph illustrate illustrates about uses of leisure time ...
Overall, it can be seen that, sports and exercise is are the popular activities in ...

my example :
A breakdown of number of using leisure time among different age groups and is measured in minutes per weekend day is depicted in the bar graph. Overall, it can be seen that sports and exercise are the popular activities in leisure time undertaken by people in 20-65 years old, while another activity is ........................
Apr 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / While the benefits of media presence in a society is clearly, the failures also exist in technology [4]

Good morning miss Dina your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your conclusion paragraph :
you can write more than 2 sentences and
you could use this pattern :
1. restatement the question
2. opinion,
3. new idea such as hope, recommendation

I hope that you pay more attention on using many + plural noun and tray to erase "but" by using another mechanism.

In conclusion, the media society have many advantage many advantages for all activities, but the several moment several moments still bring problem.

My suggestion :
To sum up, it is evident that although the social media have many advantages for all activities, the several moments still bring problems. Hence, i believe that the media is the best technology in the life. Then i recommended to the official for managing the program to minimize the negative impact in the future.
Apr 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 In this sophisticated technology, many devices attract children attantion [NEW]

These days, many children have difficulty paying attention and concentrating in their classes at school.
What are the reasons for this?
How can it be dealt with?

In this sophisticated technology, many devices attract children attention in their daily routines. Some pupils have hard matter to detect and focus on their lesson at school. This essay is going to explain about the reasons why it happened and some solution to handle it.

Recently, several factors can influence children attention on concentration in their class room when they receive their study. Firstly, their parents could not prepare their nutrition food in the morning. Hence, it means children do not have enough power to listen well in in the class. Secondly, their parents give opportunity to bring their mobile phone in school since parents used it to check the situation of the children. In fact, such smart phone disturb their school according to the scientist research in Stanford University released that mobile phone decreased more than at 30percent their focus on school study. The last is the teacher performance which is uninteresting affect to the student intention.

Obviously, some actions can be applied to make children becoming more interest in their class. First of all, parents can provide healthy diet in the breakfast time followed by school in lunch time. The second is that the school community has to make a rule to shutdown students' phone when they attending in study room. Finally the educational official have to make training program to give option mechanism how to teach with creativity and innovative for making dynamic class.

To sum up, it is evident that those are some reasons and solutions. Although children received many problems to study well, there are solutions to reduce it. I hope that in the future parents, schools, government can collaborate for improving educational field.
Apr 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1; a traveler who visited Brighton attractions - did he get bored there? [2]

A breakdown of the proportions of traveler who visited Brighton attractions which were Art gallery, pavilion, pear and festival in the UK since 1980 to 2010 is depicted in the line graph. Overall it can be seen that percentages of some attractions tend to increase, while the other fall in the end period of survey.

In 1980 the percentage of traveler who visited art pavilion and pier stood at approximately24% and 10% respectively. 1995 saw a steady rose the pear visitor to around 12% when the pavilion visitor tended to climb significantly to approximately 48%. In the following one a half decade, there were a sharp drop to 32% in the number of pavilion visitor and a dramatic growth to 22% the number of pier.

In contrast, the proportion of people who visit art gallery and festival stood at 22% and 30% respectively in 1980. The next a half decade, both of them decreased slightly to approximately 21% and 25% close behind. In the end of period assessment the proportion of festival rose slowly to around 28%, while the number of art gallery visitor was plunged dramatically to under 10%.

Apr 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / A comparison between online shopping in New Zealand [2]

What app miss tira, your essay is good, i have suggestions to your introduction paragraph.

you could use this pattern :
1. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
2. Overview the information

The pie charts illustrate the proportion ...

A comparison of the presentation of online market at a particular spot during a decade before 2003 in developing nations is revealed in pie charts. Overall, it can be seen that the figure for film and music had the highest sales while the rate of travel fall to second position, others were the least popular among consumers in the last period of assessment.
Apr 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / The monitoring features of technology supports humans' role [3]

good morning tira your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your conclusion paragraph :
you can make more than 2 sentences and
you could use this pattern :
1. restatement the question
2. opinion,
3. new idea such as hope, recommendation

I hope that my suggestions help.

