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Posts by Wilyaftika23
Name: Wily Aftika
Joined: Oct 25, 2016
Last Post: Dec 2, 2016
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From: Indonesia
School: Padjadjaran University

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Oct 25, 2016
Writing Feedback / Many pupils life is far from healthy. Who's responsible, what's the solution? [4]

Many children these days have an unhealthy lifestyle. both schools and parents are responsible for solving this problem.
To what extend do you agree with this statements?

Over time, the most young have several activities every day. It makes them unsure to life far from healthy. Many young need responsibility from parents and school to help and avoid them from unhealthy life away especially food. I tend to disagree if only parents and schools can help young. But children can manage themselves from bad style in their life.

Many children are enjoy with modern style. This cause by many activities that children doing every day such as school, course and playing sport. For instance, children ensure to eat more junk food than traditional food. As a result, children easier to get diseases than before and makes them in bad condition. So, they must be careful with food that they eat such as keep eat with healthy food and they need responsibility from their parents and schools.

Parents and schools are two aspects can help children who always life in bad situation. Because children have strong relationship with their parents and they always spend their time at home with their parents such as in before go to school, after school and weekend. And children have good communication with members in the schools such as teacher. Many ways can parents and school doing for keep their children. For instance, before young go to school, parents give food for lunch in school and schools must have hygiene cafe to children who want to bus some food. So it makes children keep their healthy.

On the other hand, children who want be healthy, they must to prepare food themselves may choose what they buy or eat more carefully consider a range of aspect that include quality and hygiene the food. Because, only they are who know in good condition. For example, they prepare to eat fresh food with vegetable than they eat junk food. So it can keep them from diseases.

To sum up, parents and schools have high responsibility to hoard children from bad lifestyle especially food. But, in my opinion, children have the biggest responsibility for themselves, because just they are who know their real condition.
Oct 25, 2016
Writing Feedback / School - a place to get information and parents to teach good behavior. Unhealthy lifestyle problem. [4]

1. use advance word : good habits -------------> high rule
2. use precise word : information about unhealthy lifestyle which occurexists in society
3. be careful with grammatical sentence :
... must eliminated and who responsible for solving this problem areis school and parents.
4. be careful to use these or not.
These problems are dangerous for them
-------> you don't mention problem before this sentence, so tell the problem first.
5. be careful with plural and singular
both of school (...) for solving the problems about unhealthy lifestyle
Oct 25, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing Task 2 Children's Unhealth Lifestyle and Parents/Schools responsibility [3]

1. be careful with spelling
the food that contain with high nutrition
2. be careful with grammatical sentence:(subject+verb+agreement)
... that have not given what children should accept by both
3. avoid repetition word
--------> unhealthy : you can change with unhygienic
4. consistent with you word or you must explain before you use the word
------> schools > teachers (you didn't tell who teacher before you use in the next sentence
5. be careful TO(Infinitive)
less time to choose their meals
Oct 25, 2016
Writing Feedback / Three kind of citizen problems who stay at the foreign country based on age in percent [5]

Writing Task 1 UNIT 1C PAGE 14

The chart shows about three kind of problems for citizen who stay at the foreign country based on age in percent. Overall, it can be seen that people in the middle age have the highest percentage of all of kind of arrangement issues than other ages. Besides, finding school for youngster is the lowest for all population.

The first problem is how to economic plan is the second most problem for all inhabitants. Adults at 18-34 years old have it at under 35 percent. The percentage for middle aged people in 35-54 at is above 35 percent and for oldest people is just under 30 percent for this issue.

The greatest problem for all people who stay at new country is how to healthy plan. For people 35-54-years-old, this is a biggest problem at above 35 percent than other aged people. For adults have the problem at under 30 percent and for people over in 55 years old have the problem at above 35 percent. For the last problem is finding schools for young. For old people at 55 years old have the less percentage at above 5 percent than the other people. The percentage young have the problem for find schools at above 5 percent and for old people have problem at under 20 percent.
Oct 26, 2016
Writing Feedback / The chart compares the problems of citizens who stay outside their home countries [5]

1. be careful with singular and plural (citizen---->citizens) (ages-------> age groups)(you must mention who have the age)
----> ... the problems of citizens when they (add subject) stay in other countries based on different agesgroups .
2. for overview find interesting point and use phrase to overview such as : (it is noticeable that .... or overall,it is immediately apparent that...)
it is immediately apparent that the most severe issues of moving abroad ...
3. be careful with grammatical sentence (subject+verb+agreement)
People have 18-34 years-old is ...
-----> People having 18-34 years-old is the second highest after middle age at 6 percent and just 2 percent is over 55 years-old.
Oct 26, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing Task 1 - Three Problems When Move to Overseas [6]

... based on the group of ageS (be careful with singular and plural of noun ). Overall, in the middle ageS, people have more ...
Pursuing education for children are (IS) the smallest ...

