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Posts by just_writer
Name: a writer
Joined: Oct 16, 2017
Last Post: Oct 29, 2017
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From: US

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Oct 29, 2017
Writing Feedback / Increasing the fuel price will have a negative effect because it will increase the cost of transport [3]

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
What other measures do you think might effective?

solving growing traffic and pollution

While there a lot of people who think the best way of both reducing the number of cars on the street and preserving the environment is to raise the value of the fuel, Others disagree. It is a controversial issue and shall be discussed. As a matter of fact, I completely disagree with this kind of thinking. I will provide examples from my own experience to support my reasons.

Firstly, the public transportation system -like taxi and bus- use petrol. Therefore, If the government decides to raise the fuel price, taxis and buses also have to increase their fee. as a result, people prefer to use their own vehicles. For instance, I remember when the government raised the price of fuel, the public transportation became so expensive that more people started to use their own vehicles.

On the other hand, if the government starts to invest in the public transportation like railways, it will be more persuasive for people to do not use their cars. The main reason is that the new transportation system would be faster and cheaper. Also, It makes taxi and bus owners reduce their fee to attract people. For example, I witnessed that building metro significantly dropped the number of cars on the street.

One other crucial development would be to make special paths for people who want to use bicycle or motorcycle. They can also build places to rent them. I know many people that love to use a bicycle for transportation, but they either have to use street or sidewalk which are not safe.

In conclusion, I believe that increasing the fuel price will have a negative effect because it will increase the cost of transportation in general. The only way for countries to overcome issues like traffic and air pollution is to invest in their infrastructure to get the desired result.

(308 Words)
Oct 29, 2017
Writing Feedback / Voluntary service is not a compulsory part of high school programmes... yet [3]

Here are some corrections,

and receive aids
learn these things are
it is still a
who need helps

The biggest problem that will have negative effect your score, is the way you paraphrased in the introduction section. Yout just copy/pasted the original prompt and also did not state which side you are supporting. Also, try to have at least 3 sentences in each paragraph. It is the minimum requirement.
Oct 29, 2017
Writing Feedback / Give reasons for your answer on statement that happiness is contemplated as substantial in our life [4]

Here are some corrections,

everyone has their
think that having dinner
It depends on the
it has various standards in
happiness does not
That means the
Making our more happiness => Making us happier

I think it could be better if you state one factor in each paragraph with the reason why that factor is hard to get. Normally your two or three body paragraphs should not have the same argument, each paragraph should represent an argument.
Oct 28, 2017
Writing Feedback / Has online social networking helped us or harmed us? [4]

Here are some corrections,

obsessed with social networks and often go
her information can still be passed by someone on her

Your essay arguments look good, but as Holt also said, the structure does not look good. You wrote 276 words which is more than the minimum requirements, but the problem is paragraph 2, where two arguments are presented (which are fine by the way), It's a really long paragraph that you easily can split in two.

Also, try to provide some examples for each argument as well. It makes the arguments more solid.
Oct 28, 2017
Writing Feedback / Expanding more empty places in universities for young students; education problems essay [3]

Here are some corrections,

the cost of buying
the country economically

I believe you wrote a great essay. With a wide range of vocabulary and grammar structures. But your body paragraphs didn't provide an example. It is good practice to add examples for each argument you made.

Your Summary paragraph is too small. the minimum number of sentences for each paragraph should be 3. And also it does not give a complete overview of the essay.

Another point, although it could be just me, in the middle of paragraph 4 I kind of lost your point. I think because there were too many details.
Oct 28, 2017
Writing Feedback / IELTS W2- Some people believe that it is good to share information freely, others don't [4]

Your essay doesn't have the right structure. There are too many paragraphs, and two of them with only have two sentences when the minimum requirement is at least 3 sentences in a paragraph. each paragraph you should present an argument, explain it and give an example. This structure will help you to write a better essay in the future.

Also, some of your sentences were hard to understand, like:

should such information be shared freely have become an issue to discuss
I think you meant: whether such information should be shared freely or not is an issue.