To sum up, I personally agree that the technology consumption for ...

my suggestion :
To sum up, it is evident that those are some benefits and drawbacks following massive inhabitants activities. I personally agree that the technology consumption for monitoring populations' activity makes other people's job much easier than in the past. Then, i hope that the official can pay more attention on this problem in the future for saving their folks.
Apr 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / Manufacturing Tea: only 2 top leaves and bud are picked in order to guarantee the good tea's quality [5]

What app bro Ryu, your essay is good, i have suggestions to your introduction paragraph.
I hope you pay more attention to paraphrase the question

you could use this pattern :
1. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
2. Overview the information (making to comparison)

The diagram illustrates the process of black tea production. Overall, it can ...

my suggestion :
The picture depicts several processes to product the black tea. Overall, it can be seen that there are two mechanism for creating tea which are traditional and modern method, while in the end of stage, those have the same stage.
Apr 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2: Traveling to a new place or a familiar place [5]

Good morning Ana your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your conclusion paragraph :
you can make more than 2 sentences and
you could use this pattern :
1. restatement the question
2. opinion,
3. new idea such as hope, recommendation

I hope that my suggestions help.

In conclusion, although driving to the new [...] is an interesting experience.

My suggestion :
To sum up, it is evident that there are several merit and drawbacks for driving to the new spots. I absolutely believe that the benefits contribute more interest for people to get on holidaying in the newly destination. Then i recommend to the folks that it is better off making a traveler to usual place since the unusual place is an interesting experience.
Apr 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS 2. Marriage is serious problem for massive inhabitant especially at elderly age [3]

Living Alone in Society

In this globalization era, marriage is serious problem for massive inhabitant especially elderly age. Majority of people are choosing choice to live without making commitment. I argue that several reasons influence it such us financial, self-confident and circumstance and it give not only positive but also negative impacts to the community.

Recently, a largely number of citizens have tendency to live without couple doe to some statements. Firstly, financial is the common reason why they do not want to married, according to the research which are conducted in Stanford University in 2015 released that in the married life, people need twice as much as their income in the alone situation. Secondly, some of them are not confident to share their real behavior to their couple. Finally, they live in the circumstances which do not care about each other, while in part of this word, that is more common than others. In short, those are several reasons why in this era elderly people in the single status.

On the other hand, this phenomenon can give good and bad implications to the society. It is going to the right side when they have much time to join in charity event for helping each other and they also can maximize their focus on their job for improving the economy of the society members. In contrast, this kind of status becomes bad impulse to their circumstances because the population of humans decreased gradually and it is like the illness which can very easy to persuade another person to follow this status.

To sum up, it is evident that some cases influence the person to choose his status. Although some advantages gain from this, it also leads to the drawbacks in the society. I hope that in the future, humans and official pay more attention on this situation to keep population of humans in the world.
Apr 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / Electricity generation in Germany by sources like Nuclear, Petroleum, Hydro and Natural gas [3]

A comparison of the number of electricity generators which are divided by five categories of sources between 1980 and 2010 in Germany and it measured in unit is depicted in the picture. Overall, it can be seen that the figure for Nuclear and Petroleum to produce power in the city increased gradually while the Hydro and Natural gas number fell down in the end period of survey.

Some pie char showed dramatic changes some from 1980 to 2010. The rate of nuclear generator rose significantly by 135. However, the number of Natural gas was a sudden dropped to 2 in and the number is the same number with the Hydro source. In another case, the number of coal remained constant at 28 units. 2010 experienced that the number of Petroleum climbed slowly by 5. In contrast, the same rate of gape whit the previous resource happened in the number of Hydro.

Apr 8, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 - In this globalization era, tourism is huge business field [3]

Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists rather than local people.
Why is this?
What can be done to encourage local people to visit museums and historical sites?