However, it fell to under 30% in old (FOR OLDEST) people.

... get in the middle age with (TO) just under 40%.
Oct 26, 2016
Writing Feedback / English-language teachers and French-language school teachers in Ontario [5]

Writing Task 1- percentage of first-year teachers with regular teaching jobs by year of graduation

The graph gives information about the percentage of people who teach other people after graduated as habitual lecturing occupations in Ontario between 2001 and 2007. Overall, it can be seen that the percentage of English-language schoolteachers in Ontario was a downward trend and the percentage of French-language educators was a slight increase. Figures then fluctuated over seven-year period.

Between 2001 and 2002, there was a gradual decrease in the percentage of both English-language teachers and French-language schoolteachers from above 70 percent to under 60 percent and from 70 percent to above 50 percent respectively. For the next year, in 2003, people who teach English-language was a sudden fall to 40 percent but for people who teach French-language rose dramatically by under 70 percent.

According to the data between 2003 and 2005 both of Fresh graduate who teach English-language and who teach French language increased extremely to 70 percent and above 40 percent particularly. People who teach English-teacher was followed by a sudden fall to 28 percent two years later. On the other hand, the trend for French-language teachers is opposite. In 2007, the number of French-language educators was a peak at 75 percent.

  • question
Oct 26, 2016
Writing Feedback / Celebrities? I believe that the most essential in media is reporting about government in a country. [6]

The media pay too much attention to the lives and relationships of celebrities such as actors, singers or footballers. They should spend more time reporting the lives of ordinary people instead.

To what extent do you agree or disagree

Nowadays, technology develop for all of aspects, especially media. All of kind of media is used for entertainment and share information. Now, media is more presenting about celebrities' lifestyle than others. Besides that, media must give more information about citizen in the country. I totally disagree because I believe that the most essential is media which should report about government in the country.

Celebrities such as actors, singers or footballers become a role model for young people in the world. Such as group band one direction. Many teenagers who have the same activity with one direction are very keen on to imitate their favourite group band such as what they wear to perform. It has negative and positive effect to the young people. So, media have to report about celebrities lifestyle because it is used to be roll model or it just has entertainment value for people who follow the media, such as television programmes or magazine.

However, media should give much information about citizen. Because their development is essential to know how many progress of country. For example, media surveyed about people condition after disaster such as earthquake in Pare. It can be used for other people in another place to give donations to help them. Therefore, media is more important to pay too much attention to live and relationship of ordinary people.

In another hand, the most essential is media investigation about the information of government. Because it can help people to know how the governments doing their job for country. For instance, media report about economic news. Hence, society know how the economic requirement exist in their country.

To sum up, reporting lifestyle of celebrities and citizens is more significant, but media must give actual information about government in the country.
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing Task 2-media-celebrity-ordinary people. On which group media should focus more? [6]

1. ... the celebrity's stories have become A popular program that ...
------>(give a because popular program is singular countable noun)
------> ..... shown on medias such as television, ...
a. you will explain media with the example more than one, so media is plural, you should add S after media
b. many more you can replace with others
c. be careful if you use on and in ( for instance in all directions, in from outside, on television , on book )

2. It just toldtell about artist lifestyle

3. Similar to celebrities, exposing activity ...
----> on the other hand, exposing activity of common people has not given constructive effort for the audience.
be careful with linking words
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / The wind turbine appears to have a simple architecture and can be placed in a diverse environment [5]


The diagrams shows turbine for generating electricity from wind and where it can be paced to get the best locations. Overall, it can be seen that while the turbine appears to be a simple architecture of harnessing renewable energy and it can be installed in the deeper sea and in the high mountain to get higher electricity than in the domestic turbine. The best location is in the bottom sea because air landscape cannot be spoiled.

The turbine consist of blades while it is made by fiber glass or wood, wind sensor while it is used for now direction and speed. In addition, the turbine needs equipment such as generator, stell tower and computer. The process start when wind comes the turbine and it moves a turbine which is connected to a wind sensor. After that, speed and direction will be controlled by wind sensor. Then, direction and angle can be inform by computer-info from sensor adjusts blades. As a result, data can be transformed to a generator and more electricity can be generated.