Be careful about the way you are writing your sentences, it looks like you have the knowledge to write a good essay.
Oct 27, 2017
Writing Feedback / It is better to put an entrance fee for museums [4]

Many museums charge for admission while others are free.
Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

free or paid entry to museums

While there are a lot of people who think everyone should pay an entrance fee if they want to see a museum, others disagree. I think it is better to put an entrance fee for museums and going to explain why in following paragraphs.

On one hand, the museums normally need lots of special maintaining because of how delicate the objects are, obviously this cost a lot of money. If people do not pay the fee, museums will have a hard time to prepare the best situation. For example, we had a big museum in our country which is free, they asked the government for financial support but they declined. After sometimes the museum closed. Recently a bunch of priceless artworks was found in the basement of that building which was ruined.

On the other hand, the museums always have a lot of priceless stuff and it is important to guard them correctly. If exhibition stays free and open to the public, it will increase the chance that someone hurts the artworks or tries to steal something. In addition, the museums will be so crowded that no one could put time and learn anything. For instance, there is a free museum in my city. It is the first destination for schools and because of that, the place is always full of people. It led to that, neither students nor visitors enjoy their time.

In conclusion, while some people believe that museums should be free, I disagree and tried to explain my reasons in this essay. The first reason is that museums actually need money to survive and also protect objects. And the second one is that it will filter the people so that who really wants to learn something pays the money and spend his/her time there.

(298 Words)
Oct 27, 2017
Writing Feedback / The diagrams below show the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon. [3]

salmon life cycle

The diagrams below show the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The diagram illustrates the circle of life for a specific fish name salmon from the day they come out of eggs to become adult salmons.

The eggs of this kind of fish could be found under small stones under reed plants in the upper part of the river where the water moves slowly. After about 5 to 6 month they become fry and their length grow to 3-8 cm. This is when they migrate to lower part of the river where the water current is fast. They stay there about 4 years until they become smolt with 12-15 cm long.

The next phase of their life is experiencing open sea for approximately 5 years, this is when they become adult salmons with the length of 70-76 cm. They circle back to the upper part of the river to put their eggs under the small stones.

In summary, this fish's life cycle takes about 10 years, from being born as fry, to reproduce new eggs into the upper part of the river as adult salmons.

(167 Words)

Oct 26, 2017
Writing Feedback / Nowadays people can purchase goods from another country with just one click or phone call [2]

Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

country losing its identity by selling foreign products

In today's world, people can purchase goods from another country with just one click or phone call. There are people who think that this is a bad incident because it will change the countries to become more look alike. It is a controversial discussion and thinks it is a negative progress. I am going to talk about it in more details in following paragraphs.

On one hand, each country has its own unique culture that fits best for their people. The culture includes of how they dress and what they use. For example, the culture in my country is to wear hijab, it is a way of dressing and it is specific to here. I think foreign clothes are not the best choice here, but they are available and affecting the way people dress directly. In my opinion, a country that loses its traditions will be left with nothing the future.

On the other hand, there are a few countries in the world that have strong industries, when people buy everything from other countries, it certainly going to help these countries economy. Instead, it will kill the local industries, because they can not compete against countries like China. For instance, in a period in my country, it was trending to use foreign products instead of our own goods. It led to a huge disaster in the economy and lots of companies became broke.

In conclusion, two ideas were presented in this essay. Overall, I think using foreign products can have bad effects on the countries. The country will both lose their identity and economy.

(265 Words)
Oct 26, 2017
Writing Feedback / UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not go into full-time work did after leaving college [4]

The charts below show what UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not go into full-time work did after leaving college in 2008.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, make comparisons where relevant.

unemployed and educated people

The bar charts illustrate numbers of pupils who did not get a full-time work after Bachelor degree and Master degree in the UK at 2008. The charts have 4 categories; namely: part-time work, voluntary work, further study, and employment.

It seems that 29665 of students continues their study after bachelor degree, which is the highest number. After that, there is part-time work and unemployment that are fairly close with respectively, 17735 and 16235. The least amount of students did voluntary work with a number of 3500.