In this globalization era, tourism is huge business field. Several museums and historical spots become the most favorite destination which is visited by oversea people rather than local folk. This essay is going to describe some reasons why it happen, and the treatments to encourage local dwellers to visit the museum and historical areas.

Recently, the most visitors in such museums and historical locations are dominated by foreign tourist rather than local people because of some causes. Local people think that those places are not interesting since they always see those place and some of artifacts which are displayed in the museums are able to be seen in their daily activities such as traditional weapon, cloth and transportation. In contrast, the international visitors think that it is not only valuable goods but also cultural heritages which give us what ancestor did in the past. According to the survey from Stanford University in 2015 released that visitors who visited museum or historical buildings were dominated by oversea person at 74percent. It means that visiting museum is not favorite choice for local inhabitants.

Obviously, there are some mechanisms which can be maximized to attract local folk to visit the museum. Firstly, the museums has to make correction in their services for example giving discount ticket in the weekend, opening museums on until the night and making competitions which have many rewards. Secondly, the committee of schools has to insert visiting museums and historical areas in their historical lessons. Then the official has to support financial to keep and improve facilities and artifact which are displayed in the museums.

To sum up, it is evident that those are the two different points between local people and foreign visitor for visiting reasons in museums and historical buildings and several mechanisms for making native inhabitants to visit it. I hope that in the future all of component in society can support museum not only place to display such goods but also to see what had be done by our progenitors.
Apr 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / The growth of population in the worldwide over 3-centuries period / number of the urban community [2]

What app miss Anaguna, your essay is good, i have suggestions to your introduction paragraph.

you could use this pattern :
1. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
2. Overview the information
3. please don't mention a number such as the x or the y and your introduction essay is so detail. (the detail is better in body paragraph)

The line ...... of people. Overall, the world community growth increasing steadily and decrease in the last 5-decades period. It also can be seen that the developed areas have a significant rise while the figure for developing areas remained stable over a 25-years period.

My suggestion
The graphs reveal data on world population and urban population in dissimilar world areas. Overall it can be really clearly seen that the world population has always grown up for 215 years and it is predicted to rice in the future and the urban population will too.
Apr 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS writing Task 1 : The Employment of Both Sexes by Occupation in UK in 2005 [3]

Good night liv_ryu , your essay is good, i have suggestions to your introduction paragraph.

Your structure paragraph is also good.
as we know the word of dominated, it is much more than others.

The bar chart illustrates the proportion of total workers on various occupations in Great Britain based ...

My opinion :
A comparison of the proportion of total workers on various occupations in Great Britain based on gender over a year in 2015 is depicted in the bar chart. Overall, it can be seen that there are nine categories on profession in which women dominated, the others were partaken by man
Apr 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1: A construction in the island to improve the tourists facilities [3]

Night Anna, your essay is good, i have suggestions to your introduction paragraph.
And your pattern is also good :

The map illustrates the alteration that will appear by constructing...

my opinions :
A comparison of the alteration that will appear by constructing tourist facilities in several years later is revealed in the map. Overall, it is immediately apparent that there will be built some new building in the island with various accommodation to the tourist and road for transportation access, while the natural tree still keep in there previous position.
Apr 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / The table and pie chart show the both sexes consumer satisfaction of a new shopping location in NZ [3]

whats app liv your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your body paragraph.

this essay will be get high score for the following reasons :
1) The chart is clearly introduced
2) There is an overview which identifies the main features of the chart
3) The response clearly organization.
> the last sentence in the introduction makes it clear how the graph is organized.
> the first sentence of each paragraph identifies how the paragraph are organized.
4) There is a mix of sentence types with examples of subordination.
5) mix the comparison situation :
women spend the most time >>>> slight more man and women.

Turning to pie chart, the first-rank rate is satisfied at more than three-fifths in which 17% people are very dissatisfied, followed by almost the same rate between dissatisfied and no comment at 11 and one-ten percent respectively.