Besides that, the turbine can be placed near the coast and in this case it can be installed at under sea level and on top of mountain. However wind near the coast or domestic turbine tend to be a smaller and so less electricity is produced just 100 kilowatts. Alternatively, the turbine can be placed in the bottom of sea level and on top of mountain where the wind are larger and more electricity can be generated until 1.5 megawatts. Especially, the landscape cannot be spoiled if wind turbine can be placed in the under sea level.
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / The range of fresh regular teachers in Ontario - back from 2001 to 2007. [5]

1. it can be seen that DEMAND of french language teachers HAD BEEN bigger than English teachers.
(Be careful with grammatical sentence)
2. The number of french teacher ROSE SLIGHTLY and hit a high ...
( Be careful with simple past (subject+V2)
3. ... and french language TEACHERS stood at similar point AT 70 percent in 2001.
... the number OF BOTH OF THEM fell by 20 percent.
Oct 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / Nowadays people are more interested to have an own company, despite some dangers and drawbacks. [3]

Some people decide do start their own business instead of working for a company or organisation. Do advantages for people working for their own business outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, many factories are developing in every country especially in the industrial cities, but people are more interest to become an entrepreneur. Although, there are some dangers and drawbacks to start-up own business. I believe that have own business is more benefit than the disadvantages.

There are two dangers and drawbacks to build own business. The one that, it has higher risk than people work as work-force. Becoming an entrepreneur, people must have complex planning with high capital. This means, we must have well-prepared before having start-up in the business because many people have the same occasion. So, we must ready competing with other and ready to get loss financial. On the other hand, people as work-force just do what a duty is offered by boss and finish in the exact time. A further disadvantages is that we must have sustainable invention to improve our business. It means that for the next period we must ready for new innovation and make our business more developed than before.

On the other hand, becoming an entrepreneur has several points and it is favor. The main one is convenience. People who have own job can relax in their business because of less pressure. Also, job time is flexible. If we compare with employee, they must come to office in the morning and come back in the afternoon. And then, people who become an entrepreneur can finish their job every time whenever they want to finish. The other advantage is they have higher income and can open job opportunity to other people.

All in all, I think that becoming an entrepreneur is better choice than the one who work as employee. However, someone that afraid to get high risk can work in company or organisation. And I would not recommend to have own business.
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Different ways to develop future career after graduation: work for someone or work for myself [5]

1. be careful spelling
universtiy ---------> university
domintaes ---> dominates
enterpreneur----> entrepreneur
cosumers -------> consumers
qualitiy ------> quality
Aslo --------> Also

2. they hashave better idea to attract more con sumers than the other.
(they (plural) need have)

3. ... some young adults have decided to develop their (...) school or a universit y by becoming an ...

4. ... I believe that it has more advantagesthan disadvantages .
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Is it important to have a law about uniform standardization for employees? [5]

Some organization believe that their employees should dress smartly. Others value quality of work above appearance.
Discuss both these views and give you own opinion

Nowadays, many factories can be found in the industrial city in several countries. Many companies think that it is important to have law about uniform standardization for employees, but several corporations believe that they must have work-spaces with the best quality to make other companies respect to them. Personally, I think in one organisation is essential to have high quality workers, but with the uniform standardization every employee can be manage their appearance and it can give positive effect for a company.

Several organizations say that staff members must use the dress smartly, especially uniform. Because with good looking employees, they can make other companies respect to them and they can be famous in another group with good rules for their work-spaces. But I think, companies should be smart to make this rule, because organizations have several division with different duties. So, for people such as in the oil and gas company when they must go to field to survey or data acquisition, they do not need to wear uniform.

However, there are other corporations that say they need higher quality of workers than appearance. Because some organisations need good workers to develop and to give new innovation to improve quality of companies. For instance, geophysics Survey Company need the best employees in the field to find a unique data. They do not have some rules about dress smartly for their staff members and just thinking employees can do their job in precise time.

To sum up, uniform rules is significant to increase status corporations, but quality of work from workers is very essential to develop companies.
Oct 28, 2016
Writing Feedback / Happiness ratings for people who have partner and do not have partner in the US [5]

The charts below show the results of a survey on happiness rating for married and unmarried people in the US, and the effect of children on the overall ratings of married couples.

The charts give information about the percentage of a research on enjoyable ratings for people who have partner and do not have partner in the US and a happiness from married people when they have children or not. Overall, it can be seen that spouse have higher number of happiness at twice than single person. But, for all people, level of happiness is under 50 percent. Besides that, husbands and wives who have teenagers are happier than spouse have young adults.

The happiest people who have partner is 18-29 years old at 45 percent. But for the single person that has age group 65 and more is 34 percent. Furthermore, spouse in 50-64 age group have the lowest percentage of happiness at 40 percent, and unmarried people in the same group-ages and in 18-29 age group at 21 percent.

Husbands and wives who have teenagers have higher ratings at 44 percent for happiness than who have young adults at 41 percent. The second happiest is spouse who have not children at 43 percent. For happiness level in married people who have and do not have children is not much different.