By the look at the second chart, we can find out that the highest numbers of students prefer to continue their study after Master degree. There are 2725 pupils in that category. After that, there is part-time work with 2535, unemployment with 1625 and voluntary work with 345.

Overall, the trends of how students behave after bachelor degree and Master degree did not change much. In both cases, further study has the first place and voluntary works have the last place. however, it shows that amount of students who did part-time work raised when students finish Master degree. Nevertheless, the part-time work still remained in the second place in both situations. Same as unemployment which is in the third place in both cases.

(203 Words)

I've always been confused about the meaning of undergraduate/graduate/postgraduate. In this essay, I counted Bachelor degree as graduate and Master Degree as postgraduate. Can somebody clarify that for me once for all? (google search doesn't help either) thanks in advance.

Oct 26, 2017
Writing Feedback / IELTS-Task2- the reason of learning a different language [8]

Here are some corrections,

people are concerned
cannot be used in each country
local citizen prefers to speak
languages is more easy
language from being
sanitary facilities (I think you meant facilities)

it can care the people who need our help (this sentence is a bit vague, I didn't quite understand what you meant)
Oct 26, 2017

Here are some corrections,

skills in a new language are more
nowadays than it was previously
cell phones
company demands

And also it is not a good practice to have a paragraph with one sentence. you can combine two last paragraphs.
Oct 26, 2017
Writing Feedback / Can students study whatever they want or science and technology is a must? [3]

Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

science is not everything in this world

While there are people who say it is important for college graduates to learn different subjects in university, there are people who believe that they only need courses that proved to be effective for their future. There two points of views shall be discussed, in addition to my personal ideas on the subject.

Firstly, there are people that believe when a student enters to the university must follow his/her dreams. It means that they are free to choose their major and it does not matter which one it is going to be because that would guarantee success in the future. For example, I know classmates that came to software engineering major just because their parents made them to. Most of them quit after the third semester.

Secondly, some people believe that in today's world, science and technology have the most opportunity to make money, so students should follow this path to become successful. They say that students can follow other subjects as a hobby. For example, one of my friends that were a fantastic painter studied civil engineering and also continues his patio in art. He is a successful engineer who recently started an exhibition of his paintings.

Lastly, in my opinion, people should learn what they love, because the learning process is not easy, there are a lot of obstacles in the way that a person can overcome, if and only if he/she loves his major. For example, there was a lot of coding in our major (software engineering) which is not easy and requires love and patience. I think the main reason that people quit was that they could not hold the pressure, they were not happy.

In conclusion, two different points of views were discussed whether students should continue their education in what they want or it is science and technology which is important. In my opinion, while science can bring a lot of money for one, they money does not guarantee happiness.

(329 Words)
Oct 26, 2017
Writing Feedback / Tables below present information about sales of fairtrade*-labelled coffee and bananas over Europe [2]

Coffee and Bananas sale statistics

The tables below give information about sales of fairtrade*-labelled coffee and bananas in 1999 and 2004 in five European countries.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The tables show data about agricultural products; namely, Coffee and Bananas. The given numbers compare the amount of money they made in 1999 and 2004 in UK, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, and Sweden. All the numbers are measured in millions of euros.

The UK income from agricultural goods raised over the years for each product. There were 1.5 million euros earning from coffee in 1999 whereas the amount increased to 20M euros in 2014. Also, the same thing happened for banana but with slower paced, from 1M to 5.5M. The Switzerland sold 3M euros of coffee in 1999 and doubled the number to 6M euros in 2004, in addition, the numbers went up for bananas from 15M to 47M respectively from 1999 to 2004.

Denmark, Belgium, and Sweden amount of income from coffee increased with low speed over the years. From 1.8M to 2M for Denmark, 1M to 1.7 for Belgium and 0.8M to 1M for Sweden. On the other hand, all of them were not been successful in bananas category; like Belgium that increased the income for 0.6M to 4M. Sweden and Denmark have a decrease over the years, as a matter of fact, Sweden sold fewer bananas, started from 1.8M in 1999 to 1M in 2004. Also, numbers for Denmark went down from 2M to 0.9M over the mentioned period.