I hope that you make minimal 3 sentence every in body paragraph, I am sorry i could not see your picture well and give my opinions in the second body paragraph.
Apr 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1, Viewers watch the channels One News - the line graph conclusions [2]

A breakdown of the number of viewers who watch the channels One News divided by four time periods in over years and is measured by million is depicted in the line graph. Overall it can be seen that three schedules are began from the first month, whereas one is starting in the fourth month.

In the first fourth month, three of the schedules have three different movements. The number of 6pm schedule starts at 4.9 million and then it decreases to 3.9 million. The number is near with the number of 9.30 at 3.8 and it begins at 3.2million. In another case, the rate of 1 pm remains stable at 1.3 million.

On the other hand, starting May there are some motions. The figure for 11 pm begins at 0.2 million and then rockets at 4.1 on August, when the number of 9.30 plugs deeply to 1 million. In the end period of survey, the rate of 11pm decrease to around 1 million as the last position and the other ranks are showed same as in the starting month.

Apr 17, 2016
Writing Feedback / Task 1: The process of milk making on some dairy products such as cheese, cream, butter and milk [5]

What app Mimi, please give the picture, i have suggestions to your introduction paragraph.

you could use this pattern :
1. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
2. Overview the information

I hope that my suggestions help.

The process of milk making on some dairy products such ...

The picture depicts the process of making milk which have some process starting cheese to milk. Overall, it can be seen that although the first five stages are similar for both products, while the process of making differs in the final stage which can be consume be many kind of product.
Apr 17, 2016
Writing Feedback / The differences in the arrangements of Woodward University over thirty one years from 1985 until now [3]

What app miss Maya your essay is good, i have suggestions to your introduction paragraph.

you could use this pattern :
1. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
2. Overview the information

I hope that my suggestions help.

The differences in the arrangements of Woodwards University over thirty one ...

The picture reveals a comparison of the arrangements of Woodwards University over thirty one years from 1985 until now. Overall it can be seen that the amount of infrastructure features has been minimized, while some buildings replaced by some green public area.
Jun 8, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2, school life is stressful and tiring hence after their graduation. [2]

Some school leavers travel or work, for a period of time instead of going directly to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

For some students, school life is stressful and tiring hence after their graduation, they do not directly go to university. They do traveling or working for some times while they are considering what university or major they want to take. This easy explants the benefits and the drawbacks.

Recently, several young adults think that spending a period between their high school graduation and university enrolment and working makes some benefits. Firstly, they can receive new points of views from the places which they have already visited since every place offers different culture and experience. Secondly, doing work in the field which they have passion in will sharpen their skill because they enjoy doing it and their skill improvement will make them have higher bargaining position in their job field. Besides, postpone enrolling at university gives them more time to find out what they want really want to study. It prevents them from being stack in the major that they do not like.a

On the other hand, several people think that those bring some disadvantages for the youth. Enjoying the job and travel too much, the young people often digress from their first plan. Some of them end up to enrolling at university because they feel that they have reached what they want without having to study in university. Their mind also changes into professional worker because they have enough knowledge from their daily circumstance. In addition, their friends in their journey or new people whom the meet in the place which they visit sometimes attract young generation to stay in some place for a long time which is much more than their plan. It is worried that they will be worried to enroll at university.

To sum up, it is evident that those are some benefits and demerits of working and traveling in a period before they register in the university. In my opinion, I believe that good time management and focus on their work or travel can give much more advantages then the drawbacks.
Jun 8, 2016
Writing Feedback / Computers are increasingly used in education, in which area computers more important [2]

Computers are increasingly used in education, in which area computers more important and in which area teachers more important.
Nowadays, sophisticated technologies give huge influence in many fields of human life, including education. In the educational institutions, computers are massively used to support some activities. This essay is going to explain the area which can be covered well by computers and the sector where teachers have better abilities then computers.