  • question
Oct 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / Mom and Dad should be the teacher for social life of their children [6]

Mom and Dad should be a teacher for social life of their children.
(be careful with the and a (a use for singular noun countable)

2. ... their children knowledge especially in social life ..
It should be children's knowledge ---> the knowledge that belong to children

3. ... practice this subject in in theat school to make ...
there are two preposition respectively in one sentence ---> in in, just delete one of them or change into 'at'

Thank you
Oct 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / Becoming an entrepreneur has been chosen by many people instead of being an employee [3]


who has the similar company that attack our business
In this sentence, attack is verb, so it is better to give conjunction.

... rival who has the similar company attack our business
In this sentence, our is refer to? because there is no explanation about our in the previous sentence

There are good structure and use several transition, but it is better for you to give example to support your idea

good luck :)
Oct 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / People needs others since they born, grow up until die. [2]

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society.
Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

People needs other people since they born until they are grow up and die. People is the social human. So, since a child, they must have lesson about life for their parents and after they school, teachers have responsibility to teach students about life. I think, parents and teachers in the school is very essential to help children learning about how to be a good in the environment.

Parents is the first teacher from a child. Since they are babies, children's already have learned how to communicate with other people. Such as, mother teach their child to speak polite with their brother when they want to play together. Then, what their mother said to them, it was used by them in life until they become members of citizens. Before they school, parents have responsibility to teach their children about skills when they are adapt with other, such as how to be good in relation with partner, communication with oldest people or become a leader in the future. As a results, parents is very significant to teach children about life, because childrens and parents have a strong relationship and they are spend long time with parents in the home.

After children are school, teachers have responsibility to students to teach about how build relation with society. For instance, children learn about social materials. In there, they can learn more about environment and population than parents learn to them. As a results, teachers is very essential for help children become social human.

To sum up, people learn about life from there are babies until they oldest. Parents and teachers in the school have very essential responsibility for children do development skills them in the around. Personally, I believe, without them children cannot have more knowledge about how to be the best in social life.
Oct 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / Reasons for the decrease of land production and explanation for soil degradation in the world [3]

The pie chart gives information about several things that make a decrease of land production and the table illustrates about impact of degradation of field for the three region. Overall, it can be seen that the greatest cause makes the land become a less production is over-grazing. Also, over-grazing become the biggest problem of land in the Oceania. Besides that, Europe has been the biggest problem for productivity land by deforestation, over-cultivation and over-grazing at 23 percent.

The percentage of over-grazing is higher than deforestation at 35 and 30 respectively. The three largest is over-cultivation at 28 percent. In the North America over-cultivation become cause of less production of land at 3.3 percent. Deforestation is the biggest percentage to cause Europa land become less production at 9.8 percent. Then, Oceania has the biggest problem from over-grazing at 11.3 percent. Total of land that has degraded and is caused by deforestation, over-cultivation and over-grazing for the North America, Europe and Oceania is at 5.23 and 13 percent significantly. Over-grazing is the biggest problem for the land in the worldwide, especially in the Ocean.

  • question
Oct 30, 2016
Writing Feedback / The regular distance of travel using various type of transportation, and measured in miles [3]

1. spelling
noticeble------------> noticeable
prefered -----------> preferred
travelled--------------> traveled
accuratelly ---------> accurately
inhaitand------------> inhabitant
2. The table shows the regular distance of people traveling that measured based on miles of travelled between 1985 and 2000
--->The table shows the regular distance of people traveling that measured based on miles between 1985 and 2000.
3. Repetitive
car------> car driver without passenger
walked-------> pedestrians, walking, walkers

Oct 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / When we just have a little time for relax after work, we disregard our health sometimes [2]

Some people say that in the modern world it is very difficult for people to have a healthy lifestyle. Others, however, say that it is easy for people to be healthy and fit if they want to be.

Nowadays, people live in modern era where they just have a little time for relax after doing many activities in one day. It makes people is very demanding to keep their body from diseases. But some people argue that very cushy to control their body if they want hard-working to do it. Personally, I believe to have a nutritious in way of life is very effortless especially for society reside in industrial cities.

Center cities' people have full activities. It makes them wipe with their soundness. For instance, people who work in big company. They must go to office early morning to avoid crowded roads and back after evening because many activities must finished. In fact, they always eat junk food and no time to relax their main because in the evening they must finished assignment for tomorrow. As a result, they challenging to live nourishing every day.

Besides that, some people argue that they can manage time to do healthy actions to keep their body from illness. For instance, they eat vegetable and fruit and do some sports activities such as running in the weekend, yoga for the women or visit some places to holiday after working in the weekday. As a results, they live in healthy event though they have many duties.