Overall, It seems that most of the countries did better over the years. These numbers were better for the coffee category that all of them improved their market. But there were two cases of step back for Sweden and Denmark over the years. Also, the UK was the best seller of coffee in 2004 and get the second place banana category, and the situation been reversed for Switzerland.

(276 Words)

Oct 25, 2017
Writing Feedback / Parents and teachers task is to teach good behavior to children - by force? [4]

It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
what sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children.

distinction between right and wrong

Children must learn how to react, they have to understand the consequences of their actions. I believe it is the parent's job to teach them how to stay in right path. In fact, they can punish them based on their actions. In the following paragraph, I will discuss what could be the best possible teaching method for parents.

Firstly, there are a lot of studies that show it counts as forbidden to hit the child if he/she did something bad. It could leave a lot of memories to scar them for life or even hold them back when they get older.

Secondly, one of the important roles of parents is to guide their children and prepare them for future. In addition, they must figure out a way to remain in control so that kids listen to their words and accept them. For instance, one of my family has a child who does whatever he wants and never reacts to the word "don't". he does not care if it comes from his parents or someone else. I think he will become spoiled in the future and also there is a possibility of hurting himself.

Lastly, there are a lot of ways to control children, but the crucial point is to stay fair. I mean sometimes just a talk can teach so many things. For example, I remember when I was a child, my parents used grounding as a method of control or sometimes they just banned the objects which caused the problem, like a toy gun. I believe it is a healthy attitude toward children because they both understand they did something bad and also respect more the freedom they had before.

In conclusion, parents are allowed to punish their children, as a matter of fact, it is their responsibility. And they must try to remain fair. I think a method for parents could be to take the freedom from their children which proved to be effective.

(329 Words)
Oct 25, 2017
Writing Feedback / Charts below show how energy is used in an average Australian household vs greenhouse emission [3]

The first chart below shows how energy is used in an average Australian household. The second chart shows the greenhouse gas emissions which result from this energy use.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

greenhouse gas as result of heating process

Two pie charts illustrate the mean use of different kinds of powers in homes for Australi's citizens and the amount of greenhouse gas production in contrast. It shows that the highest amount of the greenhouse gas is released by water heating, and the lowest amount goes to cooling.

The water heating process takes 30% of total energy used and produced 32% gas. After that there is refrigerating with 7% power consumption. However, the greenhouse gas production is double with 14%. Nevertheless, other appliances almost have the same characteristic, with 15% of energy consumption and 28% gas production.

The heating process which takes the highest amount of power usage by 42%, generates only 15% gas. And the cooling category has respectively 2% and 3% for power and gas generation. so as lighting with 4% and 8% in the same order.

It seems that the heating process with the most energy usage, surprisingly produces much less gas than other; in fact, it is third to last. And other appliances which use 15% power, generates also more gas; as a matter of fact, it is second to first in gas production.

(172 Words)

Oct 25, 2017
Writing Feedback / Governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people disagree [3]

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

the importance of economy

While there are a lot of countries that only aimed for economic developments, there is a portion of people who say there are a lot of aspects for a country to count it as a strong one. Both points of views shall be discussed along with my own ideas about the subject.

On one hand, in today's world, money plays an important role. From the government's perspective, a great economy will give them the power to prepare better lifestyle for their own people. For instance, countries that have a good economy, their citizen's are happier than other countries.

On the other hand, there are a lot of other aspects involve, namely; healthcare, sports, and culture. There are people that argue these types of development is as crucial as the economic one. Because the economic itself does not guarantee the well being of citizen's life. For example, there are countries that have a lot of resources but spend all of it for wrong purposes, like war missiles.

Lastly, in my own opinion, a good economy can give advantages to the country. In fact, it is a leverage that can be used in international talks or to prepare a wonderful healthcare system for their people. It is the matter of how to use the resources, whether care about the citizens or not.

