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Writing Feedback

Research advice on TOEFL, SAT, IELTS, GRE and other academic essays (page 6)

Replies | Threads
IELTS WRITING TASK 2: Today more people are overweight than ever before...

Writing Feedbackcaohuyen93 - Feb 1, 2024 / Holt - Feb 7, 2024
Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve poverty.

Writing Feedbacklunaforthej - Jan 31, 2024 / Holt - Feb 7, 2024
The pictures below show how tea is produced. They also illustrate the process of making a cup of tea

Writing Feedbackvovietnhatanh17 - Jan 30, 2024 / Holt - Feb 7, 2024
Young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school

Writing FeedbackGbao1212 - Jan 30, 2024 / Holt - Feb 6, 2024
[IELTS WRITING TASK 1] Average content of sodium, saturated fats and sugar

Writing FeedbackWilliam0809202 - Jan 30, 2024 / Holt - Feb 6, 2024
Ielts writing task 2 - The Antarctic ozone hole

Writing Feedbackritazhang - Jan 30, 2024 / Holt - Feb 6, 2024
Film stars and celebrities often share their views on public matters

Writing Feedbackkvy - Jan 28, 2024 / Holt - Jan 29, 2024
The most important aim of science should be to improve people's lives. To what extent do you agree ?

Writing FeedbackAndy Lee - Jan 28, 2024 / Holt - Jan 28, 2024

Writing FeedbackLydia65 - Jan 27, 2024 / Holt - Jan 28, 2024
Some companies block their employees from using social media networks and websites such as facebook.

Writing Feedbacktuanchill - Jan 26, 2024 / Holt - Jan 28, 2024
ยท TASK 2: Work from home You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Writing FeedbackQuynhNhu512 - Jan 26, 2024 / Holt - Jan 28, 2024
Should parents control their child's free time?

Writing FeedbackSinnubuyaaa - Jan 21, 2024 / alizarincrimsons - Jan 27, 2024
Some people enjoy working alone. Others would rather work in a group. What is your preference?

Writing Feedbacktyratw4 - Jan 14, 2024 / alizarincrimsons - Jan 27, 2024
What problems do children face in the age of social media?

Writing Feedbackpth2024 - Jan 17, 2024 / pth2024 - Jan 25, 2024
The table below gives information about some of the world's most studied languages.

Writing Feedbacktharo - Jan 19, 2024 / Mochi_Krystal - Jan 24, 2024
people today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out . What are the causes and solution

Writing Feedbackbuitiendung - Jan 16, 2024 / triplej - Jan 24, 2024
Do the advantages of increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages?

Writing Feedbacktuunhi01 - Jan 24, 2024 / Holt - Jan 24, 2024
Foreign visitors should pay more than local people

Writing FeedbackChanminanh - Jan 24, 2024 / Holt - Jan 24, 2024
IELTS WRITTING TASK 2 : With the rise of the ebooks comes the decline in paper books

Writing FeedbackLinhw - Jan 23, 2024 / Holt - Jan 24, 2024
IELTS Writing task 2: Fewer and fewer people today write by hand using a pen, pencil or brush.

Writing Feedbackcaohuyen93 - Jan 23, 2024 / Holt - Jan 24, 2024
Some children spend hours everyday on their smartphones. Reasons, positive or negative development?

Writing Feedbackhbcrose - Jan 21, 2024 / sankook - Jan 23, 2024
TASK 2 was it good? :)Some people say that modern technology has made shopping today easier

Writing FeedbackKaypea - Jan 6, 2024 / Linhw - Jan 23, 2024
Some people think that students who perform better in school should be rewarded.

Writing FeedbackDuckie2 - Jan 20, 2024 / Holt - Jan 20, 2024
In some cultures, children are often told that thay can achieve anything if they try hard enough.

Writing FeedbackTOM PARKER - Jan 18, 2024 / Holt - Jan 20, 2024
Some people think that schools should choose students according to their academic abilities

Writing FeedbackTNhi2003 - Jan 17, 2024 / Holt - Jan 20, 2024
A noticeable lack of students opting for science subjects at universities is observed

Writing FeedbackANDYBAO123 - Jan 17, 2024 / Holt - Jan 20, 2024
IELTS Task 2- children spend hours every day on their smartphones

Writing Feedbackg1131692 - Jan 17, 2024 / Holt - Jan 20, 2024
IELTS Writing Task 1 (Line graph) - The money spent by British parents on their children's sport

Writing Feedbackuyen_465 - Jan 16, 2024 / Holt - Jan 20, 2024
A writting task 1 about some changes in an area

Writing FeedbackPhongbeo12 - Jan 16, 2024 / Holt - Jan 20, 2024
Allowing children to use phones at the school

Writing FeedbackRahma20 - Jan 15, 2024 / Holt - Jan 20, 2024
Some people think the government funding should not be used for supporting art and culture

Writing Feedbackkhanhan - Jan 14, 2024 / Holt - Jan 20, 2024
IELTS-TASK2: Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.