All in all, just excuse if society argue that they do not have much time to consume health food or no time to do some sport activities. In my opinion, with they buy healthy food in shops and they walking instead use their car to go around their home, it can help them to save in live.
Oct 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / The percentage of Bulgarians abroad who have secondary education was higher than others [3]

The chart below give information about the level of education of Bulgarian people who wanted to go and live in another country in 2002, 2006 and 2008.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The chart shows about the percentage of education steps for Bulgarian society who wanted to stay and growth in the abroad foreign in 2002, 2006 and 2008. Overall, it can be seen that over two-year's period, the percentage of people who have secondary education was higher than others and it has decreased slightly trend.

The people who have senior education fluctuated over two-year's period. In 2002, society with higher education was at 17 percent. After two years, it was a gradual increase at 20 percent in 2006. Then, it fell extremely at 9 percent in 2008. Besides that, the society who have junior education was at 65 percent in 2002. Furthermore, it was a slight decrease at 61 and 59 percent in 2006 and 2008 respectively. The last category is people who have elementary school. It was 18 percent in 2002, followed by increase slowly at 19 percent in 2006 and it rose significantly at 32 percent in 2008. Between 2002 and 2006 people who have education levels in primary and lower was the second greatest after higher education.
Oct 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / The data about global population progress and the proportion of urban areas in several world zones. [2]

Hi, ainunazwaria, I hope I can help you to write an essay

1. ... inhabitant proportion willwould increase gradually ...
Because it is happen in the past, hence 'will' should be replaced by would

2. ... people of developed zones willwould remain steady ...
Same as before, it is still in the same part, so change will ---> would

3. There is a spelling error,
inreasing ---> increasing

Thank you
Nov 1, 2016
Writing Feedback / Personal relationship between people has come withering away, since they using electronic media [3]

The use of electronic media has a negative effect on personal relationships between people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, technologies are developing in the world especially electronic media such as hand phone. All of people are using hand phone to help them easier to do some activities. Some people argue that using electronic media has negative impacts on relationship between societies. Personally, I tend to agree because communication media does not only give negative impact for user but it has several benefits for people who use it.

All of people especially young adults are using hand phone for communication with other people such as families, friends and other people. There are several negative impacts using hand phone. For the first is society demanding to build communication in one forum. For an instance, someone who have dinner with oldest friends, and in the moment, they are just playing gadget while they waiting errand. As a results, they do not have many conversations in the meeting and just fill obligation. The second negative impact is electronic media can cause disagreements between people. For example, teenager who have problem with friend in the school and after that, she write status in the Facebook but her status not directed for her friend. As a results, the problem between them bigger than before. The last is people will be race with other society about who have the good electronic media. For instance, teenagers who see their friend have a new hand phone, so it can make them to buy hand phone with a sophisticated version. In directly, It makes them reside compete.

On the other hand, there are several benefits if we are using electronic media. For the first, tool of communication with other people who have long distance with us. For instance, teenager who study in abroad foreign, they cannot back to home every day, so they use hand phone to give information with families. The second positive effect is people can get and share fast information from others. For instance, student who have assignment from his teacher, he can extend to all of his friends this assignment in the group social media such as Facebook group and messenger group.

All in all, drawbacks outweigh the advantages. In my opinion, personal relationship between people has come withering away since their using electronic media, but for society who can manage the portion time to meet with people or to using hand phone , they can get positive impact from electronic media.
Nov 1, 2016
Writing Feedback / Several kinds of communication skills which were significant in a vacancy; the results of two survey [4]

The table below gives the results of two surveys, in 1997 and 2006, in which people were asked which communication skills were essential in their jobs.

The table gives information about several kinds of communication skills were significant in vacancy based on the results of two surveys in 1997 and 2006. Overall, it can be seen that for external interaction, workers believe that dealing with people skill more important than selling a product or service skill and for internal interaction especially with company, employees argue that listening carefully to colleagues' skill more essential than making speeches or presentations.

The results of surveys illustrates about the greatest number of external interaction skill for employees was dealing with people at 60 percent in 1997. Then, it was a sharp increase at 65 percent in 2006 and it was stable be the greatest in external communication. The number of selling a product or service was the lowest percentage in 1997 at 24 percent and it was a gradual decrease at 21 percent in 2006. In 1997, the percentage of advising or caring for customers or clients was higher than the number of knowledge of particular products or services at 36 and 25 percent respectively and it was turn-up down in 2006.