In conclusion, both points of view about the importance of economy were discussed, in addition to my personal view on the subject, which is, even though economics is the most important aspect of a country, it is also important how to use it.

(267 Words)
Oct 25, 2017
Writing Feedback / Numbers of visitors to Ashdown Museum during the year before and the year after it was refurbished [5]

The table below shows the numbers of visitors to Ashdown Museum during the year before and the year after it was refurbished. The charts show the result of surveys asking visitors how satisfied they were with their visit, during the same two periods.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant

Ashdown museum visitors

The table shows the total number of people who visited the Ashdown museum a year before and after the changes in inside and outside of the building. Also, there are two pie charts that compare the result of the visitor's comments before and after the changes, about whether they liked the new likes or not.

Firstly, the total amount of people who visited the museum raised from 74000 before the changes to 92000 after it. In fact, by paying attention to the charts, it is understandable that the percentage of people who were satisfied or very satisfied increased from 45% to 75%.

Secondly, the portion of visitors that were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied dropped from 50% to 20%. In more details, the portion of people that have been very dissatisfied fell dramatically from 40% to 15%. Also, there are 5% of visitors who didn't engage in the survey in both years.

Overall, from the pie charts, it is obvious that more people liked the new style.

(159 Words)
Oct 24, 2017
Writing Feedback / The graphs below presents data about computer ownership as a percentage of the population, 2002-2010 [5]


You should not have a paragraph with just one sentence. each paragraph, at least needs 3 sentences.

the higher is not the correct grammar, you should either write the highest or just higher than.

In the introduction, you said "information about ownership of computer as a percentage"
It is better to say "the percentage of computer owners"

And also you must use paraphrasing in the introduction. You just copied now.
Oct 24, 2017
Writing Feedback / There is a lot of information in each country that becomes accessible if you know their language. [2]

Since people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

reason for learning a foreign language

In today's world, communication plays an important role in all aspects of our life, from having fun with friends to resolve the complex political matters, and it goes without saying that languages are the main tool to communicate. In regard, some people think it is not necessary to learn other languages unless we want to travel to its country. Other people disagree and believe there are other reasons involved. Both points of views will be discussed, plus my own opinion on the subject.

On one hand, there are people who never used another language other than their native one. They fell that it is too much work to learn another language, because they never needed it. For example, my grandfather worked at a bank, all his life he only spoke and written in Farsi and also changes his smartphone language to his mother tongue. He never felt the need to learn another language.

On the other hand, lots of people believe that in a world that we live now, there are no borders, there is a lot of opportunities for a person who can understand people from another side of the world. For example, one of my friends learned 3 languages in university, everybody thought she was weird, because who needs to know four different languages. Eventually, she got a job with high salary as a translator for an international company in Iran.

Lastly, in my own opinion, I think our modern world, with the help of the internet that made us closer together, There a lot of information online. For instance, when I was doing my thesis and also when I want to work, all of my references are in English, even though I am in Iran, I need to know English to become successful.

In conclusion, there are some people who have not needed other languages their whole life and are against in learning it. In contrast, a lot of people believe that in our world, it is impossible to be successful if one does not understand others. And I believe it is a must-have skill because there is a lot of information in each country that becomes accessible if you know their language.

(367 Words)
Oct 24, 2017
Writing Feedback / Statistics of CO2 emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal [2]

The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The artificial production of carbon dioxide

The graph compares the production of carbon dioxide in average for each individual based on metric tonnes in four countries, namely, United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal from 1967 to 2007.

The United Kingdom appears to have the most numbers, started from around 11 metric tonnes in 1967 and gradually decreased to just under 9 in 2007, however, remained as the most producer of CO2 gas till the end. After the UK, there is Sweden, which has the second biggest number, around 9 in 1967 with a sudden increase to its peak approximately in 1988 to around 10 and a rapid decrease till 2007 to around 5.