Writing Feedbackcaohuyen93 - Dec 28, 2023 / caohuyen93 - Jan 18, 2024
IELTS task 1 report on Dairy products

Writing Feedbacksummerchilld - Jan 13, 2024 / summerchilld - Jan 14, 2024
Visitors to Ashdown Museum: IELTS - Describe table and charts

Writing Feedbackthienji - Jan 14, 2024 / Holt - Jan 14, 2024
IELTS WRITTING TASK 2 Question: some people argue that university students should be free to choose

Writing FeedbackLinhw - Jan 13, 2024 / Holt - Jan 14, 2024
IELTS what do you think were the advantages and disadvantages of living in a small community?

Writing Feedbacknguyendf - Jan 7, 2024 / Lyth - Jan 13, 2024
BRAZILIAN EMIGRATION (essay for an exam)

Writing Feedbackgmt16 - Jan 12, 2024 / gmt16 - Jan 13, 2024
Modern technology makes people less creative?

Writing Feedbackwalk0nastarry9 - Jan 7, 2024 / walk0nastarry9 - Jan 13, 2024
[IELTS Writing task 2] Countries are becoming more and more similar

Writing Feedbacksnackara - Jan 4, 2024 / Lyth - Jan 13, 2024
Task 2: There are many reasons that can motivate a person to stay working for the same company.

Writing FeedbackLyth - Jan 12, 2024 / Holt - Jan 13, 2024
The pie charts below show the percentage of time working adults spent on different activities

Writing Feedbackhanaaa - Jan 12, 2024 / Holt - Jan 13, 2024
Online shopping: do the pros outweight cons? - ielts essay - estimated score and advice

Writing Feedbacktteruchan65 - Jan 10, 2024 / Holt - Jan 13, 2024
The personal information of many individuals is held by large internet companies and organisations.

Writing Feedbackphanuyen2156 - Jan 8, 2024 / Holt - Jan 13, 2024
data on expenditure on the needs of older people in Australia

Writing Feedbackahmad irfan - Jan 8, 2024 / Holt - Jan 13, 2024
Financial support for poor countries

Writing FeedbackPhammy architect - Jan 7, 2024 / Holt - Jan 13, 2024
IELTS 16:The diagram below shows the manufacturing process for making sugar from sugar cane

Writing FeedbackPhuonglynnh - Jan 6, 2024 / Holt - Jan 13, 2024
TASK 1- PROCESS: Describe the process of the water cycle

Writing FeedbackJulie11 - Jan 4, 2024 / himca - Jan 12, 2024
TASK 1: LINE GRAPH - Comparison of the number of 13-year-olds learning French and Mandarin

Writing Feedbacktrucly182 - Jan 6, 2024 / Holt - Jan 12, 2024
Peace & Justice Difficult situation in conflict resolution. How you handled the situation. (CBEST)

Writing FeedbackNorbsidy - Jan 11, 2024 / Holt - Jan 11, 2024
Write about your hero. Identify who the person is, and why he or she is your hero...... CBEST

Writing FeedbackNorbsidy - Jan 6, 2024 / Holt - Jan 11, 2024
Children should be banned from using their phones during the school day or not. Both views & yours

Writing Feedbacklinh2806 - Dec 26, 2023 / Norbsidy - Jan 11, 2024
Writing Task 1 Ielts - the inquiries volume

Writing Feedbackthaopiu - Dec 25, 2023 / Norbsidy - Jan 11, 2024
IELTS WRITING TASK 2-work-based training's advantages outweigh its disadvantages

Writing FeedbackOhMyV4g - Jan 3, 2024 / Holt - Jan 9, 2024
(Writing task 2) Foreign tourists should pay more for cultural and historical places

Writing Feedbacktrongdiablo03 - Jan 2, 2024 / Holt - Jan 9, 2024
The chart show the number of Internet users in 3 countries

Writing FeedbackJeongbi - Jan 2, 2024 / Holt - Jan 9, 2024
Save money. Should or shouldn't?

Writing Feedbackphamhuyentrang - Dec 28, 2023 / Norbsidy - Jan 6, 2024
Some people say that online learning is the most effective and convenient way to learn.

Writing Feedbackcghvngvhj - Dec 31, 2023 / Norbsidy - Jan 6, 2024
Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve poverty

Writing FeedbackSyedatanjin - Dec 30, 2023 / Holt - Jan 6, 2024
IELTS-TASK 2:Money is important in most people's lives

Writing FeedbackHuy12022007 - Dec 30, 2023 / Holt - Jan 6, 2024
ielts writing task 2 University students are increasingly studying abroad as part of their studies.

Writing Feedbackmaysqv - Dec 28, 2023 / Holt - Jan 6, 2024

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