Based on table internal communication that listening carefully to colleagues was the most essential in 1997 and 2006 at 38 and 47 percent particularly. Besides that, the less essential in 1997 and 2006 was making speeches or presentation at 7 and 11 percent respectively. Furthermore, for other internal interaction skills such as instructing or training people, persuading or influencing others, analyzing problem together with others and planning the activities of others were a dramatic rise from 1997 to 2006, but totally all of the percentage was under 50 percent.

  • question
Nov 1, 2016
Writing Feedback / The external and internal communication, essential in work, in 1997 and 2002. [3]

... communication skills were the most essential by year (...) needed by employees and the highest increased was taken by ...

--------> you don't have verb in the sentence (both external and internal communication skills more essential by year except in selling a product or service ) so you should add 'were'

-------> more essential -------> the most essential (because yo don't have comparison in the sentence)
-------> needed by employees -----> (employee is plural)
--------> increased was (double verb so increased=increase)

... external communication of workers . Three of four aspect through increased steadily , selling a product or service has adecreased steadily from 24 percent ...
... was needed by employees is dealing with people by ...
Nov 2, 2016
Writing Feedback / People need to get as much as possible profits from their business, so the main aim of it is money. [3]

The purpose of businesses is to make money and they should concentrate only on this. Do you agree or disagree?

Having business has given more challenge for people how to manage the company. The most essential one is that people need to get as much as possible profits from their business. However, I tend to agree that the main purpose for doing business is money, so the company should focus on getting benefits.

Company is built because people want get some advantages and can make the company still producing. The owner and the employee must give the best effort that they have and keep working without considering another aspect inside or outside the company. The consequences are they will stick to the purpose and much money that they have earned. For instance, mining company has earned tonnes of benefits in Indonesia because the company keep producing continuously. Hence, getting much money can be obtained by companies with hard-working and only focus on profits.

However, company should consider another aspect to get more advantages in its company. The environment is the most significant side that need to think. If there is something bad happened in the environment and even they have get plenty of money, they have to pay fines for environmental damage. It will totally decrease their profits and sometimes the company will be bankrupt. For instance, nuclear companies that just contribute to get money, in 1992 they had to close the company because they did not consider the dangerous for people who lived surrounding the location. Therefore, simple thing can be more complicated if company do not want to think about it and just want to get much money.

All in all, concentrate to get much money is essential for the company but they have to remember other factors that can be disaster if they underestimate it. In my opinion, I think people can get money easily if they make attention to the nature instead of profits.
Nov 2, 2016
Writing Feedback / Overall, it can be seen that air leaks by dryer vent and crawl space in the basement [2]

The diagram below shows how heat is lost and energy wasted in a house because of air getting into and out of the house.

The diagram gives information about the way of leaking air circulates in a house caused by changes of air inside come and outside make waste of energy due to heat loses and how houses loses heat. Overall, it can be seen that air leaks by dryer vent and crawl space in the basement and by window and main door in the first floor seems becoming the main entrance it. Besides that, some heat is transmitted through in the room houses.

First of all, dryer vent and crawl space in the basement are used by the air to get into the houses. In the first floor, air come into the houses by several spot such as window, kitchen fan vent, and main door in the middle room and come using window into the kitchen and in the bathroom air pass through by electrical outlet. As a results, houses loosing heat because the air outside comes into the houses and covers the whole basement and the first floor.

Furthermore, the gasses emitted created energy wasted from attic room to the atmosphere because the air always followed the low pressure. In the bathroom, air out of the house by bathroom fan vent, recessed lights and plumbing stack vent. Attic hatch and recessed lights are used by air go out of the house and chase in the kitchen have same function. These circumstances mean dissipate the energy since cold air absorbs the heat and carrying it to outside of the houses.

  • Question
Nov 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Surveys about the quality of workers relationships with their managers and colleagues [3]

The charts below show the results of surveys in 2005 and 2009 asking workers about their relationship with their supervisors and their co-workers.

The pie charts reveal a comparison the number of workers relationships with managers and colleagues. The data covered those subjects based on the survey in 2005 and 2009. Overall, it can be seen that while the statistics for employees say that there were the precise quality rating levels of relations with both bosses and workmates in both years existed. Both statistics were recorded as by far the greatest ratio. In any case, the modest rose slightly in both classifications were indicated over the balance of the two years.

According to the data, the quality of relations between employees and the bosses did not illustrate great variations in ratio since the beginning of survey. In 2005, 61 percent of staff members admitted that they had perfect relations with their managers. After that, this percentage rose sharply by 4 percent in 2009. More than a fifth of employees from the total people who abreast of survey in both years report their relations with managers so good, which was the second biggest classifications. A very small number or workers at under 10 percent argued that their relationships with bosses was delicate.