Recently, several schools use computers as main component in some areas of students' learning process to increasing students' achievement in examination. In presenting a teaching material more attractively, computers are superior to teachers because they can involve moving pictures, and good sound effects which can easily grab students' attention. It makes class presentation more interesting than explanation of teachers who simply use oral explanation. In addition, computers give more changes to student to comprehend the material repeatedly until they understand. Those are the aspects in which teachers cannot outweigh computers.

On the other hand, teachers are necessary in several areas of school subjects since they have abilities that computer does not have. Firstly, teacher has a better skill in evaluating students' performance when the test is not multiple choices and there are some answer options, teachers are the only ones who can evaluate and score the answers. The best feedback are also given by teacher since every student has different way to solve a problem in environmental problems therefore the teachers are to be the first choice to handle those areas.

To sum up, it is evident that computers and teachers have their own prominence in dissimilar areas in school subjects. Then, I hope that in the future both technologies and humans can make collaborations to lead education to be better than before and I recommend the leader of educational field to pay more attention in those situations.
Jun 14, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2 - minimalize car usage, why and how? [5]

whats app Meirama your essay is good, i have a suggestion to your conclusion paragraph :
you can make more than 2 sentences and
you could use this pattern :
1. restatement the question
2. opinion,
3. new idea such as hope, recommendation

I hope that my suggestions help.

To sum up, although some say using car is ...

My suggestion :
To sump up, it is evident that those are some problems and solutions reducing cars in our daily activities. In my opinion, i believe that the government can take into action by working hard to provide the convenience mass transport as their step to solve this demon circle. Then, i recommend citizens to change their habits to use public transportation.
Jun 14, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2, Many employees may work at home the modern technology [5]

Many employees may work at home the modern technology. Some people claim that it can benefit only workers, not the employers. Do you agree or disagree?

Technology changes the way people do things, including their job. Advanced technology enables several employees to work at their house. I totally disagree with the statement that the only workers have advantages not the employers.

Recently, working at homes either as employers and employees give some advantages. Firstly they can have a good circumstance since the work in the comfortable place which is their house. Secondly, they also can spend much more time with their family when they have a break time so that their relationship with their family members' improve. As a result, they enjoy working in house and it leads to the increase in their working performance.

On the other hand it also gives some drawbacks to the workers and to the Boss. The officers tend to do their task as they want since their employers do not look at them directly. It will make employers experience economical lose because the workers' performance tends to decrease. Social interactions between workers and employers cannot run well because the time duration of interaction much enough. In addition, the transfer of skills which need direct guide do not happen since the employers only give several instructions without showing the real example to them.

To sum up, it is evident that working in the home affects several benefits and drawbacks for both workers and employers. In my point of view, I absolutely disagree with the statement that only officers have benefit, not the employers. Then I recommend both of them to make good collaborations to improve the quality of their company and hope that developing technology can help them to increase their productivities for maximizing their income, hence their live are going to be better than before.
Jun 17, 2016
Writing Feedback / I'm convinced that parents aren't the best teacher; they are less professional than qualified tutors [4]

whats app mas kurniawan your essay is going to better than before, i have a suggestion to your conclusion paragraph :

you can make more than 2 sentences and
you could use this pattern :
1. restatement the question
2. opinion,
3. new idea such as hope, recommendation

I hope that my suggestions help.

To conclude, although parents have a huge opportunity in drawing ground the children and becoming a teacher for their children, I convince the best teacher isn't the parents.

My suggestion :
To sum up, it is evident that there are two statements of people who become the best teacher for our children.In my opinion, I convince that the best teacher isn't the parents. Then i hope the schools' teacher to be more profesional to teach our children in their class than before for making them smart
Jun 17, 2016
Writing Feedback / The line graph compares the contentment level of people on health care system in different countries [2]

What app Helen, your essay still need some reparations, i have suggestions to your introduction paragraph.

you could use this pattern :
1. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
2. Overview the information

The line graph compares ...

My suggestion :
The line graph depicts a breakdown of the number of health care system in several nations between 1991 and 2007. Overall, it can be seen that some countries had the increased trend at their healt care system's number, while another country decrease.
Jun 17, 2016
Writing Feedback / In this modern era, money can buy anything, including individual gladness. Happiness vs money. IELTS [4]

Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on different factors. Discuss both of views and give your own opinion.