The Italy started from Just well over 4 with a fast increase to around 8 in 1997 and remained steady till 2007. The Portugal has the lowest number of CO2 production in 1967 with only 1 metric tonnes per person on average, nevertheless, its figures grow quickly over the years to reach 5.

Through the years, The UK stayed on top with the highest number and the Portugal, putting the quick increase aside, remained the lowest producer of CO2 till 2007 when they meet the Sweden in 5, who had a surprisingly decrease from around 8.

(181 Words)

Oct 24, 2017
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 : Many TV advertisements nowadays cause effects on children [4]

Here are some corrections,

them to reduce the harmful effect
spend the amount of time to watch television, which is their favorite leisure

And I think you can separate paragraphs better, you can start each paragraph with ...
From one hand, ...., on the other hand
From one side, ...., on another side
Firstly, ..., Secondly, ..., Lastly
Oct 24, 2017
Undergraduate / U Chicago Debate Essay - Rise of Anti Intellectualism [3]

Here are some corrections,

the world has become so modernized
as global warming is
A generous group of people knows
Colleges have been making
come out of the debate
let truth be the aim (Typo)
Oct 24, 2017
Writing Feedback / Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. An essay for financial assistance. [4]

Here are some corrections,

It is humble that I come into the world asking for help.(Although I did not understand what you want to say)

I felt homeless
I ended up at the shelter.
I've been there for 4 months
No family helps just me. (The meaning is also vague)
Hospital in Cincinnati Ohio. (Uppercase)
state board exams, but I
Oct 23, 2017
Writing Feedback / The diagram presents the process of generating electricity from geothermal energy in a power plant [3]

The diagram below shows how geothermal energy is used to produce electricity.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

generating electrical power with the help of geothermal energy

The diagram presents the process of generating electricity from geothermal energy in a power plant. I will walk through the steps that take to convert cold water to electricity. There are 3 main stages. First, changing cold water to steam, second, power the tubing with the steam, and lastly, the generator produces electricity.

Firstly, the cold water pumped down 4.5 km distance into the earth, after that with the help of injection well, the water goes to the geothermal zone that heats up the water using hot rocks. Furthermore, with the help of production well, the hot water will be pumped up to the condenser, where the steam from the water is held.

Secondly, the turbine continues its circular movement with the help of the steam. Lastly, the generator uses the energy from the turbine to produce electricity.

In conclusion, the diagram demonstrated the process of generating electrical power with the help of geothermal energy, and what it takes from using cold water in power plants to using the electrical power in our homes.

(172 Words)

Oct 23, 2017
Writing Feedback / Allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters or not [3]

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matter that affect them.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

giving freedom to your children

In today's world, we overcome obstacles on a daily basis. It is important to learn how to make important decisions for everyone. Nevertheless, there are people who think that if we give children the freedom to choose what to eat or what to wear, etc. , they become selfish. On the contrary, some people believe that it is necessary for children to make decisions about his/her actions. Two points of views shall be discussed. In addition, also my idea will be presented.

On one hand, there are a group of peoples that think giving freedom of choice to children will be bad for the future of them. Because there will be a lot of persons in the society that doesn't respect others opinion and only care about their own feeling. For example, one of my friends has a child who only sits by himself at the parties and doesn't lend his toys to other kids, and cries if a person tries to touch them to play with him.

On the other hand, nowadays also of people think it is great to teach kids how to make a decision, it makes them independent which is a very good characteristic. They think it makes them ready for future life. For example, while I was growing up, there were many kids in my age that have the freedom to do what they want, and they turned out fine.

Lastly, in my opinion, it is crucial for children to learn how to make decisions. Becuase if they do not know, this will hunt them for the rest of their life. I have always admired my mother's attitude toward me. I was free to make a decision. But if it was wrong, she tried to talk me out of it or support me through the process to see the consequences myself.

In conclusion, two types of thinking were discussed it my essay, and in the fourth paragraph, I presented my own thoughts on the subject. Overall it does not matter if you are scared to give freedom to your children, because it is also important to think about his/her future and believing that, your kid is capable of doing anything as long as he/she has your support.

(378 Words)

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