Moving to another surveys that related to colleagues affiliation, there was a few different numbers of very good category with workmates. Between 2005 and 2009, it rose gradually from 63 to 70 percent. The category of good in 2005 almost as equal as in 2009, which was from 28 to 25 percent particularly. All of the other categories only shown a small percentage of relations between workers and workmate at under 10 percent in both of period.

  • question
Nov 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / People sometimes use a special garment because of several conditions that require them to use it [4]

Some people say that the clothes people wear are the most important indication of what they are like. Others, however, say that people should not be judged by the clothes they wear

Nowadays, most of people respect to the people about kind of clothes that they use and it becomes the essential indication that what they keen on in group society. But, some people argue that do not give conclusion to someone with what they are use. Personally, I believe that sometimes, people use a garment because of several conditions that should they to use it.

In fashionable era, most of people like to wear fashionable clothes and they argue that it becomes one essential symbol what they are interest in life. For instance, young adults enjoy with style of Korea's celebrity. As a result, they will buying several garments same with the actress and they wear to go to campus every single day. In fact, other people can give opinion that they are very attracted with Korea's style.

Besides that, society saying that do not look someone from what they are wear. Because, possible that they have several reasons about why they use it. Firstly, someone always wear the jumper. It is not means that they like use jumper, may be they have a disease such as allergic with cold temperature and it makes they must using jumper during winter. Secondly, they do not have much money to buy new fashion items because financial factor or they do not buy until they really need the clothes. As a result, they must wear old-fashions.

All in all, there are several situations why people use clothes. It can be reason to know what they fascinate in life. But it is not the most imperative indication because in the same case some people wear the dress because demand of life. In my opinion, we use garment because it has functional value for our body. For instance, I wear long dresses because I want to protect my body from a sun in day.
Nov 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / Atmosphere in a workplace - connection between a worker and his boss. [2]

... the employees' supervisors and co-workers from ...
... the employees' managers and peers from surveys which was held in ...
a. be careful with past tense
b. be careful with noun plural
c paraphrase question and avoid repetitive word
you can change :
supervisors ----------> bosses , managers , directors
co-workers --------> peers, workmates , colleagues

... 61 percent of employees had a category "very good" relationship with their supervisors.
Nov 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / The Relationships of Employees with Their Manager and Co-Workers [6]

... results of questionnaires about employee relationships with their (...) after five years gapin 2005 and 2009.
-------> be careful with noun plural employee ------> employees
--------> in: between

... show that "very good" category was the most choices of staff members as the description of their relationships towards their bosses and workmates and had increased slightly over the years ...

a. be careful with past tense
b. be careful with repetitive
workers-----> employees, staff members
supervisors----> managers, bosses, directors
co-workers---------> peers, workmates, colleagues

... managers had shown that there arewere less at 10 % of employees who givegave answers "fair" and ...
Almost the answers of employees was around on extremely ...
Nov 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / 'our bodies cannot be functional if we do not have full nutrition in our bodies' - children's meal [2]

To learn effectively, children need to eat a healthy meal at school. How true is this statement ? Whose responsibility is it to provide food for school children?

Based on statement that 'our bodies cannot be functional if we do not have full nutrition in our bodies' it become one reason why all of people need to eat every day include of children. Not only do children but all of people also need eat a healthy meal to still growing in their life.

All of people agree about we must consume enough food every day to make us have energy to do many daily activities. It becomes a problem for children if they do not have complete nutrition or hungry that they cannot have a good performance and they cannot participant fully to accept all of materials that teachers teach to them. If we compare a kid who has breakfast at home and those who does not have breakfast, they can give different performances. In any case, teachers are role to encourage sense of competition.

On the other hand, working parent just give money to their children to buy some food for breakfast and lunch. If they have two choose that junk food or healthy food, they will choice junk food. So school should consider with meals which are sold in the food court in which healthy food is provided. Besides that, bringing meals from home which is made by mother will be better than buy some food in the canteen for children.

All in all, healthy food will give extra energy for children in the school and help children's bodies which are still growing an establish brain's serve. Schools and parents have essential responsibility to children because both of them are near for them. Personally, I believe that the average food is which is not as well-being as food was the past. Based on my experienced when I am junior high school, when my mother cooked to me brought at the school, I have good health and can focus with the materials which teach by teacher than I bought some food in the food court schools.
Nov 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / Courtesy of flight attendants became a greater factor of air travel than courtesy of check- in/ gate [6]

The chart and table below show customer satisfaction levels in the US with airlines and aspects of air travel in 1999, 2000, and 2007.