In this modern era, money can buy anything, including individual gladness. Several people think that personal happiness has correlation with finance, while others believe that some factors bring huge implication on it. This essay is going to explain both statements and my own opinion about those statements.

Recently, some people argue that having good financial condition makes someone happy since he can buy anything which he wants. For example, when we have many incomes, we can visit many countries in the world which have different culture, eat what we want to eat, and own what we want to use. The research from Stanford University released that 68 % citizens in some developed countries claimed themselves to be happy. Hence, people who want to be happy have to earn money for pursuing happy life. As a result, the higher their economic level is, the happier their personal life is.

On the other hand, several individuals believe that personal gladness depends on deferent factors. Firstly, good social relationship with people in our surrounding is a main factor which influences someone to be happy since every human is social creature. Secondly, their jobs also lead them to be happy because people who have job which they are really interest in and the results will be great. In addition, human nature feels happy while their job results are avowed by other individuals. Thus, there are some factors which make someone to be glad.

To sum up, it is evident that not only finance, but also family, job and respect from other people lead someone to get personal happiness. In my opinion, individual has to earn much money to reach their personal gladness then making their family members happy.
Sep 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK: Describing Process Diagram of wind turbine work system [2]

What app bro Hary01, your essay is going to be beter, i have suggestions to your introduction.

you could use this pattern :
1. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
2. Overview the information

I hope that my suggestions help.

.The first diagram illustrates how a wind turbine ...

The first diagram illustrates how a wind turbine produces renewable electricity, while the second one shows the amount of energy which is generated on certain area. Overall, it can be seen that wind turbine have some parts and locations where those are built give effect to the wind which can be received

correct me if i do mistakes.
Sep 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / Men and women are different in the way they behave and are treated [3]

whats app Dmitry your essay is better than before, i have a suggestion to your introduction paragraph.

you could use this pattern :
1. Bridge ( give some background to the topic to the topic using some fact)
2. Reserve some of the information, paraphrase and use some synonyms.
3. Tell the reader what will be in your essay.

It is a very controversial issue whether women and men have different natural ability or not. There are many arguments supporting both views, those for and those against. Moreover, there is much evidence that proves some significant differences between male and female from genetic and natural habits approach.

Nowadays the issue of gender more common in our daily life. Males and females have different natural abilities and skills to solve their problems. I believe that some significant differences between men and women from genetic and natural habits approach.

On the one hand,

you can change to Obviously to reduce repetition worlds in the begging of paragraph.
Sep 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / Equal number of male and female students is a bad idea - it brings only limitations and obstacles [2]

University should accept equal number of male and female students in every subject. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

In this good education era, many new classes are opened by university for receiving new students. Several universities should accept equal number of men and women in every subject. I absolutely disagree with that statement because some reasons.

Obviously, some higher educational institutions have tendency to apply the policy between females and males in every subject because they want to give the same opportunities to every student without seeing their genders. For example, in the medicine faculty, the nursing subject is dominated by female student while in the reality the patients are not always females. Hence the university authority gives the same right to the males who want to enroll in the subject. As a result many male students are interested in enrolling and studying nursing.

On the other hand, having equal number of students in the same subject is not good for student because of some reasons. Firstly, we have to know that all students have their own potency then they can enroll in whatever subject they want. Hence they can study and maximize their talent to achieve what they dream. It also gives limitation to the students who want to study in particular subjects but the quota for their gender is not available. In addition, the trend in majoring subject is change; many men study in the department which was dominated by females and use versa. For instance, in the cooking class many years ago, the females were the same as the males while nowadays. There are some reasons why having equal proportion students between men and women are not good.

To sum up, it is evident that there is a reason why universities should accept equal number of male and female students in every subject. However, I totally disagree with that policy because we have to give opportunities to the student for choosing their favorite subject without worrying about the equal number of men and women in their class.

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