The chart gives information about the percentage of customer's satisfaction rates about the result of work by the nation's major airlines in the US. The table illustrates about the number of several factors of the flying experience caused satisfaction. All of data are covered in 1990, 2000 and 2007. Overall, it can be seen that customers satisfaction increased slightly over three-years period and Courtesy of flight attendants became bigger factor of air travel than courtesy of check-in/ gate agents over three-years period, but the different between both aspects did not significant.

In 1999 most of customers happy with airlines which was at 65 percent. After that, in 2000 and 2007 level of satisfaction people rose gradually at 69 percent and 72 percent respectively. Besides that, over three-years period customers who not enjoy with airlines was under 35 percent and it always decreased sharply by three and five percent in 2000 and 2007 particularly.

Courtesy of flight attendants became a greater factor of air travel than courtesy of check- in/ gate agents over three-years period and both of them always increased slightly until 92 percent and 88 percent in 2007 respectively. Besides that, comfort of seats did not became one factor satisfaction of customers in 1999 and 2000, but it became less factor in 2007 and it was under 50 percent.

  • question
Nov 4, 2016
Writing Feedback / A study states, that an effective learning can be resulted by meal that enrich with nutrients [4]

1. Brain children still experience development.
--------> children's brain are still experience to develop.

There are some people saying that to study effectively, c hildren need to consume healthy meals.

Personally, I extremely agree with this statement that healthy food ...

place that almost most of the children doing many activities.

5. It can influence what is meal that consumed by schoolchildren.
It can be influences most of children what the nutrition that can be consume by them.
Nov 5, 2016
Writing Feedback / The percentage of money consumed for several different outgoings by a school in UK [3]

These three pie charts show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991, and 2001

The pie charts give the information about the percentage of money outcome because several factors by particularly UK school. Data covered in 1981, 1991, and 2001. Overall, it can be seen that the biggest outcome by a school was 'Teachers Salaries' category and over a three-year period this percentage was above 40 percent.

The percentage of 'teacher salaries' category was a dramatic rise of 10 percent in 1991, but in 2001 this number fell gradually to 45 percent. Besides that, over three- years period the percentage of 'insurance' category was lower than others and this always rose by 1 and 5 percent in 1991 and 2001 respectively. From 1981 to 2001, the percentage of 'other workers salaries' category decreased extremely by 6 and 7 percent particularly.

In 1981, the percentage of 'resources e.g books' category was same at 15 percent. Besides that, in 1991 the percentage of 'resources e.g books' category was greater than 'furniture and equipment' category 20 and 5 percent respectively. In contrass, in 2001 this category was lower than 'furniture and equipment' category at 9 and 23 percent particularly.
Nov 5, 2016
Writing Feedback / Nowadays, issues of crowded roads and chemical emissions make countries alarmed [2]

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
What other measures do you think might be effective?

Nowadays, issues of crowded roads and chemical emissions make countries should have method to solve these issues. Some people saying with increasing the price of petrol can give the best solution. I tend to disagree with the statement because there are several methods to solve these issues.

In modern era, most of people have private transportation, such as cars and motorcycles. There are using vehicles to go to office, school or going to one place to holiday. They thing it is good choice because with less price of petrol they can go with family by comfortable vehicle. For instance, in Indonesia government subsidy price of petrol and all of level of societies can buy petrol subsidy. As a result, many people use their transportation and it makes crowded roads in several spots. Also, it can cause a low fresh air for pedestrian who walk near of street. So, with increasing price of petrol can make people to choose public transportation to do daily activities in outside. Because they feel that it is more expensive than before.

In the other hand, there are several methods to solve this issue. For instance, the government should be improving facilities of public transportation, such as in Indonesia. It has good facilities in a train, for example clean toilet, hygiene canteen, and comfortable sofa for passengers. As a result, many people interest to use a train for avoid crowded roads. It can be the best way to decrease the number of transportation in road and chemical emission. Besides that, also Indonesian government have 3 in 1 rule in several spots in Jakarta. It can be good alternative to solve this issue. Because, in fact after this rule happen the number of private transportation is lower than before.

All in all, rise of petrol price is not the best alternative to solve crowded road and pollution issues because not all of people have high financial. But, with improvement several facilities in public transportation can be the best choice to decrease these issues. I believe government have a good method to end this problem.
Nov 6, 2016
Writing Feedback / Teachers' salaries rose, however the other workers' wage dropped. Annual spendings by a UK school [4]

Hi bada, let me give you some comment

1. ...there was an upward trend of teachers' salaries ...
The charts show in pie shape and do figuring in graph. So you cannot use upward or downward trend because it is only about changing, nothing continues. It is better for you to tell about 'there is an increase or decrease'

2. Because one of the purposes of writing task 1 is comparing the data. It is better for you to make comparison. It will increase your score in writing task 1

Thank you
keep writing

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